Sunstream PS3400, Sunstream PRO kit Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
Stream electricity directly from the sun into your mobile devices and PowerStream.™
SunStream™ is a patented breakthrough product that uses a new Chipset-Free Charging™ technology for fast, durable and reliable energy.
Simply angle the SunStream PRO™ panel toward the sun and plug in your phone to stream elec tr icit y.
Angle panel directly towards unobstructed sunlight.
Connect USB cable to panel.
Connect USB cable to PowerStream™ to store energy.
Connect USB cable to device to stream energy directly.**
Some advanced mobile phones require a PowerStream™ to charge. **If device stops charging disconnect and reconnect device. Do not cover or shade while charging.
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This product co ntains lith ium batter ies. Unau thorized disassembli ng may damage t he batter ies and res ult in leakage of hazar dous subs tances. T he followin g behavior s are prohibited : disass embly, ext rusion, pu ncture, sh ort cir­cuiting, throw ing in water or fi re, expos ure to envir onmental temperature s higher tha t 60ºC (140ºF)
Product details
Safety measures have b een built into this dev ice that may guard against ove r-charging, over-dischargi ng, short circuiting, and high temperatures.
Ignoring safety information or using this device in a way it was not intended may lead to fire, elect ric shock, or damage to person and property.
Do not disassembl e, short circuit, puncture, drop, submerge in water, or expose to direct f lame. Stop using imme diately if the battery swel ls or becomes enla rged.
The best charg ing conditions are outd oors, angled toward th e sun in uninterrupted sun light. The speed of the charge is dependent on cloud cover, shading and weather conditions. Interference with the direct sunlight will impact the power output and slow the charging speed.
Your SunStream PRO panel conver ts sunlight directly into electricity. There is no internal battery and no wait-time to use. Wh en the sun is on the panel, it is work ing.
In some cases, wh en the sun is disrupted, th e phone may cancel t he charge or you may receive an “unauthorized c harging” message . To restore the charge, simply unplug and reconnect the phone or device to th e panel while in direc t sunlight.
The SunStream PRO is buil t for the outdoors. If left outsid e, it can withstand wi nd, rain and temperature changes. To store energy from the sun, use our PowerStr eam companion batte ry.
Insert the Kickstand into panel slot and angle panel towa rd the sun for optimal powe r generation.
Dimensions: 182 mm x 309 mm x 15 mm
Weight: 700 g
Solar Panel STC Ou tput: 5V-1000 mA
Power Output: 5 W
Connector Type: Standard USB (Type A)
Electrica l ratings are at Standard Test Con ditions (STC) of 1000 W/m2 Solar irr adiance and 25°C ambient temperature.
Do not direct ar tificially co ncentrated sunli ght on the module. Pleas e use caution when ha ndling your SunStream PRO panel a s it may become hot while i n the sun.
Please save receipt an d refer to our website for warranty i nformation. Please v isit our website for more user instr uctions and join ou r Facebook community for the latest updates.
© 2017 Sunstream Technol ogy, Inc. Al l rights rese rved. SunStr eam Sun Logo, SunStream, SunStre am Plus, Suns tream Pro, Lig htStream, Po werStream, PowerLink, an d Chipset Free C harging are Trad e Marks and Re gistered Trade Marks of SunStream Technology, Inc. in the US and other foreign countries. SunStream Technolo gy, Inc. prod ucts are pr otected by var ious US and fore ign patents and patents pending. See
For best results
• Before fi rst use, charge the bat tery completel y.
• Keep batte ry out of direct su nlight. Using the battery in extreme temperatures can degrade the performance over time.
• Use a recomm ended and/or name bra nd USB charging cabl e to avoid reduced power or potential damage to your dev ice.
Model Number: PS3400
Bat te ry Ty pe: Lithium-Ion 18650
Capacity: 3400 mAh
Input: 5VDC@1 A
Output: 5VDC@1 A
Operational Temperature: 0 to 45ºC
Storage Temperature: -15 to 50ºC
Dimensions: 22mm dia x 108mm
• Flashlight mode The LED flashli ght / torch on the end of the battery can b e cycled on and off by d ouble­ tapping the button on the charging end of the unit (see Diagra m #2).
• Charging the Batte ry The PS3400 bat tery accepts sta ndard USB 5V power from any sour ce. Power goes in through a micro USB port lab eled INPUT (see Dia gram #3).
• The LED indicator lig ht T he LED i ndicato r light defin es the status of the battery: RED = Battery is bei ng charged GREEN = Battery is fu lly charged BLUE = Battery is b eing discharged
• Discharging the B attery (Charging a device) The PS3400 bat tery produces stan dard USB 5V power and is capabl e of charging any other device that us es a USB cable. Power is prod uced from the standa rd USB port labeled OUTP UT (see Diagram #1)
• Impact/drop resist ant up to 2 meters.
• Waterproof and subm ersible up to 1 meter.
• Charges many phones a nd devices as fas t as a wall plug.
• Standard USB 2.0 dedic ated charging por t.
• Ang le your SunStream PRO pan el towards the sun.
• Connect U SB cable to your SunStream PRO p anel
• Connect the char ging cable to your pho ne, device or batter y to stream energ y.
• Keep phone or device ou t of direct sunlight during charging.
• Some advanced mobi le phones require a PowerStream to char ge. For these devices, simp ly use the panel to char ge your PowerStream, then use your PowerStream to charge your smartphone.
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