• Single chip 2.4GHz RF transceiver • MP3 / Mini Disk headset
• 4Mbit/sec RF link • Speakers
• Input sample rate up to 96kHz, 24bits • Surround speakers
• Output sample rate up to 48kHz, 16bits • Microphone
• Programmable latency • Musical instruments
• Quality of Service engine supporting up to
1.536 Mbit/s LPCM audio
• S/PDIF interface for direct connection to PC
soundcard and surround receivers
• I2S interface for glueless audio support • Compressed video streaming
• SPI or 2-wire interface for up to 12 kbit/sec peak bi-
directional digital control/AUX data
• On chip optional 2:1 compression
• On chip voltage regulators
• Few external components
• Uses global 2.4GHz band
• Compact Disk, CD quality
• Audio streaming from PC
soundcard to HiFi system
• Download MP3 files from PC
to MP3 player
nRF24Z1 gives you a true single chip system for CD quality audio streaming of up to16 bit
48 kHz audio with support of up to 24 bit 96 kHz input. I2S and S/PDIF interfaces are
supported for audio I/O. Seamless interfacing of low cost A/D and D/A for analog audio
input and output. SPI or 2-wire (I2C compatible) serial interfaces for control. The circuit
has embedded voltage regulators, giving maximum noise immuni ty and operation from a
single 2.0V to 3.6V supply.
Parameter Value Unit
Minimum supply voltage 2.0 V
Temperature range -20 to +80
Peak supply current in transmit @ -5dBm output power 15 mA
Peak supply current in receive mode 32 mA
Supply current in power down mode 4 µA
Maximum transmit output power 0 dBm
Audio sample rate 32, 44.1 or 48 kbps
Audio resolution 16 bit
Receiver sensitivity -80 dBm
1 SSEL DO[2] Dig. In Dig. Out Slave interface select
5 VDD Power Power Supply (2.0-3.6 V DC)
7 DD[1] DI1 Digital Input Direct data in bit #1 GPIO in bit #1
8 DD[0] DI0 Digital Input Direct data in bit #0 GPIO in bit #0
9 REQ Dig. Out Dig. In I2S data request (programmable polarity)
10 CLK Dig. In Dig. Out I2S bit clock
11 WS Dig. In Dig. Out I2S word clock
12 DATA Dig. In Dig. Out I2S data signal
13 SPDIO Dig. In Dig. Out S/PDIF interface
14 MCLK Dig. Out 256X sample rate clock to ADC or DAC
15 DVDD Regulator output Digital voltage regulator output for decoupling
16 VSS Power Ground (0V)
17 XC2 Analog output Crystal Pin 2
18 XC1 Analog input Crystal Pin 1
19 VDD Power Power Supply (2.0-3.6 V DC)
20 VDD_PA Regulator output DC output (+1.8V) for RF interface (ANT1, ANT2)
21 ANT1 RF Antenna interface 1
22 ANT2 RF Antenna interface 2
23 VSS_PA Power Ground (0V)
24 IREF Analog input Connection to external Bias reference resistor, or RESET
25 VSS Power Ground (0V)
26 MODE Digital Input nRF24Z1 function
27 MSDA Digital IO Master 2-wire bi-directional data
28 MSCL Digital IO Master 2-wire bi-directional clock
29 MCSN Digital Output Master SPI primary slave select (active low)
30 MMISO Digital Input Master SPI serial input
31 MMOSI Digital Output Master SPI serial output
32 VSS Power Ground (0V)
33 VDD Power Power Supply (2.0-3.6 V DC)
34 VSS Power Ground (0V)
35 MSCK Digital Output Master SPI clock
36 IRQ DO[3]
DO[1] Digital Output
/ Digital IO
DO[0] Dig. In Dig. Out Slave SPI clock
DI3 Digital Input Slave SPI slave select
DI2 Digital Input Slave SPI serial in
Digital Output Interrupt request GPIO out bit #3
GPIO IF ATX/ARX with slave IF
1: 2-wire, 0: SPI
Slave SPI serial out
/ Slave 2-wire data (bidir)
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
ARX audio receiver
ATX audio transmitter
CD Carrier Detect
CHPA SPI clock phase
CLK Clock
CPOL SPI clock polarity
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EEPROM electrical erasable programmable read only
Flash Flash memory
GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
GPIO General Purpose In Out
I2S 3 wire audio serial interface
ISM Industrial-Scientific-Medical
LPCM linear PCM (pulse code modulation)
MBZ Must Be Zero (reserved for future extensions)
MCU Micro Controller Unit
MP3 a popular compressed audio format
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
QOS Quality Of Service
RX Receive
S/PDIF one wire serial digital audio format
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
TX Transmit
2-wire 2-wire serial interface compatible with I2C
nRF24Z1 is a 4 MBit/s single chip RF transceiver that operates in the world wide 2.4 GHz
licencee free ISM band. The nR24Z1 is based on the proven nRF24xx radio and
ShockBurst™ platforms from Nordic Semiconductor.
The device offers a wireless channel for seamless streaming of LPCM or compressed audio
in parallel with a low data rate control channel. To enable this, the device offers the
following features in addition to the nRF24xx RF platform:
• Standard digital audio interfaces (I2S, S/PDIF)
• Fully embedded Quality of Service engine that handles all RF protocol and
RF link tasks.
• SPI and 2-wire master and slave control interfaces
• GPIO pins
As all processing related to audio I/O, RF protocol and RF link management is embedded,
the device offers the end application an up to 1.54 MBit/s transparent audio channel
without any true time processing needed. nRF24Z1 can be utilized in systems without
external microcontroller or by a simple microcontroller that only need to handle low speed
tasks over the serial or parallel ports (ex: volume up/down).
A typical system using nRF24Z1 can be seen in Figure 4-1
Audio SourceDestination
Figure 4-1 Typical audio application using nRF24Z1
In this system a DSP or micro controller feeds data from storage to nRF24Z1 using
standard audio format (I2S). A nRF24Z1 pair transfers the audio data and presents it to a
stereo DAC on the other side. For other parts of the application, the nRF24Z1 link will in
other words look like an open channel (like a cable).
Initial configuration of nRF24Z1 is done by the micro controller through a SPI or 2-wire
control interface. On the destination side, peripherals like a DAC can be controlled from
the audio source side through the control channel offered by nRF24Z1. In designs without
an external micro controller, configuration data can be loaded by nRF24Z1 from an
optional EEPROM/FLASH memory, enabling it to operate stand alone with limited feature
A wireless system that is streaming audio will have a very asymmetrical load on the RF
link since audio data is fed from an audio source (CD player) to a destination (loud
speakers). From the destination back to the audio source only service and control
communication is needed.
nRF24Z1 are used both on the audio source side (ex. in a CD player) transmitting audio
data, and in the 'destination' (loud speaker) side receiving audio data. Due to the
asymmetry, nRF24Z1 has two main modes set by external pin MODE, depending on which
side of the link it is put. The two modes have significant differences both in internal and
I/O functionality.
To ease understanding of nRF24Z1 operation, the following notation is introduced:
• Audio transmitter (ATX) – nRF24Z1 on the audio source side, transmitting audio data
• Audio receiver (ARX ) – nRF24Z1 on the destination side, receiving audio data
Transmitter and receiver are here referring to the flow of the audio; the nRF24Z1 RF front
end always runs a full two way link.
The nRF24Z1 control and data channel is a two way low data rate channel superimposed on
the audio and service communication. The audio transmitter is designated master meaning
that when a RF link is present 2-wire, SPI, GPIO and internal registers in the audio receiver
can be seen and controlled as a virtual extension of the audio transmitters own I/O and
registers. The implications of this is that external devices like audio DAC or volume control
components connected to the audio receiver effectively can be controlled by input to the
audio transmitter. User actions (ex: push of a button) on the audio receiver side are
similarly fed back to and can be processed on the audio transmitter side.
The following sections will give an overview of the I/O, main modules and functionality of
nRF24Z1. Due to the differences in ATX and ARX, the overview will present the modes
When nRF24Z1 is put at the audio source side of the RF link, MODE must be high and
nRF24Z1 becomes an audio transmitter (ATX). The block schematic of nRF24Z1 in ATX
mode can be seen in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2 nRF24Z1 ATX mode block diagram
The I2S or S/PDIF interfaces can be used for audio data input or alternatively the device
may stream other real-time data from a DSP over the I2S interface.
4.1.1 I2S audio input
For seamless input from audio sources physically close to nRF24Z1, I2S is the preferred
interface. The I2S interface consists of pins CLK, DATA and WS. The interface supports
sample rates of 32, 44.1, 48 and 96 kHz. Data may be in 16, 20 or 24 bit format.1 The data
rate is automatically detected.
I2S may also be used with an external stereo ADC for analog audio sources. The nRF24Z1
offers a 256 times audio sampling rate clock (fS) on the MCLK pin to be used as system
clock for the ADC.
A REQ output is available for pacing the data-flow when streaming MP3 and other “data”
streams over the I2S interface.
4.1.2 S/PDIF audio input
For audio sources physically more remote , the ATX offers a (CMOS level) S/PDIF input
on pin SPDIO. This interface supports 32, 44.1 or 48 kHz sampling rates with resolution of
16, 20 or 24 bit. It supports both linear and nonlinear audio according to IEC standards, see
ch. 7.4 for details.
4.1.3 Serial control (slave) interfaces
When ATX is controlled by an external MCU, configuration and control data both for the
audio transmitter itself and a linked audio receiver may be entered via a 2-wire or SPI slave
serial interface. The same interface is used for reading back status information. The register
map is identical for both interfaces, but only one of the interfaces, selected by SSEL pin,
may be used in a given application.
The two interfaces are :
Pin SADR is not part of a standard 2-wire interface but selects one of two possible bus
addresses for the nRF24Z1.
4.1.4 Master interfaces
For standalone operation of nRF24Z1, a serial EEPROM or FLASH memory may be
connected to a SPI or 2-wire master interface. If a memory is present at any of these
interfaces during power up or reset, the device will read default configuration data from the
The SPI master is found on pins MCSN, MMISO, MMOSI and MSCK and 2-wire master
on pins MSDA and MSCL.
This specification item is for the I2S input interface. Not all of these formats can be
transferred within the available 1.54 Mbit/s data rate.
The ATX has 2 general purpose input pins, DD[1:0], that may be transmitted directly to
and hence mirrored on the audio receiver. When SSEL is set high (2-wire interface
selected), one additional direct data pin (DD[2]) is available. If the logic level on pins
DD[2:0] are mirrored (copied) over the control link, pins DO[2:0] on the audio receiver
will carry the mirrored signal.
These pins may hence be used to switch on/off audio receiver peripherals without
microprocessor activity.
4.1.6 Interrupt output
The nRF24Z1 can interrupt the external application through pin IRQ based on a number of
sources such as no audio input detected, loss of RF communication etc.
Once IRQ has triggered external MCU, interrupt status can be read, through the serial
control interface.
4.2 Audio Receiver
When nRF24Z1 is put at the destination side of the RF link, MODE must be low and
nRF24Z1 becomes the audio receiver (ARX). The block schematic of nRF24Z1 in ARX
mode can be seen in Figure 4-3. I2S or S/PDIF are now used for audio or other real time
data output.
After a link is established the user can control the SPI and 2 wire master from the audio
transmitter. In this way the audio transmitter is able to control audio receiver serial
peripherals like audio DACs and amplifiers.
4.2.1 I2S audio output
Audio output to devices physically close to nRF24Z1 (typically a stereo DAC) are normally
driven by the I2S output (pins CLK, DATA and WS). The inte rface supports sample rates
of 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz. Data are in 16 bit format.
In audio receiver mode the MCLK pin provides 256 times fS clock for an external DAC.
A REQ input is available for pacing the data-flow when streaming MP3 or other “data”
streams over the I2S.
For physically more remote audio devices, the audio receiver provides an S/PDIF (full
swing CMOS) output on pin SPDIO. This interface supports 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz, 16 or 24
bit data. It supports both linear and nonlinear audio according to IEC standards, see ch. 7.4
for details.
4.2.3 Master interfaces
A serial EEPROM or FLASH memory may be connected to a SPI or 2-wire master
interface. If a memory is present at any of these interfaces during power up or reset, the
device will read default configuration data from that memory; otherwise hard coded default
values will be used.
During audio receiver configuration, the SPI master (pins MMSCK, MMISO, MMOSI,
MCSN) is operated at 1MHz or 0.5MHz with the SPI format set to CPOL=0,CHPA=0 for
EEPROM/FLASH compatibility. After a link is established, the user may control the SPI
master from the audio transmitter. The available clock speed is up to 8 MHz over the full
operation range of the device.
During start-up, the audio receiver operates the 2-wire master (MSDA, MSCL) interface at
100 kHz. After a link is established, the user may control the 2-wire master from the audio
transmitter to 100kHz, 400kHz or 1MHz.
4.2.4 Serial control (slave) interfaces
When ARX is controlled by an external MCU, configuration and control data for the audio
receiver may be entered via a 2-wire or SPI slave serial interface. The same interface is
used for reading back status information. The register map is identical for both interfaces,
but only one of the interfaces, selected by SSEL pin, may be used in a given application.
The two interfaces are :
Pin SADR is not part of a standard 2-wire interface but selects one of two possible bus
addresses for the nRF24Z1.
4.2.5 Parallel port and PWM
Alternatively to the serial slave interfaces, ARX can be configured with an 8 bit parallel
port, which can be controlled and read from the audio transmitter. There are 4 input pins
DI[3:0] that are continuously monitored when a link is up. Changes on any of these inputs
will be sent back to the audio transmitter where it can be accessed in a register (via the
serial control interface). The audio receiver can also be programmed to wake up from
power down mode on a change on one of these pins.
There are 4 outputs DO[3:0] that are controlled from the audio transmitter. Any of these
may be programmed for high current in order to drive LEDs or for standard CMOS to
control of other devices on the audio receiver board.
DO3 may be programmed to output a PWM signal, where the output duty cycle is
programmable with 8-bit resolution from the audio transmitter. Note that this PWM cannot
be used as audio DAC
The output pins DO[3:0] may also function as slave select signals if multiple slaves are
present on the ARX SPI master bus.
4.3 Blocks common to audio transmitter and receiver
4.3.1 XTAL Oscillator
The crystal oscillator will provide a stable reference frequency with low phase noise for the
radio and audio functions. See section 16.2 for full Crystal Specification.
4.3.2 Radio Transceiver
The RF transceiver part of the circuit is a member of nRF24xx family of low power highly
integrated 2.4GHz ShockBurst™ transceivers. The transceiver interface is optimized for
high speed streaming of up to 4 Mbps. Output power and some protocol parameters can be
controlled by the user via the QoS module.
4.3.3 Quality of Service engine
The primary function of the quality of service engine is to deliver a robust communication
channel between the audio transmitter and audio receiver in an audio streaming application.
Several data streams with different properties are handled. The available bandwidth is
shared between audio data, service data and remote data.
Data integrity is ensured through a number of RF protocol features:
1. Packets of data are sent in frames and integrity of each packet is ensured as every
packet has a complete build of RF address, payload and CRC.
2. Packets that are lost or received with errors are handled by the error correction level
of the quality of service engine; a two way, acknowledge protocol:
When a packet is received by ARX, it’s registered and CRC is checked.
After ARX has received a frame it sends a packet back to ATX
acknowledging the packets that where successfully transferred. Packets lost
or received with errors will be re-sent from ATX in the next frame.
3. Finally the information (audio data ) is spread over the 2.4 GHz band by use of an
adaptive frequency hopping algorithm. Through this a nRF24Z1 link can handle RF
propagation challenges like reflections and multi-path fading and not least avoid
heavily trafficked areas of the 2.4 GHz band. The 2.4 GHz band is a world wide
open RF band and co-existence with RF systems such as Bluetooth, ZigBee,
WLAN/WiFi as well as other nRF applications, is increasingly important.
nRF24Z1 constantly monitors the quality of the RF link and numbers indicating total link
quality are available for external control devices in registers. nRF24Z1 can also be set to
interrupt external controller devices upon poor link quality before RF link is lost. An
external controller device can hence take further actions to improve link quality or warn
end user if RF link margins are poor.
The secondary function of the QoS module is to run a link initialization algorithm which
manages initial connect and re-connect if link is lost (ex: out of range) between paired
nRF24Z1’s. Several schemes are available to enable nRF24Z1 connection without end user
4.3.4 Audio compression / Decompression
Default operation for nRF24Z1 is streaming of uncompressed audio, however there is some
optional low delay audio compression options available. This function can be enabled by
the user to conserve power or to increase the dynamic range with a constant signal to noise
ratio for 24-bit input signals.
4.3.5 Power
The power section of nRF24Z1 offers linear regulated supply to all internal parts of the
device. This makes the device very robust towards external voltage supply noise and
isolates (audio) devices in an application from noise generated the nRF24Z1.
4.3.6 IREF / RESET
The IREF pin sets up the bias reference for the nRF24Z1 by use of an external resistor.
Pulling IREF to VDD will reset the device. When IREF pin is released, nRF24Z1 runs a
full configuration procedure.
When supply is applied, nRF24Z1 goes into power on reset. The reset is held until supply
voltage is kept above minimum supply voltage for a few milliseconds. Pulling IREF to
VDD will also put the device into reset.
When reset (power on or IREF high) is released the device needs to be configured. There
are 2 ways nRF24Z1 can be configured:
1. After reset nRF24Z1 will look for an external EEPROM/FLASH memory on the SPI
master interface. If such a memory is present, configuration data is loaded, which
means that all registers values are read from the external memory. If no memory is
present on the SPI master interface, the procedure is repeated on the 2-wire master
interface. These data will override any initial content of nRF24Z1 registers.
2. If no external memory is present:
For both ATX and ARX an external micro processor must configure the nRF24Z1
through the slave SPI or 2-wire serial interface, otherwise hard coded initial register
content is used.
A combination of the two power-up sequences may well be used. One likely
scenario is that ATX is configured by external MCU and ARX is configured from
an external EEPROM/FLASH memory.
nRF24Z1 will now start a link initialization procedure based on the link configuration data.
The value of the MODE pin determines whether it will be in ATX or ARX mode.
5.2 RF Link initialization
Link -lostLink-lost
Figure 5-1 : link initialisation algorithm
5.2.1 Idle state
The nRF24Z1 link initialsation algorithm will be in its idle state when a link is established,
and the channel hopping engine is initiated and synchronized.
When the link between ATX and ARX is broken, a special link-locate routine is initiated
on both sides to establish a new link, see Figure 5-1. During initialization nRF24Z1
derives a set of channels from register CHP1, CHP2 and CHP3, which will be used during
channel hopping in idle state. These channels are also utilized by the link-locate routine
when acquiring a feasible startup channel for the new link.
- Link-locate on ATX
ATX tries to establish a link with ARX by iteratively sending short search packages on all
available channels until acknowledge is received from ARX. ATX will send one package
on each channel and wait for acknowledge for a specific time which is long enough to
secure that ARX has time to respond. The accumulated time used by ATX while looping
through all available channels is here defined as the ATX-loop-time. After receiving an
acknowledge package from ARX, ATX will enter the synchronization state as described in
Figure 5-1.
- Link-locate on ARX
ARX tries to establish a link with ATX by listening for incoming search packages on all
available channels until such is received. When a search package is received, ARX will
proceed by sending one acknowledge package to confirm a feasible link. ARX will listen
for incoming search packages on each channel for a fixed time which is larger than the
ATX-loop-time, which will guarantee at least one search package to get through on each
available channel used by ARX, as long as this channel is not being occupied by another
radio device. After sending the acknowledge package, ARX will enter the synchronization
5.2.3 Synchronization state
This state takes care of synchronizing the channel hopping engine on ATX and ARX, to
secure that both parts follows the same hopping sequence. ATX takes initiative for starting
the channel hopping engine, by sending a start condition to ARX about when to start
hopping. Which channel to start from is implicitly found during the link-locate state.
5.3 Audio streaming
The audio data fed to the audio interfaces on a nRF24Z1 in ATX mode can be of a number
of common digital audio stream formats :
I2S (audio serial) interface:
• left justified, I2S and right justified
S/PDIF interface:
• Consumer Linear PCM Audio described in IEC 60958-3. nRF24Z1 has a single
ended CMOS interface, so to fulfil the electrical requirements external adaptation
circuitry is needed.
• Non-Linear PCM Audio. As described in IEC 61937-1 (General) and IEC 61937-2
(Burst-info). The nRF24Z1 is transparent to the specific audio compression
algorithms used, so it covers all the described formats in IEC 61937-3 to 61937-7.
In ATX the audio stream formats are converted to the nRF24Z1 RF protocol and
transferred over the air.
In the ARX the data are validated and converted back to audio stream format and fed to the
corresponding audio output interface.
5.4 Audio receiver clock rate recovery
In all RF systems streaming ‘true time’ data, maintaining equal datarates on both sides of
RF link, is a big challenge. In other words; keeping the master clock (MCLK) for the DAC
on the receiving side, equal to the clock used to feed data into the RF device on the
transmitter side.
If these two clocks are not equal the receiving end will either run out of samples for the
DAC or overflow hence need to skip some.
Usually this problem is solved by use of very thigh tolerance crystals (expensive) or
extensive digital filtering (high current consumption) only masking or interpolating the bits
missing in the stream.
nRF24Z1 solves this problem without tight tolerance crystal or extensive digital filtering.
As long as the nRF24Z1 quality of service engine is able to maintain a RF link, the ARX
(audio receiver) locks its master clock output (MCLK) to the speed the audio stream
actually is fed into the ATX on. The MCLK signal on the ARX side is hence locked to the
reference (crystal) of the device (DSP, MCU, DECODER) feeding the audio data to the
ATX and not the crystal of the nRF24Z1 devices (ATX or ARX) themselves.
One exception; if the MCLK output option is used in audio transmitter (clocking an
external ADC for instance) the crystal on the nRF24Z1 in ATX mode is the reference for
the audio speed on the entire nRF24Z1 link.
This offers the end application a true loss less audio channel.
5.5 Data link
There is a 2-way, low bit rate, robust, control and data link running in parallel with the
audio stream. This data link is a part of the quality of service overhead, i.e. difference
between on the air data rate (4 MBit/s) and audio data rate 1.5 MBit/s. Data link rate can
hence not be traded for higher audio data rate. The functionality of the control and data link
is illustrated in Figure 5-2.
1: Data for the ARX are
fed to the ATX via
general purpose inputs or
one of the serial slave
2: The ATX serial slave
interfaces gives access
to all ATX registers.
3: A sub set of the ATX
registers and the input
pin status are transferred
by RF between two
linked nRF24Z1
4: Resulting in a
mirror of these ATX
registers on the ARX
side. The mirrored
registers access all
ARX RF and audio
config plus digital I/O
controls and I/O
5: Command register
contents (like in RXDCMD)
dictates the actions to take
place on the ARX GPIO
pins and serial master
Input status of general
purpose input pins (DI[3:0])
are similarly fed back to
Figure 5-2 nRF24Z1 control and data link
Through the control and data link the ATX has full control over all registers related to ARX
configuration and can access ARX GPIO (for LED’s etc.) and the ARX 2-wire and SPI
master interface for configuring of DAC’s, volume control and other peripheral functions.
5.6 Power down mode
nRF24Z1 has a power saving mode called “Power down”. In this mode, the quality of
service engine is shut down, and only a low frequency oscillator and some timers are
running. The power down mode can be left upon sleep timer time out or on external pin
event. The ATX and ARX will now go up and start the link initialization routine as
described in section 5.2. The sleep timers also enable the nRF24Z1 to shut down again if
no counterpart is found on the air or no audio input is detected. ARX may also be put in
and out of power down mode by toggling a pin.
nRF24Z1 contains several control and status registers, which are listed in the table below.
The registers may be accessed by an external MCU via the (SPI or 2-wire) slave interface.
The registers are organized functinally into 6 groups; ATX , Link and ARX control and
tatus, and Data link. All registers are present both in audio transmitter and audio receiver.
The intial value of all registers is read from EEPROM (if present) immediately after reset,
othervise the initial values in Table 6-1 applies.
6.1 Access from audio transmitter side
If a MCU on the audio transmitter side writes to a register, the audio transmitter version of
the register is written, and registers TXCSTATE, LNKCSTATE, RXCSTAT, RXEXEC
controls whether also the audio receiver version of the register is written via the data link.
• If it is a ATX control register, register TXCSTATE controls if also the audio
receiver version of the register is written via the data link
• If it is a Link control register, register LNKCSTATE controls if also the
audio receiver version of the register is written via the data link
• If it is a ARX control register, register RXCSTATE controls if also the
audio receiver version of the register is written via the data link
See ch. 12 for details about how control registers are updated via the data link, and Table
7-10 about data link registers.
A MCU on the audio transmitter side can read all registers on its side, plus the Link status,
ARX status and data link registers, which are read from audio receiver via the data link.
6.2 Access from audio receiver side
If a MCU on the audio receiver side writes to a register, only the audio receiver version of
the register is written, and it is not sent via the data link to the audio transmitter. Which
implies that a MCU on audio transmitter will not know about it, but as mentioned above,
ATX MCU may read status registers via the link anytime. A MCU on the audio receiver
side can read all registers on its side, but it cannot read anything via the link. In brief ARX
MCU only has local access, while ATX MCU controls the data link.