Sunpentown SD-2201W Operating Instruction

SD-2201S SD-2201W
To re vie w the section on Tr oub leshooting Tips will help you to solve some co mmon problem s by yourself .
Dea r Cu sto mer,
Pleas e caref ully reading it before us in g the d is hwa sher will he lp you to u se and maintain the dishw asher p roperly.
Pass it on to any s ubseq uent ow ner of the applianc e.
Thi s ma nual contains sec ti ons of Safe ty Instructions, Ope rating In struc tio ns ,In sta ll ati on Instructions and Troubles hoo ti ng Tip s, et c.
Th e man ufacturer, followi ng a policy of c onsta nt developmen t and u pdating of the produc t, may make modific ation s wit ho ut gi vi ng prior not ice.
Keep it to refer to at a later da te.
If you can not re solve t he tr oubles by your self , please ask f or the he lp of pro fessiona l te chnicians.
Dishwasher Fea tur es............ .. ..... ... ..... ......... ...3
At tenti on before or after loading the Dish washe r
Ba skets .................. ... ....... ........ .......... ..... ... ....6
Filtering Sy stem....... ..... ... ....... ... ..... .......... .....11
Ca rin g fo r the D ishwa she r.. ........ ........... ....... ..12.
A Fi ll th e Ri nse Aid Dispenser............... .......... 4ʙ
B Fu nct ion of De tergent .... ........ ....... ... .. ..... ... .4ʙ
Lo ading the Ba sket... ... ... .......... ..... ... .......... ..... .7
Cutlery Bask et........ ........ .......... ....... ... ..... ...... 8
Was h Cycle Table..... ..... ... .......... ..... .......... ..... 9
Tur ni ng on the A ppl ian ce... .......... .................. . 9
Chang e the Pro gramm e.... ........ .. .......... ......10.. ..
At the En d of the Was h Cycle....................... ....1 0
Po sit ioning the Appl iance ... ... ....... ..... . .......... 14..
Water Conn ectio n..... ..... ... .......... ........ ... ..... ..14.
About P ower Connection........ ........ ........ . ......14.
Connection of D rain Hoses... ........ .......... ....... 16.
St art of dishw as her... ............. ... .. ... ..... .. . ..... 16.. . .
Before calling for se rvi ce. ... .......... ..... ........ . ... .17.
Error c odes.. ..... ............. ..... .......... . .......... ....1 8.
Techni cal inform ati on ............. ... .. ............ .....19..
Control P anel.. .................. ... ..... .......... ... .. ...... ..3
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance of electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment­grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep child away from the open door of the dishwasher, there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher. Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use. (This instruction is only applicable to machines
with a visual heating element.)
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items n
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us e only deter gent and rinse additives de sig ned for an automa tic d ishwa sher. Ne ver u se s oap , laundry dete rg ent , or hand wa shi ng dete rg ent in your dishwas her. Keep these p roducts out of t he reach of ch ildren.
During insta lla tion, t he p owe r su ppl y mus t no t be exce ssively or dangerously b ent or fl atten ed.
Th e door shoul d not be le ft in the open p osi tion since this could pr es ent a tr ipp in g hazards.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not place any heavy objects of stand on the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward.
When loadi ng items to be washed:
1) Loca te sharp ite ms so tha t they ar e not likely to damage t he door seal ;
2 Warn ing: Knives and other utensils wi th
shar p points mu st be loaded in the ba sk et with their poi nt s down or p laced in a ho rizon ta l pos iti on.
When us ing you r dishw asher, you should preve nt plas tic items from c oming into contac t with heating elemen t.(This instruction is onl y appli ca ble to machines wi th a visual heat ing element.)
If the supply co rd is dam aged, it mus t be replaced by the manu facturer or its se rvice agent or a si milarly qu alifi ed person in order to avoid a hazard.
Please dis pose of packing materials pr operl y. Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door to the washing compartment when removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Dishwasher detergent s are stron gly alkaline, they can be e xtremely dangerous if sw allowed. Av oid con ta ct wi th skin an d eyes an d keep child ren awa y fro m the dishwa she r when the doo r is open.
Ch eck th at the detergent re ceptible is empty after completion of the wash c ycle.
The app liance is to b e co nne cted to t he water mains u sin g new hose se ts and th at old ho se- set s sho uld not be re use d.
The max imum nu mber of place settings to be washed is 6. The max imum pe rmissible in let w ater pr essur e is 1Mpa. The min imu m pe rmissible in let w ater pressur e is
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
When using your dishwasher, follow the precautions listed below:
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance; If it is not fit for the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
before us in g it for the f irst time.
To get th e best performance from you r dishwas her, read all op erating inst ructions
Filte r assem blyDetergent Dispenser
Cup She lf
Cutlery Bask et
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Inlet pipe con nector
Drain pipe connecto r
Sp ray Arms
6 7
5 6
Po wer Button: To turn on/of f the power s upply.
Po wer Light : To be on w hen the ON/OFF Button is P res sed dow n.
Rinse Aid Warning Li ght : To be on when t he rin se a id dispenser needs to be ref il led .
Washing Pr ogram Selector: Pres s the but to n to sele ct wash cycles
Program indi cator l ight.
Sta rt/Reset But ton: Pres s this bu tto n to s tart or p aus e th e dishw asher, the pr ocess pil ot lamp wi ll be bl inking when st artin g.
Th e rinse aid is rele ased during the final rinse to prevent wat er from forming drop let s on your dishes. Tha t can leave spots and streaks. It also improve s drying by allow ing wat er t o she et o ff the dishe s. Your dishwasher is d esigned to use liquid rin se aids. The r inse aid dispense r is l ocated inside the do or next to the d eterg ent d is pense r. To fill the dispenser, open the ca p and pour the ri nse ai d into the dispense r unt il t he level indicato r turns c ompletel y bla ck. Th e vol ume of the rin se aid container is about 110 ml.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse aid is autom at ically add ed duri ng the last ri nse, en surin g thoro ugh rinsing, and spot an d st rea k free dr ying.
As the ri nse aid dimin ishes, the siz e of th e black dot on the rinse a id leve l indic ator chang es, as illu strated below.
Ful l 3 / 4 ful l 1 / 2 ful l 1 / 4 ful l - Shoul d refill to e lim in ate spotting Empty
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If th ere is no rinse-aid war ning ligh t in the contr ol panel, yo u can jud ge th e am ount of r ins e-aid b y the color of the op tical l evel indicat or located next to the cap. When th e rinse-aid co nta iner is full, the whole indicator will be dark .As the r inse-aid di minishes , the siz e of th e dark do t de creases. You s hould neve r let the rinse ai d get below 1 / 4 full .
 
Only use bra nd ed rinse aid for dishwasher. Never fill t he rinse aid dis penser wit h an y other subs tances
(e.g. Di shw asher cleaning agent, liquid deterge nt) . This would damage the applian ce.
To ope n the di spens er, t urn the cap to the " open" ( left) ar row and lif t it out. Po ur the rinse aid into the dispenser, being c are fu l not to overfill. Re place the ca p by in serting it aligned with "ope n" arro w and turnin g it to the clo sed (right) a rro w.
1 2 3
du ring the next wash.
Don't for get to re place the cap be fore you close dis hwasher door.
Clean up any rinse aid s plit during fi lling w ith an abso rbent cl oth to av oid excess iv e foaming
Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th e rinse aid dispens er has four setting s.The recommend ed sett in g is on "3". If the dish es still are n ot drying pr op erly or are sp otted, adjust the dia l to the
next high er nu mb er on " 4".
Increase the dose if th ere are d rops of w ater or lime spots on t he dish es after washing. Re duce it i f there are st icky wh it ish stains on your di shes or a bluish film on glass war e or kn ife blades.
There a re 3 sorts of detergent s
1.With phos phate and wit h chlori ne
2.With phos ph ate and without chlorine
3.Without pho sphate and without chloride
Based o n their chem ical composition, dishwas her can be spl it i n two b asic types:
The use of no rmal washing p rog ra mmes in conjun ction with concentrated detergents reduces poll uti on and is good for your di sh es; these wa sh p rogramme s are specially matched
to the di rt- di ssolving prope rties o f the enz ymes of the con centrate d de tergent. For this reason
no rmal wa sh prog ramme s in which con centr at ed deterge nt s are used can a chieve the same
resul ts that c an otherwi se only be achieve d using intensive programmes.
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Detergent ta ble ts of diffe ren t brand s disso lve at different s peeds. For t his rea so n some det ergent ta blets cannot diss olve an d devel op their full cl eanin g power d ur ing s hort programmes . The refore pleas e use long progr amm es when us ing detergen t tab lets, t o ens ure the complete rem ov al of d etergent res iduals.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Tablets
co nventional, alkal ine deterg en ts with c aus tic componen ts lo w al kal in e concentrated detergents with natural en zymes
Norma lly new pulver ised deterge nt is without phos phate . The w ater so ftene r fu nct io n of pho spha te is not giv en. In this case w e rec ommen d to f ill s alt in th e salt container even w hen
the hardne ss o f wat er is onl y 6 dH. If dete rg ents witho ut phosphate were used in case o f ha rd water often white sp ots app ear at d ishes and gl asses. In this cas e ple ase add mo re de terge nt t o rea ch bet ter results. Det ergents wi thout chl ori ne do onl y bleac h a littl e. S trong and co loured sp ots will not removed completely. In th is c ase ple ase choose a programme with high er Temp erature.
Detergent tablets are only fo r the models with 3 in 1 function or 3 in 1 program.
Detergents w ith it s chemi cal i ngredients are neces sary to r emo ve dirt, crush d irt and transport it out of t he dishwa she r.
and dry.
Don't p ut po wder de te rge nt into the dispenser until yo u're read y to wash di shes .
Use only det erge nt sp ecifi cally m ade for u se in d is hwashers. Keep your detergent f resh
Proper Use of Detergent
Amount of Detergent to Use
The dispenser mus t be refi lled be fore th e start of each wash cycle follo wing the instructions provi ded in t he Wash Cy cle Table . Your dishwashe r us es less d ete rgent and rinse ai d then con ventional di shwasher. Generall y, only one tab lespoon of detergen t is needed for a norma l wash lo ad. Al so , more heavily soiled item s need mo re detergent. A lways a dd th e det ergent just be fore st ar tin g the dishwasher, othe rwise it could g et da mp a nd will n ot dissolve pro per ly.
Detergent Dispenser
Always add the deterg ent jus t befor e start ing each wash cycle. Only us e branded dete rgent aid for di shwasher.
If the lid is clos ed: press rele ase button. The lid spring s open.
De tergen t tab let
De tergen t pow der
Fill th e de ter gent dispens er with d ete rg ent. The mar king in dicates the do sing le vels , as illus trate d on righ t:
Th e place c an load 15 g deter ge nt .
The place can l oad 25g d etergen t .
Please obser ve the ma nufacturer s dosing and storage Recommenda tions a s state d on th e de ter ge nt pack agi ng.
Close the lid and press until it locks in plac e.
If the dish es are heavily soiled, pla ce an a dditi ona l deter gent do se in the pre-wash de tergent chamber. This d eterg ent will take effect durin g the pre-was h phase.
Fill in detergent
You find inform ati on abou t the amo unt of de tergent for th e single programme on t he l ast page. Pl ease aw are , that ac cording t o the level soi ling and the specific har dness of wa ter differ ences are possible. Pl ease ob serve the manu factu rer's recomm end ations on the de terge nt pack agi ng .
Dishw asher deterg ent is co rrosi ve! Take c are to ke ep it out of reach of c hil dren.
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