Main PCB assembly
FX PCB assembly
Chassis assembly
Cabinet assembly
Footswitch as s em b ly
End item
Fender Musical Instruments Corp.,
is a registered trademark of
7975 North Hayden Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Sunn T50C
MARCH 2000
The information contained herein is C ONFIDENTIAL and P ROPRIETARY to Fe nder Musical Instruments C orp. It is
disclosed solely for use by qualified technicians f or purposes of equipment mai ntenance and service. It is no t to be
disclosed to others without the expressed permissi on of Fender Musical I nstruments Co. All s pecifications s ubject to
change without notice.
For warranty repair service, only Fender specified part numbers are to be used. It is recommended they also be used
for post-warranty maintenance and repair.
Parts marked with an asterisk (
and SAFETY requirements.
A coded naming conve ntion is used in the description of certain parts. The code s and what they mean are as follows:
CAP AE=Aluminum ElectrolyticBLX=Black Oxide
CAP CA=Ceramic AxialCR=Chrome Plated
CAP CD=Ceramic DiskHWH=Hex Washer Head
CAP MPF =Metalized Polyester FilmM=Machine Screw
CAP MY=MylarNI=Nickel Plated
CAP PFF=Polyester Film/FoilOHP=Oval Head Phillips
RES CC=Carbon CompSMA=Sheet Metal "A" Point
RES CF=Carbon FilmSMB=Sheet Metal "B" Point
RES FP=Flame ProofSS=Stainless Steel
RES MF=Metal FilmTF=Thread Forming
RES WW=Wire WoundZI=Zinc Plated
) indicate the required use of that specific part. This is necessary for RELIA BILITY
PB=Particle Board
PHP=Pan Head Phillips
PHPS=Pan Head Phillips Sems
Sunn T50C
Product Release No.:PR 425 (This is not a model number)
Part Number:120V Version: 21-3304
240V Aust : 21-3334
230V UK : 21-3344
230V : 21-3364
100V : 21-3374
Power Requirement:325W
Power output:50 Watts RMS (High output)
12.5 Watts RMS (Low output)
1 kHz sine wave into 16Ω @ <3% THD (Presence @ "1")
Input impedance:1 MΩ
Tubes:Two 6L6GC Tubes p/n 053980
Two 12AX7A Tubesp/n 023572
Five 12AX7WA Tubesp/n 013341
One 12AT7 Tubep/n 023531
Speaker:Celestion G12T75, 12 in, 16Ω
Fuse:F1:F3A 250V fuse for 100V and 120V versions
T1A 250V fuse for 230V and 240V versions
F2:T100mA (All versions)
Footswitch:3 Button Footswitchp/n 055771
(Controls Channel, Effects Loop Select, and Reverb)
Dimensions:Height:22"(55.9 cm)
Width:24.5"(62.2 cm)
Depth:11.6"(29.5 cm)
Weight:75 lbs. (33.8 kg)
Product specifications are subject to change without notice
20041510000CONTROL SNAPIN 25K BR17 R38
10047031000CONTROL SNAPIN 25k 30C TAPERR103
10037600000CONTROL SNAPIN 100k B TAPERR90
20047540000CONT ROL SNA PIN 250 k 15A T APE RR18 R37
30037597000CONT ROL SNA PIN 250 k 30A T APE RR15 R36 R40
20041507000CONTROL SNAPIN 1M 10A TAPERR7 R16
20026133000CONTROL TRIM 25k LINR212 R213