Sun Microsystems Sun Enterprise 10000 User's Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Sun™ Enterprise™ 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide
Part No. 805-5442-10
May 1998, Revision A
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Table of Contents

Preface ix
1. Introduction to DR 1
2. DR Configuration Issues 3
Memory: dr-max-mem 3
dr-max-mem With Solaris 2.6 3 dr-max-mem With Solaris 2.5.1 4
To Set dr-max-mem With Solaris 2.5.1 4
Configuration for DR Detach 6
I/O Devices 6 Memory 7
Pageable and Nonpageable Memory 7 Target Memory Constraints 8 Correctable Memory Errors 8 Swap Space 9
Reconfiguration After a DR Operation 9
When to Reconfigure 10 Disk Devices 11
DR and AP Interaction 11
RPC Time-Out or Loss of Connection 12 System Quiescence Operation 13
Suspend-Safe/Suspend-Unsafe Devices 14 Special Handling for Tape Devices 14 Special Handling of Sun™ StorEdge™ A3000 15
DR and DDI 15
DR and DDI_DETACH 15 DR and DDI_SUSPEND/DDI_RESUME 16 Adding Suspend-Safe Devices 17 Adding Suspend-Bypass Devices 18 DR Detach-Safe Devices 19
3. Using Dynamic Reconfiguration 21
Attaching a System Board 21
Init Attach 21 Complete Attach 22 Attach Buttons 23
To Attach a Board With Hostview 23 To Attach a Board By Using dr(1M) 27
Detaching a System Board 30
Drain 30 Complete Detach 31
Network Devices 31 Non-Network Devices 32 Processors 33 Finishing the Complete Detach Operation 33
Hostview Detach Buttons 34
To Detach a Board With Hostview 35
iv Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998
To Detach a Board By Using dr(1M) 38
Viewing Domain Information 41
To View Domain Information with Hostview 42 To Specify How Windows Are Updated 42 To View DR CPU Configuration Information 43 To View DR Memory Configuration Information 44 To View DR Device Configuration Information 47 To View DR Device Detailed Information 48 To View DR OBP Configuration Information 49 To View the Suspend-Unsafe Devices Across the Entire Domain 50
Index 1
Table of Contents v
vi Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998


FIGURE 3-1 Attach—Board and Domain Selection Window 24 FIGURE 3-2 Dynamic Reconfiguration Window With init attach Button 25 FIGURE 3-3 Dynamic Reconfiguration Window 26 FIGURE 3-4 Detach—Board and Domain Selection Window 36 FIGURE 3-5 Dynamic Reconfiguration Window for drain Operation 37 FIGURE 3-6 System Information Buttons 42 FIGURE 3-7 DR Properties Window 42 FIGURE 3-8 DR CPU Configuration Window 43 FIGURE 3-9 DR Memory Configuration Window 45 FIGURE 3-10 DR Device Configuration Window 47 FIGURE 3-11 DR Detail Device Window 48 FIGURE 3-12 DR OBP Configuration Window 50 FIGURE 3-13 DR Unsafe Devices Window 51
viii Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998


This book describes the Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) feature, which enables you to logically attach and detach system boards from the Sun™ Enterprise™ 10000 server while other domains continue running.

Before You Read This Book

This book is intended for the Sun Enterprise 10000 system administrator. Users of the Enterprise 10000 system should have a working knowledge of UNIX particularly those based on the Solaris™ operating environment. If you do not have such knowledge, first read the Solaris User and System Administrator in AnswerBook™ format provided with this system and consider UNIX system administration training.

How This Book Is Organized

This document contains the following chapters: Chapter 1 “Introduction to DR” introduces basic concepts related to the Dynamic
Reconfiguration feature. Chapter 2 “DR Configuration Issues” describes how to configure the Dynamic
Reconfiguration system before you begin using it. Chapter 3 “Using Dynamic Reconfiguration” describes how to use DR to attach and
detach system boards.

Using UNIX Commands

This document does not contain information on basic UNIX commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices.
See one or more of the following sources for this information:
AnswerBook online documentation for the Solaris 2.x software environment,
particularly those dealing with Solaris system administration
Other software documentation that you received with your system

Typographic Conventions

The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.
TABLEP-1 Typographic Conventions
Typeface or Symbol Meaning Examples
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen computer output.
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
x Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998
What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output.
words to be emphasized. Command-line variable; replace with a real name or value.
Edit your .login file. Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail. % su
Read Chapter 6 in the User ’s Guide. These are called class options. You must be root to do this. To delete a file, type rm filename.

Shell Prompts

The following table shows the default system prompt and superuser prompt for the C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.
TABLEP-2 Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell machine_name% C shell superuser machine_name# Bourne shell and Korn shell $ Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #

Related Documentation

DR is normally started from the Hostview GUI in the SSP environment. See the following documentation for more information about DR:
SMCC Release Notes Supplement , a printed document in your media box, part
number 805-3537-10. This document may contain Dynamic Reconfiguration Release Notes.
Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP User’s Guide, part number 805-2955-10
Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP Reference Manual, part number 805-3362-10

Ordering Sun Documents

SunDocsSMis a distribution program for Sun Microsystems technical documentation. Contact SunExpress for easy ordering and quick delivery. You can find a listing of available Sun documentation on the World Wide Web.
TABLEP-3 SunExpress Contact Information
Country Telephone Fax
Belgium 02-720-09-09 02-725-88-50 Canada 1-800-873-7869 1-800-944-0661 France 0800-90-61-57 0800-90-61-58 Germany 01-30-81-61-91 01-30-81-61-92 Holland 06-022-34-45 06-022-34-46 Japan 0120-33-9096 0120-33-9097 Luxembourg 32-2-720-09-09 32-2-725-88-50 Sweden 020-79-57-26 020-79-57-27 Switzerland 0800-55-19-26 0800-55-19-27 United Kingdom 0800-89-88-88 0800-89-88-87 United States 1-800-873-7869 1-800-944-0661
World Wide Web:

Sun Documentation on the Web

The web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation on the World Wide Web. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject at
xii Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

We are interested in improving our documentation and welcome your comments and suggestions. You can email your comments to us at Please include the part number of your document in the subject line of your email.
xiv Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998

Introduction to DR

Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) enables you to logically attach and detach system boards to and from the operating system without causing machine downtime. DR is used in conjunction with hot swap, which is the process of physically removing or inserting a system board. You can use DR to add a new system board, reinstall a repaired system board, or modify the domain configuration on the Sun Enterprise 10000 system.
If a system board is being used by the operating system, you must detach it before you can power it off and remove it. After a new or upgraded system board is inserted and powered on, you may attach it to the operating system.
You can execute DR operations through the Hostview GUI (see hostview(1M))or through the dr(1M) shell application. DR supports the following operations:
DR Attach – Logically attaches a system board to the operating system running in
a domain. A system board is logically attached when its resources—processors, memory, and I/O adapters—are configured into a domain and are available to the Solaris operating system. The system board must already be present in the system, powered on, and not be a member of a domain. Normally, you attach a system board after it is inserted and powered on by your service provider or after it is detached from another domain.
DR Detach – Logically detaches a system board from the operating system. A
system board is logically detached when its resources—processors, memory, and I/O adapters—are removed from the domain configuration and are no longer available to the domain. Normally, you detach a system board to either move it to another domain or prepare it for removal.
While DR operations are being performed within a domain, dr_daemon(1M) (see the Solaris Reference Manual for SMCC-Specific Software) and the operating system write messages regarding the status or exceptions to the domains’ syslog message buffer ( /var/adm/messages) and the SSP message files ( messages and information displayed by Hostview and the dr(1M) shell application, the dr_daemon(1M) and operating system messages are useful for determining the status of DR requests.
$SSPOPT/adm/messages). In addition to the status and exception
Note – Only one DR operation per platform can be active at any time. A DR
operation that is partially completed and then dismissed within one domain does not prevent a subsequent DR operation from being started in a different domain. A partially completed DR operation must be finished before a subsequent DR operation is permitted in the same domain.
2 Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998

DR Configuration Issues

This chapter describes how to configure a domain for all DR operations and capabilities. The DR features are enabled only when the OpenBoot™ PROM (OBP) environment variable dr-max-mem is set to a non-zero value. The sections in this chapter include more information about dr-max-mem.
Note – DR features are disabled on domains that have less than 512-Mbytes of
Caution – Be careful when choosing the slot into which a board is inserted to
prevent disk controller renumbering. For more information, see “Reconfiguration After a DR Operation” on page 9.

Memory: dr-max-mem

The value for dr-max-mem depends on the version of the Solaris operating environment (2.5.1, 2.6, or higher) that is running in the domain. This section includes information on both versions.

dr-max-mem With Solaris 2.6

With Solaris 2.6 or higher, the memory-related data structures are dynamically allocated during the DR Attach operation. They are also dynamically removed during the DR Detach operation; therefore, dr-max-mem with Solaris 2.6 becomes an on/off switch. With dr-max-mem set to zero, DR operations are disabled. This is true no matter which version of Solaris is running in the domain.

dr-max-mem With Solaris 2.5.1

The kernel has a number of memory-related data structures such as page structures, which are statically allocated at boot time and are based on the amount of physical memory in the domain at that time. Use DR Attach to dynamically add a board and its physical memory after the domain is booted. This extra memory can be supported by the kernel only if enough memory data structures are allocated at boot time to support it. These structures cannot be added dynamically after boot time.
To reserve enough memory data structures to support DR Attach operations, each domain supports the OBP environment variable, dr-max-mem, which the kernel reads at boot time. dr-max-mem specifies the maximum number of megabytes to which the domain can grow without requiring a reboot. Each domain has its own unique copy of dr-max-mem.
To Set dr-max-mem With Solaris 2.5.1
1. Calculate the optimum value for dr-max-mem by combining the amount of memory most likely to be added during all DR Attaches and the current amount of memory present in the domain and setting dr-max-mem to the total.
Note that if dr-max-mem is too large relative to the memory in the domain, its size can impact the performance of the operating system. Therefore, the operating system limits the maximum value of dr-max-mem at boot time, as follows:
TABLE2-1 dr-max-mem Maximum Values
Current Physical Memory
256-Mbytes 0 512-Mbytes 16-Gbytes 1024-Mbytes 32-Gbytes 2048-Mbytes 64-Gbytes
Maximum Value
If the value of dr-max-mem is smaller than the amount of physical memory present when the domain is booted, the operating system sets its working copy of dr-max- mem to the current memory size. You cannot attach more memory, but you can detach, then re-attach memory. The maximum amount of memory you can re-attach in this manner is the amount present when the domain was booted. Note that the OBP variable dr-max-mem is not modified in this situation.
Caution – Set dr-max-mem high enough so that all anticipated new memory can be
dynamically attached, but no higher. If you set it too low and later attach a board whose memory combined with domain memory exceeds the value of dr-max-mem,
4 Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998
the memory on that board will not be attached. If you set the value of dr-max-mem too high, you over-allocate data structures, which can waste available memory and adversely affect system performance. If you set it to zero, the DR functions are disabled.
dr-max-mem must be set before the domain is booted.
2. Set the dr-max-mem environment variable by bringing up the OBP prompt for the domain and typing the following command:
ok# setenv-dr dr-max-mem
where NNN is the number of megabytes of memory to be supported by the domain after the boards are attached. The value of dr-max-mem persists across domain reboots, and is only applicable to that particular domain. This value will apply to all boot environments for the domain.
Note – Once you have set the dr-max-mem value for a domain, that value remains
the same no matter which Solaris boot disk you select.
If the dr-max-mem variable is non-zero, the following messages are displayed at boot time in the domain’s syslog message buffer (/var/adm/messages):
DR: current memory size is DR: capacity to allow an additional
MBytes of memory
In this message, XXX represents the amount of physical memory available to the operating system and is effectively the same as the operating system variable, physinstalled. YYY is the difference between dr-max-mem and XXX.
When a board with memory is successfully attached or detached, another message is displayed:
DR: capacity to allow an additional
MBytes of memory
In this message, ZZZ represents the updated amount of memory that can still be attached.
Chapter 2 DR Configuration Issues 5

Configuration for DR Detach

This section describes how to configure DR before you perform a detach operation.
Note – The DR Detach feature requires that the OBP variable dr-max-mem is set to
a non-zero value. This setting is required at the time the domain is booted.

I/O Devices

The DR Detach feature relies on the Alternate Pathing (AP) feature or Solstice™ DiskSuite™ mirroring when used to detach a board that hosts I/O controllers that are attached to vital system resources. Currently, AP and Solstice DiskSuite do not work together; however, AP does work with Veritas Volume Manager. If, for example, the root or /usr partition is on a disk attached to a controller on the board, the board cannot be detached unless there is a hardware alternate path to the disk— and AP has been configured to take advantage of it—or the disk is mirrored. The alternate path or the mirrors must be hosted by other boards in the system. The same applies to network controllers. The board that hosts the Ethernet controller that connects the SSP to the Enterprise 10000 platform cannot be detached unless an alternate path exists to an Ethernet controller on another board for this network connection.
The domain swap space should be configured as multiple partitions on disks attached to controllers hosted by different boards. With this kind of configuration, a particular swap partition is not a vital resource because swap partitions can be added and deleted dynamically (see swap(1M) for more information).
Note – When memory (swapfs) or disk swap space is detached, there must be
enough memory or swap disk space remaining in the domain to accommodate currently running programs.
A board that is hosting non-vital system resources can be detached whether or not there are alternate paths to the resources. All of the board's devices must be closed before the board can be detached; all of its file systems must be unmounted; and, its swap partitions must be deleted. You may have to kill processes that have open files or devices, or place a hard lock on the file systems (using lockfs(1M)) before you unmount the boards. There is a domain disruption penalty associated with the detach operation.
6 Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide • May 1998
All I/O device drivers involved with I/O devices on the board(s) must support the DDI_DETACH option in the driver detach entry point. This option releases all system resources associated with that device or adapter.


If you use memory interleaving between system boards, those system boards cannot be detached because DR does not yet support interboard interleaving. By default, hpost(1M) does not set up boards with interleaved memory. Look for the following line in the hpost(1M) file .postrc (see postrc(4)):
If mem_board_interleave_ok is present, you may not be able to detach a board that contains memory.

Pageable and Nonpageable Memory

Before you can detach a board, the operating system must vacate the memory on that board. Vacating a board means flushing its pageable memory to swap space and copying its permanent memor y (that is, nonpageable kernel and OBP memory) to another memory board. To relocate nonpageable memory, the operating system on a domain must be temporarily suspended, or quiesced. The length of the suspension depends on the domain I/O configuration and the current running workload. Detaching a board with nonpageable memory is the only time when the operating system is suspended; therefore, you should know where nonpageable memory resides, so you can avoid significantly impacting the domain’s operation. When permanent memory is on the board, the operating system must find other memory to receive the copy.
You can use the dr(1M) command drshow(1M) to determine if a board’s memory is pageable or nonpageable:
% dr dr> drshow board_number mem
Similarly, you can determine if a board’s memory is pageable by looking at the DR Memory Configuration window, which is available when you perform a detach operation within Hostview. The DR Memory Configuration window is described in “Viewing Domain Information” on page 41.
Chapter 2 DR Configuration Issues 7
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