Sun Microsystems Sun Enterprise 10000 Error Messages

Sun Enterprise™ 10000 Domain
Error Messages
Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road Palo Alto,CA 94303-4900 U.S.A. 650-960-1300
Part No. 806-4120-10 February 2000, Revision 01
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Preface ix
Before You Read This Book ix How This Book Is Organized ix Using UNIX Commands x Typographic Conventions x Shell Prompts xi Related Documentation xi Ordering Sun Documentation xi Accessing Sun Documentation Online xii Sun Welcomes Your Comments xii
1. Domain Errors Introduction 1
Searching the Tables in This Book 1
Online Searching 2
Special Typographical Conventions 2 DR Error Messages on the Domain 2 IDN Error Messages on the Domain 3
2. Domain DR Error Messages 5
DR Daemon Start-Up Errors 5
Memory Allocation Error Messages 7 DR Driver Failures 14 PSM Error Messages 16 DR General Domain Failures 18 DR Domain Exploration Error Messages 20 OpenBoot PROM Error Messages 34 Unsafe-Device Query Failures 37 AP-Related Error Messages 39
3. IDN Error Messages, Notifications, and Panics on the Domain 41
Domain IDN Messages 41
vi Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages • February 2000
TABLE 2-1 DR Daemon Start-Up Error Messages 5 TABLE 2-2 Memory Allocation Error Messages 7 TABLE 2-3 Memory Allocation Error Messages 14 TABLE 2-4 PSM Error Messages 16 TABLE 2-5 DR General Domain Failure Error Messages 18 TABLE 2-6 DR Domain Exploration Error Messages 20 TABLE 2-7 OBP Error Messages 34 TABLE 2-8 Unsafe-Device Query Error Messages 37 TABLE 2-9 AP-Related Error Messages 39 TABLE 3-1 IDN Domain-Specific Error Numbers 41 TABLE 3-2 IDN Domain-Specific Messages, 100 through 142 43 TABLE 3-3 IDN Domain-Specific Messages, 200 through 242 49 TABLE 3-4 IDN Domain-Specific Messages, 300 through 307 56 TABLE 3-5 IDN Domain-Specific Messages, 400 through 450 57 TABLE 3-6 IDN Domain-Specific Messages, 500 through 516 58
viii Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages February 2000
This book contains the Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) and InterDomain Network (IDN) error messages that occur on Sun Enterprise™ 10000 domains.
Before You Read This Book
This book is intended for the Sun Enterprise 10000 server system administrator who has a working knowledge of UNIX® systems, particularly those based on the Solaris™ operating environment. If you do not have such knowledge, first read the Solaris user and system administrator books in AnswerBook2™ format provided with this system and consider UNIX system administration training.
How This Book Is Organized
This book contains the following chapters: Chapter 1 introduces the DR and IDN error messages. Chapter 2 contains the DR error messages that occur on the domain. Chapter 3 contains the IDN error messages that occur on the domain.
Using UNIX Commands
This document may not contain information on basic UNIX commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices.
Refer to one or more of the following for this information:
AnswerBook2 online documentation for the Solaris software environment
Other software documentation that you received with your system
Typographic Conventions
Typeface or Symbol Meaning Examples
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen computer output
AaBbCc123 What you type, when
contrasted with on-screen computer output
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
words to be emphasized
Command-line variable; replace with a real name or value
Edit your .login file. Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail. % su
Read Chapter 6 in the User ’s Guide. These are called class options. You must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
x Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages • February 2000
Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell machine_name% C shell superuser machine_name# Bourne shell and Korn shell $ Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #
Related Documentation
Application Title Part Number
User Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.3 User Guide 806-2887
Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Configuration Guide
Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User Guide
Reference Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.3 Reference
Manual Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic
Reconfiguration Reference Manual
Release Notes Solaris 8 5/00 Release Notes Supplement
for Sun Hardware
Printed in Media Kit.
Ordering Sun Documentation, an Internet professional bookstore, stocks select product documentation from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Preface xi
For a list of documents and how to order them, visit the Sun Documentation Center on at:
Accessing Sun Documentation Online
The docs.sun.comSMweb site enables you to access Sun technical documentation on the Web. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
We are interested in improving our documentation and welcome your comments and suggestions. You can email your comments to us at:
Please include the part number (806-4120-10) of your document in the subject line of your email.
xii Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages • February 2000

Domain Errors Introduction

This chapter contains an introduction to the DR and IDN error messages that occur on the domain.
Note – If you do not find the error message in this book, refer to the error messages
in the Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User Guide or the Sun Enterprise 10000 InterDomain Networks User Guide in the SSP 3.3 Answerbook collection.

Searching the Tables in This Book

Before you use the tables in this book, take time to read the following list of search tips so that you can find a specific message.
Search on a specific string of text in the error message.
Avoid using numeric values. They are treated as replaceable text in this book.
Avoid using text that is replaceable. In this book, the following names are used to
represent replaceable text in the error messages: descriptive message, errno_description. device_name, target_path, mount_point , interface_name_instance, interface_name, and partition_name.
If you are reading this text in hard-copy form, the tables are presented in order by
the type of error or failure. The contents of the tables is sorted alphabetically in decending order.

Online Searching

You can use the search engine provided in the AnswerBook2™ environment or the search engine in your browser to find a specific string of characters from an error message. Before you construct the search string, keep in mind that this appendix contains special typographical conventions. In addition, you may need to search all of the tables individually. If you know the error type (that is, where the error was encountered), use the hypertext links in “DR Error Messages on the Domain” on page 2 or “IDN Error Messages on the Domain” on page 3 to start your search.
Special Typographical Conventions
The tables in this appendix contain special typographical conventions for the names of words and values that change, depending on the type of error. When you search for an error message, keep in mind that these names appear as generic representations in italic font. The following list contains the commonly used representations used in this appendix.
domain_ID for the value of the domain ID
domain_name for the names of all domains
domain_name_a, domain_name_b, domain_name_c for the names of the domains used
with the IDN commands
platform_name for the name of the Sun Enterprise™ 10000 platform
process_id for the value of the process ID (pid number)
system_board_number for the number of a system board (that is, 1 through 15)
number for numeric values

DR Error Messages on the Domain

This book contains a list of some of the error messages that you might see while you are performing DR operations. The list does not include Protocol Independent Module (PIM) layer errors, which are more generic than the error messages in this book.
Use one of the following links to start your search. “DR Daemon Start-Up Errors” on page 5 “Memory Allocation Error Messages” on page 7 “DR Driver Failures” on page 14 “PSM Error Messages” on page 16
2 Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages • February 2000
“DR General Domain Failures” on page 18 “DR Domain Exploration Error Messages” on page 20 “OpenBoot PROM Error Messages” on page 34 “Unsafe-Device Query Failures” on page 37 “AP-Related Error Messages” on page 39

IDN Error Messages on the Domain

This book contains the IDN messages that occur on the domain from which the IDN command was executed. IDN errno numbers. This table describes some of the message conventions that are used in the message tables.
Tables B-2 through B-5 contain the common InterDomain Network errors, notifications, and panics that can occur on the domain. These tables contain the text of the error, description of the possible cause of the error, and suggested action. For notifications, the list contains the text of the notice and a possible cause of the message.
Use one of the following links to start your search.
TABLE 3-1 contains the name, number, and description of
TABLE 3-1 on page 41, which contains the errno messages. TABLE 3-2 on page 43, which contains messages 100 through 142. TABLE 3-3 on page 49, which contains messages 200 through 242. TABLE 3-4 on page 56, which contains messages 300 through 307. TABLE 3-5 on page 57, which contains messages 400 through 450. TABLE 3-6 on page 58, which contains messages 500 through 516.
Chapter 1 Domain Errors Introduction 3
4 Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages • February 2000

Domain DR Error Messages

All DR error messages are sent to the one or both of the following locations:
SSP applications
System error logs

DR Daemon Start-Up Errors

The following table contains a list of the DR daemon start-up errors. These messages are sent only to the domain console window.
TABLE2-1 DR Daemon Start-Up Error Messages
Error Message Probable Cause Suggested Action
Cannot create server handle
Cannot fork: descriptive
The DR daemon could not start up the RPC server. You will see this message only if you manually execute the DR daemon without properly configuring the network services on the domain. Normally, network services spawn the DR daemon in response to an incoming RPC from the SSP.
The DR daemon could not fork a process from which to run its RPC server.
On the domain, fix the inetd.conf entry for the DR daemon.
The descriptive error message corresponds to an errno_value and offers clues as to why the DR daemon could not fork off the RPC server. Check the resource limits and the load of the system to find a way to fix this error.
TABLE2-1 DR Daemon Start-Up Error Messages
Error Message Probable Cause Suggested Action
Permission denied A user other than root tried to run the
DR daemon.
Only the superuser (root) can run the DR daemon because the daemon needs all of the root privileges to fully explore the system and to access the driver to detach and attach boards.
Unable to register (300326, 4)
The DR daemon was executed without being properly registered with the
On the domain, fix the inetd.conf
entry for the DR daemon. network services in the domain. The first number represents the RPC number that is registered for the DR daemon. The second number represents the RPC version used by the DR daemon.
Unable to create (300326, 4) for netpath
The DR daemon was executed without being properly registered with the network services in the domain. The
On the domain, fix the inetd.conf
entry for the DR daemon.
first number represents the RPC number that is registered for the DR daemon. The second number represents the RPC version used by the DR daemon.
6 Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages • February 2000

Memory Allocation Error Messages

The following table contains the memory allocation error messages that are sent to the system logs and to the SSP applications. Although the list contains several error messages, each of them describe one of two possible errors: ENOMEM or EAGAIN. All of the ENOMEM errors have the same suggested action, as do the EAGAIN errors.
TABLE2-2 Memory Allocation Error Messages
Error Message Probable Cause Suggested Action
DR Error: malloc failed (add notnet ap info)
DR Error: malloc failed (alias_namelen)
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by using the ps(1) command. Normally, the daemon uses about 300- to 400­Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is larger than the above memory sizes, then it may have a memory leak. If it does, you should report this problem. An ENOMEM error means that the DR daemon is in a state from which it cannot recover. An EAGAIN error means that the problem may have been temporary. You can retry the operation, which may succeed eventually, or you may have to stop and restart the daemon.
First, check the size of the daemon by using the ps(1) command. Normally, the daemon uses about 300- to 400­Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is larger than the above memory sizes, then it may have a memory leak. If it does, you should report this problem. An ENOMEM error means that the DR daemon is in a state from which it cannot recover. An EAGAIN error means that the problem may have been temporary. You can retry the operation, which may succeed eventually, or you may have to stop and restart the daemon.
Chapter 2 Domain DR Error Messages 7
TABLE2-2 Memory Allocation Error Messages (Continued)
Error Message Probable Cause Suggested Action
DR Error: malloc failed (AP ctlr_t array) errno_description
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by
using the ps(1) command. Normally,
the daemon uses about 300- to 400-
Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is
larger than the above memory sizes,
then it may have a memory leak. If it
does, you should report this problem.
An ENOMEM error means that the DR
daemon is in a state from which it
cannot recover. An EAGAIN error
means that the problem may have
been temporary. You can retry the
operation, which may succeed
eventually, or you may have to stop
and restart the daemon.
DR Error: malloc failed (ap_controller)
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by
using the ps(1) command. Normally,
the daemon uses about 300- to 400-
Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is
larger than the above memory sizes,
then it may have a memory leak. If it
does, you should report this problem.
An ENOMEM error means that the DR
daemon is in a state from which it
cannot recover. An EAGAIN error
means that the problem may have
been temporary. You can retry the
operation, which may succeed
eventually, or you may have to stop
and restart the daemon.
DR Error: malloc failed (board_cpu_config_t)
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by
using the ps(1) command. Normally,
the daemon uses about 300- to 400-
Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is
larger than the above memory sizes,
then it may have a memory leak. If it
does, you should report this problem.
An ENOMEM error means that the DR
daemon is in a state from which it
cannot recover. An EAGAIN error
means that the problem may have
been temporary. You can retry the
operation, which may succeed
eventually, or you may have to stop
and restart the daemon.
8 Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages • February 2000
TABLE2-2 Memory Allocation Error Messages (Continued)
Error Message Probable Cause Suggested Action
DR Error: malloc failed (board_mem_config_t)
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by using the ps(1) command. Normally, the daemon uses about 300- to 400­Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is larger than the above memory sizes, then it may have a memory leak. If it does, you should report this problem. An ENOMEM error means that the DR daemon is in a state from which it cannot recover. An EAGAIN error means that the problem may have been temporary. You can retry the operation, which may succeed eventually, or you may have to stop and restart the daemon.
DR Error: malloc failed (board_mem_cost_t)
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by using the ps(1) command. Normally, the daemon uses about 300- to 400­Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is larger than the above memory sizes, then it may have a memory leak. If it does, you should report this problem. An ENOMEM error means that the DR daemon is in a state from which it cannot recover. An EAGAIN error means that the problem may have been temporary. You can retry the operation, which may succeed eventually, or you may have to stop and restart the daemon.
DR Error: malloc failed (board_mem_drain_t) errno_description
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by using the ps(1) command. Normally, the daemon uses about 300- to 400­Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is larger than the above memory sizes, then it may have a memory leak. If it does, you should report this problem. An ENOMEM error means that the DR daemon is in a state from which it cannot recover. An EAGAIN error means that the problem may have been temporary. You can retry the operation, which may succeed eventually, or you may have to stop and restart the daemon.
Chapter 2 Domain DR Error Messages 9
TABLE2-2 Memory Allocation Error Messages (Continued)
Error Message Probable Cause Suggested Action
DR Error: malloc failed (dr_io)
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by
using the ps(1) command. Normally,
the daemon uses about 300- to 400-
Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is
larger than the above memory sizes,
then it may have a memory leak. If it
does, you should report this problem.
An ENOMEM error means that the DR
daemon is in a state from which it
cannot recover. An EAGAIN error
means that the problem may have
been temporary. You can retry the
operation, which may succeed
eventually, or you may have to stop
and restart the daemon.
DR Error: malloc failed (leaf array)
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by
using the ps(1) command. Normally,
the daemon uses about 300- to 400-
Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is
larger than the above memory sizes,
then it may have a memory leak. If it
does, you should report this problem.
An ENOMEM error means that the DR
daemon is in a state from which it
cannot recover. An EAGAIN error
means that the problem may have
been temporary. You can retry the
operation, which may succeed
eventually, or you may have to stop
and restart the daemon.
DR Error: malloc failed (leaf)
While it queried the system information, the DR daemon could not allocate enough memory for a structure in which to return the requested information. The daemon may have encountered a resource limit. If the DR daemon cannot allocate memory, then it cannot continue to work. The errno_description usually describes an ENOMEM or EAGAIN error.
First, check the size of the daemon by
using the ps(1) command. Normally,
the daemon uses about 300- to 400-
Kbytes of memory. If the daemon is
larger than the above memory sizes,
then it may have a memory leak. If it
does, you should report this problem.
An ENOMEM error means that the DR
daemon is in a state from which it
cannot recover. An EAGAIN error
means that the problem may have
been temporary. You can retry the
operation, which may succeed
eventually, or you may have to stop
and restart the daemon.
10 Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain Error Messages • February 2000
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