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1.Getting Started1–1
1.1System Requirements1–2
1.1.1Operating Systems Compatibility1–2
1.1.2Chassis Compatibility1–2
1.1.3Blade Server Compatibility1–2
1.1.4Electrical and Environmental1–3
1.3Handling AMCs1–4
1.4AMC Faceplate1–5
1.5AMC LEDs1–6
1.6Removing and Installing AMCs1–8
1.6.1Removing an AMC1–8
1.6.2Removing a Blade Server and AMC1–12
1.6.3Installing an AMC1–13
1.7Enabling and Disabling SAS Ports1–18
▼To Enable AMC Port 2 (Driven by Port 1 of SAS Controller)18
▼To Enable AMC Port 3 (Driven by Port 2 of SAS Controller)18
▼To Disable AMC Port 2 (Driven by Port 1 of SAS Controller)19
▼To Disable AMC Port 3 (Driven by Port 2 of SAS Controller)19
2.2Key Components2–3
2.2.1Hard Drive Disk2–3
2.2.2Power Regulator2–3
2.2.3SAS Controller2–4
2.2.5Module Management Controller (MMC)2–4
2.2.6Port Connectors2–5
2.3Faceplate and LEDs2–5
2.4Functional Diagram2–7
2.5Technical Support and Warranty2–7
2.6Part Number, Serial Number, and Revision Number Identification2–8
3.Managing the AMC3–1
3.1Monitoring and Control Functions3–2
3.2IPMI Controller3–2
3.3FRU Information3–4
3.5Firmware and Software Upgrades3–6
ivSun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
4.Configuring the AMC4–1
4.1Configuration Tools4–2
4.2Boot BIOS Utility4–2
4.2.1Features and Configurations4–3
4.2.2Launching the Boot BIOS Utility4–3
4.3OpenBoot BIOS4–5
4.4Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) BIOS4–6
4.5Enabling and Disabling Channel Ports4–6
A. Connectors and PortsA–1
A.1Connector Locations and AssignmentsA–2
A.2Connector PinoutsA–2
A.3SAS Controller PortsA–4
A.4e-Keying PortsA–5
B. Environment SpecificationsB–1
B.1Electrical and EnvironmentalB–2
B.1.3Absolute Maximum RatingsB–4
B.1.4Normal Operating RangesB–4
B.3.1Board Dimensions and WeightB–5
C. Agency CertificationsC–1
C.1CE CertificationC–2
C.4Emissions Test RegulationsC–4
C.4.1EN 55022 EmissionsC–4
C.4.2EN 55024 ImmunityC–4
C.5Regulatory InformationC–5
C.5.1FCC (USA)C–5
C.5.2Industry Canada (Canada)C–5
viSun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
The Netra™ CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS ControllerUser’s Guide describes the installation and configuration of the Sun Netra CP3000
AMC.1-HDD SAS disk. This guide also includes information about software,
environment specifications, connectors, and certifications.
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123What you type, when contrasted
with on-screen computer output
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.
Edit your.login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
Yo u must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Note – Characters display differently depending on browser settings. If characters
do not display correctly, change the character encoding in your browser to Unicode
Related Documentation
The following table lists the documentation for the AMC.1-HDD SAS disk. The
online documentation is available at:
SafetyImportant Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems 816-7190-xx PrintedShipping Kit
Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe
Hard Drive and SAS Controller Product Notes
Hard Drive and SAS Controller Getting Started Guide
Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe
Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide
820-7174-xx PDFOnline
820-7177-xx PrintedShipping Kit
820-7175-xx PDFOnline
Third-Party Web Sites
Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content,
advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites
or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage
or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content,
goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
viiiSun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:
Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s
Guide, part number 820-7175-11.
xSun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
Getting Started
This chapter provides information and procedures needed to install and make the
Sun Netra CP3000 AMC.1-HDD SAS disk operational. This chapter should be read
before unpacking and installing the AMC.
In addition to this chapter, refer to the following safety document:
Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems (816-7190)
Caution – When the system is plugged in, energy hazards are present on the
midplane. Do not reach into the enclosure while the power is on.
Caution – Static electricity can damage electronic components. Wear a wrist strap
grounded through one of the system’s ESD ground jacks when removing and
replacing hot-swappable components.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 1.1, “System Requirements” on page 1-2
■ Section 1.2, “Unpacking” on page 1-3
■ Section 1.3, “Handling AMCs” on page 1-4
■ Section 1.4, “AMC Faceplate” on page 1-5
■ Section 1.5, “AMC LEDs” on page 1-6
■ Section 1.6, “Removing and Installing AMCs” on page 1-8
■ Section 1.7, “Enabling and Disabling SAS Ports” on page 1-18
1.1System Requirements
The following sections briefly describe the minimum system requirements and the
configurable features. Links are provided to other chapters and appendixes
containing more detailed information.
1.1.1Operating Systems Compatibility
The following operating systems are compatible with the AMC.1-HDD SAS disk.
■ Solaris™ 10
■ Solaris x86 10
■ Windows Server 2003
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5
1.1.2Chassis Compatibility
Before using this AMC.1-HDD SAS disk, review the specifications of the chassis and
backplane that will house the module to determine the presence of, and any
limitations of, chassis, IPMI bus, and user-defined pin-outs. For example, some
chassis backplanes route certain I/O pins to internal resources such as alarm cards
and drive resources. The AMC.1-HDD SAS disk is intended for an AdvancedTCA
AMC carrier card site that is AMC.1 compliant. It is your responsibility to verify
system compatibility. Failure to do so could result in improper operation or
equipment damage.
1.1.3Blade Server Compatibility
The AMC.1-HDD SAS disk modules plug into ATCA carrier boards that support a
combination of AMC.1 (PCI Express) and AMC.3 (SAS) storage signaling.
At the time of publication of this document, the AMC.1-HDD SAS disk is qualified
and supported on the following Sun blade servers:
■ Sun Netra CP3060 blade server
■ Sun Netra CP3220 blade server
■ Sun Netra CP3250 blade server
1-2Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
1.1.4Electrical and Environmental
See Appendix B for electrical and environmental requirements.
Caution – None of the integrated chips junction temperature should exceed 125˚C.
The AMC requires air flow to meet this requirement. Testing should be done in the
shelf to find the quantity of air flow needed. The recommended minimum air flow is
50 LFM.
Check the shipping carton for damage. If the shipping carton or contents are
damaged, notify the carrier and Sun. Retain the shipping carton and packing
material for inspection by the carrier. Obtain authorization before returning any
product to Sun. Refer to the Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe SASController and Hard Drive Getting Started Guide (820-7177) for return instructions.
Caution – This board must be protected from static discharge and physical shock.
Never remove any of the socketed parts except at a static-free workstation. Use the
antistatic bag shipped with the product to handle the board. Wear a wrist strap
grounded through one of the system's ESD ground jacks when installing or servicing
system components.
Chapter 1 Getting Started1-3
1.3Handling AMCs
Caution – The system is sensitive to static electricity. To prevent damage to the
assembly, always connect an antistatic wrist strap between you and the system.
Avoid touching areas of integrated circuitry. Static discharge can damage these
An antistatic wrist strap and a conductive foam pad is strongly recommend for
handling AMCs when installing or upgrading a system. Electronic components, such
as disk drives, computer boards, and memory modules can be extremely sensitive to
electrostatic discharge (ESD). After removing the component from its protective
wrapper or from the system, place the component flat on a grounded, static-free
surface (and, in the case of a board, component side up). Do not slide the component
over any surface.
If an ESD station is not available, you can avoid damage resulting from ESD by
wearing an antistatic wrist strap (available in the shipkit and at electronics stores)
that is attached to an active electrical ground. Note that a system chassis might not
be grounded if it is unplugged.
Caution – Dangerous voltages, capable of causing injury or death, are present in
this equipment. Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting within a
Caution – Do not flex the AMCs; the surface-mounted components can break if the
AMC is bent.
Our suppliers take significant steps to ensure that there are no bent pins on the
backplane or connector damage to the AMCs prior to leaving the factory. Bent pins
caused by improper installation or by AMCs with damaged connectors could void
the warranty for the backplane or boards.
To minimize the amount of AMC flexing, observe the following precautions:
■ When removing an AMC from an electrostatic discharge bag, keep the AMC
vertical until you place it on the electrostatic discharge mat.
■ Do not place an AMC on a hard surface. Use a cushioned antistatic mat. The
AMC connectors and components have very thin pins that bend easily.
■ Be careful of small parts located on the component side of an AMC.
1-4Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
■ Do not use an oscilloscope probe on the components. The soldered pins are easily
damaged or shorted by the probe point.
■ Transport an AMC in an antistatic bag.
1.4AMC Faceplate
The following shows the faceplate of the Sun Netra CP3000 AMC.1-HDD SAS disk.
FIGURE 1-1 AMC.1-HDD SAS Disk Faceplate
Note – The AMC is available in different capacities (in gigabytes). The illustration
shows a generic faceplate. For your product’s faceplate, the xxx denotes the capacity.
Chapter 1 Getting Started1-5
The following tables give status information for all of the LEDs on the AMC.
TABLE 1-1 describes the LEDs defined by ATCA to monitor board status.
TABLE 1-1AMC Status LEDs
Hot-swapBlueOnManagement power is available to the AMC, and
OffThe AMC is operational and is unsafe for
Long blinkDelay before AMC is activated.
Short blinkDelay before AMC is deactivated.
OOSRedOffAMC is in service.
OnLight is on when AMC is Out Of Service.
OKGreenOnThe AMC is booted and switching.
Off12V payload power is not detected.
TABLE 1-2 describes in detail the different hot-swap BLUE LED states.
the AMC can safely be extracted.
1-6Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
TABLE 1-2Hot-Swap BLUE LED States
OrderVisible StateStateDescription
1SolidM1 FRU InactiveThe Intelligent Platform
Management Interface (IPMI)
microcontroller is booted, but the
payload is not. The bottom latch is
not fully closed or the activation
lock bit set is keeping AMC from
2Blinking (from solid)M2 Activation
The bottom latch is closed or
activation lock bit has been cleared.
The IPMI microcontroller has
requested permission to boot the
payload from the shelf
management controller.
3OffM3-M4 ActiveThe IPMI microcontroller has
received permission to activate the
payload, and has done so. This
should be the state under normal
4Blinking (from off)M5-M6
The IPMI microcontroller has
requested permission to deactivate.
Opening the bottom latch or
resetting the deactivation lock bit
activates this state.
Note – An AMC should be hot-swapped only when the LED is solid blue.
Chapter 1 Getting Started1-7
1.6Removing and Installing AMCs
This section describes how to remove and install AMCs.
The AMC.1-HDD SAS disk can be installed into an ATCA shelf (chassis) with sites
that support AMC.1 PCI Express signaling. The site height must properly match the
panel height fitted to the AMC.
At the time of publication of this document, the AMC.1-HDD SAS disk is qualified
and supported on the following Sun blade servers:
■ Sun Netra CP3060 blade server
■ Sun Netra CP3220 blade server
■ Sun Netra CP3250 blade server
1.6.1Removing an AMC
If you want to remove only an AMC from a blade server, use the following
If you want to remove the blade server with the AMC installed, see the next section
Section 1.6.2, “Removing a Blade Server and AMC” on page 1-12.
Caution – Before removing an AMC, read all cautions, warnings, and instructions
presented earlier in this chapter.
1. Shut down the payload OS.
Removing a board before powering down the operating system might cause an
OS panic, which could corrupt data or file systems.
2. At the front of the blade server, locate the AMC you want to remove.
Depending on the blade server’s AMC site location, you might have to remove
the blade server from the chassis. Some blade servers have compartments for
AMCs that can only be accessed when the blade server is removed from the
3. If the blade server must be removed to access the AMC, go to Section 1.6.2,
“Removing a Blade Server and AMC” on page 1-12.
1-8Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
Note – Depending on how the Shelf controls deactivation, the Shelf might not
initiate deactivation when you disengage the ejector latch. If so, either configure the
Shelf to allow deactivation via latch opening or deactivate by other methods.
4. For the AMC, initiate the hot-swap deactivation sequence by pulling the
injector/ejector latch out half way (
FIGURE 1-2).
The Hot-Swap LED starts blinking.
5. Wait until the Hot-Swap LED is solid blue.
6. When the Hot-Swap LED is solid blue, pull the injector/ejector latch out
completely (
FIGURE 1-2).
Chapter 1 Getting Started1-9
FIGURE 1-2 Deactivating the AMC
Figure Legend
1Fully In (IN) When IN, the module communicates to the shelf manager that the module is not in the
hot-swap state, and the shelf manager communicates with the MMC. This position is for normal
2Half Way (HW) When in the HW position, the hot-swap sequence is initiated. The MMC sends a
hot-swap event to the shelf manager.
Out (OUT) When OUT, the latching mechanism is released and the module can be extracted. Wait
for the Hot-Swap LED to stop blinking before pulling the latch all the way out.
1-10Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
7. Remove the AMC.
FIGURE 1-3 Removing the AMC
8. Replace the AMC with another AMC (FIGURE 1-7) or install a filler panel.
Note – Be sure to follow handling instructions. See Section 1.3, “Handling AMCs”
on page 1-4.
Chapter 1 Getting Started1-11
Caution – Failure to fill all slots with AMCs or cover with filler panels can
negatively impact the cooling of the system.
1.6.2Removing a Blade Server and AMC
Following are the instructions for removing a blade server and installed AMC. For
additional information, refer to your blade server documentation.
Caution – Before removing a blade server and AMC, read all cautions, warnings,
and instructions presented earlier in this chapter.
1. Move the front cable management bracket to the lower position (
FIGURE 1-4 Front Cable Management Bracket in Lower Position
FIGURE 1-4).
2. Disengage the injector/ejector mechanisms at the top and bottom of the blade
server to notify software that the board is about to be removed. Wait for the
Hot-Swap LED to light.
1-12Sun Netra CP3000 Advanced Mezzanine Card PCIe Hard Drive and SAS Controller User’s Guide • March 2010
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