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This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
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Operation of thisequipment in a residentialarea is likely to causeharmful interference, in which casethe user will be required
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Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by Sun Microsystems, Inc. may void the
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This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassB digital device, pursuant to Part15 of
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television reception,which can be determined byturning the equipment offand on, the user isencouraged to try tocorrect the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Shielded Cables: Connections between the workstation and peripherals must be made using shielded cables in order to
maintain compliance with FCC radio frequency emission limits. Networking connections can be made using unshielded
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Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by Sun Microsystems, Inc. may void the
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ivSun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
BSMI Class ANotice
The following statement is applicable to products shipped to Taiwan and marked as Class A on the product compliance
Regulatory Compliance Statementsv
viSun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
1.Overview of the Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter1
Product Description2
Overview of the Installation Procedure 4
Installation Methods4
Models of Hot Swap4
Installing the Rear-Access Adapter5
Installing the Front-Access Adapter6
2.Installing the Rear-Access Adapter 7
Preparing for the Installation8
Tools and Equipment Needed 8
Contents of the Ship Kit8
Selecting a CompactPCI Slot Pair in the System9
Determining the Installation Type10
Installing the Rear-Access Adapter in Hot-Swap Mode10
▼To Install the Rear Transition Card 11
▼To Install the Rear-Access Front Card16
Installing the Rear-Access Adapter in Cold-Swap Mode21
▼To Power Off the Server 21
▼To Install the Rear Transition Card 22
▼To Install the Rear-Access Front Card23
▼To Power On the Server 25
Connecting the Cables to the Rear Transition Card 26
▼To Connect the Cables to the Rear Ethernet Ports 26
3.Installing the Front-Access Adapter27
Preparing for the Installation28
Tools and Equipment Needed 28
Contents of the Ship Kit28
Selecting a CompactPCI Slot in the System28
Determining the Installation Type29
Installing the Front-Access Adapter in Hot-Swap Mode29
▼To Install the Front-Access Adapter in Hot-Swap Mode 29
Installing the Front-Access Adapter in Cold-Swap Mode36
▼To Power Off the Server 36
▼To Install the Front-Access Adapter in Cold-Swap Mode 37
▼To Power On the Server 38
Connecting the Cables to the Front-Access Adapter40
▼To Connect the Cables to the Front-Access Ethernet Ports 40
4.Configuring the Network Software 41
Attaching the Sun Quad FastEthernet Interfaces to the Network42
▼To Attach the Sun Quad FastEthernet Interfaces to the Network 42
Autonegotiation Protocol45
Setting the local-mac-address Property46
▼To Set the local-mac-address Property to the Network Interfaces46
viiiSun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
Booting the System Over a Sun Quad FastEthernet Interface48
▼To Boot the System Over the Network 48
A.Specifications 51
Ethernet Port Locations and Descriptions52
Operation Specifications 53
Physical Dimensions54
Physical Dimensions of the Rear-Access Adapter54
Physical Dimensions of the Front-Access Adapter55
Environmental Specifications 55
Power Requirements56
B.Configuring the Sun Quad FastEthernet Device Driver Parameters57
Sun Quad FastEthernet Device Driver Parameters58
Hardware Overview 58
Device Driver Parameter Values and Definitions 59
Parameters that Define the Current Status 60
Interpacket Gap Parameters60
Defining an Additional Delay Before Transmitting a Packet 61
Operational Mode Parameters62
Defining the Number of Back-to-Back Packets to Transmit 63
Parameters That Report Transceiver Capabilities63
Parameters That Report the Link Partner Capabilities64
Setting the qfe Device Driver Parameters65
Using the ndd Utility to Set and Display Parameters65
Setting Parameters Using the qfe.conf File72
▼To Set Driver Parameters By Creating a qfe.conf File73
C.Removing and Replacing the Adapter75
Disabling the Network Interfaces and Removing the Adapter76
▼To Disable the Network Interfaces and Remove the Adapter 76
Replacing the Adapter and Activating the Network Interfaces78
▼To Replace the Adapter and Activate the Network Interfaces 78
D.Testing the Adapter 79
Using the SunVTS Diagnostic Software80
Using the OpenBoot PROM FCode Self-Test 81
▼To Run the FCode Self-Test Diagnostic 81
xSun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
FIGURE 1-1Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter (Rear-Access Version) 2
FIGURE 1-2Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter (Front-Access Version) 3
FIGURE 2-1CompactPCI Slot Pairs in a Sun Netra ct 800 Server (Top View) 9
FIGURE 2-2Location of the Rear Transition Card’s Ejection Levers 11
FIGURE 2-3Opening the Ejection Levers (Two Types of Levers) 12
FIGURE 2-4Aligning the Rear Transition Card With the CompactPCI Slot Card Guide 13
FIGURE 2-5Location of the Ejection Lever Tabs (Two Types of Levers) 13
FIGURE 2-6Closing the Ejection Levers (Two Types of Levers) 14
FIGURE 2-7Ejection Levers Installed in the Slot’s Cutouts (Two Types of Levers) 15
FIGURE 2-8Tightening the Ejection Lever Captive Screws (Two Types of Levers) 15
FIGURE 2-9Location of the Front Card’s Ejection Levers 17
FIGURE 2-10Aligning the Front Card With the CompactPCI Slot Card Guide 18
FIGURE 2-11Location of the Rear-Access Adapter’s Hot-Swap LED on the Front Card 19
FIGURE 2-12Connecting Cables to the Rear Transition Card 26
FIGURE 3-1Location of the Front-Access Adapter’s Ejection Levers 30
FIGURE 3-2Opening the Ejection Levers (Two Types of Levers) 31
FIGURE 3-3Aligning the Front Adapter in CompactPCI Slot Card Guide 31
FIGURE 3-4Location of the Ejection Lever Tabs (Two Types of Levers) 32
FIGURE 3-5Closing the Ejection Levers (Two Types of Levers) 32
FIGURE 3-6Ejection Lever Tabs Installed in the Slot’s Cutouts (Two Types of Levers) 33
FIGURE 3-7Location of the Front-Access Adapter’s Hot-Swap LED 33
FIGURE 3-8Tightening the Ejection Lever Captive Screws (Two Types of Levers) 35
FIGURE 3-9Connecting Ethernet Cables to the Front-Access Adapter 40
FIGURE A-1RJ-45 Ethernet Port Locations 52
xiiSun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
TABLE 1-1Rear-Access Installation Overview 5
TABLE 1-2Front-Access Installation Overview 6
TABLE A-1Pin Descriptions for the Four 8-Pin RJ-45 Connectors (Ports 0 to 3) 53
xivSun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
The Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User ’s Guide
provides installation and configuration instructions for the Sun Quad FastEthernet™
6U CompactPCI adapter. These instructions are designed for system administrators
with experience installing similar hardware.
How This Book Is Organized
This manual contains the following chapters and appendixes:
Chapter 1 describes the adapter.
Chapter 2 tells you how to install the rear-access version of the adapter.
Chapter 3 tells you how to install the front-access version of the adapter.
Chapter 4 tells you how to configure the network host files associated with the
Appendix A lists the specifications for the adapters.
Appendix B tells you how to set advanced device driver parameters.
Appendix C tells you how to detach the device driver before removing the adapter,
and how to activate the driver after replacing it.
Appendix D tells you how to test the adapter.
Using UNIX Commands
This document may not contain information on basic UNIX®commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
See one or more of the following for this information:
■ Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals
■ AnswerBook2™ online documentation for the Solaris™ operating environment
■ Other software documentation that you received with your system
Typographic Conventions
TABLEP-1Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
What you type, when
contrasted with on-screen
computer output
words to be emphasized
Edit your .login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
% su
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
You must be superuser to do this.
Command-line variable; replace
with a real name or value
xviSun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Shell Prompts
TABLEP-2Shell Prompts
C shellmachine_name%
C shell superusermachine_name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell$
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser#
Related Documentation
TABLEP-3Related Documentation
ApplicationTitle or Description
Adapter installation, removal, and
Device driver configurationPlatform Notes: The Sun Quad FastEthernet Device
Managing networksSolaris System Administration Guide,
The docs.sun.comsmweb site enables you to access Solaris technical
documentation on the Web. You can browse the archive or search
for a specific book title or subject at:
Documentation and product information for the Netra™ product line are available
Ordering Sun Documentation, an Internet professional bookstore, stocks select product
documentation from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
For a list of documents and how to order them, visit the Sun Documentation Center
on at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
We are interested in improving our documentation and welcome your comments
and suggestions. You can email your comments to us at:
Please include the part number (806-2991-10) of your document in the subject line of
your email.
xviiiSun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
Overview of the
Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U
CompactPCI Adapter
This chapter contains an overview of the Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI
adapter, including:
■ “Product Description” on page 2
■ “Features” on page 3
■ “Overview of the Installation Procedure” on page 4
Product Description
The Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI adapter contains four fully buffered
twisted-pair Ethernet ports (RJ-45), providing four switchable 10BASE-T/
100BASE-TX channels, on a CompactPCI adapter.
The adapter is available for front- and rear-access CompactPCI systems. For
rear-access systems, the adapter consists of two cards: the front card and the rear
transition card (see
front card (see
Caution – The front-access version the adapter is designed for front-access systems
only. Do not attempt to install this adapter into a rear access system.
FIGURE 1-1). For front-access systems, the adapter consists of one
FIGURE 1-2).
Rear transition cardFront card
FIGURE 1-1 Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter (Rear-Access Version)
2Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
FIGURE 1-2 Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter (Front-Access Version)
Caution – Do not attempt to use the rear-access adapter’s rear transition card
FIGURE 1-1) with the front-access adapter (FIGURE 1-2). Using this combination is not
supported and may damage the cards and the system. The front-access adapter is for
front-access systems only, and the rear-access adapter is for rear-access systems only.
This adapter offers the following features:
■ Fully compliant with the ANSI/IEEE standard 802.3 CSMA/CD physical-layer
■ Four Switchable 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet channels with
autonegotiation. Conforms to IEEE 802.3u Ethernet standard.
■ Provides operation of up to 100 meters of twisted-pair without use of
■ Four independent Ethernet channels that run at either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps.
■ Half-duplex or full-duplex operation modes.
■ Multiple 48-bit IEEE 802.3 style medium access control (MAC) identifiers, one for
each channel.
■ Link integrity LED for each channel.
■ Hot-swappable using the Intel 21554 chip.
Chapter 1Overview of the Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter3
Overview of the Installation Procedure
This section presents an overview of the terminology and lists the major tasks you
will perform when installing the adapter into your system. Because of the
complexity of the networking environment, your specific installation procedure may
require tasks not listed below.
Installation Methods
The adapter is a hot-swappable component that can be installed in a hot-swapcompliant server without interrupting the operation of the system. The adapter can
also be installed in cold-swap mode, where you power off the system before you
install the adapter.
Before beginning the installation, you should determine whether you want to
perform a hot-swap or a cold-swap installation of the adapter.
■ In a hot-swap installation, you can install the adapter while the system is running,
without interrupting the operation of the server. Depending on the level of hot
swap your server is running (full or basic), you may be required to enter software
commands during the installation.
■ In a cold-swap installation, you must shut down the operating system and power
off the server before installing the adapter. After the installation, you must power
the system back on in order for the server to recognize the new adapter. You may
be required to use system-specific software commands to power off and power on
your system.
Note – This manual describes the general procedure needed for either a hot-swap or
a cold-swap installation. Because software commands and LED displays can differ
for each server, refer to your server’s documentation for the exact installation
procedures. For example, if you are installing the adapter in a Sun™ Netra™ ct
server, refer to the Netra ct Server Service Manual.
Models of Hot Swap
Hot swap, a key feature of the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group
(PICMG) standard, means that a CompactPCI adapter that meets the PICMG
standard can be reliably inserted into or extracted from a powered and operating
4Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
CompactPCI platform without affecting the other functions of the platform. The
standard also defines state transitions for the hardware and software connection
processes that allow the card to be connected and configured.
The adapter supports two models of hot swap:
■ Basic hot swap
■ Full hot swap
The models can be explained by first defining these two processes:
■ Hardware connection process—the electrical connection (and disconnection) of an
I/O card.
■ Software connection process—the software management by the operating system
of the board (allocating and releasing resources, attaching and detaching device
drivers, and so on).
In the basic hot-swap model, the hardware connection process can be performed
automatically by the hardware, while the software connection process requires
operator assistance.
In the full hot-swap model, both the hardware and the software connection process
are performed automatically.
If you install the adapter in a server set to full hot-swap mode, you will not need to
type in any software commands during the installation. However, if you install the
adapter in a server set to basic hot-swap mode, you will need to type in software
commands during the installation. For example, if you were installing the adapter in
a Netra ct server set to basic hot-swap mode, you would use the cfgadm command
to identify and attach the adapter during the installation.
Installing the Rear-Access Adapter
The following table lists the main procedures you will perform when you install and
configure the rear-access adapter (
TABLE1-1Rear-Access Installation Overview
TaskChapter or Section Documented
Installing the adapter into the system Chapter 2
Connecting the Ethernet cables“Connecting the Cables to the Rear Transition Card”
Configuring the network interfaces“Attaching the Sun Quad FastEthernet Interfaces to
Chapter 1Overview of the Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter5
FIGURE 1-1).
on page 26
the Network” on page 42
Installing the Front-Access Adapter
The following table lists the main procedures you will perform when you install and
configure the front-access adapter (
TABLE1-2Front-Access Installation Overview
TaskChapter or Section Documented
Installing the adapter into the system Chapter 3
Connecting the Ethernet cables“Connecting the Cables to the Front-Access
Configuring the network interfaces“Attaching the Sun Quad FastEthernet Interfaces to
FIGURE 1-2).
Adapter” on page 40
the Network” on page 42
6Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
Installing the Rear-Access Adapter
This chapter describes how to install the rear-access version of the Sun Quad
FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI adapter in a hot-swap-compatible server.
The rear-access version of the adapter is composed of two separate cards: a front
card, which contains the hot-swap LED, and a rear transition card, which contains
the cable connections and link LEDs. This chapter includes instructions for installing
the adapter’s two cards in both hot-swap mode (with the system powered on) and
cold-swap mode (with the system powered off).
To install the adapter, you must first install the rear transition card in a rear
CompactPCI slot of the server, and then you can install the front card in the
associated front slot of the server. After installing the cards, connect the cables to the
connectors on the rear transition card.
Caution – Wherever possible, this chapter provides explicit instructions for
installing the adapter in your system. However, you must refer to your system’s
documentation for the specific I/O card installation instructions. Your system’s
service manual will describe the system-specific software commands and the usage
of system LEDs required for installation.
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ “Preparing for the Installation” on page 8
■ “Installing the Rear-Access Adapter in Hot-Swap Mode” on page 10
■ “Installing the Rear-Access Adapter in Cold-Swap Mode” on page 21
■ “Connecting the Cables to the Rear Transition Card” on page 26
Note – After installing the adapter in the system, see Chapter 4 for the software
configuration instructions.
Preparing for the Installation
Before installing the adapter, prepare for the installation by assembling the
appropriate tools, unpacking the ship kit, selecting a CompactPCI slot, and
determining a mode of installation.
Tools and Equipment Needed
You will need:
■ A No. 0 Phillips screwdriver
■ An antistatic wrist strap (included in the ship kit)
■ Ethernet cables to connect the adapter to an Ethernet network
■ Electrostatic discharge (ESD) mat (optional)
Contents of the Ship Kit
The ship kit contains the following items:
■ Front card
■ Rear transition card
■ Antistatic wrist strap
■ This manual
■ A product note document
Caution – Electrostatic discharge can damage the integrated circuits on the cards.
Leave the cards in their antistatic envelopes until you are ready to install them in the
8Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
Selecting a CompactPCI Slot Pair in the System
The rear-access version of the adapter is exclusively designed to be installed in a
rear-accessible 6U system. You must first install the rear transition card in a rear
CompactPCI slot of the server, and then you can install the front card in the
associated front slot of the server. Before starting to install the adapter, select an
available CompactPCI slot pair in the server.
For example, in a Sun Netra ct 800 server (see
FIGURE 2-1), there are seven 6U
CompactPCI I/O slot pairs available (slot 1 of this server will always be occupied by
a CPU card). Install the adapter’s front card and rear transition card (RTC) into an
open slot pair. (Slot 8, in some configurations, may be occupied by an alarm card.)
Note – Refer to your system’s service manual for the exact locations of the
CompactPCI I/O slots in the system, and to determine the most appropriate slot in
which to install the adapter.
FIGURE 2-1 CompactPCI Slot Pairs in a Sun Netra ct 800 Server (Top View)
6U CompactPCI I/O card
Alarm card
I/O rear card
Alarm RTC
Slot 7
Slot 8
Caution – The rear transition card and the front card must be installed in associated
CompactPCI slots. For example, if you install the rear transition card in the server’s
rear I/O slot 3, you must install the front card in the server’s front I/O slot 3. You
can panic the server if you install the cards in nonassociated slots.
Chapter 2Installing the Rear-Access Adapter9
Determining the Installation Type
You can install the adapter in the system in either a hot-swap mode or in a coldswap mode. (See “Installation Methods” on page 4 for more information.)
■ Hot swap—see “Installing the Rear-Access Adapter in Hot-Swap Mode” on
page 10 for the procedure.
■ Cold swap—see “Installing the Rear-Access Adapter in Cold-Swap Mode” on
page 21 for the procedure.
After installing the adapter, see “Connecting the Cables to the Rear Transition Card”
on page 26 for instructions on connecting the cables.
Installing the Rear-Access Adapter in
Hot-Swap Mode
When installing the adapter in a server in hot-swap mode, you must consult the
documentation that shipped with the server. The server’s documentation will
describe the specific software commands and hardware components such as LEDs
that are used when installing the adapter.
This section contains two procedures:
■ “To Install the Rear Transition Card” on page 11
■ “To Install the Rear-Access Front Card” on page 16
After installing the adapter, see “Connecting the Cables to the Rear Transition Card”
on page 26 for instructions on connecting the Ethernet cables.
Caution – Always install the adapter’s rear transition card before installing the front
card. In a hot-swap environment, you can panic the system if you install the front
card first.
Caution – Do not use excessive force when installing the adapter’s front or rear
transition card into the CompactPCI slot. You may damage the card’s connector or
the pins on the midplane, causing permanent damage to the card or to the system. If
a card does not seat properly when you apply even pressure, remove the card and
carefully reinstall it.
10Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
▼ To Install the Rear Transition Card
Install the rear transition card in the rear CompactPCI slot that you selected in
“Selecting a CompactPCI Slot Pair in the System” on page 9.
1. Retrieve the wrist strap from the adapter’s ship kit.
2. Attach the adhesive copper strip of the antistatic wrist strap to the metal chassis of
the system. Wrap the other end twice around your wrist, with the adhesive side
against your skin.
3. If the rear slot contains a factory-installed filler panel, remove the filler panel
before installing the rear transition card.
Refer to the system’s documentation for instructions on how to remove the filler
panel. Typically, you will need to loosen the filler panel’s captive screws before
removing the panel from the system.
4. Remove the rear transition card from its antistatic envelope and place it on an
ESD mat (if available) near the system.
If an ESD mat is not available, you can place the card on the antistatic envelope it
was packaged in.
Before installing the card in the system, you will need to open the card’s ejection
levers (see
Top of
the card
FIGURE 2-2).
Ejection levers
FIGURE 2-2 Location of the Rear Transition Card’s Ejection Levers
Chapter 2Installing the Rear-Access Adapter11
5. With the card resting on the mat, press the levers outward to open the ejection
The card may contain different types of ejection levers. For example,
shows two possible types of levers. The levers may also contain a locking
mechanism that must be unlocked before you can open the levers.
Locking mechanism
Locking mechanism
FIGURE 2-3 Opening the Ejection Levers (Two Types of Levers)
6. Lift up the card, and keeping it perfectly vertical, carefully slide the card in the
selected rear slot.
Be sure to align the top and bottom of the card in the slot’s card guides (
Also, make sure the ejection levers remain open while you slide the card into the
12Sun Quad FastEthernet 6U CompactPCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • June 2000
FIGURE 2-4).
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