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1.Product Overview1
Product Description1
Hardware and Software Requirements2
2.Installing the Adapter5
Installing the Adapter Without Dynamic Reconfiguration5
▼To Install the Adapter6
▼To Install the Optical Transceiver7
▼To Verify the Hardware Installation9
Rebooting the System10
Installing the Adapter With Dynamic Reconfiguration11
Using the Installation Script11
▼To Install the Software Using the Installation Script11
Verifying the Software Installation14
Configuring the Network Host Files15
3.Configuring Driver Parameters19
10-Gigabit Ethernet Device Driver Parameters19
10-Gigabit Ethernet Driver Parameter Values and Definitions20
Flow Control Parameters20
Interrupt Parameters21
Jumbo Frames22
▼To Configure Jumbo Frames Using ndd22
▼To Configure Jumbo Frames in a Linux Environment23
Setting ixge Driver Parameters23
Setting Parameters Using the ndd Utility23
▼To Specify Device Instances for the ndd Utility24
Noninteractive and Interactive Modes24
▼To Use the ndd Utility in Noninteractive Mode24
▼To Use the ndd Utility in Interactive Mode25
Setting Parameters Using the ixge.conf File26
▼To Set Driver Parameters Using a ixge.conf File27
10-Gigabit Ethernet Driver Operating Statistics29
▼To Check Link Partner Settings32
▼To Discover Device Capabilities34
▼To Discover Link Settings35
Configuration Checking35
4.Configuring VLANs37
Overview of VLANs37
Configuring VLANs39
▼To Configure Static VLANs40
Performance Specifications43
Physical Characteristics44
Power Requirements44
ivSun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
B.Diagnostic Software45
SunVTS Diagnostic Software45
Updating SunVTS to Recognize the Adapter46
▼To Update SunVTS to Recognize the Adapter46
Using the SunVTS netlbtest47
▼To Use the netlbtest47
C.Installing the Software Manually49
▼To Install the Driver Software Manually49
D.Installing the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet Device Driver on Linux Platforms53
Setting Up the Driver in a Linux Platform53
▼To Set Up the Driver in a Linux Platform53
Setting Driver Parameters in a Linux Environment56
▼To Set ixge Parameters in a Linux Environment57
▼To Configure VLANs in a Linux Environment59
▼To Configure Bonding for Multiple ixge Interfaces60
viSun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
TABLE 1-1Hardware and Software Requirements for Sun SPARC Servers 2
TABLE 3-1ixge Driver Parameter, Status, and Descriptions 20
TABLE 3-2Read-Write Flow Control Keyword Descriptions 21
TABLE 3-3RX Blanking Register for Alias Read 21
TABLE 3-4accept-jumbo Parameters 22
TABLE 3-5Read-Only ixge Device Capabilities 29
TABLE 3-6Receive and Transmit Parameters 30
TABLE A-1Performance Specifications 43
TABLE A-2Physical Characteristics 44
TABLE A-3Power Requirements 44
TABLE B-1SunVTS Documentation 46
TABLE C-1Files and Directories on the CD-ROM 50
TABLE D-1Tunable ixge Driver Parameters for Linux Operating Systems 58
viiiSun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
FIGURE 1-1Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter with Optical Transceiver Installed 2
FIGURE 1-2Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Fiber Optic Channels 3
FIGURE 4-1Example of Servers Supporting Multiple VLANs With Tagging Adapters 38
FIGURE 4-2Ethernet Tag Header Format 40
xSun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
Declaration of Conformity
Compliance Model Number:Kirkwood
Product Family Name:
This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This equipment may not cause harmful interference.
2. This equipment must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
European Union
This equipment complies with the following requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC:
As Telecommunication Network Equipment (TNE) in Both Telecom Centers and Other Than Telecom Centers per (as applicable):
EN300-386 V.1.3.1 (09-2001) Required Limits:
EN55022/CISPR22Class A
EN61000-4-26 kV (Direct), 8 kV (Air)
EN61000-4-33 V/m 80-1000MHz, 10 V/m 800-960 MHz, and 1400-2000 MHz
EN61000-4-41 kV AC and DC Power Lines, 0.5 kV Signal Lines
EN61000-4-52 kV AC Line-Gnd, 1 kV AC Line-Line and Outdoor Signal Lines, 0.5 kV Indoor signal Lines > 10m
EN61000-4-63 V
As Information Technology Equipment (ITE) Class A per (as applicable):
EN55022:1998/CISPR22:1997Class A
EN55024:1998 Required Limits:
EN61000-4-24 kV (Direct), 8 kV (Air)
EN61000-4-33 V/m
EN61000-4-41 kV AC Power Lines, 0.5 kV Signal and DC Power Lines
EN61000-4-51 kV AC Line-Line and Outdoor Signal Lines, 2 kV AC Line-Gnd, 0.5 kV DC Power Lines
EN61000-4-63 V
EN61000-4-81 A/m
Safety: This equipment complies with the following requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC:
EC Type Examination Certificates:
EN60950:2000, 3rd EditionTÜV Rheinland Certificate No. xxxxxxxxxxxx
IEC 60950:2000, 3rd EditionCB Scheme Certificate No. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Evaluated to all CB Countries
UL 60950, 3rd Edition, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-00File:Vol.Sec.
UL 60950, 3rd Edition, CSA C22.2 No. 950-00File:Vol.Sec.
FDA DHHS Accession Number (Monitors Only)
Supplementary Information: This product was tested and complies with all the requirements for the CE Mark.
Sun 10-GB Ethernet PCIX (X5558A
Dennis P. SymanskiDATE
Manager, Compliance Engineering
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle, MPK15-102
Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.
Tel: 650-786-3255
Fax: 650-786-3723
Pamela J. DullaghanDATE
Quality Program Manager
Sun Microsystems Scotland, Limited
Springfield, Linlithgow
West Lothian, EH49 7LR
Scotland, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1 506 672 395Fax: +44 1 506 670 011
xiiSun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
The Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide provides
installation instructions for the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter. This
document also describes how to configure the driver software.
These instructions are designed for enterprise system administrators with experience
installing network hardware and software.
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 1 provides a description of the adapter, including hardware and software.
Chapter 2 describes how to install the adapter in your system, verify that it is
correctly installed, and install the driver software using the automated script.
Chapter 3 describes how to configure the driver parameters used by the Sun 10Gigabit Ethernet PCI-Xadapter.
Chapter 4 explains VLANs in detail, and provides configuration instructions and
Appendix A provides specifications for the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-Xadapter.
Appendix B provides an overview of the SunVTS diagnostic application and
instructions for updating the SunVTS software to recognize the adapter.
Appendix C describes how to install the driver software manually.
Appendix D explains how to install and configure the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCIX device driver in a Linux environment.
Using UNIX Commands
This document might not contain information on basic UNIX®commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
devices. Refer to the following for this information:
■ Software documentation that you received with your system
■ Solaris™ Operating System documentation, which is at:
Shell Prompts
C shellmachine-name%
C shell superusermachine-name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell$
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser#
xiv Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Edit your.login file.
and directories; on-screen
computer output
What you type, when contrasted
with on-screen computer output
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
% su
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
Yo u must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Accessing Sun Documentation
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Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:
Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide, part number 8xxxxxx-xx
xvi Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
Product Overview
This chapter contains an overview of the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter,
■ “Product Description” on page 1
■ “Hardware and Software Requirements” on page 2
■ “Features” on page 3
Product Description
The Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter is a low profile 133 MHz 10 gigabit
Ethernet card utilizing the Intel 82597EX PCI-X MAC controller with XFP-based 10gigabit Ethernet optics.
FIGURE 1-1 shows the adapter with the optical transceiver inserted.
Note – The adapter must be inserted into the system first. Then insert the optical
transceiver into the adapter.
FIGURE 1-1 Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter with Optical Transceiver Installed
Hardware and Software Requirements
Before installing the adapter, make sure your system meets the required hardware
and software.
TABLE 1-1 lists the supported hardware and software for Sun SPARC
TABLE1-1Hardware and Software Requirements for Sun SPARC Servers
RequirementsHardware or Software
HardwareSun Fire™ V440, 490, 880, V890, T2000
Sun Fire V40z, X4200
Operating SystemSolaris 9 9/04, and 10 SPARC Operating System
RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0 and 4.0
SuSe Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 SP1
Note – The preceding information is up-to-date as of the printing of this manual.
Visit Sun on the World Wide Web at for the latest
2Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
FIGURE 1-2 Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Fiber Optic Channels
The Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter addresses the following requirements
and provides additional features and benefits:
■ One full-duplex 10 gigabit Ethernet interface that uses a small form factor
4Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
Installing the Adapter
This chapter describes how to install the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter in
your system and verify that it has been installed correctly. The chapter then
describes how to install the driver software using the automated script. Finally, this
chapter describes how to edit the network host files after installing the adapter on
your system.
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ “Installing the Adapter Without Dynamic Reconfiguration” on page 5
■ “Installing the Adapter With Dynamic Reconfiguration” on page 11
■ “Using the Installation Script” on page 11
■ “Verifying the Software Installation” on page 14
■ “Configuring the Network Host Files” on page 15
Note – If you are installing the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter in a machine
running the Solaris x86 Operating System Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) is not
Installing the Adapter Without Dynamic
Caution – If your are installing the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter into a
machine running Solaris 10, you must install the software before you install the
hardware. Failure to install the software before installing the hardware will allow the
Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X adapter to attach to an older version of the software.
See “Using the Installation Script” on page 11.
▼ To Install the Adapter
The following instructions describe the basic tasks required to install the adapter.
Refer to your system installation or service manual for detailed PCI adapter
installation instructions.
1. Halt and power off your system.
2. Power off all of the peripherals connected to your system.
3. Open the system unit.
4. Attach the antistatic wrist strap to yourself and to the system.
Attach the adhesive copper strip of the antistatic wrist strap to the metal casing of
the power supply. Wrap the other end twice around your wrist, with the adhesive
side against your skin.
5. Holding the PCI adapter by the edges, unpack it and place it on an antistatic
6. Using a No. 2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the PCI filler panel from the slot in
which you want to insert the PCI adapter.
Save the filler panel screw for Step 9.
7. Insert the adapter into the PCI opening.
Holding the PCI adapter by the edges, align the adapter edge connector with a 66
MHz PCI slot or a PCI-X slot. Slide the adapter face plate into the small slot at the
end of the PCI opening.
8. Applying even pressure at both corners of the adapter, push the PCI adapter until
it is firmly seated in the slot.
Caution – Do not use excessive force when installing the adapter into the PCI slot.
You might damage the adapter’s PCI connector. If the adapter does not seat properly
when you apply even pressure, remove the adapter and carefully reinstall it.
9. Secure the adapter to the PCI slot using the screw you removed in Step 6.
10. Close the system.
Note – Green LEDs do not light until the correct driver is installed.
6Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
▼ To Install the Optical Transceiver
The Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-Xadapter requires an optical transceiver to create
and Ethernet connection. The optical transceiver Part Number: 135-1172-01 is
available from Sun Microsystems.
1. Pull the white locking handle into the full horizontal position.
You will feel the handle click into position when it is fully opened.
2. Holding the optical transceiver by the edges, align the transceiver with the slot in
the Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-Xadapter and slide it into the opening.
3. Applying even pressure at both corners of the transceiver, push the transceiver
until it is firmly seated in the slot.
Chapter 2 Installing the Adapter7
4. Push the handle closed to lock the optical transceiver in place.
5. Detach the wrist strap.
Caution – If you pull the locking handle down when the optical transceiver is
installed, remove the optical transceiver entirely and reinstall it. The handle operates
an internal lock. Pulling the handle down can disconnect the optical transceiver,
even though it might appear to be connected.
6. Connect the Ethernet cable.
8Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • December 2005
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