Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
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Part No. 817-5626-12
May 2004, Revision A
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1.Documentation and Miscellaneous Information1–1
1.1Upgrading the BIOS on a B200x Server Blade1–2
1.2Before Installing Solaris x86 Onto a Blade1–2
1.3Miscellaneous Information1–2
1.3.1Using N1 Provisioning Software1–2
1.3.2Using the Sun Fire B10n Content Load Balancing Blade1–3
1.3.3Downloading New Firmware for Chassis Components1–3
1.4Viewing the Latest Documentation for the Chassis and Its Components1–
1.4.1Documentation in this Release1–4
1.4.2Documentation Errata1–5
2.1Installing Linux Onto a B100x or B200x Blade2–2
2.2Upgrading the BIOS on B200x Server Blades2–3
2.2.1To Upgrade the BIOS2–3
2.3B100x and B200x (Linux) Server Blade Issues2–5
2.3.1Issues Affecting the B200x Server Blade Only2–5
2.3.2Issues Affecting the B100x Server Blade Only2–6
3.Solaris x863–1
3.1Preparing to Install Solaris x86 Onto a Blade3–1
3.1.1Solaris x86 Drivers and Documentation3–2
3.1.2Overview of the Solaris x86 Installation Process3–3
3.2Applying Mandatory Software Patches to the Solaris x86 Install Image3–
3.2.1Downloading the B100x/B200x Mandatory Software for the
Network Install Server3–4
3.2.2Creating a Network Install Server3–6
3.3Issues Affecting B100x and B200x Server Blades That are Running Solaris
3.3.1Issues for Which You Must Apply a Workaround or Perform an
Operational Procedure3–8
3.3.2Error Messages That Can be Safely Ignored3–13
3.3.3Other Issues3–16
4.SPARC Solaris4–1
4.1Installing SPARC Solaris Onto a B100s Server Blade4–2
4.2B100s (SPARC Solaris) Server Blade Issues4–2
5.System Controller5–1
5.1Upgrading the System Controller (SC) Firmware5–2
5.2What To Do If You Lose Your Password for the System Controller5–2
5.3System Controller Software Issues5–4
5.3.1System Controller Firmware 1.25–4
5.3.2System Controller Firmware 1.15–4
5.3.3System Controller Firmware 1.05–6
6.The System Chassis’s Integrated Switch6–1
6.1Switch Firmware Issues6–2
6.2Issues Affecting the Web Graphical User Interface to the Switch6–8
6.3The Term “Trunk” Meaning Either an Aggregated Link Or a Tagged VLAN
ivSun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes • May 2004
6.4Setting up a Tagged VLAN Trunk With Cisco Switches6–12
viSun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes • May 2004
Documentation and Miscellaneous
These Product Notes contain important information about this release of the Sun
Fire B1600 blade system chassis. This is the first release of the product to support
Enterprise Linux version 3.0 and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, running on B100x
and B200x server blades.
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ Section 1.1, “Upgrading the BIOS on a B200x Server Blade” on page 1-2
■ Section 1.2, “Before Installing Solaris x86 Onto a Blade” on page 1-2
■ Section 1.3, “Miscellaneous Information” on page 1-2
■ Section 1.4.1, “Documentation in this Release” on page 1-4
1.1Upgrading the BIOS on a B200x Server
To run Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 3.0 or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on a
B200x server blade, you must first upgrade the BIOS to version 1.1.32. This version
of the BIOS is available from the following website:
For information on how to upgrade the BIOS on B200x blades with Linux installed,
see Section 2.2, “Upgrading the BIOS on B200x Server Blades” on page 2-3 in these
Product Notes.
1.2Before Installing Solaris x86 Onto a Blade
Before you start to install Solaris x86 by following the instructions in the Sun FireB100x and B200x Server Blade Installation and Setup Guide, please follow the steps in
“Preparing to Install Solaris x86 Onto a Blade” on page 3-1 in these Product Notes.
1.3Miscellaneous Information
1.3.1Using N1 Provisioning Software
If you are installing N1 Provisioning software, you do not need to set up a Network
Install Server. Before you do the System Chassis software setup, read the N1Provisioning Server 3.0 Blades Edition Implementation Guide. The Implementation Guide
explains what you need to do to accommodate the N1 Provisioning software
1-2Sun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes • May 2004
1.3.2Using the Sun Fire B10n Content Load Balancing
The Sun Fire B10n Content Load Balancing Blade is now available to provide load
balancing across server blades in the Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis and other
horizontally scaled Sun platforms.
To use the B10n Content Load Balancing Blade, you need to upgrade the firmware
on the System Controller to version 1.1 or later. To perform the upgrade of the
System Controller firmware, refer to the Sun Fire B1600 Blade System ChassisAdministration Guide (Chapter 10).
To configure and use the B10n Content Load Balancing Blade, refer to the Sun FireB10n Content Load Balancing Blade Administration Guide. For the latest information on
version 2.1 of the Sun Fire B10n Content Load Balancing Blade, see Sun Fire B10nContent Load Balancing Blade Version 1.2 Update Product Notes (817-6211-10)
1.3.3Downloading New Firmware for Chassis
For the latest publicly available firmware, check the following websites:
Documentation for the Sun Fire B1600 blade system chassis and its components is
provided on the CD supplied with a chassis or blade. The documentation is in
Adobe Acrobat PDF format, therefore you need to use Acrobat Reader to view the
files. To download Acrobat Reader (at no cost), go to the following website:
This release of the Sun Fire B1600 blade system chassis includes the following
■ Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Software Quick Start Poster
■ Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Hardware Quick Start Poster
■ Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Hardware Installation Guide
■ Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Software Setup Guide
■ Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Administration Guide
■ Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Switch Administration Guide
■ Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Compliance and Safety Manual
■ Sun Fire B100x and B200x Server Blade Installation and Setup Guide
■ Sun Fire B10n Content Load Balancing Blade Administration Guide
To access this PDF documentation, launch Adobe Acrobat Reader and open the file
called HOME.PDF located in the DOCS directory.
1-4Sun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes • May 2004
1.4.2Documentation Errata
■ In the printed version of the Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Compliance and
Safety Manual (817-2571-10), the contact details given for Zuheir Totari are out of
date. The correct contact details are as follows:
Sun Microsystems Ltd Sparc House
Guillemont Park Blackwater
Camberley GU17 9QC
United Kingdom Sun Microsystems
Tel: +44 (0)1252 420113 Fax: +44 (0)1252 421659
Chapter 1 Documentation and Miscellaneous Information1-5
1-6Sun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes • May 2004
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ Section 2.1, “Installing Linux Onto a B100x or B200x Blade” on page 2-2
■ Section 2.2, “Upgrading the BIOS on B200x Server Blades” on page 2-3
■ Section 2.3, “B100x and B200x (Linux) Server Blade Issues” on page 2-5
2.1Installing Linux Onto a B100x or B200x
To install the Linux operating system onto a blade, you must first build a PXE boot
installation environment.
The software required to build a PXE boot installation environment is available on
the CD supplied with the blade.
To install Linux on B100x or B200x server blades you will need the following:
■ The Sun Fire B1600 Platform Documentation, Drivers, and Installation CD. This CD
includes the drivers required for installing Linux on a server blade, and all the
documentation for the B1600 system chassis and its components.
■ Installation CDs for the version of Linux you are installing. The following
operating systems are supported in this release:
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 3.0
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Advanced Server 2.1 update 2
■ SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, service pack 3
■ A PXE boot server machine for installing Linux onto the server blade. This
machine must be running one of the following operating systems:
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 3.0
■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Advanced Server 2.1 update 2
■ SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, service pack 3
■ Solaris, version 9 or later.
Refer to Chapter 4 of the Sun Fire B100x and B200x Server Blade Installation and Setup
Guide for information on how to perform a PXE boot installation.
2-2Sun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes • May 2004
2.2Upgrading the BIOS on B200x Server
To run Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 3.0 or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8,
service pack 3 on a B200x server blade, the blade must have BIOS version 1.1.32
installed. This version of the BIOS is available from the following website:
You can upgrade the BIOS on the blade using the biosupdate utility. This utility
loads a device driver called mtdbios, performs the BIOS update using the slflash
utility, and then unloads the mtdbios driver.
The biosupdate utility is installed on the server blade as part of the PXE boot
installation process. For information on the PXE boot installation, see Chapter 4 of
the Sun Fire B100x and B200x Server Blade Installation and Setup Guide (available on
the CD supplied with the blade).
Caution – When upgrading the BIOS, do not interrupt the process by resetting or
powering down the blade. Interrupting the upgrade will permanently damage the
Note – If the BIOS upgrade fails, a failure message is displayed on the screen and in
/var/log/messages. If this problem occurs do not reset or power off the blade.
Contact your Sun Beta support manager for advise.
2.2.1To Upgrade the BIOS
1. Log into the blade for which you want to update the BIOS.
At the SC prompt, type:
sc> console sn
where n is the number of the slot containing the blade.
Chapter 2 Linux2-3
2. Check the version of the BIOS currently running on the blade, to establish
whether the upgrade is necessary:
modprobe mtdbios
cat /proc/BIOS
BIOS Vendor: AMI
BIOS Version: P1.1.32
BIOS Date: 01/19/2004
Manufacturer: Sun Microsystems
Product: Sun Fire B200x
rmmod mtdbios
3. Copy the BIOS image from the beta website to a known location on the blade.
4. Run the biosupdate command:
biosupdate bios2p.rom-032.bin
The blade prompt returns when the update is complete.
Caution – Do not restart the blade while the update is in progress.
5. When the update is complete, reboot the blade:
shutdown -r now
You can check the BIOS version when you restart the blade.
2-4Sun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes • May 2004
2.3B100x and B200x (Linux) Server Blade
The following problems have been observed on both B100x and B200x server blades:
■ 4868095: Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 does not support layer 2 VLANs
The Advanced Server kernel (version 2.4.9-e.3) does not support layer 2 VLANs.
This means that the sunconfig utility is not installed on blades running Red Hat
Advanced Server 2.1. If you are using blades with Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1
installed, you must configure the switch to use only untagged VLANs.
If you require VLAN support, you must install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 or
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 service pack 3.
■ 4853227: Spurious interrupt messages appear in /var/log/messages
Spurious interrupt IRQ7 messages may appear in /var/log/messages. These
messages can be ignored.
2.3.1Issues Affecting the B200x Server Blade Only
The following problems have been observed on B200x server blades only:
■ 44932162: The BSC driver displays names of LEDs not present on the blade
When the BSC driver is loaded, five extraneous LED files appear in the
/proc/bsc directory. The LED status for these files is reported as “not present”
and they can be ignored.
■ 4987508: Kernel panic occurs during booting of B200x server blades (el-3.0u1)
If you attempt to boot Enterprise Linux 3.0 update 1 with APM enabled, the
system will panic. This is due to expectations made by the APM subsystem,
which is considered unsafe to run on a multi-processor machine. Without
enabling APM (or ACPI), the /sbin/poweroff command will not power off the
This problem has been worked around using the bsc driver. The bsc driver
notifies the hardware of the intent to power off, and the hardware powers off the
blade 10 seconds later. If the bsc driver is not loaded at power-off time, the system
will fail to power off.
Chapter 2 Linux2-5
■ 4991972: B200x blade locks into a repeated “boot net” loop following a BIOS
The CMOS footprint may change between revisions of the BIOS. If this is the case,
and the CMOS is not reset to its default values during the blade reboot following
a BIOS update, the CMOS configuration may become corrupted and result in
repeated network boots.
To avoid this problem, after updating the BIOS on a B200x blade, reset all CMOS
settings to their default values when you next reboot the blade. You can do this by
typing the bootmode reset_nvram sn command at the SC prompt (where n is
the number of the slot containing the blade), or by entering the BIOS setup menu
and loading the BIOS defaults.
■ 5017529: New 1 Gbyte DIMMs used in manufacturing appear as 2x512Mbyte
When new 1 Gbyte DIMMs are inserted in DIMM slots on the B200x blade, the
ECC driver incorrectly identifies the memory as 2x512Mbyte DIMMs.
This is a cosmetic issue, and can be ignored.
■ 5015866: Blade does not recognize an SSC which is inserted after a reboot
When a blade is booted without an SSC present, the network interfaces normally
attached to the missing switch will not be operational after the SSC is re-inserted.
This problem is fixed when the network interface is brought down and up again.
2.3.2Issues Affecting the B100x Server Blade Only
The following problem has been observed on B100x server blades only:
■ 4915711: The Real Time Clock (RTC) is updated when resetting from the SC
When you use the reset command from the SC prompt, the blade updates the
Real Time Cock (RTC) from the system controller through the BSC. The RTC
should be set only when the blade is powered on.
■ 4979474: The bsc driver cannot allocate IRQ9 or IRQ5 (SuSE with kernel 2.4.21)
The Operating System hangs when the bsc driver attempts to allocate IRQs 9 and
5. This is due to an incorrect ACPI table entry for the bsc hardware.
You can avoid this problem by booting the kernel using the pci=noacpi
■ 4906666: The BIOS boot menu displays network names incorrectly
This is a cosmetic issue and may be ignored.
2-6Sun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes • May 2004
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