Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
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Part No: 820–4343–10
January 2009
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Server Scaling ....................................................................................................................................... 93
Conguring the JDBC Connection Pool ................................................................................. 119
Conguring the Load Balancer ........................................................................................................ 120
Enabling the Health Checker .................................................................................................... 120
Index ................................................................................................................................................... 123
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 20096
FIGURE 1–1Java EE Application Model ....................................................................................... 20
TABLE 4–1Maximum Address Space Per Process .................................................................... 87
TABLE 5–1Tuning Parameters for Solaris .................................................................................95
TABLE 5–2Tuning 64–bit Systems for Performance Benchmarking ...................................104
EXAMPLE 4–1Heap Conguration on Solaris ................................................................................89
EXAMPLE 4–2Heap Conguration on Windows ........................................................................... 90
The Performance Tuning Guide describes how to get the best performance with Enterprise
This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Sun GlassFish
Enterprise Server documentation set.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Documentation Set
TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set
Book TitleDescription
Documentation CenterEnterprise Server documentation topics organized by task and subject.
Release NotesLate-breaking information about the software and the documentation. Includes a
comprehensive, table-based summary of the supported hardware, operating system, Java
Development Kit (JDKTM), and database drivers.
Quick Start GuideHow to get started with the Enterprise Server product.
Installation GuideInstalling the software and its components.
Application Deployment GuideDeployment of applications and application components to the Enterprise Server. Includes
information about deployment descriptors.
Developer’s GuideCreating and implementing Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) applications
intended to run on the Enterprise Server that follow the open Java standards model for Java
EE components and APIs. Includes information about developer tools, security, debugging,
and creating lifecycle modules.
Java EE 5 TutorialUsing Java EE 5 platform technologies and APIs to develop Java EE applications.
Java WSIT TutorialDeveloping web applications using the Web Service Interoperability Technologies (WSIT).
Describes how, when, and why to use the WSIT technologies and the features and options
that each technology supports.
Administration GuideSystem administration for the Enterprise Server, including conguration, monitoring,
security, resource management, and web services management.
TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set(Continued)
Book TitleDescription
High Availability Administration
Administration ReferenceEditing the Enterprise Server conguration le, domain.xml.
Performance Tuning GuideTuning the Enterprise Server to improve performance.
Reference ManualUtility commands available with the Enterprise Server; written in man page style. Includes
Setting up clusters, working with node agents, and using load balancers.
the asadmin command line interface.
Default Paths and File Names
The following table describes the default paths and le names that are used in this book.
TABLE P–2 Default Pathsand File Names
PlaceholderDescriptionDefault Value
as-installRepresents the base installation directory for
Enterprise Server.
SolarisTMand Linux installations, non-root user:
Solaris and Linux installations, root user:
Windows, all installations:
domain-root-dir Represents the directory containing all
domain-dirRepresents the directory for a domain.
In conguration les, you might see
domain-dir represented as follows:
instance-dirRepresents the directory for a server instance.domain-dir/instance-dir
samples-dirRepresents the directory containing sample
docs-dirRepresents the directory containing
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200914
All installations:
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.
TABLE P–3 TypographicConventions
AaBbCc123Thenames of commands, les, and
directories, and onscreen computer
AaBbCc123Whatyou type, contrasted with onscreen
computer output
AaBbCc123A placeholder to be replaced with a real
name or value
AaBbCc123Book titles, new terms, and terms to be
emphasized (note that some emphasized
items appear bold online)
Symbol Conventions
The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.
TABLE P–4 SymbolConventions
[]Contains optional arguments
and command options.
Edit your .login le.
Use ls -a to list all les.
machine_name% you have mail.
machine_name% su
The command to remove a le is rm lename.
Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
A cache is a copy that is stored locally.
Do not save the le.
ls [-l]The -l option is not required.
{|}Contains a set of choices for a
required command option.
${ }Indicates a variable
-Joins simultaneous multiple
+Joins consecutive multiple
-d {y|n}The -d option requires that you use
either the y argument or the n
${com.sun.javaRoot}References the value of the
com.sun.javaRoot variable.
Control-APress the Control key while you press
the A key.
Ctrl+A+NPress the Control key, release it, and
then press the subsequent keys.
TABLE P–4 SymbolConventions(Continued)
→Indicates menu item
selection in a graphical user
File → New → TemplatesFrom the File menu, choose New.
Documentation, Support, andTraining
The Sun web site provides information about the following additional resources:
Documentation (
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Training (
Third-PartyWeb Site References
Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.
Note – Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising,
products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not
be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by
or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available
on or through such sites or resources.
From the New submenu, choose
Sun WelcomesYour Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
To share your comments, go to
provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit
number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200916 and click Feedback. In the online form,
Overview of Enterprise Server Performance
You can signicantly improve performance of the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server and of
applications deployed to it by adjusting a few deployment and server conguration settings.
However, it is important to understand the environment and performance goals. An optimal
conguration for a production environment might not be optimal for a development
This chapter discusses the following topics:
“Process Overview” on page 17
“Understanding Operational Requirements” on page 19
“General Tuning Concepts” on page 23
“Further Information” on page 26
Process Overview
The following table outlines the overall administration process, and shows where performance
tuning ts in the sequence.
TABLE 1–1 PerformanceTuning Roadmap
StepDescription of TaskLocation of Instructions
1Design: Decide on the high-availability topology
and set up the Application Server and, if you are
using HADBfor session persistence,
high-availability database (HADB)systems.
2Capacity Planning: Make sure the systems have
sucient resources to perform well.
Deployment Planning Guide
Deployment Planning Guide
Process Overview
TABLE 1–1 PerformanceTuning Roadmap(Continued)
StepDescription of TaskLocation of Instructions
3Installation: If you are using HADB for session
persistence, ensure that the HADB software is
4Deployment: Install and run your applications.
Familiarize yourself with how to congure and
administer the Enterprise Server.
5Tuning: Tune the following items:
Enterprise Server
Java Runtime System
Operating system and platform
High availability features
Application developers should tune applications prior to production use. Tuning applications
often produces dramatic performance improvements. System administrators perform the
remaining steps in the following list after tuning the application, or when application tuning
has to wait and you want to improve performance as much as possible in the meantime.
Ideally, follow this sequence of steps when you are tuning performance:
Tuneyour application, described in
Installation Guide
Application Deployment Guide
Administration Guide
The following chapters:
Chapter 2, “Tuning Your Application”
Chapter 3, “Tuning the Enterprise Server”
Chapter 4, “Tuning the Java Runtime System”
Chapter 5, “Tuning the Operating System and Platform”
Chapter 6, “Tuning for High-Availability”
Chapter 2,“TuningYourApplication”
Tunethe server, described in Chapter 3,“Tuning the Enterprise Server”Chapter 3,“Tuning the
Enterprise Server”
Tunethe high availability database, described in Chapter 6,“Tuning for High-Availability”
Tunethe Java runtime system, described in Chapter 4,“Tuning the Java Runtime System”
Tunethe operating system, described in Chapter 5,“Tuningthe Operating System and Platform”
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200918
Understanding Operational Requirements
Before you begin to deploy and tune your application on the Application Server, it is important
to clearly dene the operational environment. The operational environment is determined by
high-level constraints and requirements such as:
“Application Architecture” on page 19
“Security Requirements” on page 21
“Hardware Resources” on page 22
Application Architecture
The Java EE Application model, as shown in the following gure, is very exible; allowing the
application architect to split application logic functionally into many tiers. The presentation
layer is typically implemented using servlets and JSP technology and executes in the web
Understanding Operational Requirements
Chapter 1 • Overview of Enterprise Server Performance Tuning19
Understanding Operational Requirements
Business Logic
FIGURE 1–1 Java EE Application Model
Moderately complex enterprise applications can be developed entirely using servlets and JSP
technology. More complex business applications often use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
components. The Application Server integrates the web and EJB containers in a single process.
Local access to EJB components from servlets is very ecient. However, some application
deployments may require EJB components to execute in a separate process; and be accessible
from standalone client applications as well as servlets. Based on the application architecture, the
server administrator can employ the Application Server in multiple tiers, or simply host both
the presentation and business logic on a single tier.
It is important to understand the application architecture before designing a new Application
Server deployment, and when deploying a new business application to an existing application
server deployment.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200920
Understanding Operational Requirements
Security Requirements
Most business applications require security. This section discusses security considerations and
User Authentication and Authorization
Application users must be authenticated. The Application Server provides three dierent
choices for user authentication: le-based, LDAP, and Solaris.
The default le based security realm is suitable for developer environments, where new
applications are developed and tested. At deployment time, the server administrator can choose
between the Lighweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Solaris security realms. Many
large enterprises use LDAP-based directory servers to maintain employee and customer
proles. Small to medium enterprises that do not already use a directory server may nd it
advantageous to leverage investment in Solaris security infrastructure.
For more information on security realms, see
GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide.
The type of authentication mechanism chosen may require additional hardware for the
deployment. Typically a directory server executes on a separate server, and may also require a
backup for replication and high availability. Refer to Sun Java System Directory Server
documentation for more information on deployment, sizing, and availability guidelines.
An authenticated user’saccess to application functions may also need authorization checks. If
the application uses the role-based Java EE authorization checks, the application server
performs some additional checking, which incurs additional overheads. When you perform
capacity planning, you must take this additional overhead into account.
Chapter 9, “Conguring Security,” in Sun
For security reasons, sensitive user inputs and application output must be encrypted. Most
business-oriented web applications encrypt all or some of the communication ow between the
browser and Application Server. Online shopping applications encrypt trac when the user is
completing a purchase or supplying private data. Portal applications such as news and media
typically do not employ encryption. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the most common security
framework, and is supported by many browsers and application servers.
The Application Server supports SSL 2.0 and 3.0 and contains software support for various
cipher suites. It also supports integration of hardware encryption cards for even higher
performance. Security considerations, particularly when using the integrated software
encryption, will impact hardware sizing and capacity planning.
Consider the following when assessing the encryption needs for a deployment:
Chapter 1 • Overview of Enterprise Server Performance Tuning21
Understanding Operational Requirements
What is the nature of the applications with respect to security? Do they encrypt all or only a
part of the application inputs and output? What percentage of the information needs to be
securely transmitted?
Are the applications going to be deployed on an application server that is directly connected
to the Internet? Will a web server exist in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) separate from the
application server tier and backend enterprise systems?
A DMZ-style deployment is recommended for high security. It is also useful when the
application has a signicant amount of static text and image content and some business
logic that executes on the Application Server, behind the most secure rewall. Application
Server provides secure reverse proxy plugins to enable integration with popular web servers.
The Application Server can also be deployed and used as a web server in DMZ.
Is encryption required between the web servers in the DMZ and application servers in the
next tier? The reverse proxy plugins supplied with Application Server support SSL
encryption between the web server and application server tier. If SSL is enabled, hardware
capacity planning must be take into account the encryption policy and mechanisms.
If software encryption is to be employed:
What is the expected performance overhead for every tier in the system, given the
security requirements?
What are the performance and throughput characteristics of various choices?
For information on how to encrypt the communication between web servers and Application
Server, please refer to
Administration Guide
Chapter 9, “Conguring Security,” in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1
Hardware Resources
The type and quantity of hardware resources available greatly inuence performance tuning
and site planning.
The Application Server provides excellent vertical scalability. It can scale to eciently utilize
multiple high-performance CPUs, using just one application server process. A smaller number
of application server instances makes maintenance easier and administration less expensive.
Also, deploying several related applications on fewer application servers can improve
performance, due to better data locality, and reuse of cached data between co-located
applications. Such servers must also contain large amounts of memory, disk space, and network
capacity to cope with increased load.
The Application Server can also be deployed on large “farms” of relatively modest hardware
units. Business applications can be partitioned across various server instances. Using one or
more external load balancers can eciently spread user access across all the application server
instances. A horizontal scaling approach may improve availability, lower hardware costs and is
suitable for some types of applications. However, this approach requires administration of
more application server instances and hardware nodes.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200922
General Tuning Concepts
A single Application Server installation on a server can encompass multiple instances. A group
of one or more instances that are administered by a single Administration Server is called a
domain. Grouping server instances into domains permits dierent people to independently
administer the groups.
You can use a single-instance domain to create a “sandbox” for a particular developer and
environment. In this scenario, each developer administers his or her own application server,
without interfering with other application server domains. A small development group may
choose to create multiple instances in a shared administrative domain for collaborative
In a deployment environment, an administrator can create domains based on application and
business function. For example, internal Human Resources applications may be hosted on one
or more servers in one Administrative domain, while external customer applications are hosted
on several administrative domains in a server farm.
The Application Server supports virtual server capability for web applications. For example, a
web application hosting service provider can host dierent URL domains on a single
Application Server process for ecient administration.
For detailed information on administration, see
Administration Guide
GeneralTuning Concepts
Some key concepts that aect performance tuning are:
User load
Application scalability
Margins of safety
The following table describes these concepts, and how they are measured in practice. The left
most column describes the general concept, the second column gives the practical ramications
of the concept, the third column describes the measurements, and the right most column
describes the value sources.
Chapter 1 • Overview of Enterprise Server Performance Tuning23
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1
General Tuning Concepts
TABLE 1–2 Factors That Aect Performance
ConceptIn practiceMeasurementValue sources
User LoadConcurrent
sessions at
peak load
Safety Margins High
rate measured
on one CPU
Increase in
Increase in
Transactions Per Minute (TPM)
Web Interactions Per Second
TPM or WIPSMeasured from workload benchmark. Perform at each tier.
Percentage gain per additional
Percentage gain per additional
server process and/or hardware
If the system must cope with
failures, size the system to meet
performance requirements
assuming that one or more
application server instances are
non functional
(Max. number of concurrent users) * (expected response time) /
(time between clicks)
(100 users*2sec)/10sec=20
Based on curve tting from benchmark. Perform tests while
gradually increasing the number of CPUs. Identify the “knee” of
the curve, where additional CPUs are providing uneconomical
gains in performance. Requires tuning as described in this guide.
Perform at each tier and iterate if necessary. Stop here if this
meets performance requirements.
Use a well-tuned single application server instance, as in
previous step. Measure how much each additional server
instance and hardware node improves performance.
Dierent equations used if high availability is required.
Excess capacity
for unexpected
It is desirable to operate a server
at less than its benchmarked
peak, for some safety margin
80% system capacity utilization at peak loads may work for most
installations. Measure your deployment under real and
simulated peak loads.
Capacity Planning
The previous discussion guides you towards dening a deployment architecture. However, you
determine the actual size of the deployment by a process called capacity planning. Capacity
planning enables you to predict:
The performance capacity of a particular hardware conguration.
The hardware resources required to sustain specied application load and performance.
You can estimate these values through careful performance benchmarking, using an
application with realistic data sets and workloads.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200924
General Tuning Concepts
To Determine Capacity
Determine performance on a single CPU.
First determine the largest load that a single processor can sustain. You can obtain this gure by
measuring the performance of the application on a single-processor machine. Either leverage
the performance numbers of an existing application with similar processing characteristics or,
ideally, use the actual application and workload in a testing environment. Make sure that the
application and data resources are tiered exactly as they would be in the nal deployment.
Determine vertical scalability.
Determine how much additional performance you gain when you add processors. That is, you
are indirectly measuring the amount of shared resource contention that occurs on the server for
a specic workload. Either obtain this information based on additional load testing of the
application on a multiprocessor system, or leverage existing information from a similar
application that has already been load tested.
Running a series of performance tests on one to eight CPUs, in incremental steps, generally
provides a sense of the vertical scalability characteristics of the system. Be sure to properly tune
the application, Application Server, backend database resources, and operating system so that
they do not skew the results.
Determine horizontal scalability.
If suciently powerful hardware resources are available, a single hardware node may meet the
performance requirements. However for better availability, you can cluster two or more
systems. Employing external load balancers and workload simulation, determine the
performance benets of replicating one well-tuned application server node, as determined in
step (2).
User Expectations
Application end-users generally have some performance expectations. Often you can
numerically quantify them. To ensure that customer needs are met, you must understand these
expectations clearly, and use them in capacity planning.
Consider the following questions regarding performance expectations:
What do users expect the average response times to be for various interactions with the
application? What are the most frequent interactions? Are there any extremely time-critical
interactions? What is the length of each transaction, including think time? In many cases,
you may need to perform empirical user studies to get good estimates.
What are the anticipated steady-state and peak user loads? Are there are any particular times
of the day, week, or year when you observe or expect to observe load peaks? While there may
be several million registered customers for an online business, at any one time only a
Chapter 1 • Overview of Enterprise Server Performance Tuning25
Further Information
fraction of them are logged in and performing business transactions. A common mistake
during capacity planning is to use the total size of customer population as the basis and not
the average and peak numbers for concurrent users. The number of concurrent users also
may exhibit patterns over time.
What is the average and peak amount of data transferred per request? This value is also
application-specic. Good estimates for content size, combined with other usage patterns,
will help you anticipate network capacity needs.
What is the expected growth in user load over the next year? Planning ahead for the future
will help avoid crisis situations and system downtimes for upgrades.
Further Information
For more information on Java performance, see Java Performance Documentation and Java
Performance BluePrints
For details on optimizing EJB components, see Seven Rules for Optimizing Entity Beans
For details on proling, see “Proling Tools” in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1
Developer’s Guide
For more details on the domain.xml le see Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1
Administration Reference.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200926
TuningYour Application
This chapter provides information on tuning applications for maximum performance. A
complete guide to writing high performance Java and Java EE applications is beyond the scope
of this document.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
“Java Programming Guidelines” on page 27
“Java Server Page and Servlet Tuning” on page 29
“EJB Performance Tuning” on page 32
Java Programming Guidelines
This section covers issues related to Java coding and performance. The guidelines outlined are
not specic to Enterprise Server, but are general rules that are useful in many situations. For a
complete discussion of Java coding best practices, see the
Avoid Serialization and Deserialization
Serialization and deserialization of objects is a CPU-intensive procedure and is likely to slow
down your application. Use the transient keyword to reduce the amount of data serialized.
Additionally, customized readObject() and writeObject() methods may be benecial in
some cases.
Use StringBuer to Concatenate Strings
To improve performance, instead of using string concatenation, use StringBuffer.append().
String objects are immutable—they never change after creation. For example, consider the
following code:
Therefore, copying is inherently expensive and overusing it can reduce performance
Assign null toVariablesThat Are No Longer Needed
Explicitly assigning a null value to variables that are no longer needed helps the garbage
collector to identify the parts of memory that can be safely reclaimed. Although Java provides
memory management, it does not prevent memory leaks or using excessive amounts of
An application may induce memory leaks by not releasing object references. Doing so prevents
the Java garbage collector from reclaiming those objects, and results in increasing amounts of
memory being used. Explicitly nullifying references to variables after their use allows the
garbage collector to reclaim memory.
One way to detect memory leaks is to employ proling tools and take memory snapshots after
each transaction. A leak-free application in steady state will show a steady active heap memory
after garbage collections.
Declare Methods as nal Only If Necessary
Modern optimizing dynamic compilers can perform inlining and other inter-procedural
optimizations, even if Java methods are not declared final. Use the keyword final as it was
originally intended: for program architecture reasons and maintainability.
Only if you are absolutely certain that a method must not be overridden, use the final
Declare Constants as static nal
The dynamic compiler can perform some constant folding optimizations easily, when you
declare constants as static final variables.
Adding nalizers to code makes the garbage collector more expensive and unpredictable. The
virtual machine does not guarantee the time at which nalizers are run. Finalizers may not
always be executed, before the program exits. Releasing critical resources in finalize()
methods may lead to unpredictable application behavior.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200928
Java Server Page and Servlet Tuning
Declare Method Arguments nal
Declare method arguments final if they are not modied in the method. In general, declare all
variables final if they are not modied after being initialized or set to some value.
Synchronize Only When Necessary
Do not synchronize code blocks or methods unless synchronization is required. Keep
synchronized blocks or methods as short as possible to avoid scalability bottlenecks. Use the
Java Collections Framework for unsynchronized data structures instead of more expensive
alternatives such asjava.util.HashTable.
Use DataHandlers for SOAP Attachments
Using a javax.activation.DataHandler for a SOAP attachment will improve performance.
JAX-RPC species:
A mapping of certain MIME types to Java types.
Any MIME type is mappable to a javax.activation.DataHandler .
As a result, send an attachment (.gif or XML document) as a SOAP attachment to an RPC style
web service by utilizing the Java type mappings. When passing in any of the mandated Java type
mappings (appropriate for the attachment’s MIME type) as an argument for the web service, the
JAX-RPC runtime handles these as SOAP attachments.
For example, to send out an image/gif attachment, use java.awt.Image, or create a
DataHandler wrapper over your image. The advantages of using the wrapper are:
Reduced coding: You can reuse generic attachment code to handle the attachments because
the DataHandler determines the content type of the contained data automatically. This
feature is especially useful when using a document style service. Since the content is known
at runtime, there is no need to make calls to attachment.setContent(stringContent,
"image/gif"), for example.
Improved Performance: Informal tests have shown that using DataHandler wrappers
doubles throughput for image/gif MIME types, and multiplies throughput by
approximately 1.5 for text/xml or java.awt.Image for image/* types.
Java Server Page and Servlet Tuning
Many applications running on the Enterprise Server use servlets or JavaServer Pages (JSP)
technology in the presentation tier. This section describes how to improve performance of such
applications, both through coding practices and through deployment and conguration
Chapter 2 • TuningYour Application29
Java Server Page and Servlet Tuning
Suggested Coding Practices
This section provides some tips on coding practices that improve servlet and JSP application
General Guidelines
Follow these general guidelines to increase performance of the presentation tier:
Minimize Java synchronization in servlets.
Don’t use the single thread model for servlets.
Use the servlet’sinit() method to perform expensive one-time initialization.
Avoidusing System.out.println() calls.
AvoidShared Modied Class Variables
In the servlet multithread model (the default), a single instance of a servlet is created for each
application server instance. All requests for a servlet on that application instance share the same
servlet instance. This can lead to thread contention if there are synchronization blocks in the
servlet code. So, avoid using shared modied class variables, since they create the need for
HTTP Session Handling
Follow these guidelines when using HTTP sessions:
Create sessions sparingly. Session creation is not free. If a session is not required, do not
create one.
Use javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.invalidate() to release sessions when they are
no longer needed.
Keep session size small, to reduce response times. If possible, keep session size below seven
Use the directive <%page session="false"%> in JSP les to prevent the Enterprise Server
from automatically creating sessions when they are not necessary.
Avoidlarge object graphs in an HttpSession . They force serialization and add
computational overhead. Generally, do not store large objects as HttpSession variables.
Don’t cache transaction data in HttpSession. Access to data in an HttpSession is not
transactional. Do not use it as a cache of transactional data, which is better kept in the
database and accessed using entity beans. Transactions will rollback upon failures to their
original state. However, stale and inaccurate data may remain in HttpSession objects. The
Enterprise Server provides “read-only” bean-managed persistence entity beans for cached
access to read-only data.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 PerformanceTuning Guide • January 200930
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