Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Part No: 819–4683–10
March 2007
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Sun JavaSystem Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes .......................................................................5
Revision History .....................................................................................................................................6
About Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 ........................................................................................6
What’s New in This Release ...................................................................................................................6
Java ES Monitoring Framework Integration ...............................................................................6
Web Service Security ......................................................................................................................7
Single Access Manager WAR le deployment .............................................................................7
Enhancements to Core Services ....................................................................................................7
Deprecation Notication and Announcement ........................................................................ 10
Hardware and Software Requirements ............................................................................................. 10
How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback ............................................................................. 35
Sun Welcomes Your Comments ................................................................................................ 35
Additional Sun Resources .................................................................................................................. 35
Accessibility Features for People With Disabilities .................................................................. 36
Related Third-Party Web Sites .......................................................................................................... 36
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 20074
Sun Java System
Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes
March 2007
Part Number 819-4683-10
The Sun Java
available for the Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) release, including new Access Manager
features and known issues with workarounds, if available. Read this document before you
install and use this release.
To view the Java ES product documentation, including the Access Manager collection, see
Check this site prior to installing and setting up your software and then periodically thereafter
to view the most up-to-date documentation.
These Release Notes Contain the following sections:
“Revision History” on page 6
“About Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1” on page 6
“What’s New in This Release” on page 6
“Hardware and Software Requirements” on page 10
“General Compatibility Information” on page 13
“Known Issues and Limitations” on page 16
“Documentation Updates” on page 34
“Redistributable Files” on page 34
“How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback” on page 35
“Additional Sun Resources” on page 35
“Related Third-Party Web Sites” on page 36
System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes contain important information
Revision History
Revision History
The following table shows the Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes revision history.
TABLE 1 Revision History
DateDescription of Changes
July 2006Beta release.
March 2007Java Enterprise System 5 release
About Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1
Sun Java System Access Manager is part of the Sun Identity Management infrastructure that
allows an organization to manage secure access to Web applications and other resources both
within an enterprise and across business-to-business (B2B) value chains.
Access Manager provides these main functions:
Centralized authentication and authorization services using both role-based and rule-based
access control
Single sign-on (SSO) for access to an organization's Web-based applications
Federated identity support with the Liberty Alliance Project and Security Assertions
Markup Language (SAML)
Logging of critical information including administrator and user activities by Access
Manager components for subsequent analysis, reporting, and auditing.
What’sNew in This Release
This release includes the following new features:
“Java ES Monitoring Framework Integration” on page 6
“Web Service Security ” on page 7
“Single Access Manager WAR le deployment” on page 7
“Enhancements to Core Services” on page 7
“Deprecation Notication and Announcement” on page 10
Java ES Monitoring Framework Integration
Access Manager 7.1 integrates with the Java Enterprise System monitoring framework through
Java Management Extensions (JMX). JMX technology provides the tools for building
distributed, Web-based, modular, and dynamic solutions for managing and monitoring
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 20076
What’sNew in This Release
devices, applications, and service-driven networks. Typical uses of the JMX technology include:
consulting and changing application conguration, accumulating statistics about application
behavior, notication of state changes and erroneous behaviors. Data is delivered to centralized
monitoring console.
Access Manager 7.1 uses the Java ES Monitoring Framework to capture statistics and
service-related data such as the following:
Number of attempted, successful, and failed authentications
Policy caching statistics
Policy evaluation transaction times
WebService Security
Access Manager 7.1 extends authentication capabilities to web services in the following ways:
Inserts tokens to outgoing messages
Evaluates incoming messages for security tokens
Enables point-and-click selection of Authentication providers for new applications
Single Access Manager WAR le deployment
Access Manager includes a single WAR le you can use to deploy Access Manager services
consistently to any supported container on any supported platform. The Access Manager WAR
le coexists with the Java Enterprise System installer which deploys multiple JAR, XML, JSP,
HTML, GIF, and various properties les.
Enhancements to Core Services
Web Containers supported
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0
Sun Java System Application Server 8.2
BEA WL 8.1 SP4
IBM WebSphere
Monitoring Framework Integration
Access Manager can use the JES Monitoring Framework to monitor the following:
1. Authentication
Number of authentications attempted
Number of remote authentications attempted (optional)
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes7
What’sNew in This Release
Number of successful authentications
Number of failed authentications
Number of successful logout operations
Number of failed logout operations
Transaction time for each module if possible (running and waiting states)
2. Sessions
Size of the session table (hence maximum number of sessions)
Number of active sessions (incremental counter)
3. Prole Service
Maximum cache size
Transaction time for operations (running and waiting)
4. Policy
Policy evaluation in and out requests
Policy connection pool statistics for the subject's plug-in's LDAP server
Authentication module
Distributed Authentication service not required to stick to one server for load-balanced
Authentication service and server not required to stick to one server for load—balanced
Composite advices support among Authentication service, Policy Agents, and Policy
service. Includes AuthenticateToRealm condition, AuthenticateToService condition, and
realm qualication to all conditions.
Module-based authentication can now be disallowed if Authentication chaining is enforced
Distributed Authentication service supports Certicate authentication module
Added CertAuth to Distributed Authentication UI to make it a full featured credential
extractor presentation
New Datastore authentication module as an out-of-box module which authenticates against
the congured datastore for a given realm
Account lockout conguration now persistent across multiple AM server instances
Chaining of post-processing SPI classes
Policy module
A new policy condition AuthenticateToServiceCondition added, to enforce the user is
authenticated to specifc authentication service chain.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 20078
What’sNew in This Release
A new policy condition AuthenticateToRealmCondition added, to enforce the user is
authenticated to a specic realm.
A new policy condition LDAPFilterCondition is added, to enforce the user matches the
specied ldap lter.
Support for one level wild card compare to facilitate protecting the contents of the directory
without protecting sub-directory.
Policies can be created in subrealms without explicit referral policies from parent realm if
organization alias referral is enabled in global policy conguration.
AuthLevelCondition can specify the realm name in addition to authentication level.
AuthSchemeCondition can specify the realm name in addition to authentication module
name .
Service Management module
Support for storing Service Management/Policyconguration in Active Directory
Access Manager SDK
Support APIs for authenticating users to a default Identity Repository framework database
Web Services support
Liberty ID-WSF SOAP provider: Authentication provider that encapsulates the Liberty
ID-WSF SOAP binding as implemented by Access Manager. This consists of a client and
service provider.
Repackaging Access Manager as J2EE Application resulting in a single WAR le to become
web deployable
Support for 64-bit SJS Web Server 7.0 - to support the 64-bit JVM
Delegation module
Support for grouping of delegation privileges
Supports upgrade to Access Manager 7.1 from the following versions: Access Manager 7.0
2005Q4, Access Manager 6.3 2005Q1, and Identity Server 6.2 2004Q2.
Support for delegation in logging module - controlling which Identities are authorized to
write to or read from the log les.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes9
Hardware and Software Requirements
Support JCE Based SecureLogHelper - making it possible to use JCE (in addition to JSS) as
a security provider for Secure Logging implementation
Deprecation Notication and Announcement
Sun Java(TM) System Access Manager 7.1 identity management APIs and XML templates
enable system administrators to create, delete, and manage identity entries in Sun Java System
Directory Server. Access Manager also provides APIs for identity management. Developers use
the public interfaces and classes dened in the package to integrate
management functions into external applications or services to be managed by Access Manager.
Access Manager APIs provide the means to create or delete identity-related objects as well as to
get, modify, add, or delete the objects' attributes from Directory Server.
The Access Manager package, commonly known as AMSDK, will not be
included in a future Access Manager release. This includes all related APIs and XML templates.
No migration options are available now, and no migration options are expected to be available
in the future. The user provisioning solutions provided by Sun Java System Identity Manager
are compatible replacements that you can start to use now. For more information about Sun
Java System Identity Manager, see
The following table shows the hardware and software that are required for this release.
Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes • March 200710
TABLE 2 Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware and Software Requirements
Operating system (OS)
SolarisTM10 on SPARC, x86, and x64 based
systems, including support for whole root local
and sparse root zones.
Solaris 9 on SPARC and x86 based systems.
Red HatTMEnterprise Linux 3 and 4, all updates
Advanced Server (32 and 64–bit versions) and
Enterprise Server (32 and 64–bit versions)
Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Data Center
Server version SP4 on x86
Windows 2003 Standard (32 and 64–bit versions),
Enterprise (32 and 64–bit versions), Data Center
Server (32–bit version) on x86 and x64 based
Windows XP Professional SP2 on x86 based
HP-UX 11i v1 (11.11 from uname), 64–bit on
For the most updated list of supported operating
systems, see “Platform Requirements and Issues” in
Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for UNIX in
the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes forUNIX, or “Hardware and Software Platform
Information” in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release
Notes for Microsoft Windows in the Sun Java
Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for Windows.