Sun Java System Directory Server
Enterprise Edition 6.0 Migration
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Part No: 819–0994
March 2007
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Multi-Host Deployment with Windows NT .......................................................................... 141
Checking the Logs ............................................................................................................................. 144
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Index ................................................................................................................................................... 145
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FIGURE 4–1Existing version 5 Topology ..................................................................................... 55
FIGURE 4–2Isolating the Consumer From the Topology ..........................................................55
FIGURE 4–3Migrating the version 5 Consumer ......................................................................... 56
FIGURE 4–4Placing the 6.0 Consumer Into the Topology ........................................................57
FIGURE 4–5Existing version 5 Topology With Migrated Consumers ..................................... 58
FIGURE 4–6Isolating the HubFrom the Topology ..................................................................... 58
FIGURE 4–7Migrating the version 5 Hub .................................................................................... 59
FIGURE 4–8Placing the 6.0 Hub Into the Topology ...................................................................60
FIGURE 4–9Existing version 5 Topology With Consumers and Hubs Migrated ................... 61
FIGURE 4–10Isolating the Master From the Topology ................................................................ 62
FIGURE 4–11Migrating the version 5 Master ................................................................................ 62
FIGURE 4–12Placing the 6.0 Master Into the Topology ............................................................... 63
FIGURE 4–13Existing version 5 Topology ..................................................................................... 64
FIGURE 4–14Existing Topology With Migrated Servers ............................................................. 65
FIGURE 4–15Migrated Topology With Promoted HubReplicas ............................................... 66
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EXAMPLE 7–1Sample Export Conguration File .........................................................................109
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This Migration Guide describes how to migrate the components of Directory Server Enterprise
Edition to version 6.0. The guide provides migration instructions for Directory Server,
Directory Proxy Server, and Identity Synchronization for Windows.
Who Should Use This Book
This guide is intended for directory service administrators who are migrating to Directory
Server Enterprise Edition 6.0. The guide might also be useful to business planners who are
considering migrating to the new version.
BeforeYou Read This Book
If you are not yet familiar with this version of Directory Server Enterprise Edition, you might
want to start by evaluating the new features and capabilities of the product. For more
information, see the Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Evaluation Guide
and the Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Release Notes.
HowThis Book Is Organized
Chapter 1 describes the steps involved in migrating to Directory Server 6.0.
Chapter 2 explains how to use the migration tool provided with Directory Server 6.0.
Chapter 3 describes the process for manual migration of each part of Directory Server.
Chapter 4 describes the issues involved in migrating replicated servers.
Chapter 5 describes the architectural changes in Directory Server 6.0 that aect migration from
a previous version.
Chapter 6 describes how the conguration properties in Directory Proxy Server 6.0 can be used
to simulate a version 5 conguration.
Chapter 7 describes the steps involved in migrating to Identity Synchronization for Windows
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Directory Server Enterprise Edition Documentation Set
This Directory Server Enterprise Edition documentation set explains how to use Sun Java
System Directory Server Enterprise Edition to evaluate, design, deploy, and administer
directory services. In addition, it shows how to develop client applications for Directory Server
Enterprise Edition. The Directory Server Enterprise Edition documentation set is available at
For an introduction to Directory Server Enterprise Edition, review the following documents in
the order in which they are listed.
TABLE P–1 Directory Server Enterprise Edition Documentation
Document TitleContents
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Release Notes
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Documentation Center
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Evaluation Guide
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Installation Guide
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Migration Guide
Contains the latest information about Directory Server Enterprise Edition,
including known problems.
Contains links to key areas of the documentation set.
Introduces the key features of this release. Demonstrates how these features
work and what they oer in the context of a ctional deployment that you can
implement on a single system.
Explains how to plan and design highly available, highly scalable directory
services based on Directory Server Enterprise Edition. Presents the basic
concepts and principles of deployment planning and design. Discusses the
solution life cycle, and provides high-level examples and strategies to use when
planning solutions based on Directory Server Enterprise Edition.
Explains how to install the Directory Server Enterprise Edition software. Shows
how to select which components to install, congure those components after
installation, and verify that the congured components function properly.
For instructions on installing Directory Editor, go to
Make sure you read the information in Sun Java System Directory Server
Enterprise Edition 6.0 Release Notes concerning Directory Editor before you
install Directory Editor.
Provides instructions for upgrading components from earlier versions of
Directory Server, Directory Proxy Server, and Identity Synchronization for
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Migration Guide • March 200716
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TABLE P–1 Directory Server Enterprise Edition Documentation(Continued)
Document TitleContents
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Administration Guide
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Developer’s Guide
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Reference
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Man Page Reference
Sun Java System Identity Synchronization for
Windows 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide
Related Reading
Provides command-line instructions for administering Directory Server
Enterprise Edition.
For hints and instructions on using the Directory Service Control Center,
DSCC, to administer Directory Server Enterprise Edition, see the online help
provided in DSCC.
For instructions on administering Directory Editor, go to
For instructions on installing and conguring Identity Synchronization for
Windows, see Part II, “Installing Identity Synchronization for Windows,”in
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Installation Guide.
Shows how to develop server plug-ins with the APIs that are provided as part of
Directory Server Enterprise Edition.
Introduces the technical and conceptual foundations of Directory Server
Enterprise Edition. Describes its components, architecture, processes, and
features. Also provides a reference to the developer APIs.
Describes the command-line tools, schema objects, and other public interfaces
that are available through Directory Server Enterprise Edition. Individual
sections of this document can be installed as online manual pages.
Provides general guidelines and best practices for planning and deploying
Identity Synchronization for Windows
The SLAMD Distributed Load Generation Engine (SLAMD) is a JavaTMapplication that is
designed to stress test and analyze the performance of network-based applications. It was
originally developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. to benchmark and analyze the performance of
LDAP directory servers. SLAMD is available as an open source application under the Sun
Public License, an OSI-approved open source license. To obtain information about SLAMD, go SLAMD is also available as a project. See
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) technology supports accessing the Directory
Server using LDAP and DSML v2 from Java applications. For information about JNDI, see The JNDI Tutorial contains detailed descriptions and
examples of how to use JNDI. This tutorial is at
Directory Server Enterprise Edition can be licensed as a standalone product, as a component of
Sun Java Enterprise System, as part of a suite of Sun products, such as the Sun Java Identity
Management Suite, or as an add-on package to other software products from Sun. Java
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Enterprise System is a software infrastructure that supports enterprise applications distributed
across a network or Internet environment. If Directory Server Enterprise Edition was licensed
as a component of Java Enterprise System, you should be familiar with the system
documentation at
Identity Synchronization for Windows uses Message Queue with a restricted license. Message
Queue documentation is available at
Identity Synchronization for Windows works with Microsoft Windows password policies.
Information about password policies for Windows 2003 is available in the Microsoft
Information about changing passwords, and about group policies in Windows 2003 is
available the
Information about the Microsoft Certicate Services Enterprise Root certicate authority is
available in the
Information about conguring LDAP over SSL on Microsoft systems is available in the
Microsoft documentation online.
Microsoft support documentation online.
Microsoft support documentation online.
Redistributable Files
Directory Server Enterprise Edition does not provide any les that you can redistribute.
Default Paths and Command Locations
This section explains the default paths used in the documentation, and gives the locations of
commands on dierent operating systems and deployment types.
Default Paths
The table in this section describes the default paths that are used in this document. For full
descriptions of the les installed, see also Chapter 15, “Directory Server File Reference,” in SunJava System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference, Chapter 26, “Directory Proxy
Server File Reference,” in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference,or
Appendix A, “Directory Server Resource Kit File Reference,” in Sun Java System DirectoryServer Enterprise Edition 6.0 Reference.
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Migration Guide • March 200718
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TABLE P–2 DefaultPaths
PlaceholderDescriptionDefault Value
install-pathRepresents the base installation
directory for Directory Server
Enterprise Edition software.
The software is installed in directories
below this base install-path.For
example, Directory Server software is
installed in install-path/ds6/.
instance-pathRepresents the full path to an instance
of Directory Server or Directory Proxy
The documentation uses /local/ds/
for Directory Server and /local/dps/
for Directory Proxy Server.
serverrootRepresents the parent directory of the
Identity Synchronization for Windows
installation location
isw-hostnameRepresents the Identity
Synchronization for Windows
instance directory
When you install from a zip distribution using
dsee_deploy(1M), the default install-path is the current
directory. You can set the install-path using the -i option
of the dsee_deploy command. When you install from a
native package distribution, such as you would using the
Java Enterprise System installer, the default install-path is
one of the following locations:
Solaris systems - /opt/SUNWdsee/.
HP-UX systems - /opt/sun/.
Red Hat systems - /opt/sun/.
Windows systems - C:\Program
No default path exists. Instance paths must nevertheless
always be found on a local le system.
The following directories are recommended:
/var on Solaris systems
/global if you are using Sun Cluster
Depends on your installation. Note the concept of a
serverroot no longer exists for Directory Server.
Depends on your installation
/path/to/cert8.dbRepresents the default path and le
name of the client’s certicate database
for Identity Synchronization for
Represents the default path to the
Identity Synchronization for Windows
local logs for the System Manager,
each connector, and the Central
Represents the default path to the
Identity Synchronization for Windows
central logs
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Depends on your installation
Depends on your installation
Command Locations
The table in this section provides locations for commands that are used in Directory Server
Enterprise Edition documentation. To learn more about each of the commands, see the relevant
man pages.
TABLE P–3 CommandLocations
CommandJava ES, Native Package DistributionZip Distribution
The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.
TABLE P–4 TypographicConventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, les, and
directories, and onscreen computer
This command pertains only to Directory Service
Control Center, which is not available in the zip
This command pertains only to Directory Service
Control Center, which is not available in the zip
Edit your .login le.
Use ls -a to list all les.
machine_name% you have mail.
AaBbCc123What you type, contrasted with onscreen
computer output
AaBbCc123A placeholder to be replaced with a real
name or value
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machine_name% su
The command to remove a le is rm lename.
TABLE P–4 Typographic Conventions(Continued)
AaBbCc123Book titles, new terms, and terms to be
emphasized (note that some emphasized
items appear bold online)
Shell Prompts in Command Examples
The following table shows default system prompts and superuser prompts.
TABLE P–5 ShellPrompts
C shell on UNIX and Linux systemsmachine_name%
C shell superuser on UNIX and Linux systemsmachine_name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell on UNIX and Linux systems$
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser on UNIX and Linux systems#
Microsoft Windows command lineC:\
Symbol Conventions
Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
A cache is a copy that is stored locally.
Do not save the le.
The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.
TABLE P–6 SymbolConventions
[]Contains optional arguments
and command options.
{|}Contains a set of choices for a
required command option.
${ }Indicates a variable
-Joins simultaneous multiple
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Migration Guide • March 200722
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ls [-l]The -l option is not required.
-d {y|n}The -d option requires that you use
either the y argument or the n
${com.sun.javaRoot}References the value of the
com.sun.javaRoot variable.
Control-APress the Control key while you press
the A key.
TABLE P–6 Symbol Conventions(Continued)
+Joins consecutive multiple
→Indicates menu item
selection in a graphical user
Ctrl+A+NPress the Control key, release it, and
File → New → TemplatesFrom the File menu, choose New.
Documentation, Support, and Training
The Sun web site provides information about the following additional resources:
Documentation (
Support (
Training (
Third-PartyWeb Site References
Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.
Note – Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising,
products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not
be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by
or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available
on or through such sites or resources.
then press the subsequent keys.
From the New submenu, choose
Searching Sun Product Documentation
Besides searching for Sun product documentation from the web site, you can use
a search engine of your choice by typing the following syntax in the search eld:
For example, to search for Directory Server, type the following:
"Directory Server"
To include other Sun web sites in your search, such as,, and, use in place of in the search eld.
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Sun WelcomesYour Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments.
In the online form, provide the full document title and part number. The part number is a
7-digit or 9-digit number that can be found on the book's title page or in the document's URL.
For example, the part number of this book is 819-0994.
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Overview of the Migration Process for Directory
This chapter describes the steps involved in migrating to Directory Server 6.0. Directory Server
6.0 provides a migration tool, dsmig, that automates aspects of the migration for certain
platform/version combinations. If servers within your topology fall outside of these
combinations, the same migration steps must be performed manually.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Before You Migrate” on page 25
“Deciding on the New Product Distribution” on page 27
“Outline of Migration Steps” on page 27
“Deciding on Automatic or Manual Migration” on page 28
Before You Migrate
This chapter provides an overview of the upgrade and data migration process.
Before upgrading, familiarize yourself with the new features and xes available in the current
version. Take the opportunity to review design decisions made during implementation of
existing directory services. For a description of all new features and xes, see “What’s New at a
Glance” in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Evaluation Guide.For
information about the new features that specically aect migration, see
Chapter 5.
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Before You Migrate
Prerequisites to Migrating a Single Directory Server
Instance From 5.1
Before migrating from a 5.1 server instance, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
Directory Server 6.0 must be installed. The new server can be installed on the same machine
as the existing server or on a dierent machine.
Ensure that the new machine has sucient local disk space to house binaries and databases
for both the old and new servers, and also enough extra space to hold LDIF les containing
the entries in all existing suxes. You can estimate the local disk space required as
somewhat larger than the following calculation.
local space required=2*(space for existing server) + (space for LDIF files)
Prerequisites to Migrating a Single Directory Server
Instance From 5.2
Before migrating from a 5.2 server instance, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
Directory Server 6.0 must be installed. The new server can be installed on the same machine
as the existing server or on a dierent machine.
Ensure that the new machine has sucient local disk space to house binaries and databases
for both the old and new servers, and also enough extra space to hold LDIF les containing
the entries in all existing suxes. You can estimate the local disk space required as
somewhat larger than the following calculation.
local space required=2*(space for existing server) + (space for LDIF files)
If you are using the automatic migration tool, the following two prerequisites must be met:
The existing server instance must be stopped cleanly.
If the new server is located on a dierent machine, a complete image of the original
server instance must be created on the new machine. This includes all schema les,
conguration les, security les, and database les, in an identical layout to the original
server root.
To determine whether you should use automatic or manual migration, see
Automatic or Manual Migration” on page 28
If your Directory Server deployment includes Identity Synchronization for Windows, you
“Deciding on
must uninstall Identity Synchronization for Windows before migrating to Directory Server
6.0. For information about migrating Identity Synchronization for Windows, see
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Migration Guide • March 200726
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Chapter 7.
Deciding on the New Product Distribution
Directory Server 6.0 is provided in two distributions:
Java Enterprise System distribution. This distribution takes the form of operating
system-specic packages, such as pkg for Solaris and rpm for Linux.
Compressed archive (zip) distribution.
There are two major dierences between these two distributions:
1. Installation from zip can be done anywhere on the system and as a non-root user. The Java
Enterprise System distribution requires installation as a super user. It is also more dicult
from an automated deployment perspective to install the packages anywhere but in the
default location.
2. The zip distribution can be installed as many times as required and multiple distinct
versions of the same product can coexist on a single operating system instance. This is not
true for the Java Enterprise System distribution. The new version of certain shared
component packages required by Directory Server are incompatible with the previous
version of these packages. When you migrate to the new version of Directory Server using
the Java Enterprise System distribution, the old Directory Server version will no longer run
on that machine.
Outline of Migration Steps
Depending on your environment and the specic requirements of your organization, select the
appropriate packaging format. Note that the Sun Java Web Console is currently available only
in the Java Enterprise System distribution.
Outline of Migration Steps
Migration to Directory Server 6.0 can be broken down into the following distinct steps:
1. Migrating the Schema
2. Migrating the Security Settings
3. Migrating the Conguration
4. Migrating the Data
5. Migrating the Plug-Ins
6. Post-migration tasks
To avoid unforeseen problems with the migration, these steps should be performed in the order
listed above. In certain cases, you can automate some or all of these steps, using the dsmig
command. The following section indicates what can be automated and what must be done
manually, depending on your existing deployment.
Chapter 1 • Overview of the Migration Process for Directory Server27
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Deciding on Automatic or Manual Migration
Deciding on Automatic or Manual Migration
This section provides a table that shows when you can use dsmig and when you need to migrate
manually. It is based on the migration steps described in the previous section.
TABLE 1–1 Migration Matrix Showing Support for Automated Migration
FromToMigration Step
The following two chapters explain how to perform each migration step outlined above, either
automatically, or manually. For information on automatic migration, see Chapter 2.For
information on manual migration, see Chapter 3.
(32/64–bit) OSSchemaCongSecurityDataPlug-Ins
Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Migration Guide • March 200728
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Automated Migration Using the dsmig
Directory Server 6.0 provides a command-line migration tool to help you migrate from a
Directory Server 5.2 instance to a Directory Server 6.0 instance. You can only use the migration
tool if your deployment satises the requirements for automatic migration described in
“Deciding on Automatic or Manual Migration” on page 28.
The migration tool provides migration per instance. If several instances exist within the same
server root, the migration tool must be run for each individual instance.
This chapter explains how to use the migration tool and covers the following topics:
“About the Automatic Migration Tool” on page 29
“Prerequisites for Running dsmig” on page 30
“Using dsmig to Migrate the Schema” on page 30
“Using dsmig to Migrate Security Data” on page 31
“Using dsmig to Migrate Conguration Data” on page 31
“Using dsmig to Migrate User Data” on page 35
“Tasks to be Performed After Automatic Migration” on page 35
About the Automatic Migration Tool
The migration tool, dsmig, is delivered with the Directory Server 6.0 packages. When these
packages have been installed, dsmig is located in install-path/ds6/bin.
dsmig must be run on the machine on which the new Directory Server instance will be located.
When the command is run, a migration directory is created within the new instance directory
(new-instance-path/migration). This directory is a repository for data produced by the
migration, including log les and migration status les.
dsmig includes a set of sub-commands and options, that map to the individual migration steps
described in
dsmig, see dsmig(1M).
“Outline of Migration Steps” on page 27. For information about the usage of
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Prerequisitesfor Running dsmig
Prerequisites for Running dsmig
In this section, old instance refers to the 5.2 instance and new instance refers to the Directory
Server 6.0 instance.
Before you use dsmig to migrate an instance, ensure that the following tasks have been
The Directory Server 6.0 packages (either zip, or native packages) have been installed.
The Directory Server 6.0 packages can be installed on the same machine that holds the
Directory Server 5.2 instance, or on a dierent machine.
The old instance must have been stopped correctly.
A disorderly shutdown of the old instance will cause problems during the migration. Even if
the old and new instance are on dierent machines, the old instance must be stopped before
the migration is started.
dsmig has access to the old instance les.
If the old and new instances are on dierent machines, a complete image of the old instance
must be created on the machine that hosts the new instance.
The complete image includes all the les required for migration of the instance (schema,
conguration, security and database les). The complete image les must be located in the
same directories as they were under the original Server Root. You can run cp -r to achieve
this, provided none of the les have been relocated outside the Server Root.
You can create and start the new instance manually, but is not mandatory to create the new
instance before running dsmig. dsmig checks whether a new Directory Server instance exists in
the specied path. If a new instance exists, the commands are carried out on this instance. If a
new instance does exist, the instance is created automatically.
The new instance can be created anywhere except for the exact location of the old instance.
Using dsmig to Migrate the Schema
Directory Server 5.2 schema les are located in
serverRoot/slapd-instance-path/config/schema. Directory Server 6.0 schema les are located
in INSTANCE-PATH/config/schema.
Directory Server 6.0 provides a new schema le, 00ds6pwp.ldif, that contains new password
policy attributes. In addition, certain conguration attributes have been added to 00core.ldif.
Apart from these les, the standard schema les provided with Directory Server 6.0 are identical
to those provided in 5.2.
To migrate the schema automatically, run the following command: