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About This Quick Reference Manual1
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Features1
Software Requirements and Updates3
2.Turning the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS On and Off5
Powering On the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS5
Network Setup and System Configuration7
Shutting Down the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS8
3.Network Configuration11
How to Configure Server Properties11
How to Configure Network Adapters12
About Alias IP Addresses14
How to Set the Default Gateway Address14
How to Set Up DNS15
4.File Volume Operations17
File System Concepts17
How to Create File Volumes and Segments18
How to Attach Segments20
Configuring Directory Tree Quotas21
How to Create Sun StorEdge File Checkpoints23
5.Windows Configuration33
How to Configure Microsoft Networking33
How to Set Up WINS36
Windows Shares37
How to Configure Autohome Shares41
How to Publish Shares in ADS43
6.UNIX Configuration51
How to Configure Name Services51
How to Configure Hosts58
How to Set Up NFS Exports60
Mapping User and Group Credentials62
7.System Backup65
How to Set Up NDMP65
8.Monitoring and Notification67
How to Configure SNMP67
How to Set Up E-mail Notification69
How to Enable UPS Monitoring70
9.Managing RAID73
Configuring LUNs73
Configuring Hot Spares77
Viewing Controller Information79
Sending a Diagnostic E-mail Message81
ivSun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Contacting Technical Support83
viSun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
FIGURE 2-1Expansion Unit Back Panel 6
FIGURE 2-2Connecting the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS AC Power Cables 6
FIGURE 2-3Power Switch and Front Panel Detail 7
FIGURE 2-4The Shutdown Panel 9
FIGURE 2-5The LCD Panel Controls 9
FIGURE 3-1The Set Server Name Panel 11
FIGURE 3-2The Configure Network Adapters Panel 13
FIGURE 3-3The Set Gateway Address Panel 14
FIGURE 3-4The Set Up DNS Panel 15
FIGURE 4-1The Create File Volumes Panel 19
FIGURE 4-2The Attach Segments Panel 20
FIGURE 4-3The Configure Directory Tree Quotas Panel 21
FIGURE 4-4The Add DTQ Setting Dialog Box 22
FIGURE 4-5The Schedule Checkpoints Panel 24
FIGURE 4-6The Add Checkpoint Schedule Dialog Box 25
FIGURE 4-7The Manage Checkpoints Panel 26
FIGURE 4-8The Create Checkpoint Dialog Box 27
FIGURE 4-9The Configure Shares Panel 28
FIGURE 4-10The Add Share Dialog Box 29
FIGURE 4-11The Configure Shares Panel 30
FIGURE 4-12The Windows Start Menu 30
FIGURE 4-13The Run Dialog Box 31
FIGURE 5-1The Configure Domains and Workgroups Panel 34
FIGURE 5-2The Set Up WINS Panel 36
FIGURE 5-3The Configure Shares Panel 38
FIGURE 5-4The Add Share Dialog Box 39
FIGURE 5-5The Configure Autohome Shares Panel 42
FIGURE 5-6The Set Time and Date Panel 44
FIGURE 5-7The Configure Domains and Workgroups Panel 45
FIGURE 5-8The Configure Name Services Panel 47
FIGURE 5-9The Set Up DNS Panel 48
FIGURE 5-10The Add Share Dialog Box 49
FIGURE 6-1The Set Up NSSLDAP Panel 52
FIGURE 6-1The Set Up NIS Panel 53
FIGURE 6-2The Configure Name Services Panel 55
FIGURE 6-3The Set Up NIS+ Panel 56
FIGURE 6-4The Configure Name Services Panel 57
FIGURE 6-5The Set Up Hosts Panel 59
FIGURE 6-6The Add Host Dialog Box 59
FIGURE 6-7The Configure Exports Panel 60
FIGURE 6-8The Add NFS Exports Dialog Box 61
FIGURE 6-9The Configure Mapping Policy Panel 62
FIGURE 7-1The Set Up NDMP Panel 65
FIGURE 8-1The Configure SNMP Panel 68
FIGURE 8-2The Set Up Email Notification Panel 69
FIGURE 8-3The Enable UPS Monitoring Panel 71
FIGURE 9-1The Manage RAID Panel with Expansion Unit 74
FIGURE 9-2The Add LUN Dialog Box 75
FIGURE 9-3The Remove LUN Dialog Box 77
FIGURE 9-4The Add Hot Spare Dialog Box 78
FIGURE 9-5The Remove Hot Spare Dialog Box 79
viiiSun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
xiiSun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
About This Quick Reference Manual
This guide is designed as a quick reference to familiarize the user on using different
features and functions of the Sun StorEdge
displayed on your monitor may vary from those in this reference guide. For more
details on software features and functions, refer to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Software Installation, Configuration, and User Guide on the documentation CD.
5210 NAS software. The screens
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Features
Note – For the most current support information, please contact your Sun sales
Supported File Access Protocols
■ Microsoft networks (CIFS/SMB)
■ File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
(NFS), V2 and V3
Network Security/Protocols
Integrates with:
■ Windows Domain Controller
■ Network Logon (Netlogon) client
■ Windows Domain support
■ Multiple Master Domain (MMD) support
■ CIFS Security Descriptors (SD) on file and directories
■ Discretionary Access Control Lists (DACL) on files and directories
■ Supports DHCP, ARP, for automatic assignment of IP address
2Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Hardware RAID Subsystem
■ Multiple file system options
■ The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS is configured for maximum file protection using
hardware RAID 5 (disk striping with parity)
Data Management
■ Sun StorEdge File Checkpoint facility allows users to recover accidentally
damaged or deleted data with a simple file copy operation
■ Directory Tree Quotas
■ User and Group Quotas
Setup and Configuration
■ Web-Based User Interface for system configuration and administration
■ Command Line Interface for setting up FTP and for use by service personnel
(refer to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Software Installation, Configuration, and User
Guide on the documentation CD)
Client Data Backup
■ Network Backup
■ BakBone NetVault 7, supported by BakBone
■ Compatible with Solaris backup software, including Veritas NetBackup and Sun
StorEdge Enterprise Backup Software
Software Requirements and Updates
The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS system ships with the Web Administrator software
already installed. You do not need to install any software to manage the Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS.
Chapter 1 Introduction3
Web Administrator Requirements
To access the Web Administrator management interface, you must have the
following software:
■ Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/2003, Sun Solaris 5.7 Operating System, or Red Hat
■ Internet Explorer 5.5 (or later) on systems using Windows 98/NT/2000/XP
■ Netscape
98/NT/2000/XP/2003 and Sun Solaris Operating System. Netscape 6.0 and 6.01
are not supported.
■ Mozilla
■ Java
Note – To download the latest Java Plug-In, go to
4.77 (or later) software on systems using Windows
technology-enabled browser with Java Plug-In 1.3.1 (or later).
4Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Turning the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
On and Off
Powering On the Sun StorEdge 5210
Caution – ALWAYS power on the units in the following order:
1.Expansion unit(s) first.
2.Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Filer.
After making sure your network connection is secure, turn on the Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS following the steps below. If you do not have any expansion units, skip to Step
1. Verify that all cables between the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS and expansion unit(s)
are properly secured according to the Setting Up the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS poster
and the Attaching the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS and Expansion Units poster.
2. Connect both AC power cables to the back of each expansion unit.
Power Supply 2 Switch
AC Power Cord/Plug 2
FIGURE 2-1 Expansion Unit Back Panel
SCSI Cable to
NAS Filer Head
Power Supply 1 Switch
AC Power Cord/Plug 1
3. Connect the other end of the power cables to an AC power source.
4. For each expansion unit turn on the two power supply switches.
5. Connect one end of the AC power cable to the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
(Figure 2-2).
Network Cables
FIGURE 2-2 Connecting the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS AC Power Cables
SCSI Cable to optional
Expansion Unit
Note – To connect two expansion units, the NAS server must have two RAID cards
6. Repeat for the second cable.
7. Plug both power cables into an AC power source.
Caution – Both power cables must be connected before you turn on the power
6Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
AC Power Cords/Plugs
8. Press the Power button (Figure 2-3) on the front panel (behind the front cover).
FIGURE 2-3 Power Switch and Front Panel Detail
Network Setup and System
For a detailed explanation of network setup and system configuration, refer to the
Software Installation, Configuration, and User Guide "Introduction" on the
documentation CD.
If DHCP is supported, the IP address is automatically configured when you power
the system up for the first time.
Note – Write down the IP address for use in system configuration.
Network Setup without DHCP
If your network does not support DHCP, you must manually configure the IP
address using the NAS filer LCD panel controls by pressing the Select button once,
selecting Set Static IP, and selecting or specifying the required information and
saving the settings.
Chapter 2 Turning the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS On and Off7
System Configuration
To configure the NAS system, use a separate system with a Java-enabled browser
connected to the network.
1. Check that the network link LED is green and then enter in the browser window
the IP address for the NAS system in the format:
2. Click Apply to log in and follow the steps to complete the system configuration.
Note – Once you reach the login screen, you may want to bookmark it or add it to
your favorites so that you do not have to remember the IP address in the future.
Shutting Down the Sun StorEdge 5210
You can shut down the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS through the Web Administrator GUI
or the LCD panel.
Caution – Always follow the proper shutdown procedure to avoid the possibility of
data corruption. Never shutdown the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS file server by turning
off the power switches or pulling the power cords.
Shutting Down through Web Administrator
You can shutdown the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS using the Web Administrator.
To shu tdo wn:
1. Using the network-connected browser log on to the Web Administrator.
8Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
2. Open the shutdown panel by clicking System Operation > Shut Down the Server.
FIGURE 2-4 The Shutdown Panel
3. Select the shut down option you want by clicking on the radio button. The default
shut down option is “none”.
■ None
■ Halt the Server
■ Reboot the Server
■ Reboot Previous Version x.xx (This option is available only on Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS systems that have had OS updates.)
4. Click Apply.
Shutting Down through the LCD Panel
You can shutdown the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS file server using the LCD panel on
the front of the unit.
Up & Down
FIGURE 2-5 The LCD Panel Controls
Chapter 2 Turning the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS On and Off9
To shu tdo wn:
1. Press the Select button on the LCD panel to access menus.
2. The LCD panel displays options A and B. Press the Down Arrow to select option
“B. Shutdown Server” then press the Select button.
3. Press Select to select the “A. Power Off” option.
4. Press the Down Arrow to change “No” to “Yes”.
5. Press Select to confirm and begin shutting down.
10Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
Network Configuration
How to Configure Server Properties
Setting the Server Name
To set the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server name as it will appear on the network:
1. In the Web Administrator navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Set
Server Name.
FIGURE 3-1 The Set Server Name Panel
2. Set the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server name by entering it in the Server Name
box. The server name can include alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), “-” (dash), “_”
(underscore), and “.” (period) characters.
Note – The server name must begin with a letter (a-z or A-Z), not a number or a
symbol. For example “Astro2” and “Saturn_05” are acceptable server names.
However “5Saturn” and “_Astro2” are not.
3. Enter the contact information for your company.
4. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Configure Network Adapters
Look at the rear panel on the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to identify the NIC port
locations. You must know which NIC port you are configuring. For more
information, see the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Hardware Installation, Configuration, and User Guide included on the documentation CD.
Note – Contact your network administrator if you need help with any of the
network adapter settings.
12Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
To configure network adapters:
1. In the navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Configure TCP/IP >
Configure Network Adapters.
FIGURE 3-2 The Configure Network Adapters Panel
2. If your network uses a DHCP server to assign IP addresses and you want to
enable it, select the Enable DHCP checkbox. The default setting is “Enabled.”
Enabling DHCP lets the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server get an IP address from the
DHCP server.
Uncheck this checkbox if you want to manually enter a static IP address, subnet
mask, or gateway address. If you do not enable DHCP, the netmask is still disabled
if the port is a member of an aggregate port.
3. Select the port you want to configure from the Adapter list.
4. Enter the IP address for the selected NIC port.
5. Enter the Netmask for the selected NIC port.
The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS automatically fills in the read-only Broadcast field
when you enter the IP address and netmask. The broadcast address is the IP address
used to send broadcast messages to the subnet.
6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 for all ports in the adapter list.
7. Click Apply to save your changes.
Chapter 3 Network Configuration13
About Alias IP Addresses
On a Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS system, you can add up to nine alias IP addresses to
the primary IP address of each NIC port. Therefore, a single network interface card
with one port could provide up to 10 usable IP addresses.
To add an alias IP address to the selected NIC, enter it in the IP-Aliases field. Then
click the button to add it to the IP-Aliases list. If you need to remove an alias
from the list, select it and click the button. These changes are saved when you
click Apply.
How to Set the Default Gateway Address
The default gateway address is the IP address of the gateway or router on the local
subnet that is used by default to connect to other subnets.
To specify the default gateway address for the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS server:
1. In the navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Configure TCP/IP > Set
Gateway Address.
FIGURE 3-3 The Set Gateway Address Panel
2. Enter the gateway address in the Gateway text box.
3. Click Apply to save your changes.
14Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
How to Set Up DNS
DNS (Domain Name Server) resolves domain names to IP addresses for your Sun
StorEdge 5210 NAS system.
Note – If you are using Dynamic DNS, you do not need to manually update the
DNS database. If you are not using Dynamic DNS, be sure you add the Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS server host name and IP address to the DNS database before you enter the
values in this menu. Refer to your DNS documentation for more information.
To set up DNS:
1. In the navigation panel, select Network Configuration > Configure TCP/IP > Set
FIGURE 3-4 The Set Up DNS Panel
2. Select the Enable DNS checkbox to enable DNS. After you enable DNS, you must
fill in each DNS field in this screen.
3. Enter the DNS server domain name in the Domain Name box.
4. Enter the IP address of a DNS Server you want to make available to the network,
then click the button to add the server to the Server List.
Repeat this step for each DNS server you want to add. You can add up to two DNS
servers to this list.
Chapter 3 Network Configuration15
5. The DNS server at the top of the Server List is asked first for domain name
resolution. To rearrange the order of the DNS servers in the list, click on the
server you want to move and click the or buttons. To remove a server
from the list, select the server IP address and click .
6. Select the Enable Dynamic DNS checkbox if you want to add the Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS into the DNS namespace automatically. You must also configure the
Kerberos realm and KDC server in the Windows Configuration > Set Up ADS
panel. When you enable Dynamic DNS with this checkbox, non-secure dynamic
updates automatically occur if they are allowed by the DNS server.
7. If you want to enable secure Dynamic DNS updates, complete the following
information. You do not have to do this for non-secure updates.
a. In the DynDNS User Name field, enter the user name of a Windows 2000 user
who can verify the dynamic DNS updates. This user’s workstation must reside
within the ADS domain and Kerberos realm specified in the ADS tab screen.
If you enter the domain administrator name here and the ADS update fails, you
must change the domain administrator password (on the domain controller). This
is only required for the administrator user, and you can reuse the same password.
For more information, refer to the Microsoft Support Services Web site, Article
b. In the DynDNS Password field, enter the password of the DynDNS user. If you
are changing this field, delete the entire password before entering a new one.
8. Click Apply to save your changes.
16Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
File Volume Operations
File System Concepts
The following commonly used terms are briefly described in the following list.
RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks. RAID systems allow data
to be distributed to multiple drives through an array controller for greater data
security and recoverability. The Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS offers a RAID 5 array. For
more information on RAID and RAID types, see your RAID controller
LUN stands for Logical Unit Number. A LUN is a logical device, meaning it is
defined in software and does not necessarily conform to a physical device. In the
context of network attached storage (the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS) the LUN defines a
block of storage space, which must be organized and subdivided to be used
Partitions are sections on a LUN. Each LUN can have a maximum of four partitions.
Each partition can either have space allocated to it or be empty. When a LUN is first
created, all of the available space is located in the first partition, while the other
three partitions are empty. Each partition can “contain” only one file volume.
File Volume
File volumes are organized amounts of available storage space and are created from
partitions. The file volume is the space where the user stores information. If the
volume does not use up all of the available space in a partition, the remaining space
is automatically allocated to the next partition. After four volumes are created on a
LUN, any remaining space is inaccessible.
A segment is a portion of a partition that can be attached to an existing file volume
to increase its size. Segments can be “attached” to an existing file volume at any
time. If a file volume is nearly full, attaching a segment gives the users more space to
store data in. See “How to Attach Segments” on page 20 for more information.
How to Create File Volumes and
Every new file volume is limited to 255GB in size. If you want a larger file volume,
create one primary volume and up to 63 segments per LUN. Then attach the
segment(s) to the primary volume to increase its size. For more information about
attaching segments, refer to “How to Attach Segments” on page 20.
18Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
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