Sun Microsystems 3510 User Manual

Sun StorEdge™3000 Family
Best Practices Manual
Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Overview 1
Introduction 2
Overview 3
Fibre Channel Architecture 3
Fibre Channel Protocols 3
Supported RAID Levels 4
Logical Drives 4
Cache Optimization 5
Array Management Tools 6
Saving and Restoring Configuration Information 7
Direct-Attached Storage 7
Storage Area Networking 8
Scaling Capacity 9
First Steps 10
General Configuration Considerations 11
Non-Redundant DAS Configurations 12
Non-Redundant DAS Tips and Techniques 13
Non-Redundant DAS Setup Details 14
High-Availability DAS Configurations 15
High-Availability DAS Tips and Techniques 16
High-Availability DAS Setup Details 17
Full-Fabric SAN Configurations 19
Full-Fabric SAN Tips and Techniques 20
Full-Fabric SAN Setup Details 20
High-Performance SAN Configurations 23
High-Performance SAN Tips and Techniques 24
High-Performance SAN Setup Details 24
Summary 26
iv Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Best Practices Manual • October 2003

Best Practices for the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array

This document highlights Fibre Channel (FC) best practices which apply to the Sun StorEdge3510 FC array.


The Sun StorEdge3510 array is a next generation Fibre Channel storage system designed to provide direct attached storage (DAS) to entry-level, mid-range, and enterprise servers, or to serve as the disk storage within a storage area network (SAN). This solution features powerful performance and reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS) features using modern FC technology. As a result, the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array is ideal for performance sensitive applications and for environments with many entry-level, mid-range, and enterprise servers, such as:
This document gives a high level overview of the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array and outlines four sample storage solutions for entry-level, mid-range, and enterprise servers. The Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array supports multiple servers, so these solutions are designed to match the overall environment rather than the particular applications running within it. Use them as-is or tailor them to fit your exact needs. Examples of customization opportunities include adding disks, enclosures and software or even combining configurations. Choosing the solution that best matches each particular environment will provide the best results.


There are two popular methods for connecting storage to servers.
The original and still most widely used approach uses a direct connection
between a server and its storage system. A storage system connected in this manner is commonly referred to as direct-attached storage (DAS). The DAS solution of connecting each server to its own dedicated storage system is straight­forward, and the absence of storage switches can minimize costs in some instances.
A newer, more sophisticated technique places a storage switch between network
servers and storage systems, creating what has become known as a Storage Area Network (SAN). In many ways, these two methods create contrasting storage architectures providing their own unique mix of benefits. A SAN solution shares a storage system among multiple servers using storage switches, and reduces the total number of storage systems required for a particular environment but increases the complexity.
Direct-Attached Storage (DAS)
FIGURE 1 DAS and SAN Storage Architectures
Storage Area Network (SAN)
Selecting the best storage architecture for a particular environment can be a confusing exercise. In general, some environments are well-suited for DAS while others will benefit greatly from SAN.
The challenge of selecting between DAS and SAN is often further complicated by the need to choose between different storage systems – one designed for DAS or another intended for SAN. Fortunately, every Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array inherently supports both DAS and SAN.
2 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Best Practices Manual • October 2003


Fibre Channel Architecture

The Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array RAID controller has six fibre channels that can support 1 or 2 Gb data transfer speeds. RAID controller channels 0, 1, 4, and 5 are normally designated for connection to hosts or Fibre Channel switches. RAID controller channels 2 and 3 are dedicated drive channels.
In a dual RAID controller configuration, both RAID controllers have the same host channel designators, due to the architecture of the loops within the chassis. Each host channel of the top RAID controller shares a loop with the matching host channel on the bottom RAID controller. For example, channel 0 of the top RAID controller shares the same loop as channel 0 of the bottom RAID controller. This provides four distinct loops for connectivity with two ports per loop. The individual loops provide LUN failover without causing HBA path failover in the event of a controller failure.
Each I/O board has two ports designated as disk drive loops. These ports connect to the internal dual-ported Fibre Channel disk drives and are used to add expansion chassis to the configuration. The two drive loop ports on the upper I/O board form FC loop 2 while the two drive ports on the lower I/O board form FC loop 3. FC loop 2 provides a data path from both RAID controllers to the A loop of the internal disk drives, while FC loop 3 provides a data path from both RAID controllers to the B loop of the internal disk drives.
A single RAID controller configuration is slightly different. The lower I/O board has drive channels but does not have host channels. Overall, the same number of loops are available, but with half as many host channel ports.

Fibre Channel Protocols

The Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array supports point-to-point and Fibre Channel– Arbitrated Loops (FC–AL) protocols. Using the point-to-point protocol with the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array requires a switched fabric network (SAN), whereas selecting FC-AL mode enables the array to be used in either DAS or SAN environments. Using point-to-point protocol enables full-duplex use of the available channel bandwidth, whereas selecting FC-AL mode limits host channels to half-duplex mode.
Best Practices for the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array 3
In a point-to-point configuration, only one ID can be assigned to each host channel. If more than one ID is assigned, the point-to-point protocol rules are violated. Any host channel with more than one ID will not be able to log in to an FC switch in fabric mode. This one-ID-per-channelrequirement is true in both single-controller and dual- controller configurations. Thus, in dual-controller configurations, either the primary or the secondary controller can have an ID assigned, but not both. This yields:
(4 host channels) X (1 ID per channel) X (32 LUNs per ID) = 128 maximum addressable LUNs in a fabric point-to-point environment. If dual paths are desired for each logical device, a maximum of 64 dual-pathed LUNs are available.
In an FC-AL configuration, multiple IDs can be assigned to any given host channel. Although it is possible to add more, it is preferable that no more than four IDs be assigned to a controller on a given host channel. Thus no more that eight IDs should be assigned to any host channel if both primary and secondary controllers each have four IDs. This yields (4 host channels) X (8 IDs per channel) X (32 LUNs per ID) = 1024 maximum addressable LUNs in a FC-AL environment. However, configuring the maximum number of LUNs increases overhead and can have a negative impact on performance.
The FC-AL protocol should be selected for environments needing more than 128 LUNs, or where a switched fabric network is not available.

Supported RAID Levels

There are several RAID level choices: RAID 0, 1, 3, 5, 1+0 (10), 3+0 (30), and 5+0 (50). RAID levels 1, 3, and 5 are the most commonly used. The Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array supports the use of both global and local spare drives in the unlikely event of disk failure. It is good practice to use spare drives when configuring RAID devices. Refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware 3.27 User’s Guide, Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array (P/N 816-7934) for detailed information on how RAID levels and spare drives are implemented.

Logical Drives

A logical drive (LD) is a group of physical drives configured with a RAID level. Each LD can be configured for a different RAID level.
The Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array supports a maximum of eight LDs. A LD can be managed by either the primary or secondary controller. The best practice for creating LDs is to split them evenly across the primary and secondary controllers. The most efficient maximum configuration would have four LDs assigned to each controller.
4 Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Best Practices Manual • October 2003
With at least one LD assigned to each controller, both controllers are active. This configuration is known as an active-active controller configuration and allows maximum use of a dual controller array's resources.
Each LD can be partitioned in up to 128 separate partitions or used as a single partition. The partitions are presented to the host as LUNs.
Once the LDs have been created, assigned to a controller, and partitioned, the partitions must be mapped to host channels as LUNs in order for them to be seen by a host. It is usually desirable to map each partition to two host channels for redundant pathing.
A partition can only be mapped to a host channel where its controller has an assigned ID. For example, if LD 0 is assigned to the primary controller, all partitions on LD 0 will need to be mapped to a host channel ID on the primary controller (PID). Any LDs assigned to the secondary controller will need to have all partitions mapped to a host channel ID on the secondary controller (SID).
When attaching fibre cables for LUNs configured with redundant paths, make sure one cable is connected to an upper port channel and the other cable is connected to a different channel on the lower controller. Then, if multipathing software is configured on the host, a controller can be hot-swapped in the event of failure without losing access to the LUN.
For example, suppose partition 0 of LD0 is mapped to Channel 0 PID 42 and Channel 5 PID 47. To ensure that there is no single point of failure (SPOF), connect a cable from the host HBA or a switch port to the upper board port FC0, and connect a second cable from the lower board port FC5 to a different host HBA or switch.

Cache Optimization

The Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array can optimize the RAID devices for either sequential I/O or random I/O. Sequential I/O is the default setting.
The sequential optimization mode reads and writes data in large 128K blocks, in order to transfer information more efficiently for the kinds of applications most often employed. The logical drive, cache memory, and other controller internal parameters are adjusted for high throughput use such as video and imaging applications. The maximum allowable size of a logical drive optimized for sequential I/O is 2 terabytes (TB).
The random I/O optimization mode reads and writes data in small 32K blocks. When using random I/O optimization mode, the logical drive, cache memory, and other controller parameters are adjusted for the use of database/transaction­processing applications. The maximum allowable size of a logical drive optimized for random I/O is 512 GB. This limit constrains the number of disks that can be included in a logical drive.
Best Practices for the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC Array 5
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