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1.Tray Overviews1
Front-Access Components of the Trays2
LEDs on the Front of the Trays3
Rear-Access Components of the Trays5
Sun StorageTek 2540 Array6
SFP Transceivers7
Sun StorageTek 2530 Array8
Controller Tray and Drive Expansion Tray Power-Fan Assembly9
Sun StorageTek 2501 Array10
Drive Expansion Tray IOM10
Drive Expansion Tray IOM Connectors10
LEDs on the Rear of the Trays11
Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array11
Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array12
Controller Tray and Drive Expansion Tray Power-Fan Assembly LEDs13
IOM LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2501 Array15
Disk Drives16
LEDs on the Disk Drives18
Common Array Manager Software19
Service Advisor and Customer-Replaceable Units19
Overview of the Installation Process20
2.Installing Trays23
Preparing for the Installation24
Preparing the Universal Rail Kit24
Unpacking the Universal Rail Kit24
Loosening the Rail Adjustment Screws24
Preparing the Tray25
Preparing the Cabinet26
Planning the Order of the Tray Installation26
Attaching the Rails to a Cabinet27
Attaching the Universal Rail Kit to a Standard Sun or 19-Inch Cabinet With
Threaded Cabinet Rails27
Attaching the Universal Rail Kit to a Standard
19-Inch Cabinet With Unthreaded Cabinet Rails31
Installing a Tray in a Cabinet37
Connecting the Power Cables42
Intertray Cabling42
Array Configuration Naming Convention43
Connecting Expansion Trays44
Cabling an Expansion Tray to a Controller Tray45
Cabling an Expansion Tray to Another Expansion Tray45
Drive Module Cable Labeling47
Example Label Abbreviation47
Simplex Configurations47
Next Steps48
ivSun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
3.Connecting the Management Host and Data Hosts49
Connecting the Management Host49
Attaching the Ethernet Ports to the LAN of the Management Host50
Attaching the Ethernet Ports to the Management Host Using an Ethernet
Attaching the Ethernet Ports Directly to the Management Host With a Cross-
Over Cable51
Connecting Data Hosts to the 2540 Array51
2540 Array Data Host Connection Topologies52
2540 Array Data Host Connections54
▼To Connect Data Hosts Using Fibre Channel55
Connecting Data Hosts to the 2530 Array56
▼To Connect Data Hosts to a 2530 Array58
Host Cable Labeling59
Example Label Abbreviation59
Next Steps59
4.Powering On the Array61
Before Powering On61
Powering On the Array62
Powering Off the Array63
Next Steps64
5.Data Hosts, HBAs, and Other Software65
Data Host Software65
HBAs and Drivers65
Setting Up a Data Host On a Solaris System66
▼To Obtain Sun Solaris 8 and 9 Data Host Software67
▼To Install the SAN 4.4 Data Host Software67
▼To Obtain Traffic Manager for Operating Systems Other Than Solaris68
Installing Data Host Software for Operating Systems Other Than Solaris69
About Data Host Software For Non-Solaris Platforms69
Downloading and Installing Sun RDAC Software69
Enabling Multipathing Software70
▼Enabling Multipathing Software for Solaris 8 or 9 OS70
▼Enabling Multipathing Software for Solaris 10 OS71
Next Steps71
6.Configuring IP Addressing73
About IP Addressing73
Configuring the IP Address of the Array Controllers74
Configuring Dynamic (DHCP) IP Addressing74
Configuring Static IP Addressing75
Using the Serial Port Interface to Assign IP Addresses75
▼To Connect a Terminal to the Serial Port75
▼To Set Up the Terminal Emulation Program76
▼To Establish a Connection With the Serial Port77
▼To Configure the IP Addresses78
A.Configuring a DHCP Server81
Before You Begin81
Setting Up a Solaris DHCP Server81
Setting Up a Windows 2000 Advanced Server86
Installing the DHCP Server87
Configuring the DHCP Server87
B.Using DC Power91
DC Power Overview91
Installation Notes for DC Power92
viSun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
Ship Kit Changes93
DC Power LEDS93
Connecting Power Cables94
▼Connecting the Cables95
Turning Off the DC Power During an Emergency96
Relocation Cautions96
viiiSun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
FIGURE 1-1Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Product Overview 2
FIGURE 1-2Tray Front-Access Components 3
FIGURE 1-3Location of the LEDs on the Front of the Trays 4
FIGURE 1-9SAS Connectors on the Drive Expansion Tray IOM 10
FIGURE 1-10Locations of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array 11
FIGURE 1-11Locations of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array 12
FIGURE 1-12Locations of the Power-Fan Assembly LEDs 14
FIGURE 1-13Locations of the IOM LEDs 15
FIGURE 1-14Disk Drives 17
FIGURE 1-15Locations of the Disk Drive LEDs 18
FIGURE 2-1Loosening the Rail Screws to Adjust the Rail Length 25
FIGURE 2-2Positioning the Front of the Left Rail Behind the Left Front Cabinet Rail 28
FIGURE 2-3Securing the Left Rail to the Front of the Cabinet 29
FIGURE 2-4Adjusting the Length of the Left Rail at the Back of the Cabinet 30
FIGURE 2-5Securing the Left Rail to the Back of the Cabinet 31
FIGURE 2-6Inserting the Cabinet Rail Adapter Plate on the Cabinet Rail 32
FIGURE 2-7Adapter plate in place on the Cabinet Rail. 33
FIGURE 2-8Slide the flange of the rail behind the cabinet rail and between that and the hook of the rail
adapter plat.e, as shown. 34
FIGURE 2-9Securing the Rail to the Front left of the Cabinet 35
FIGURE 2-10Adjusting the Length of the Rail at the Back of the Cabinet 36
FIGURE 2-11Securing the Rail to the Back of the Cabinet 37
FIGURE 2-12Positioning the Tray in the Cabinet 38
FIGURE 2-13Array Controller Tray Installed 39
FIGURE 2-14Rail clip and rear mounting hole on rear of array tray. 40
FIGURE 2-15Securing the Tray to the Front of a Sun Rack 900/1000 Cabinet 41
FIGURE 2-16Expansion Ports on the Controller Tray 42
FIGURE 2-17Expansion Ports on an Expansion Tray 43
FIGURE 2-181x2 Array Configuration Cabling Example 45
FIGURE 2-191x3 Array Configuration Cabling 46
FIGURE 3-1Ethernet Ports for Controller A and Controller B 50
FIGURE 3-2Direct connection from a single data host server 53
FIGURE 3-3Direct Connection from two data host servers 53
FIGURE 3-4Data host connection through a Fibre Channel switch 53
FIGURE 3-5Mixed topology of data hosts connected directly and through FC switches 54
FIGURE 3-6Connecting the SFP and Fiber-optic Cable to a 2540 Controller 55
FIGURE 3-7FC host connectors on the 2540 controller. 55
FIGURE 3-8Direct Connection From a Single Host With Dual HBAs 56
FIGURE 3-9Direct connections from two data hosts with dual HBAs. 57
FIGURE 3-10Direct connections from three data hosts with dual HBAs. 57
FIGURE 3-11SAS Data Host Ports (on back of tray). 58
FIGURE 4-1Tray Power Connectors and Switches 62
FIGURE B-1Power Fan Assembly Locations. 92
FIGURE B-2DC Power Connector Cable and Source Wires 92
FIGURE B-3DC Power Module LEDs, Power Switch, and Power Cable Receptacle. 93
xSun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
TABLE 1-1Description of the LEDs on the Front of the Trays 4
TABLE 1-2Descriptions of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array 11
TABLE 1-3Descriptions of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array 12
TABLE 1-4Descriptions of the Power-Fan Assembly LEDs 14
TABLE 1-5Descriptions of the IOM LEDs 15
TABLE 1-6Descriptions of the Disk Drive LEDs 18
TABLE 1-7Disk Drive States Represented by the LEDs 19
TABLE 1-8Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Checklist 20
TABLE 2-1Controller and Expansion Tray Configurations 43
TABLE 6-1RJ45 to DIN Serial Cable Pinouts 76
TABLE B-1DC Power Module LEDs. 94
xiiSun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
The Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide describes how to
install rack-mounting rails and array modules on the Sun StorageTek 2500 Series
Host management, data host management, and remote command line interface (CLI)
functions are performed by the Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager software.
For installation and initial configuration of the Sun StorageTek 2500 Series array,
including firmware upgrades, initial array setup, partitioning domains, configuring
storage, and configuring IP addressing, see the Sun StorageTek Common ArrayManager Software Installation Guide.
Before You Read This Book
Before you begin to install the Sun StorageTek 2500 Series array, you must have
already prepared the site as described in these books:
■ Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Regulatory and Safety Compliance Manual
■ Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Site Preparation Guide
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the Sun StorageTek 2500 Series array and the
hardware installation process.
Chapter 2 describes how to install rack-mounting rails, controller modules, and
expansion cabinets in three Sun cabinets.
Chapter 3 describes how to connect the management host and data hosts to enable
access to the array.
Chapter 4 describes tray power-on procedures.
Chapter 5 describes data host software and what you need to do to acquire and
install it.
Chapter 6 describes how to configure IP addressing on the local management host
and the array controllers.
Appendix A describes how to set up a DHCP server.
Related Documentation
ApplicationTitlePart Number
Site planning informationSun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Site
Preparation Guide
Late-breaking information
not included in the
information set
Instructions for installing
the Common Array
Manager host
management software
Quick reference
information for the CLI
xiv Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Release
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager
Release Notes
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager
Software Installation Guide
Sun StorageTek 6130, 2500 Series, and
6540 Arrays sscs(1M) CLI Quick
ApplicationTitlePart Number
Regulatory and safety
Instructions for installing
the Sun StorageTek
Expansion cabinet
Instructions for installing
the Sun Rack 900/1000
Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array
Regulatory and Safety Compliance Manual
Sun StorageTek Expansion Cabinet
Installation and Service Manual
Sun Rack Installation Guide816-6386-nn
In addition, the Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array includes the following online
■ Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager online help
Contains system overview and configuration information.
■ Service Advisor
Provides guided FRU replacement procedures with system feedback. You can
access Service Advisor from the Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager
■ sscs man page commands for the CLI
Provides help on man page commands available on a management host or on a
remote CLI client.
Accessing Sun Documentation
You can obtain Sun network storage documentation at:
You can also view, print, or purchase a broad selection of other Sun documentation,
including localized versions, at:
Third-Party Web Sites
Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content,
advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites
or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage
or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content,
goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
Contacting Sun Technical Support
If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this
document, go to:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:
Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide, part number 820-0015-10.
xvi Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
Tray Overviews
The Sun StorageTek 2540 Array, the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array, and the Sun
StorageTek 2501 Array are a family of storage products that provide high-capacity,
high-reliability storage in a compact configuration.
The Sun StorageTek 2540 Array is a modular, rackmountable controller tray. It is
scalable from a single dual-controller tray (1x1) configuration to a maximum
configuration of 1x3 with two additional drive expansion trays behind one controller
All three of the trays can be installed in the following cabinets:
■ Sun Rack 900/1000 cabinet
■ Sun StorageTek Expansion cabinet
■ Any 19-inch wide, 4-post, EIA-compatible rack or cabinet with a front-to-back
depth between vertical cabinet rails of 61 cm to 91 cm (24 in. to 36 in.). The
cabinet can have threaded or unthreaded cabinet rails.
The Sun StorageTek 2540 Array and the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array contain disk
drives for storing data and controllers that provide the interface between a
management and/or data host and the disk drives. The Sun StorageTek 2540 Array
provides a Fibre Channel connection from the data host to the controller. The Sun
StorageTek 2530 Array provides a Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) connection from the
data host to the controller.
The Sun StorageTek 2501 Array drive expansion tray provides additional storage.
You can attach the drive expansion tray to either the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array or
the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array.
FIGURE 1-1 Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Product Overview
Data hosts
Expansion trays
Controller tray
Ethernet out-of-band
Redundant Fibre Channel
FC switch
FC switch
Host 1
Host 2
Host 3
Host 4
Host 5
management host
Front-Access Components of the Trays
Components that are accessed through the front of the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array,
the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array, and the Sun StorageTek 2500 Array are identical in
appearance. The disk drives in your controller tray might differ in appearance from
those shown in FIGURE 1-2. The variation does not affect the function of the disk
2Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
management host
The front-access components include the following:
■ End caps – Plastic, removable caps on the right and left side of the tray. Numbers
on the side of the right end cap indicate the numbering of the drives.
■ LEDs (light emitting diodes) – Four LEDs located on the on the left-side end cap
■ Disk drives – Twelve removable disk drives
FIGURE 1-2 Tray Front-Access Components
1. End Caps
2. Disk Drives
3. Tray LEDs
LEDs on the Front of the Trays
The four LEDs on the front of the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array, the Sun StorageTek
2530 Array, and the Sun StorageTek 2501 Array are identical in appearance and
function. The LEDs are located on the left-side endcap of the tray.
Chapter 1 Tray Overviews3
FIGURE 1-3 Location of the LEDs on the Front of the Trays
TABLE 1-1Description of the LEDs on the Front of the Trays
1LocateWhiteIndicates a failed component on
Normal condition
this tray. The locate light is
turned on manually by CAM to
help you find the tray that
requires attention.
2Service Action
Required (Fault)
AmberA component within the tray
requires attention.
AmberThe tray temperature has
reached an unsafe level.
The components in the tray are
operating normally.
The tray temperature is within
operational range.
4PowerGreenPower is present.Power is not present.
4Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
Rear-Access Components of the Trays
Components that are accessed from the rear of the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array and
the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array controller trays include:
■ Controller Modules – Two removable controller modules.
■ Power-fan assembly – Two removable power supply modules with cooling fans.
The power-fan assembly is identical and interchangeable to the power-fan
assemblies used for Sun StorageTek 2501 Array drive expansion tray.
FIGURE 1-4 Controller Tray Rear-Access Components
1. Controller Modules
2. Power-Fan Assembly
Components that are accessed from the rear of the Sun StorageTek 2501 Array drive
expansion tray are:
■ I/O Modules (IOMs) – Two removable input/output modules
■ Power-fan assemblies – Two removable power supply modules with cooling
fans. The power-fan assembly is identical and interchangeable to the power-fan
assemblies used for Sun StorageTek 2540 Array and the Sun StorageTek 2540
The Sun StorageTek 2540 Array and the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array have two
controllers. The controllers manage the input/output (I/O) between the volumes
and the data host. The controllers have an Ethernet connection to the management
host for out-of-band management and contain a battery that provides backup power
to the 1 GB DIMM cache memory for up to three days in the event of a power loss.
Because each controller tray contains two controllers, the data path through one
controller can fail and the other controller provides a redundant data path to all of
the disk drives. If a controller fails, you can replace the failed controller while the
power is applied and the storage array is processing data (a hot swap). The system
automatically updates the firmware for the new controller so that it matches the
configuration database.
Each controller has a media access control (MAC) address that identifies it on the
network. The MAC address for a controller is on a label on the controller. The MAC
address label is attached to the controller in two places: at the top of the tray and at
the rear of the tray.
The tray ID numbers are set by the trays themselves on first power on. However,
you can change the setting through the Common Array Manager software. The tray
ID numbers on both of the controllers in one controller tray are identical under
optimal operating conditions.
Sun StorageTek 2540 Array
This Fibre Channel (FC) controller tray provides the following capabilities:
6Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
■ Two data host connectors per controller that can support either a fiber-optic
interface or a copper interface with 1, 2, or 4 Gb/s data host connection speed
■ One drive expansion tray Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) connector with 3 Gb/s drive
expansion tray connection speed
■ 512-MB or 1-GB mirrored cache
■ Maximum connection of 36 disk drives (one controller tray and two drive
expansion trays)
When fiber-optic cables are used to connect to the data host, a Small Form-factor
Pluggable (SFP) transceiver is required to make the connection.
FIGURE 1-6 Sun StorageTek 2540 Array Connectors
1. Drive Expansion Tray Connector
(SAS Out)
2. Ethernet Management Host
3. Fibre Channel Data Host
Connectors or Copper Data Host
4. RS-232 Connector (Diagnostics
Por t)
5. Not Used
SFP Transceivers
You can connect the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array to either copper host interface cables
or fiber-optic host interface cables. If you use fiber-optic cables, you must install an
SFP transceiver in each interface connector on the controller where a fiber-optic cable
is to be installed. The SFP transceiver is required to translate the optical signals from
the fiber-optic cable into digital signals for the controller.
Note – The SFP transceiver shown might look different from those that are shipped
with your controller tray. The difference does not affect transceiver performance.
Chapter 1 Tray Overviews7
FIGURE 1-7 SFP Transceiver for the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array
1. Data Host Connector
2. SFP Transceiver
3. Fiber-Optic Cable
Sun StorageTek 2530 Array
This SAS controller tray provides the following capabilities:
■ Three SAS host connectors with 3 Gb/s host connection speed
■ One drive expansion tray SAS connector for the drive channel with 3 Gb/s drive
expansion tray connection speed
■ 512-MB or 1-GB mirrored cache
■ Maximum connection of 36 disk drives (one controller tray and two drive
expansion trays)
8Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
FIGURE 1-8 Sun StorageTek 2530 Array Controller Connectors
1. Drive Expansion Tray
Connector (SAS Out)
2. Ethernet Management Host
3. SAS Data Host Connectors
4. RS-232 Connector
(Diagnostics Port)
Controller Tray and Drive Expansion Tray PowerFan Assembly
The power-fan assembly for the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array, the Sun StorageTek 2530
Array, and the Sun StorageTek 2501 Array is identical and interchangeable.
Note – A minimum of two disk drives must be operating in a controller tray or a
drive expansion tray to avoid generating a power-fan assembly error.
The power-fan assembly contains an integrated cooling fan. The power supply
provides power to the internal components by converting incoming AC voltage to
DC voltage. The fan circulates air inside of the tray by pulling air in through the
vents on the front of the assembly and pushing the air out of the vents on the back
of each fan.
Each tray contains two power-fan assemblies. If one power supply is turned off or
malfunctions, the other power supply maintains electrical power to the tray.
Likewise, the fans provide redundant cooling. If one of the fans in either fan housing
fails, the remaining fan continues to provide sufficient cooling to operate the tray.
The remaining fan runs at a higher speed until the failed fan is replaced. Replace the
failed fan as soon as possible.
Chapter 1 Tray Overviews9
Sun StorageTek 2501 Array
The drive expansion tray expands the storage capacity of a storage array. The
controllers in the controller tray can connect to the drive expansion tray and access
the disk drives in the drive expansion tray for additional storage. A drive expansion
tray contains both physical components (disk drives, IOMs, and power-fan
assemblies) and logical components (virtual disks and volumes).
Drive Expansion Tray IOM
The drive expansion tray contains two IOMs that provide the interface between the
disk drives in the drive expansion tray and the controllers in the controller tray. The
IOM also monitors sub-system parameters. Each controller in the controller tray
connects to an IOM.
If one IOM fails, the other IOM provides a redundant data path to the disk drives.
You can replace a failed IOM while the power to the storage array is turned on and
the storage array is processing data (a hot swap).
Drive Expansion Tray IOM Connectors
The IOM connects to the controller tray and drive expansion trays with SAS cables.
Each IOM in a drive expansion tray has two SAS expansion connectors. One
connector shows an up arrow, and the other connector shows a down arrow.
FIGURE 1-9 SAS Connectors on the Drive Expansion Tray IOM
When connecting the SAS cable from an IOM in one drive expansion tray to an IOM
in another drive expansion tray, connect from a down arrow to an up arrow. If the
cable is plugged into two connectors with arrows of the same direction,
communication between the two drive expansion trays is lost.
10Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
1. SAS Connector (Up
2. SAS Connector
(Down Arrow)
3. Serial Connector
LEDs on the Rear of the Trays
Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2540
FIGURE 1-10 Locations of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array
TABLE 1-2Descriptions of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array (1 of
1Link FaultAmberAt least one link has an error.Normal condition
2Drive LinkGreenAt least one link is active.At least one link has an error
3Battery FaultAmberIndicates a fault within the
4Cache ActiveGreenCaching is enabled.
5Service Action
6Service Action
Required (Fault)
7PowerGreenPower is present.No power is applied to the
battery backup unit.
When blinking, the cache has
BlueThe controller can be removed
from the controller tray.
AmberIndicates a fault within the
Normal condition
Indicates a problem if caching is
The controller cannot be
removed from the controller
Normal condition
controller tray.
Chapter 1 Tray Overviews11
TABLE 1-2Descriptions of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array (2 of
8Ethernet LinkGreenThe connection is active.The connection is not active.
10 and 11 Host LinkGreenBoth LEDs on indicate a 4-Gb/s
Green100BASE-TX connection is
data rate from the management
software host.
The 100BASE-TX connection is
not active.
Both LEDs off indicate no link
to the management software
Left LED on and right LED off
indicate a 1-Gb/s data rate from
the management software host.
Right LED on and left LED off
indicate a 2-Gb/s data rate from
the management software host.
Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2530
FIGURE 1-11 Locations of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array
TABLE 1-3Descriptions of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array (1 of
1LinkGreenAt least one link is active.All links have failed.
2Link FaultAmberAt least one link has an error.Normal condition.
3Battery FaultAmberIndicates a fault within the
Normal condition.
battery backup unit.
12Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Hardware Installation Guide • March 2007
TABLE 1-3Descriptions of the Controller LEDs on the Sun StorageTek 2530 Array (2 of
4Cache ActiveGreenCaching is enabled.
5Service Action
6Service Action
Required (Fault)
7PowerGreenPower is present.No power is applied to the
8Ethernet LinkGreenThe connection is active.The connection is not active.
When blinking, the cache has
BlueThe controller can be removed
from the controller tray.
AmberIndicates a fault within the
Green100BASE-TX connection is
Indicates a problem if caching is
The controller cannot be
removed from the controller
Normal condition
controller tray.
The 100BASE-TX connection is
not active.
Controller Tray and Drive Expansion Tray PowerFan Assembly LEDs
The power-fan assembly LEDs for the Sun StorageTek 2540 Array, the Sun
StorageTek 2530 Array, and the Sun StorageTek 2501 Array are identical.
Chapter 1 Tray Overviews13
FIGURE 1-12 Locations of the Power-Fan Assembly LEDs
TABLE 1-4Descriptions of the Power-Fan Assembly LEDs