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1Quick Start5
Variable Names and Default Paths5
About Application Server Administration6
Starting the Server7
Starting the Domain Administration Server7
▼ To Start the Domain on Solaris and Linux7
▼ To Start the Domain on Windows8
Logging in to the Admin Console9
▼ To Log In to the Admin Console9
Examining the Log File11
▼ To View the Domain Administration Server Log File11
Creating a Cluster12
▼ To Start the Node Agent12
▼ To Create a Cluster12
Deploying an Application15
▼ To Deploy the Sample Application15
▼ To Start the Cluster16
▼ To Verify the Application Deployment16
Setting up Load Balancing17
Installing Web Server Software18
▼ To Install the Web Server Using the Java Enterprise System Installer18
▼ To Install the Web Server for Stand-Alone Application Server
Installing the Load Balancer Plug-in19
▼ To Install the Load Balancer Plug-in19
Creating a Load Balancer Configuration19
▼ To Create an HTTP Load Balancer Configuration20
Starting Load Balancing20
Verifying Load Balancing20
▼ To Verify Load Balancing21
Cleaning Up22
▼ To Uninstall Completely22
▼ To Remove the Sample Cluster Only23
Where to Go Next24
2Quick Start for Setting Up High Availability Failover25
About High Availability Clusters and HADB26
HADB Preinstallation Steps26
▼ To Configure Your System for HADB27
Installing HADB28
▼ To Install HADB28
Starting HADB28
▼ To Start HADB in a Java Enterprise System Installation on Solaris or
▼ To Start HADB in a Java Enterprise System Installation on Windows29
▼ To Start HADB in a Stand-Alone Installation on Solaris or Linux29
▼ To Start HADB in a Stand-Alone Installation on Windows30
Configuring a Cluster and Application for High Availability30
▼ To Configure a Cluster and Application for High Availability30
Restarting the Cluster31
▼ To Restart the Cluster31
Verifying HTTP Session Failover32
▼ To Verify HTTP Session Failover32
Cleaning Up33
▼ To Uninstall Completely34
▼ To Remove the Sample Cluster35
Where to Go Next37
4Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide
Quick Start
Welcome to the Quick Start Guide. This guide is for developers, system
administrators, and Application Server administrators who are interested in learning
about the capabilities of the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 2005Q2 software.
This guide describes basic and advanced steps for using Application Server. The steps
are presented in the order that you should complete them. The basic steps, which
usually require less than 45 minutes to complete, are in these sections:
“Starting the Server” on page 7
“Creating a Cluster” on page 12
“Deploying an Application” on page 15
The advanced steps, which usually require about 45 minutes to complete, are in these
The steps for setting up load balancing, in “Setting up Load Balancing” on page
The steps for setting up high availability and failover, in Chapter 2
The final sections of this guide include instructions for cleaning up and information on
sources of information to use after completing this Quick Start Guide.
Variable Names and Default Paths
The following table describes what the variable names and default paths are for the
directories used in this guide. Variable names are in the first column, and default paths
are in the second column.
Variable NameDescription and Path
install-dirBy default, the Application Server installation directory is located
Solaris Java Enterprise System installations:
Linux Java Enterprise System installations:
Windows Java Enterprise System installations:
Solaris and Linux stand-alone Application Server installations,
non-root user: user_home_directory/SUNWappserver
Solaris and Linux stand-alone Application Server installations,
root user: /opt/SUNWappserver
Windows stand-alone installations:
domain_root_dirBy default, the directory containing all domains is located here:
domain_dirBy default, domain directories are located here: domain_root_dir
Solaris Java Enterprise System installations:
Linux Java Enterprise System installations:
All other installations: install-dir/domains/
About Application Server
To enable administrators to manage server instances and clusters running on multiple
hosts, Application Server provides these tools:
The Admin Console, a browser-based graphical user interface (GUI)
These tools connect to a server called the Domain Administration Server, a specially
designated Application Server instance that intermediates in all administrative tasks.
The Domain Administration Server (DAS) provides a single secure interface for
validating and executing administrative commands regardless of which interface is
6Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide
A domain is a collection of configuration data, deployed applications, and machines
with a designated administrator. The domain definition describes and can control the
operation of several applications, stand-alone application server instances, and
clusters, potentially spread over multiple machines. When the DAS is installed, a
default domain called domain1 is always installed. You work with the default domain
in this guide.
To complete most of the steps presented in this guide, you will use the Admin
Starting the Server
This topic, the first of three basic topics, provides the following sections
“Starting the Domain Administration Server” on page 7
“Logging in to the Admin Console” on page 9
“Examining the Log File” on page 11
Starting the Domain Administration Server
To start the Domain Administration Server, start the default domain, domain 1, using
the following procedures.
Note – Because this guide instructs you to set an environment variable
AS_ADMIN_USER for administrative user name, it does not instruct you to supply a
user name argument when the asadmin command is used. Without the environment
variable, you supply this argument when you type the command. The general syntax
For example, if your user name is admin, the syntax for asadmin start-domain is:
asadmin start-domain --user admin domain1
▼To Start the Domain on Solaris and Linux
1. Add the install-dir/bin/ directory to the PATH environment variable.
2. Set the AS_ADMIN_USER environment variable so that you do not need to type it
for every command.
Chapter 1 • Quick Start7
Set the value of AS_ADMIN_USER to the admin user you specified when you
installed the Application Server. For example, setenv AS_ADMIN_USER admin
3. Start the server by entering this command from the install-dir:
asadmin start-domain domain1
When you are prompted for the admin password and the master password, enter
the passwords that you provided during installation.
4. A message appears telling you that the Domain Administration Server is
Starting Domain domain1, please wait. Log redirected to
5. When the startup process has completed, an additional message appears:
Domain domain1 started
▼To Start the Domain on Windows
1. From the Explorer window or desktop, right click My Computer.
2. Choose Properties to display the System Properties dialog.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Click Environment Variables.
5. In the User variables section:
If a PATH variable exists, verify that install-dir\bin exists in the path:
If a PATH variable is not present, click New. In Variable Name, type PATH.In
Variable Value, type the path to the server’s bin directory: install-dir\bin.
Click OK to commit the change.
6. Add a new environment variable AS_ADMIN_USER and set it to the
Administrative User Name that you assigned during installation.
7. Click OK to commit the change and close the remaining open windows.
8. Start the Application Server
For Java Enterprise System installations, from the Start menu, choose
Programs ⇒ Sun Microsystems ⇒ Application Server⇒ Start Admin Server.
For stand-alone installations, from the Start menu, choose Programs ⇒ Sun
Microsystems ⇒ Application Server EE ⇒ Start Admin Server.
8Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide
9. When a command prompt window opens to prompt you for the admin password
and the master password, enter the passwords that you provided during
A window appears with a message telling that you the server is starting:
Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
Log redirected to domain_dir\domain1\logs\server.log...
When the startup process has completed, you see an additional message:
Domain domain1 started.
Press any key to continue ...
10. Press a key to close the message window.
Logging in to the Admin Console
The Admin Console is a browser interface that simplifies a variety of administration
and configuration tasks. It is commonly used to:
Deploy and undeploy applications
Enable, disable, and manage applications
Configure resources and other server settings
Configure clusters and node agents
Manage server instances and clusters
Select and view log files
For further information about using the Admin Console, consult the online help or the
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration Guide.
▼To Log In to the Admin Console
1. Type this URL in your browser:
https:// localhost:4849/asadmin
Because the Admin Console is a secure web application, you must use https
instead of http.
Replace the localhost variable with the name of the system that the Domain Admin
Server is running on.
4849 is the Admin Console’s default port number. If you changed the port number
during the installation, use that number instead.
Chapter 1 • Quick Start9
Note – If a popup window appears with a message such as Website Certified
by an Unknown Authority, click OK.
This message appears because your browser does not recognize the self-signed
certificate that the Domain Administration Server uses to service the Admin
Console over the secure transmission protocol.
2. When the log in window appears, enter the admin user name and password.
3. Click Log In.
When the Admin Console appears, it looks like this:
In the left pane, select what you want to manage from the tree provided. In the
right pane, various administrative tasks are listed under the “Common Tasks”
Tip – Click the Registration tab to register your software if you have not already
done so.
10Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide
Examining the Log File
Application Server instances and the Domain Administration Server produce
annotated logs on the file system. By default, all errors, warnings or useful informative
messages are logged.
▼To View the Domain Administration Server Log File
1. From the Common Tasks list in the right pane, click Search Log Files to launch a
new browser window for Log Viewer.
2. In the Log Viewer window, select “server” from the Instance Name drop–down
list and click Search.
The Domain Administration Server’s recent log file entries are displayed.
3. Scan the messages and look for any WARNING or SEVERE messages indicating
that problems were encountered during server start-up.
You can close Log Viewer at any time. After you create clusters and deploy
applications, examine log files if any of the operations failed. Use Log Viewer to
view the log files of any running Application Server instance in the domain.
For more information about the log file, see Chapter 16, “Configuring Logging,” in
Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Administration
Chapter 1 • Quick Start11
Next Steps
▼To Start the Node Agent
In this section you started the Domain Administration Server and confirmed that it is
running. You also logged in to the Admin Console and used the Log Viewer. You can
stop the Quick Start trail here if you do not wish to continue, or you can go on to the
next section.
Creating a Cluster
This section, the second of three basic topics, explains how to create a cluster that
contains two Application Server instances. For simplicity, the cluster runs completely
within one machine. This topic includes the following tasks:
“To Start the Node Agent” on page 12
“To Create a Cluster” on page 12
A node agent is a lightweight process running on each machine that participates in an
Application Server administrative domain. The node agent is responsible for starting
and stopping server instances on the host. It also collaborates with the Domain
Administration Server to create new Application Server instances.
One node agent is needed on a machine, for each Application Server administrative
domain that the machine belongs to. If you chose the Node Agent Component during
installation, a default node agent called hostname was created.
1. In a terminal window, type this command:
asadmin start-node-agent hostname
Replace the variable hostname with the name of the host where the Application
Server is running.
2. When you are prompted, provide the master password.
The node agent starts and connects with the Domain Administration Server.
Note – If the Domain Administration Server is not running, the node agent might
fail to start.
▼To Create a Cluster
A cluster is a group of server instances (typically on multiple hosts) that share the same
configurations, resources, and applications. A cluster facilitates load balancing across
server instances and high availability through failover. You can create clusters
12Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q2 Quick Start Guide
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