Sun Microsystems 1290 User Manual

Netra™1290 Server Installation
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Part No. 819-4372-10 May 2006, Revision A
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Preface ix
1. Unpacking and Installing the Server 1
Unpacking the Server 1
Installing Slide Rails 4
Adjusting the Slide Rail Assembly 5
Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a Sun Fire or Sun StorEdge Cabinet 9
To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Bottom Position 9 To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Top Position 10
Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a Sun Rack 900 Cabinet 11
To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Bottom Position 11 To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Top Position 13
Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a 19-Inch 4-Post Cabinet 13
To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in a 19-Inch 4-Post Cabinet 13
Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a 19-Inch 2-Post Rack 14
To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in a 19-Inch 2-Post Rack 15
Installing the Server in a Cabinet 15
Installing Slide Rail Lock Nuts 22
Installing the Cable Management Arm 24
Connecting Power Cables 33
Connecting Consoles to the System Controller 34
Connecting the I/O Assemblies 37
Installing Additional Hardware 37
Installing Additional Peripheral Devices 38
2. Setting Up 39
Setup Process 39
Setting Up the Hardware 40
On/Standby Switch 40
Disabling Operation of the On/Standby Switch 41
Powering On the Server 41
Bringing the Server to Standby Mode 42
Setting Up the Server 44
Installing and Booting the Solaris Operating System 46
Installing the Lights Out Management Packages 47
A. Netra 1290 Server Connections 53
External I/O Connection Locations 53
PCI+ IB_SSC Assemblies 54
SCSI Connector 55
SCSI Implementation 56
Alarms Port 56
NET0/NET1 Ethernet Ports 57
10/100BASE-T LOM Ethernet Port 58
Twisted-Pair Ethernet Cable-Type Connectivity 59
LOM Serial A and Serial B Ports 59
Using a DB-25 Adapter for Your Serial Link 61
Using a DB-9 Adapter for Your Serial Link 61
iv Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006


FIGURE 1-1 Opening the Shipping Carton 2 FIGURE 1-2 Removing the Carton Pieces 3 FIGURE 1-3 Slide Rail Assembly (Standard Configuration) 5 FIGURE 1-4 Spring Clips and Cutouts 7 FIGURE 1-5 Slide Rail Assembly–Modified for 2-Post Installation 8 FIGURE 1-6 Installing the Slide Rails in a Sun Fire Cabinet 10 FIGURE 1-7 Installing the Rails in a Sun Rack 900 Cabinet or 19-Inch Four-Post Cabinet 12 FIGURE 1-8 Releasing the Door Hinge Mechanism 16 FIGURE 1-9 Removing the Shipping Cradle Bolts 17 FIGURE 1-10 Inserting the Lifting Device Into the Shipping Cradle 18 FIGURE 1-11 Aligning the Rails 19 FIGURE 1-12 Removing the Shipping Cradle 20 FIGURE 1-13 Pushing the Server Into the System Cabinet 21 FIGURE 1-14 Tightening the Securing Screws 21 FIGURE 1-15 Inserting and Tightening the Spacers 23 FIGURE 1-16 Inserting and Tightening the Lock Nut 23 FIGURE 1-17 CMA Bracket Mounting Holes 24 FIGURE 1-18 CMA–Lite Cable Management Arm 25 FIGURE 1-19 Upper and Lower CMA Arms, and Left-Hand and Right-Hand T-Brackets 26 FIGURE 1-20 Upper and Lower Pivot Bracket Mounting Holes 27
FIGURE 1-21 Attaching the Upper CMA Arm and Pivot Bracket 28 FIGURE 1-22 Attaching the Lower CMA Arm and Pivot Bracket 29 FIGURE 1-23 Attaching the Left-Hand T-Bracket 30 FIGURE 1-24 Attaching the Right-Hand T-Bracket 31 FIGURE 1-25 Attaching the Upper and Lower CMA Arms to the T-Bracket 32 FIGURE 1-26 System Controller and I/O Assembly Locations 36 FIGURE 2-1 Netra 1290 Server On/Standby Switch 40 FIGURE A-1 External I/O Connection Locations 54 FIGURE A-2 68-Pin SCSI Connector 55 FIGURE A-3 DB-15 (Male) Alarms Service Port Connector 56 FIGURE A-4 RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet Connectors 58 FIGURE A-5 RJ-45 TPE Socket 58 FIGURE A-6 RJ-45 Serial Connectors 60
vi Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006


TABLE A-1 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout 55 TABLE A-2 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout (continued) 56 TABLE A-3 Alarms Service Port Connector Pinout 57 TABLE A-4 RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet Connector Pinout 58 TABLE A-5 Twisted-pair Ethernet Connector Pinout 59 TABLE A-6 TPE STP-5 Cable Lengths 59 TABLE A-7 RJ-45 Serial Connector Pinout 60 TABLE A-8 Default Settings for Connecting to LOM Serial A 60 TABLE A-9 Pin Interconnections Performed by the Sun DB-25 Adapter 61 TABLE A-10 Pin Interconnections Performed by a DB-9 Adapter 61
viii Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006
The Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide provides detailed procedures that describe the installation, power-on, and configuration of the Netra™ 1290 server into a rack. This document is written for technicians, system administrators, authorized service providers (ASPs), and users who have experience installing and configuring computer hardware.
How This Document Is Organized
Chapter 1 describes how to unpack your server and install it into a cabinet or rack.
Chapter 2 describes how to cable, power on, and perform setup tasks with your
Appendix Aprovides connector locations, signals, and pinouts.
Using UNIX Commands
This document might not contain information about basic UNIX®commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. Refer to the following for this information:
Software documentation that you received with your system
Solaris™ Operating System documentation, which is at:
Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell machine-name% C shell superuser machine-name# Bourne shell and Korn shell $ Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
AaBbCc123 What you type, when contrasted
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Meaning Examples
Edit your.login file.
and directories; on-screen computer output
with on-screen computer output
words to be emphasized. Replace command-line variables with real names or values.
Use ls -a to list all files. % You have mail.
% Password:
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide. These are called class options. Yo u must be superuser to do this. To delete a file, type rm filename.
x Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006
Related Documentation
The documents listed as online are available at:
Application Title Part Number Format Location
Pointer doc Netra 1290 Server Getting Started Guide 819-4378-10 Printed
Service Netra 1290 Server Service Manual 819-4373-10 PDF Online
Administration Netra 1290 Server System Administration
Updates Netra 1290 Server Product Notes 819-4375-10 PDF Online
Compliance Netra 1290 Server Safety and Compliance
819-4374-10 PDF Online
819-4376-10 PDF Online
Shipping kit Online
Documentation, Support, and Training
Sun Function URL
Documentation Support Training
Third-Party Web Sites
Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
Preface xi
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:
Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide, part number 819-4372-10
xii Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006

Unpacking and Installing the Server

This chapter describes unpacking and installing the Netra 1290 server into a rack. Topics include:
“Unpacking the Server” on page 1
“Installing Slide Rails” on page 4
“Installing the Server in a Cabinet” on page 15
“Installing Slide Rail Lock Nuts” on page 22
“Installing the Cable Management Arm” on page 24
“Connecting Power Cables” on page 33
“Connecting Consoles to the System Controller” on page 34
“Connecting the I/O Assemblies” on page 37
“Installing Additional Hardware” on page 37
“Installing Additional Peripheral Devices” on page 38

Unpacking the Server

To Unpack the Server

1. Ensure there is adequate space around the server to maneuver a computer lifting device.
2. Remove the yellow Customer Information Sheet from the plastic pocket on the side of the packaging, and keep it for future reference.
3. Remove the carton protection pads.
Shipping kit
Carton protection pads
FIGURE 1-1 Opening the Shipping Carton
4. Cut the bands from the outer packaging and open the carton.
5. Remove and unpack the shipping kit.
2 Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006
Shipping kit
Outer carton
Internal saddle
FIGURE 1-2 Removing the Carton Pieces
6. Remove the outer carton.
Chapter 1 Unpacking and Installing the Ser ver 3
7. Remove the internal saddle.
8. Lift off the server bag.
9. Make a visual check to ensure that the chassis is undamaged.
10. Move the server to the operating location using a computer lifting device.
Note – Power cords for the Netra 1290 server are supplied in a separate country kit.
Note – The Solaris software and the LOM firmware are preinstalled or
preconfigured on the server.

Installing Slide Rails

Caution – The cabinet stabilizers (if applicable) must be extended whenever a Netra
1290 server is pulled out of the cabinet.
Caution – The Netra 1290 server, with mounting cradle, weighs approximately 286
lb (130 kg). Two people using a computer equipment lift are required to move the server safely into the cabinet.
Caution – Pull only one Netra 1290 server out of the cabinet at a time to prevent
unbalancing the cabinet.
Servers that are to be mounted in a cabinet use a slide rail mounting kit. This kit includes the following:
Two lock spacers
Two lock nuts
Four slide rails, two inner and two outer
8 mm wrench
Note – If you received your server preinstalled in a cabinet you may proceed
directly to “Installing the Cable Management Arm” on page 24.
4 Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006
This section is divided into the following:
“Adjusting the Slide Rail Assembly” on page 5
“To Install the Inner Rails on the Server” on page 6
“To Prepare the Rails for 2-Post Installations” on page 8
“Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a Sun Fire or Sun StorEdge Cabinet” on
page 9
“Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a Sun Rack 900 Cabinet” on page 11
“Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a 19-Inch 4-Post Cabinet” on page 13
“Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a 19-Inch 2-Post Rack” on page 14

Adjusting the Slide Rail Assembly

Each slide rail assembly consists of four components (FIGURE 1-3):
Rear bracket that attaches to the assembly
Adjustable bracket that attaches to the rear bracket (adjustable bracket is not used
in some configurations)
Slide rail assembly (with inner and outer rails)
Front bracket
Rear bracket
2-Post 3" Position
2-Post 4" Position
Sunfire Cabinet
2-Post 6" Position
NGR Cabinet
Storedge Cabinet
Slide rail
Front bracket
FIGURE 1-3 Slide Rail Assembly (Standard Configuration)
Chapter 1 Unpacking and Installing the Ser ver 5
Adjust the rear bracket or the adjustable bracket position to modify the length of the assembly. The slide rail assembly and the rear bracket have bracket locations for specific cabinets stamped onto the metal.
FIGURE 1-3 shows the location of the

To Install the Inner Rails on the Server

1. Remove the inner rail from the slide rail assembly:
a. Press the latch adjacent to the green latch.
b. Pull the inner rail free from the outer slide rail assembly.
2. Push up on the inner rail so that the locating tab, on the side of the server, clips
over the cutouts in the rail (
FIGURE 1-4).
6 Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006
FIGURE 1-4 Spring Clips and Cutouts
The spring clip should engage.
Note – The spring clips must be above the system hooks. The lip on the main body
of the inner rail must engage under and behind the system hook.
3. Secure the inner rail to the server using two 5 x 10 mm screws for each rail.
Chapter 1 Unpacking and Installing the Ser ver 7
4. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for the second inner rail.

To Prepare the Rails for 2-Post Installations

For 2-post installations, you can dismantle and reassemble the slide rail assemblies (
FIGURE 1-5). The slide rail assemblies can be adjusted to suit a 19-inch 2-post rack
that has a post depth in the range of 3 to 6 inches (7.5 to 15.0 cm).
Rear bracket
(facing inwards)
Front bracket
(facing inwards)
2-Post 3" Position
Slide rail assembly
2-Post 4" Position
Sunfire Cabinet
2-Post 6" Position
FIGURE 1-5 Slide Rail Assembly–Modified for 2-Post Installation
1. Remove the nuts that secure the adjustable bracket and discard the adjustable bracket (
FIGURE 1-3).
2. Remove the four nuts securing the front bracket.
3. Rotate the front bracket 180 degrees and secure it facing inward (
4. Remove the four nuts that secure the rear bracket.
5. Rotate the rear bracket 180 degrees so that it faces inward (
6. Align the rear bracket to the appropriate markings on the slide rail assembly and secure the rear bracket.
7. Repeat Step 1 through Step 6 for the second slide rail assembly.
8 Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006
NGR Cabinet
Storedge Cabinet

Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a Sun Fire or Sun StorEdge Cabinet

Sun Fire™ and Sun StorEdge™ cabinets have No. 10-32 UNF tapped screw holes in the front and rear, which are numbered from bottom to top.
Note – The slide rail assemblies are reversible. They can be used on either side of
the cabinet.
To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Bottom Position
1. Adjust the position of the adjustable bracket on each slide rail assembly.
a. Loosen the two nuts that secure the adjustable bracket.
b. Reposition the adjustable bracket to the location stamped “SUNFIRE” on the
rear bracket and secure the adjustable bracket.
2. Adjust the length of each slide rail assembly.
a. Loosen the four nuts that secure the rear bracket.
b. Reposition the rear bracket to the location marked “Sun Fire Cabinet” on the
slide rail assembly and secure the rear bracket.
Chapter 1 Unpacking and Installing the Ser ver 9
3. Insert the pins in the front bracket into cabinet holes 22 and 33 (FIGURE 1-6).
Front bracket secured to outer cabinet holes
FIGURE 1-6 Installing the Slide Rails in a Sun Fire Cabinet
Adjustable bracket secured to inner cabinet holes
The pins hold the bracket in place until the bracket is secured.
4. Secure the adjustable bracket into cabinet holes 24 and 31 with two No. 10-32 UNF screws.
5. Secure the front bracket into cabinet holes 24 and 31 with two No. 10-32 UNF screws.
6. Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 for the second slide rail assembly.
Note – Mounting the server in cabinet holes 24 and 31 allows for 10-inches of space
beneath the server in order to service the backplane.
To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Top Position
1. Adjust the position of the adjustable bracket on each slide rail assembly.
a. Loosen the two nuts that secure the adjustable bracket.
b. Reposition the adjustable bracket to the location stamped “SUNFIRE” on the
rear bracket and secure the adjustable bracket.
2. Adjust the length of each slide rail assembly.
10 Netra 1290 Server Installation Guide • May 2006
a. Loosen the four nuts that secure the rear bracket.
b. Reposition the rear bracket to the location marked “Sun Fire Cabinet” on the
slide rail assembly and secure the rear bracket.
3. Insert the pins in the front bracket into cabinet holes 58 and 69 (
The pins hold the bracket in place until it is secured.
4. Secure the adjustable bracket into cabinet holes 60 and 67 with two No. 10-32 UNF screws.
5. Secure the front bracket into cabinet holes 60 and 67 with two No. 10-32 UNF screws.
6. Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 for the second slide rail assembly.
FIGURE 1-6).

Installing the Slide Rail Assemblies in a Sun Rack 900 Cabinet

Sun Rack 900 cabinets have M-6 UNF tapped screw holes in the front and rear that are numbered from bottom to top.
Note – The slide rail assemblies are reversible. They can be used on either side of
the cabinet.
1. Remove the adjustable bracket on each rail.
a. Loosen the two nuts that secure the adjustable bracket.
b. Discard the adjustable bracket.
2. Adjust the length of each slide rail assembly.
a. Loosen the four nuts that secure the rear bracket.
b. Reposition the rear bracket to the location marked “NGR Cabinet” on the slide
rail assembly and secure the rear bracket.
To Install the Slide Rail Assemblies in the Bottom Position
1. Remove the adjustable bracket on each rail.
a. Loosen the two nuts that secure the adjustable bracket.
b. Discard the adjustable bracket.
2. Adjust the length of each slide rail assembly.
Chapter 1 Unpacking and Installing the Ser ver 11
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