Sunlover SL6 AV Operating Instructions Manual

This range of product is covered by a limited 3 year warranty against component failure or faulty workmanship from the date of installation.
A faulty unit should be returned in the first instance to the dealer from which the unit was purchased.
Damage to the unit due to misuse, power surges, lightning strikes or installation that is not in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction may void the warranty.
Valves and actuators are covered by a twelve month warranty at the discretion of their manufacturer.
Warranty does not cover travel costs to or from installation site.
If the power cord is damaged, do not use the controller; return the unit to the supplier for repair.
Customer Record. (To be retained by the customer)
Dealer/Installer Name ………………………………………………
Serial Number ………………………………………………
Date Installed ………………………………………………
For service assistance phone 1300 130 693
VIC 03 9887 2131
NSW 02 9838 0000 QLD 07 5597 7360
Factory 6
62 Parkhurst Drive
7-9 Activity Crescent
Knoxfield VIC 3180
Molendinar 4214
Victoria Australia
Queensland Australia
Unit 2 20-22 Foundry Road, Seven Hills 2147 New South Wales Australia
MODEL SL6 AV Deluxe Digital Solar Controller
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AUTO is normal operating mode used during the Pool Swimming Season. You may set
the desired pool limit by pressing the UP or Down Buttons. The display shows the pool temperature then flashes the limit setting and light; the HEAT light will be on when solar gain is available.
Manual is used to test the system. To select manual mode press the SELECT button until the HEAT light is illuminated. The valve will then open, or close if it has been running. To return to normal run simply press the SELECT button till the AUTO light is illuminated. The SL6 AV will automatically return to AUTO run after 30 minutes, with a limit of 30 degrees.
Roof displays the roof sensor temperature, a hot roof indicates that solar gain (heating) is available, if left unattended in this mode the SL6 AV will automatically return to AUTO run after 3 minutes.
Winter should be selected when the pool is not being used for extended periods. The valve will be turned for 3 minutes every day at the same time Winter Mode was selected. This will assist in the systems off-season maintenance. To enter this mode press the SELECT button till the WINTER light is illuminated, the display will then go blank and the valve will turn to roof for three minutes. Ensure winter mode is activated during the filter run times only. If the power is interrupted during winter mode the SL6 AV will continue to count time accurately.
Tropical is used to assist in cooling over heated pools. If the limit has been reached, which is indicated by the limit light on, and the roof temperature drops below the limit temperature (usually some time late at night) the valve will turn and divert pool water to the roof to cool it down. The filter pump must be set to filter at night for this operation. To set this function press the SELECT button till the TROP light is illuminated. To switch back to Summer Mode press the SELECT button till the AUTO light is illuminated.
The SL6 AV will turn the motorised valve when the roof temperature is higher than the pool (pipe) temperature by 8°C and off at 4°C. The HEAT light will flash for 30 seconds when constant flow from the main filter pump is first detected (if fitted), then turn the divert valve. When the pool temperature reaches the limit setting the limit light will flash, it will remain in this state while the pool is at limit then divert back to the roof if the pool temperature drops and the roof is still hot.
Controller Mounting
Find a suitable location to mount the control box. Ideally as with all pool equipment it should be installed out of direct weather and no closer than 3 meters from the waters edge. Lift up the two mounting tabs and use two appropriate screws to mount the control box to the wall, keeping in mind that the power cable is 1.8m long and should be plugged directly into a general power outlet, not into an extension lead.
Pressure Switch or Flow Switch - Optional
A pressure switch can be fitted between the main filter pump and filter or a flow switch straight after the filter. All must be in a vertical position and plugged into the socket beneath the controller marked FLOW. This will ensure that the valve only a ctivates if the main pool pump is operating. When a pressure or flow switch is to be used the jumper wire in the FLOW plug must be replaced with the flow or pressure switch wires.
If a valve is not supplied, the colour coding for the valve wiring is Red, Black and White (looking from left to right when looking at the screw terminals). Solder the wire-ends to prevent corrosion to the exposed copper wire.
Pool Sensor
The pool sensor must be fitted in the suction line of the main filter pump or between the outlet of the filter and before the solar take off Tee, preferably in a position out of direct sunlight. It is recommended that a 14.5mm hole be drilled in the side of the PVC pipe (not the top of the pipe where water will collect), this can be carried out using a Dontek PD01 grinding drill or a small pilot hole can be drilled and a 14.0mm drill-bit used spinning in a counter clockwise direction to minimize the chance of shattering pipe. Insert the grommet into the pipe and gently push in the black sensor barb. The green sensor plug is to be fitted to the centre plug socket.
Roof Sensor
Roof sensors must be fitted into a small piece of solar collector or equivalent and attached to the roof. The best location is within arms length of the gutters edge of the house or shed as long as the sensor end is not shaded and is on a roof of similar aspect of the main collector. It must not be fitted on top of the solar collector or fitted to high points on the roof like Ridge Capping as false readings will be detected. Keep in mind that it is of the utmost importance to keep the roof sensor as short as possible as this will assist in the longevity of the sensor and controller in the event of electrical storm activity and power surges. Sensor cables must not be run parallel to power cables and run lengths should be less than 50m. Cable ties should be used to fasten the sensor cable to the cold water inlet pipe making sure that the ties are approximately 10mm from PVC fittings. Cable ties should be tightened only firm, over tightening can cause breaks in the outer PVC if not careful. If the cable is to be run under ground a conduit must be used to protect the wire and there is to be no cable joins within, conduit ends must be sealed to prevent water ingress. Any excess cable should be removed and re-fitted ensuring that the wire ends are tinned with solder. The sensor plug is to be fitted to the right hand socket.
All excess cable must be removed; coils of cable are not permitted under any circumstances and must not be tied to 240V wiring. If the cable is to be extended with non genuine cable a size of 14/020 should be used. Any cable joins must be soldered and this includes where the cable enters the terminal block at the case base. Heat shrink is to be used over soldered joints to eliminate moisture ingress. If the cable end is to be refitted to the plug sockets then the polarity must be observed as incorrect polarity will show an error as stated in Fault Diagnosis. The sensor cable with the thin white trace is the positive and should be fitted to the right hand cable entry when the screws are in a vertical position. Once cables have been correctly fitted the unit can be turned on.
Fault Diagnosis:
The unit will be factory set with the black jumper link marked J1 to ON, a 33 will briefly be displayed during start up.
In the event of a cable or sensor failure, the display will indicate the type of failure as follows;
ROOF SENSOR. A display of 99 indicates a broken or disconnected sensor cable or open circuit sensor. A display of 88 indicates wrong polarity connection or short-circuited cable or sensor. A display of 85 indicates a damaged cable. A display of 98 indicates a high sensor reading (above 98°C). A display of 00/03 indicates an over extended or coiled sensor cable.
POOL SENSOR A display of 77 indicates a broken or disconnected sensor cable. A display of 66 indicates wrong polarity or short-circuited sensor cable. A display of 67 indicates a sensor reading out of normal operating range.