WARNING: The electrical installation of SUNLEAF inverter must be
performed in compliance with applicable local and national standards and
WARNING: The connection of SUNLEAF inverter to the AC grid must be
performed only after receiving authorization from the utility that operates
the grid.
2.1 Pa ckage Inspect io n
The customer is encouraged to perform the following checks:
Inspect the package box for apparent damage, such as holes, cracking or any
sign of possible damage to its contents.
Describe any damage or shortage on the receiving documents and have the
carrier sign his/her full name.
Open the package box and inspect the contents for internal damage. While
unpacking, be careful not to discard any equipment, parts or manuals. If any
damage is detected, call the delivering carrier to determine the appropriate
action. Save all shipping material for the event the carrier sends an inspector
to verify damage!
If the inspection reveals damage to the inverter, please call your local supplier
or the authorized distributor. They will determine if the equipment should be
returned for repair. They will also provide instructions on how to get the
equipment repaired;
It is the customer’s responsibility to file a claim with the carrier. Failure to file a
claim with the carrier may void all warranty service rights for any damage;
Carefully store the original packaging of SUNLEAF inverter since it shall be
used in case it is necessary to ship it for repair.
2.2 Se lecti ng th e place of instal lat i o n
Place of installation should be selected based on the following considerations:
SUNLEAF inverters shall be set at a suitable height from the ground to enable
easy readout view of the display and the LEDs.
Select a well ventilated place sheltered from direct sun radiation. Choose a
place that allows fluent air flow around the unit.
Allow sufficient room around the unit to enable easy installation and removal of
the object from its mounting surface.
The following figure shows the recommended minimum clearances around the