
Speak erpho ne Sta tus LED Ind icati on
Power O ff Mode Off
Power O n Blue LE D flash 3 s econ ds
Power O ff Red LED f lash 3 se cond s
Stand by Mode Blue LE D flash o nce ev ery 3 sec onds
Speak erpho ne Sta tus LED Ind icati on
Power O ff Mode Off
Power O n Blue LE D flash 3 s econ ds
Power O ff Red LED f lash 3 se cond s
Stand by Mode Blue LE D flash o nce ev ery 3 sec onds
Stand by (Dis conn ect Blu e LED fla sh twi ce ever y 3 secon ds
Bluet ooth de vice )
Stand by-Lo w Voltag e
Red LED f lash on ce eve ry 3 seco nds
Talk in progr ess
Blue LE D flash o nce ev ery 6 sec onds
Pairi ng in pro gres s
The red and blue LED flash on alternativ ely
Charg ubg in pr ogre ss
Red LED s teady o n
Charg ing com plet ed
User Manual
BC3 23M
BC3 53BM
BC3 73M
using the sp eaker phone , i t i s re comme nded to char ge the battery fully for
the fir st time . Norma l full c harge t ime is 3 hr s. (app rox. )
(1) Charging indication will be delayed for a few minutes if the speakerphone
has not been used for a long time or the battery is drained.
(2) To prol ong durab ility of batte ry, i t’s recomm ended to charg e the
Multipoi nt Spea kerph one
Multipoi nt Spe akerph one
(3) (8) ( 7) (6)(4)
Multipoi nt Spe akerph one
(8)(7) (6)(4)
BC3 33M
BC3 53M
BC3 73BM
BC9 33M
Multipoi nt Spea kerph one
(8)(7 ) (6)(3) (4)
Multipoi nt Spe akerph one
(3) (8)(7) (6)(4)
(3) (8) ( 7) (6)(4)
Multipo int Sp eaker phone
(6) (8)
8. Connection/Link between Speakerphone and Mobile Phone
After pairin g is comp leted , speak erpho ne is alw ays under standby mode.
Befor e you place or answer a call, if the headset icon is not shown on
phone s creen , plea se foll ow the s teps be low to ac tiva te the Bl uetoo th
conne ction /lin k th roug h y our mobile phon e o r sp eake rphon e u ntil the
heads et icon i s on the s creen .
(1) On ph one: Sele ct th e “BT Speaker” from the paire d lis t on your phon e
scree n.
(2) On speakerp hone: Short press “MFB” and select “Accep t” on p hone
scree n to acce pt con necti on.
9. Disconnection between Speakerphone and Mobile Phone
When you nee d to connec t your spea kerph one with ano ther Blu etoo thenabl ed mobile pho ne, pleas e follow the step s below to discon nect the
speak erpho ne wit h the pre -pair ed mobi le pho ne.
(1) Power o ff the sp eaker phone .
(2) Selec t “Dis conne cting ” on the B lueto oth de vice l ist of yo ur mob ile
phone t o remov e the co nnect ion.
Note : When l osin g the conn ection /lin k, the sp eake rphone wil l b e
automatic ally power off in 15 minutes . The blue LED will flash twice in ev ery 3
secon ds when t he spe akerp hone is n ot conn ected w ith mo bile ph one.
10. Us ing the S peake rpho ne
(1) Answe ring a Ca ll
When receiving a phon e ca ll, short pr ess the “MFB” bu tton to answ er
the cal l.
(2) Endin g a Call
Short p ress th e “MFB” b utto n to end a ca ll.
(3) Rejec t a Call
When y ou hea r the ringi ng ton e, pr ess an d hold the “M FB” b utton for 2
secon ds to rej ect th e call.
(4) Voice Dia l
If your mobile phone is voice dialing enable d, under standb y mode,
short press the “MFB” button and say t he voice tag after you he ar a
Note: Please make s ure to rec ord voice t ag into the m obile phone before
using v oice dia l funct ion. Fu nctio nalit y varie s depen ding on th e mobile
phone m odels . Plea se refe r to your m obile p hone us er gui de for de tails .
(5) Last Nu mber Re -Dia ling
Under standb y mode , shor t pre ss the “MFB” b utton twice f or las t
numbe r redia ls.
(5) Rejec t the Sec ond Ca ll duri ng a Call ( 3 way cal l or two li nk fun ction )
When receivin g a second call, press and ho ld the "MFB" b utto n f or 3
secon ds to rej ect th e secon d mobil e phone c all.
(6) Switc h betwe en 2 Pho ne Call s (3 way ca ll or two l ink fun ctio n)
a. W hen ha ving 2 c alls o n the l ine, p ress "M FB" bu tton t wice t o swit ch
betwe en thes e 2 phon e calls .
b. W hen ha ving 2 call s on th e line , sho rt pre ss the "MFB" butt on onc e
to end th e curre nt cal l and sta y with th e other c all.
NOTES : When the multi point fea ture usi ng, the devi ce can not suppor t
three -way ca llin g featu re.
12. Lo w Voltage Pr otec tion of B atter y
When the voltage of b atter y decreased to 3.3V, the red LED will flash in
every 3 second s, and the speaker phone wil l be power off automati cally
when th e volta ge und er 3.0V.
13. Re store t o Defau lt Set ting
Pleas e follow the ste ps below to rese t the speake rphon e to its origina l
setti ng and re move a ll the pr eviou s pairi ng and co nnec tion.
(1) Ensur e the spe aker phone i s under s tandb y mode.
(2) Press and ho ld both of “V+” and “ V-” bu tton s f or 1 0 s econd s u ntil the
blue and red L ED flash 5 ti mes, then the speakerph one will resume
stand by m ode. The s peak erpho ne i s now back to orig inal sett ing, and
after p ower on t he spea kerph one aga in, it wi ll ente r pairi ng mode
autom atica lly.
NOTES : If the speak erph one is conn ected wi th a mobile ph one bef ore
resto re to de fault s ettin g, it wi ll ent er pair ing mo de auto matic ally a fter
resto red to de fault . If the speakerp hone is n ot connected with the mo bile
phone before re store to defaul t se tting , it will be u nder stand by mo de a fter
resto red to de faul t setti ng.
14. LE D Indic ation
1. About B lueto oth Spe aker phone
This vers atil e Bluetoo th speak erpho ne is specia lly desi gned for use r to
enjoy conv enience an d freedom of wireless c ommunicat ion. Dual c apacity o f
use o n de sk-to p lik e a Confe rence Speakerp hone and i n-ca r lik e a Hands free car kit. Advan ced built -in micro phon e with D.S.P. solution for Ech o
Cance llati on & Noise Supp ressi on that gives you impecca ble full duplex
sound q ualit y.
2. About B lueto oth Techn ology
Blue toot h w irel ess tech nolo gy is s et to r evol utio nize the per sonal
conne ctivi ty by providin g freedom from wir ed connec tions -enab ling link s
and conne ctiv ity betwe en notebo ok/l apto p, m obil e p hones , p orta ble
handh eld devices and othe r Bluet ooth enabled device s with in 10 met ers.
Utili zing glob al sound & digital data 2.4GH z ISM transmiss ion, it makes
globa l commu nica tion in t he way yo u’ve ne ver dre amed o f!
3. Getti ng to Kno w Your Bluet ooth Sp eake rphon e
To use your Blu etoot h spea kerph one, pl ease fo llow th ese si mple st eps:
(1) Charg e your s peake rphon e. Prio r to usi ng the sp eake rphon e, it is
recom mende d t o ch arge the bat tery fully fo r th e f irst time. No rmal full
charg e time is 3 h rs. (a pprox .)
(2) Place your spea kerph one and a Blu etoot h-ena bled mobil e p hone
withi n 1 meter f or pai ring.
(3) Ensur e you r spea kerph one a nd mo bile p hone is plac ed wit hin 1 0
meter s Bluet ooth sensin g dista nce. (Obstru ction could cause shorter
sensi ng dist ance .)
4. Appea rance a nd Func tion
(1) Speak er
(2) Micro phone
(3) LED
(4) Charg ing Soc ket (5 -pin US B)
(5) Mute Bu tton
(6) MFB But ton (Mu lti-F unct ion But ton)
(7) Volume In creas e (V+)
(8) Volume De creas e (V-)
5. Charg ing Your Blu etoot h Speak erph one
The Bluetoot h spea kerph one comes with a rechar geab le battery. Prio r to
speak erpho ne whe never l ow batt ery is e ncoun tered . When b atter y
becom es low, LED will flash red every 3 seco nds. Under low b atter y
cond itio n, if s peak erp hone is cont inuo usly use d, it’ll dec rea se
durab ility of bat tery as well as sta ndby time an d c ause longer charg e
time th an norm al 3 hrs .
(3) The re d LED wi ll flas h on wh ile cha rgin g and fl ash off w hen ch argin g is
compl eted.
6. Turning ON /OFF t he Spea kerph one
Power On : When speak erpho ne is under off mod e, press and ho ld the
“MFB” for 4 sec onds unti l you hear a sh ort beep. The blue LED w ill f lash 5
times , and then the speakerp hone will aut omati cally con nect to the last
conne cted mo bile p hone.
Power O ff: Spe aker phone i s unde r stand by mod e, pre ss and h old the
“MFB” button for 4 seconds until y ou hear a shor t b eep. The red LED wi ll
flash 5 t imes be fore p ower off .
7. Pairi ng
Prior to using the speakerph one for t he first time , you must pair it w ith a
Bluet ooth- enab led mobile phon e. T he s teps below des cribe pair ing
instr uctio ns for a t ypica l Bluet ooth- enabl ed mob ile pho ne.
(1) Place the speaker phone and mobile phone no more tha n 1 meter apart.
(2) Ensur e the spe aker phone i s under O FF mode .
(3) Press and hold the “ MFB” butto n for 6 seconds unti l the LED flash red
and blu e alter nati vely, it is no w ready f or pai ring.
(4) Activ ate the B lueto oth function on your mobile phone and se arch fro
acces sible Blu etoot h device by referri ng to your mobile phone use r
guide f or deta ils.
(5) Selec t “BT Spe aker” f rom the l ist.
(6) Enter the pr e-pro gramm ed code “000 0” and press “O K” to pair the
speak erpho ne and the phone. Whe n pairin g is complete d, the blue
and red LED stop flash ing, the speak erpho ne is under the standb y
mode wi th the bl ue LED f lashe s in ever y 3 secon ds.
(7) Press “Return” to go back to your mobile phone ’s ma in menu. Please
place the mobil e p hone and the s peak erpho ne within 10 meters
sensi ng distance. You shou ld now be ab le to make an d recei ve calls
using y our spe aker phone .
Note: If the pairing canno t be complete d wi thin 2 minute s a fter the pair ing
mode is a ctiva ted, the speakerph one will power off automatic ally. Please
repea t steps a bove t o pair th e speak erpho ne and mo bile p hone ag ain.
(6) Adjus ting th e Volume
Durin g a c all, press the “V+” or “V-” butt ons r epeat edly until you reach
the des ired vo lume l evel.
(7) Mute & Un -Mute
a: M ute: Duri ng a call, short pres s the “MUTE” butto n to mute the
speak erpho ne. The r ed LED wi ll flas h on dur ing mut e mode.
b: U n-Mut e: S hort press th e “M UTE” button d uring mute mo de t o un -
mute th e speak erph one.
(8) Transf errin g Calls
a: S peake rphon e to Mobile Phone: Duri ng a call, press both of “V+”
and “V-” bu ttons , and th e call is r outed t o your mo bile ph one.
b: M obile Pho ne to S peake rphon e: Press both of “V+” and “V-”
butto ns to rou te the c all to sp eaker phone .
11. Mu ltiPo int Fea ture
(1) Activa te Mult ipoin t Conn ectio n
The default setting of t he speakerph one's multip oint functio n is OFF.
You c an activate the multi point functi on for co nnect ing with 2 mobi le
phone s at the sa me tim e.
a. M ultip oint O N: Und er stan dby mo de, pr ess and hold "V +" but ton fo r
3 secon ds unti l you he ar a beep .
b. M ultip oint OFF: Under standby mode, press and hold " V-" button
for 3 s econ ds unt il yo u hear a bee p. The speak erpho ne wil l tur n off
the mu ltipo int fu nctio n and po wer of f autom atic ally. Whe n powe r on
the speakerph one agai n, it w ill only co nnect to the last c onne cted
Bluet ooth de vice .
(2) Mu ltipo int Pai ring
a. F irst m obile phone: Pair th e spea kerp hone w ith on e of th e
Bluet ooth- enab led mob ile pho nes.
b. S econd mobil e phone: Power OFF t he speakerp hone. Press and
hold t he "M FB" bu tton for 5 s econd s to e nter p airi ng mod e aga in to
pair an d conne ct wit h the sec ond mob ile pho ne.
c. Connect wi th the fi rst pa ired mo bile ph one to th e spea kerph one.
(3) Multi point C onne ction /Link w ith 2 Mob ile Pho nes
After the mu ltipo int f uncti on is a ctiva ted, p leas e foll ow the steps belo w
to conn ect wit h 2 Blue tooth e nable d mobil e phone s at the s ame tim e.
When powe r on the speake rphon e, it will autom atica lly sear ch and
conne ct the la st 2 mob ile pho nes tha t have be en conn ecte d befor e.
(4) Answe r the Sec ond Ca ll duri ng a Call ( 3 way cal l or two li nk fun ction )
When receiv ing a s econd call, press "MFB" butto n twice to ho ld the
first c all on li ne and a nswer t he seco nd call .
15. Pr oduct S pecif icat ion
Bluet ooth Co mpli ance: B lueto oth V2. 1+EDR
Opera ting Fr eque ncy Ban d: 2.4G Hz ~ 2.48 GHz unl icen sed ISM b and
Outpu t Power : Clas s 2, up to 10 m eters
Suppo rt Prof iles : HSP and HF P Profi les
Support Multiple Paired Device: Memorize paired data of 8 Bluetooth phones
Stand -by Time: U p to 160 0 hours / 66 days
Talk Time: Up to 12 -14 hou rs
Batte ry Char ging Tim e: About 3 ho urs
Charg er Voltag e: DC5 .0V, 400mA
Batte ry: 650 mA, BL- 5B (Re charg eable L ithiu m-Io n Batte ry)
Chang es or modificat ions not expre ssly appro ved b y th e par ty re spons ible
for com plian ce cou ld void t he user 's auth ority t o oper ate the e quipm ent.
This de vice c ompli es wit h Part 1 5 of the FCC Rul es. Op erati on is su bject to
the follo wing two con ditio ns: (1) this dev ice may not caus e harmful
inter feren ce, and (2) this device must acc ept any interf erenc e receive d,
inclu ding in terf erenc e that ma y cause u ndesi red op erati on.
This eq uipm ent com plies w ith FCC radia tion e xposu re lim its set f orth f or an
uncon troll ed en viron ment. End us er mus t fol low th e spe cific operat ing
instr uctio ns for sa tisfy ing RF ex posur e comp lianc e. This transmi tter must
not be co-locat ed or operatin g in conjuncti on with any other antenn a or
trans mitte r.