text to speecH
User Manual
3. Appearance and Function
(1) Speak er (6) MFB Button (Multi-Function Button)
(2) Micro phone (7) Volume In creas e (V+)
(3) LED (8) Volume De creas e (V-)
(4) Charg ing Soc ket (5 -pin US B) (9) S olar Vi sor
(5) Mode Bu tton (P riva cy) (10) Windo ws Mou nt
4. Recommend Installation Position
It is recommen ded t hat the Speak erpho ne b e po sitio ned and i nsta lled on
the win dshie ld in fr ont of th e drive r's se at, as sh own in th e pict ure bel ow:
1 2 3 4
WARINI G:Ins tall the Speak erph one out of the way of any Air Bags for
safet y reaso n.
6. Powering Up
(1) To turn ON the Sp eaker phon e
Press and hold the “MFB” button for four s econ ds and t he flashing
be esta blish ed by pr essin g the Spe aker phone ’s “MFB ” butto n once.
Note: Your Speaker phone wil l be auto matic ally swit ched off when it is
disco nnect ed fr om a pa ired devic e for more t han 1 0 minu tes. T his sp ecia l
featu re is inco rpora ted to max imise yo ur Spea kerph one’s st andby /tal k
time. To rei nstat e the c onne ction , simply repeat the proc ess for turning
Speak erpho ne on.
9. Using th e Speakerphone (M ost 0fu ncti ons wil l be aud ibly
annou nced)
(1) Makin g Ca ll yo u ca n ini tiate calls fr om yo ur mo bile phone, or directly
from y our Sp eaker phone using voice diali ng com mands (if th is
featu re is sup port ed by you r mobil e phon e)
(2) Makin g Calls from your mobile phone Dial directl y f rom your m obile
phone . The cal l is auto matic ally c onnec ted to yo ur Spe akerp hone.
(3) Recei ving Ca lls
When you r mo bile pho ne rings , pr ess the “MF B” b utto n on th e
Speak erpho ne to co nnect t he call .
(4) Endin g Calls
When you have fin ishe d your call, pres s the “MFB” butto n on the
recei ver to di scon nect th e call.
(5) Rejec ting Ca lls
Hold on to the “M FB” bu tton fo r 3 secon ds to re ject an i ncomi ng cal l.
(6) Maki ng cal ls us ing v oice dial ing(D epen dent on mo bile phone
suppo rt) Press the “M FB” button once and call out the n ame of th e
perso n for the c all to b e place d.
(7) Redia l Last Ou tgoi ng Call
Press t he “MFB ” butt on twic e and the c all is c onnec ted.
(8) Priva cy Mod e In th e mid st of a c onve rsati on, pr ess th e “Mo de” bu tton
once a nd the spea ker vo lumes are au toma tical ly dec reas ed to
minim al levels whe re you can use the Speakerp hone in the same
manne rism as u sing a ny hand held ph one.
(9) Transf ering C alls
Speak erpho ne to Mobile Phon e - Duri ng a call, simply pres s both
“V+” an d “V-” butto ns once an d the cal l is route d to your mo bile
phone .
Mobil e Phon e to Spea kerph one - Pre ss the “M FB” button once a nd
1. The pho neboo k fu nctio n va ries from diff eren t mob ile phone
model s, and no t ever y mobil e phone s uppo rts thi s featu re.
2. The phon ebook data save d in t he Vis or Dri ve wi ll be erase d
autom atica lly when it paire d with anot her mobile phone. Pleas e
re pe at t he pr oced ur es of Ph on eb ook tr ansf er wh en ev er
conne cted wi th a new m obile p hone.
(13) Re movin g Phon ebook E ntrie s
Durin g standby mode , hold on to both “V+” and “V-” button s for 3
seco nds ( “Pho nebo ok De let ed” i s ann ounc ed) a nd th e ent ire
phone book me mory i n the Spe akerp hone w ill be de leted .
(14) Turn ing On/ Off the Text-To-Sp eech F uncti on
To toggle the T TS func tion On o r Off, si mply h old the “ V-” for 3
secon ds in st andby m ode (“ Voice Pro mpt On” o r “Voice P rompt O ff” is
annou nced to d enot e its cur rent st atus ).
10. Restore to Default Settings
To restore your Speak erpho ne to its or igina l set tings , pres s and hold b oth
“V+” and “V-” bu tton s for 10 seco nds until the blue LED light indicati on
flash es rapid ly. Pr ess and hold bo th “ V+” and “V-” butt ons for a furth er 3
secon ds an d the S peak erpho ne wil l pow er off autom atic ally. Thi s proc ess
is co mplet e whe n Spe aker phone anno unce s “Se t Fac tory D efau lt
Compl ete”.
11. Care and Maintenance
(1) Do no t exp ose th e spe aker phone to li quid , moi sture or hu midi ty, as it
is not wa terpr oof.
(2) Do not us e abras ive cl eanin g solve nts to c lean th e speak erph one.
(3) Do not ex pose th e spea kerph one to ex trem e tempe ratur es.
(4) Do not ex pose t he spea kerp hone to c ontac t with s harp ob ject s as this
will ca use scr atch ing and d amage .
(5) Do not att empt to d isass emble t he spea kerph one, as it d oes not
conta in serv icea ble com ponen ts.
(6) If y ou d o not use the speakerph one for long peri ods of t ime, be sure
to store it in a dry place, free f rom extreme temper ature s, humidity
and dus t.
1. About Bluetooth Speakerphone
he Bl uetoo th TTS Spea kerp hone i s com pati ble wi th mo st Bl uetoo th
mobil e phones. The Text-To-Sp eech syste m announce s instruc tions for
the users in 5 different lang uages and also indi cates the stat us of the
Bluet ooth device. It a lso announces the name of th e incom ing caller (or
phone nu mber if the con tact is not loa ded into th e Sp eaker phon e s
phone book) . Ful ly po rtabl e, it is an ideal wire less c ommu nicat ion s oluti on
for i n-car or of fice u se wi thin a max imum range of 10 mete rs. B uilt- in wi th
Echo Cancella tion and N oise Suppress ion, the Bl ueto oth Speakerph one
provi des you w ith im pecca ble sou nd qua lity in f ull dup lex mo de.
Make sure that your Spea kerph one is ful ly charged before using it. Use
only th e char ger pr ovide d - do no t use ch arger s from a ny oth er devi ces as
this mi ght dam age th e devic e. A full charg e is app roxim ately 3 h ours .
Charge Your TTS Sp eakerphone
Using t he car ch arge r
Conne ct to a mai ns cha rger or a U SB char ging c able to c harge .
Conne ct to the s uppl ied cig ar ligh ter.
When t he cha rger is con necte d, the LED w ill fl ash re d, th e Spea kerph one
will tu rn off.
Norma l full ch arge t ime is 3 hr s. (app rox. )
When ch arge is c ompl eted, t he LED wi ll fla sh off.
Using s olar po wer
Direc t t he sola r p anel on the back of the Speakerp hone toward the sun .
(Plea se ref er to the recom mende d inst allat ion po sitio n, as me ntion ed
above .)
If the car kit receive s sufficie nt sunligh t for 2 hours, you can talk for a
durat ion of up to 1 h. Usi ng sola r power charge, the opera tion time (the
talk time and t he st andby time) wil l be e xten ded c ontin uousl y wit hout any
addit ional c harg e requi red by th e car ch arger.
WARNIN G: Do not a ttemp t to char ge the ha nds-f ree car k it with a ny
charg er ot her t han th e one prov ided. Usin g ano ther charg er ma y dama ge
or dest roy the s peak erpho ne.
blue LE D light i ndic ator co mes on (“ Powe r On” is an nounc ed).
Note: Do no t hol d the butt on do wn fo r more than 8 sec onds when t urni ng
the Speak erpho ne on or else it may switc h to its pair ing mode. If this
happe ns, turn off t he Speakerp hone and repeat the proce ss for turni ng
the Spe akerp hone o n.
(2) To Turn OFF the Spe akerp hone
Press and hold the “ MFB” button until the LED l ight indicati on goes
off (“Po wer Off ” is anno unce d).
7. Pairing
(1) Pairi ng With B luet ooth Mo bile Ph one
Pairi ng is the proc ess of connecti ng your Speake rphon e with your
mobil e ph one. Befo re u sing the Spea kerp hone with you r mo bile
phone , y ou m ust pair bo th d evic es. If you wish to use you r
Speak erpho ne with a diffe rent mobile phone , y ou must reinitia te t he
pairi ng proc ess wi th your i ntend ed Blu etoot h mobil e phon e.
(2) Pairi ng Spea kerp hone to M obile P hone
1. Ens ure th at Spe akerp hone i s turne d off, sw itch t o pair ing mod e by
holdi ng onto t he “MFB ” b utto n t ill bot h B lue/ Red LED li ghts
appea r (“Pairi ng phone pleas e put your phone in pairing mod e
and ent er PIN co de “00 00” is an nounc ed).
2. The L ED lig hts wil l blink s imul taneo usly in p airi ng mode .
3. Turn on the mobile phon e and place it within 10 meters to the
Speak erpho ne.
4. Ini tiat e the mobile d isco very feat ure on y our m obil e ph one. Refe r
to your m obile p hone ,s user g uide.
5. Ent er t he de fault pin code “000 0”, w hen promp ted b y yo ur mo bile
phone s ystem f or pin c ode.
6. The blue LED bl inks at a regular interva l w hen both d evic es are
succe ssful ly pai red (“P airin g Succ essfu l” is ann ounc ed).
8. Connection Link/Between Speakerphone And Mobile Phone
Your m obil e p hone will alwa ys indi cate a con necti on icon wheneve r it is
paire d to the Speakerp hone. If th e icon not p resen t, a recon nect ion can
be est abli shed b y manu ally selec ting t he Sp eaker phone from your m obil e
phone ,s Bluetoot h menu. If yo ur Speakerp hone is set as an authoris ed
Bluet ooth device on your mobile phone, an auto matic recon necti on can
the cal l is rout ed bac k to your m obile p hone .
(10) Adjus ting Th e Volume
To inrease the vo lume - Pres s the “V+” sy mbol vol ume but ton to
incre ase volume by o ne level, repeat this procedure until you have
reach ed th e des ired leve l. To decr ease the volu me - Press “V-”
symbo l but ton t o dec rease the volum e by one l evel, repe at th is
proce dure un til yo u have re ached t he des ired le vel.
(11) Text-To-Speec h Lang uage Op tions
Press the “V +” but ton fo r 3 seco nds an d the S peake rphon e
annou nces “Sel ect L angua ge”. Repe at th e pro cess to s elect the
desir ed languag e in the follow ing order of English , French, Itali an,
Germa n and Spa nish .
(12) Tran sferr ing Mo bile Ph one,s P hone book to S peake rpho ne
a. Usi ng S peake rpho ne (F or t ransf erri ng th e wh ole phone book, and
some m obil e phon e mod els m ay not be wo rkabl e in t his f uncti on.)
In the connecti ng status, pres s th “Mod e” button for 3 seconds
and the Bl ue LED li ght ind icato r will be fl ashi ng 2 pulse s per
secon d. Whe n the p roce ss is c omple ted, t he Spe aker phone
annou nces “C onta cts Sav ed”.
b. Usi ng Mob ile P hone ( For tr ansfe rrin g the c ontac t pers on dat a one
by one, a nd it is wo rkab le for al l the mob ile ph one mod els.)
1. In t he con necti ng sta tus, p ress t he “Mo de” bu tton f or 6 se conds to
enter the ph oneb ook fu nctio n, the n the Speak erpho ne an d mobi le
phone will be disconnec ted autom atic ally, a nd t he S peake rphon e
will b e read y to re ceiv e the p honeb ook da ta fro m the m obil e
phone , and the B lue LE D light i ndica tor wi ll flas hing ev ery se cond.
2. Se lec t th e co ntact p ers on's da ta o n th e mo bil e ph one 's
phone book and tra nsfer it to the Spea kerph one via the mobi le
phone 's Bluetoo th manual. When the process is comp leted , the
Speak erpho ne ann ounce s “Cont acts S aved” .
3. If the Spea kerph one has not r ecei ved any c onta cts d ata from the
mobil e phon e with in 2 min utes while in p honeb ook functio n, the
Speak erpho ne wil l resu me the speak erpho ne fun ctio n and re conne ct to the p revi ous pai red dev ice au tomat icall y.
4. To res ume spea kerph one func tion, short p ress the “MFB ” b utton ,
then the Spea kerph one will exit the phoneboo k function and reconne ct with t he pre vious p aired d evic e autom atica lly.
12. Safety Information
(1) Check local laws r egar ding u se of a mobil e phon e and s peake rpho ne
while driving. If you use the spea kerph one whil e di ving , en sure your
atten tion an d focu s remai ns on you r resp onsib ility o f driv ing saf ety.
(2) Never allow chi ldren to play w ith t he sp eaker phon e. Sm all p arts may
be a chok ing haz ard.
(3) Obser ve all s igns th at req uire a n elect rical d evic e or RF ra dio pro duct
to be s witch ed off in th e desi gnate d area s. The se cou ld in clude
hospi tals, b last ing are as, and p oten tiall y explo sive a tmosp heres .
(4) Turn off your speakerph one prio r to boarding an airc raft. Do not use
your sp eaker phon e in an air craft .
(5) Never pla ce or s tore the spe akerp hone ove r th e a rea of t he
autom obile 's saf ety ai rbag d eplo yment , or it m ay cau se ser ious i njury
when a sa fety ai rbag d eploy s.
13. Product Specifications
Bluet ooth Co mpli ance: B lueto oth 2. 0+EDR s pecif icat ions
Opera ting Fr eque ncy Ban d: 2.4G Hz ~ 2.4 8GHz un licen sed IS M band
Outpu t Power : Clas s 2 Power O utput , up to 10 m eters
Suppo rt Prof iles : HSP and HF P 1.5
TTS Sup port La ngua ge: Eng lish, F renc h, Ital ian, Ge rman , Spani sh
Suppo rt Mult iple p aired D evice : Up to 8 Bl uetoo th Phon e can be p aired
Stand -by Time: U p to 450 h our
Talk time: Up t o 11-13 hou rs
Batte ry Char ging Tim e: About 3 ho urs
Charg er Voltag e: DC5 .0V 400 mA
Batte ry Type: 55 0mA, (R echar geab le Lith ium-i on Bat tery)