
User Manual
BC3 52
Multipoi nt Spe akerph one
(3) (8)(7) (6)(4)
Multipo int Sp eaker phone
(6) (8 )
BC3 32
BC3 72
5. Charging Your Bl ueto oth Sp eake rphone
The Bluet ooth spea kerph one comes with a recha rgeab le b atter y. Prio r to
using the s peake rpho ne, it is re comm ended to ch arge t he ba ttery full y for
the fir st time . Norm al full c harge t ime is 3 h rs. (ap prox. )
(1) Charging indication will be delayed for a few minutes if the speakerphone
has not been used for a long time or the battery is drained.
(2) To prolon g dur abili ty o f bat tery, it ’s re comme nded to cha rge t he
speak erpho ne whenev er low battery is encount ered . When battery
becom es l ow, LE D w ill flash red eve ry 3 seconds. Under l ow b atter y
condi tion, if speake rpho ne i s co ntinu ously used , it ’ll decre ase
durab ility of battery as well as stan dby ti me an d cau se lo nger charg e
time th an norm al 3 hrs . Also, the s peake rpho ne will p ower of f.
(3) The r ed LE D wil l fla sh on while cha rging and flash off when c hargi ng
is comp leted .
6. Turning O N/OF F the Sp eake rpho ne
Power On: When speake rphon e is u nder off mode, press and hold the
“MFB” for 4 se conds until you he ar a sho rt bee p. The b lue LED will f lash 5
times , and then the s peake rphon e will a utoma tica lly connect to the last
conne cted mo bile p hone.
Power Off : Speaker phone is und er standb y mode, press an d hold the
Multipoi nt Spea kerph one
Multipoi nt Spe akerph one
(8)(7 ) (6)(3) (4)
BC9 32
(8)(7) (6)(4)
9. Disconnection between Speakerphone and Mobile Phone
When you need to c onnec t your spea kerph one with another Bluet oothenabl ed mobile phone, please follow the steps below to di scon nect the
speak erpho ne wit h the pre -pair ed mob ile pho ne.
(1) Power o ff the sp eaker phone .
(2) Selec t “Discon nect ing” on the Bluet ooth devi ce list of your mobil e
phone t o remov e the co nnect ion.
Note: Whe n losing the con nect ion/l ink, the spe aker phone wil l be
automatic ally power off in 10 m inutes. The blu e LED will flash t wice in every
3 secon ds when t he spe akerp hone is n ot con necte d with mo bile p hone.
10. Using the Speakerphone
(1) Answe ring a Ca ll
When r ecei ving a phon e cal l, sho rt pr ess th e “MF B” bu tton t o ans wer
the cal l.
(2) Endin g a Call
Short p ress th e “MFB ” butto n to end a ca ll.
(3) Rejec t a Call
When you h ear t he ri ngin g ton e, pr ess a nd ho ld t he “M FB” b utton for
2 secon ds to rej ect th e call.
(4) Voice Dia l
If your mobile phone is voice diali ng enab led, under standby mode,
short press the “MFB ” b utton and sa y th e v oice tag aft er you hear a
Note: Please m ake s ure to re cord voic e tag into the mobile ph one befor e
using voic e dial function . Functio nalit y varies depend ing on the mobile
phone m odels . Plea se refe r to your m obil e phone u ser gui de for d etail s.
(5) Last Nu mber Re -Dia ling
Under st andby m ode, sho rt press th e “MFB” bu tton twi ce for last
numbe r redia ls.
(6) Adjus ting th e Volume
Durin g a call , press t he “V+” o r “V-” but tons re peate dly un til you r each
the des ired vo lume l evel.
(7) Mute & Un -Mute
a: M ute: During a call, short press the “ MUTE” butto n to mu te the
speak erpho ne. The r ed LED wi ll fla sh on dur ing mut e mode .
b: U n-Mut e: Sho rt pre ss the “MUTE ” butt on dur ing m ute mo de to u n-
mute th e speak erph one.
b: U nder standb y mode , pres s and hold “V+” butto n for 3 second s
until you hear a bee p, then the speaker phone will automa tical ly
conne ct the la st 2 mob ile pho ne that h ave be en conn ected b efor e.
(15) Using t he Sec ondar y Mobil e Phon e Throug h Spea kerph one
When conne cted with 2 Bluetooth mobi le pho nes, the f irst conne cted
one is prima ry phone that can u se “MFB” button for voic e dial and
redia l. The s econd conne cted p hone i s seco ndar y phon e that w ill us e
“V+” bu tton fo r voic e dial an d redia l
a: Voi ce Dia l: Pre ss “V +” but ton on ce to a ctiv ate th e seco ndary
phone ’s voic e diali ng func tion .
b: R e-Dia ling: Pr ess “V+ ” button tw ice to red ial the las t outgo ing
numbe r of seco ndar y phone .
1. W hen the speak erpho ne is in Multip oint mode and conne ct with
only 1 mob ile ph one, it ca n als o ent er vo ice d ial fu ncti on by press
“V+” b utton once o r make last ou tgoin g num ber re -dial ing b y
press “ V+” but ton tw ice.
2. T he Mu ltipo int s peake rpho ne ca n be paire d wit h 2 m obile phon es
at the s ame time. When one of t hem receive s an incoming call,
the o ther phone w ill b e dis conn ected from s peak erpho ne bu t
resum e connectio n automatic ally after the first one h as finished
the pho ne call .
11. Low Voltage Protection of Battery
When the vo ltage of bat tery decrease d to 3.3V, t he red LED wil l f lash in
every 3 secon ds, and the speaker phone will be p ower off autom atic ally
when th e volta ge und er 3.0V.
12. Restore to Default Setting
Pleas e follow the steps below to r eset the speaker phone to its orig inal
setti ng and re move a ll the pr eviou s pair ing and c onnec tion .
(1) Ensur e the spe aker phone i s under s tand by mode .
(2) Press and hold both of “V +” a nd “V-” buttons f or 10 seconds u ntil the
blue and re d L ED flash 5 tim es, then th e s peak erpho ne will resume
stand by mod e. The sp eaker phon e is now b ack to o rigin al set ting, a nd
after pow er on the speakerp hone agai n, it will enter pairi ng mode
autom atica lly.
NOTES : If the speake rphon e is conne cted with a mobile phone before
1. About Bluetooth Speakerphone
This versat ile Bluetoo th speakerp hone is specially desig ned for user to
enjoy convenien ce an d fre edom o f wir eless communica tion. Dual capacity
of use on desk-t op like a Confer ence Spea kerp hone and in-c ar like a
Hands -free car ki t. Adv ance d bu ilt- in m icrop hone with D. S.P. sol ution for
Echo Cance llat ion & Noise Suppress ion that gives you impec cable full
duple x sound q uali ty.
2. About Bluetooth Technol ogy
Bluet ooth wirel ess techno logy is set to revol ution ize the p erson al
conne ctivi ty by prov iding freedom from wire d c onnec tion s-ena bling links
and co nnect ivit y betw een no tebo ok/la ptop, mobile phones , por table
handh eld devic es a nd ot her Bluet ooth enabled devic es wi thin 10 meter s.
Utili zing global sound & dig ital data 2.4GHz ISM tr ansmi ssion , it makes
globa l commu nica tion in t he way yo u’ve n ever dr eamed o f!
3. Getting to Know Your Blu etoo th Spe aker phon e
To use your Blu etoot h spea kerph one, pl ease f ollow t hese si mple s teps:
(1) Charg e your speake rphon e. Prior to using the spea kerph one, it is
recom mende d to c harge the b atter y ful ly for the f irst t ime. N orma l full
charg e time is 3 h rs. (a pprox .)
(2) Place your spe akerp hone a nd a Blu etoo th-en abled mobile p hone
withi n 1 meter f or pai ring.
(3) Ensur e your spea kerp hone and mo bile pho ne is place d within 10
meter s Blu etoot h se nsing dist ance. (Obstruct ion c ould cause shorter
sensi ng dist ance .)
4. Appearance and Function
(1) Speak er
(2) Micro phone
(3) LED
(4) Charg ing Soc ket (5 -pin US B)
(5) Mute Bu tton
(6) MFB But ton (Mu lti- Funct ion But ton)
(7) Volume In creas e (V+)
(8) Volume De creas e (V-)
Multipoi nt Spea kerph one
BC3 22
“MFB” button fo r 4 secon ds u ntil you hear a sh ort b eep. The r ed L ED wi ll
flash 5 t imes be fore p ower off .
7. Pairing
Prior to usi ng t he speak erph one for the firs t t ime, you mus t pa ir it with a
Bluet ooth- enab led mo bile ph one. Th e step s belo w desc ribe p airin g
instr uctio ns for a t ypica l Bluet ooth -enab led mob ile ph one.
(1) Place the speaker phone and mobile phone no more tha n 1 meter apart.
(2) Ensur e the spe aker phone i s under O FF mod e.
(3) Press a nd hol d the “MF B” but ton for 6 s econ ds unt il the LE D flas h red
and blu e alter nati vely, it is no w read y for pai ring.
(4) Activ ate the Bluet ooth function on your mobil e ph one and searc h fr o
acces sible Blueto oth device by r eferr ing to y our mobile phone user
guide f or deta ils.
(5) Selec t “BT Spe aker” f rom the l ist.
(6) Enter the pre-pr ogram med code “0000” and press “OK” to p air the
speak erpho ne and the phone. When pairing is compl eted , the blue
and red LED stop flashing , the speaker phone is under the s tandb y
mode wi th the bl ue LED f lashe s in ever y 3 seco nds.
(7) Press “Ret urn” t o go ba ck to your m obil e phon e’s ma in men u. Ple ase
place the mo bile p hone and the speake rphon e wit hin 10 meter s
sensi ng d istan ce. You shou ld n ow be able to make and rece ive calls
using y our spe aker phone .
Note: If the pair ing ca nnot be com plete d with in 2 m inute s afte r the pairi ng
mode is activ ated, the spea kerph one will power off automati cally. Pleas e
repea t steps a bove t o pair th e speak erph one and m obile p hone a gain.
8. Connection/Link between Speakerphone and Mobile Phone
After pairing i s co mplet ed, speak erpho ne i s alw ays under standby m ode.
Befor e you p lace or answer a c all, if the headse t icon is not show n on
phone scr een, plea se follow the ste ps below to activ ate the Bluet ooth
conne ction /lin k thro ugh yo ur mob ile ph one or speake rphon e unti l the
heads et icon i s on the s creen .
(1) On phon e: Sel ect th e “BT Spe aker” f rom th e pair ed lis t on your p hone
scree n.
(2) On speak erpho ne: Short p ress “MFB” a nd selec t “ Acce pt” on phon e
scree n to acce pt con necti on.
(8) Transf errin g Calls
a: S peake rphon e to Mobile P hone : Du ring a ca ll, press both of “V+”
and “V-” bu ttons , and th e call is r outed t o your m obile p hone.
b: M obile Phone to Sp eaker phone : Pr ess b oth o f “V+ ” an d “V-”
butto ns to rou te the c all to sp eaker phon e.
(9) Hold th e Call
Durin g a cal l, press the “MFB” butto n twice to ho ld the phone call.
Press “ MFB” bu tton t wice ag ain to re sume c onver satio n.
(10) Answe r the Se cond Ca ll
a: W hen receivin g a second call, pres s “MFB ” butto n twice to hold
the fir st call o n line a nd answ er the se cond c all.
b: W hen rec eivi ng a sec ond cal l, pre ss “MF B” butt on onc e to end t he
first c all and a nswe r the sec ond cal l.
(11) Rejec t the Se cond Ca ll
When rece iving a second call , pre ss a nd ho ld t he “M FB” butto n fo r 2
secon ds to rej ect th e secon d call.
(12) Switc h Betw een 2 Pho ne Call s
a: W hen hav ing 2 call s on the line , press “M FB” but ton twi ce to
switc h betwe en the se 2 phon e calls .
b: W hen havin g 2 calls o n th e l ine, press “M FB” butt on o nce to end
the fir st call a nd sta y with th e secon d call .
(13) Activ ate Mu ltipo int Con nect ion
The defau lt settin g o f speake rphon e’s multip oint func tion is off.
Pleas e acti vate the multi poin t funct ion for conne cting with 2 mob ile
phone s in the sa me tim e.
a: M ultip oint On: Unde r stand by mode, press and hold “V+” button
for 3 sec onds until you he ar a beep . Af ter turn on the multipo int
funct ion, t he spe akerp hone w ill au tomat icall y conn ect to t he las t 2
mobil e phone s that h as been p aired b efor e.
b: M ultip oint O ff: Unde r stan dby mo de, pre ss and h old “V-” b utton f or
3 s econ ds unti l y ou hear a beep. The speakerp hone will turn off
the multipoi nt func tion and p ower off a utoma tical ly. W hen power
on the spea kerph one agai n, it will onl y connec t to the last
conne cted Bl ueto oth dev ice.
(14) Multi poin t Conne ction /Lin k with 2 Mo bile Ph ones
a: W hen powe r on the speake rpho ne, it will aut omati call y search
and connect the las t 2 mobile phones that have b een connecte d
befor e.
resto re to default set ting, it will ent er pairin g mode automa tica lly after
resto red to d efaul t. I f th e spe aker phone is not conne cted with the mobile
phone b efor e resto re to def ault s ettin g, it wil l be und er stan dby mo de afte r
resto red to de faul t setti ng.
13. LED Indication
Speak erpho ne Sta tus LED Ind icati on
Power O ff Mode Off
Power O n Blue LE D flash 5 t imes r apidl y
Power O ff Red LED f lash 5 ti mes ra pidly
Stand by Mode Blue LE D flash o nce ev ery 3 sec onds
Stand by (Dis conn ect Blue LE D flash t wice e very 3 se conds
Bluet ooth de vice )
Stand by-Lo w Voltag e
Talk in progr ess
Pairi ng in pro gres s
Charg ubg in pr ogre ss
Charg ing com plet ed
14. Pr oduc t Spec ific atio n
Bluet ooth Co mpli ance: B lueto oth V2 .1+ED R
Opera ting Fr eque ncy Ban d: 2.4G Hz ~ 2.4 8GHz un licen sed ISM b and
Outpu t Power : Clas s 2, up to 10 m eters
Suppo rt Prof iles : HSP and HF P Profi les
Support Multiple Paired Device: Memorize paired data of 8 Bluetooth phones
Stand -by Time: U p to 100 0 hours / 41 days
Talk Time: Up to 10 -12 hou rs
Batte ry Char ging Tim e: About 3 ho urs
Charg er Voltag e: DC5 .0V, 400mA
Batte ry: 650 mA, BL -5B (Re charg eabl e Lithi um Batt ery)
Red LED f lash on ce eve ry 3 seco nds
Blue LE D flash o nce ev ery 6 sec onds
Red LED s teady o n
The red and blue LED flash on alternativ ely
Red LED s teady o n