SMT950 (Standard Product): ADC inputs and DAC outputs are AC-coupled.
SMT950-DC: ADCs inputs are DC-coupled and DAC outputs are AC-coupled.
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In order to guarantee that Sundance’s boards function correctly and to protect the
module from damage, the following precautions should be taken:
- They are static sensitive products and should be handled accordingly.
Always place the modules in a static protective bag during storage and transition.
- When operated in a closed environment make sure that the heat generated
by the system is extracted e.g. a fan extracting heat or blowing cool air. Sundance
recommends and uses PAPST 12-Volt fans (Series 8300) producing an air flow of 54
cubic meters per hour (equivalent to 31.8 CFM). Fans are placed so they blow across
the PCI bus as show on the following picture:
Figure 1 – Fan across PCI.
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The SMT950 is a single width expansion TIM that plugs onto the SLB
Converters (ADS5500
Converter (DAC5687
based on a CDCM7005
(Virtex-4 FPGA) and incorporates 2 Texas Instrument Analog-to-Digital
) and a Texas Instrument dual-channel Digital-to-Analog
). The SMT950 implements a comprehensive clock circuitry
chip that allows synchronisation among the converters and
base module
cascading modules for multiple receiver or transmitter systems as well as the use of
an external reference clock. It provides a complete conversion solution and stands as
a platform that can be part of a transmit/receive base station.
ADCs are 14-bit and can sample at up to 125 MHz. The DAC has a resolution of 16
bits and is able to update outputs at up to 500MHz. All converters are 3.3-Volt.
The Xilinx FPGA
(Virtex-4) on the base module is responsible for handling data
going/coming to/from one of the following destination/source: TI converters, Comport
(TIM-40 standard
), Sundance High-speed Bus (SHB). These interfaces are
compatible with a wide range of Sundance’s modules.
The memory on base module can be divided into two 16-bit wide independent blocks
for storing incoming and/or outgoing samples.
Converter configuration, sampling and transferring modes are set via internal control
registers stored inside the FPGA and accessible via Comport.
Module features
The main features of the SMT950 are listed below:
● Dual 14-bit 125MSPS ADC (ADS5500
● Dual channel 16-bit 500MSPS DAC (DAC5687
● On-board low-jitter clock generation (CDCM7005
● One external clocks, two external triggers and one reference clock via
● One SLB
connector to link SMT950 and SMT368 or SMT351T as an
● Synchronisation signals,
● All Analogue inputs to be connected to 50-Ohm sources.
● All Analogue outputs to be connected to 50-Ohm loads.
● Temperature sensors.
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Possible applications
The SMT950 can be used for the following application (this non-exhaustive list
should be taken as an example):
● High Intermediate-Frequency (IF) sampling architecture,
In this part, we will see the general block diagram and some comments on some the
SMT950 entities.
Block Diag ram
The following diagram describes the architecture of the SMT950, coupled – as an
example – with an SMT368 to show how mezzanine and base modules are
connected together:
Supplies: 1.8
and 3.3 Volts
ADC Input
ADC Input
ADCs and DAC External
Clock In - MMCX
ADCs and DAC External
Clock Out - MMCX
External Reference
Clock Out - MMCX
External Reference
Clock In - MMCX
DAC Output
DAC Output
Channel A
Channel B
Channel A
Channel B
14-bit 125MSPS
14-bit 125MSPS
PECL Clock
Generation and
based on
CDCM7005 and
Dual Channel DAC
16-bit 500MSPS
External ADC
ChA Data(14),
Clock and Control
ChB Data(14),
Clock and Control
ChA Data (16)
and Control
ChB Data (16)
and Control
External ADC
DAC Clock
Daughter Card
Daughter Card
Bank A
Bank B
Bank C
FF668 Package
448 IOs
ChA&ChB Data, Clock
and Control (60)
2xComports and
Control (24)
ChA&ChB Data, Clock
and Control (60)
Supplies: 1.25,
1.5, 2.5 and 3.3
ADC Channel A and
Channel B
Spare SHB connector
Top and Bottom TIM
Spare SHB connector
DAC Channel A and
Channel B
Figure 2 - Block Diagram.
Module Description
The module is built around two TI ADS5500
converters and one TI DAC5687
: Analog data enters the module via two MMCX connectors, one for each
dual 16-bit digital-to-analog converter.
14-bit sampling analog-to-digital
channel. Both signals are then conditioned (AC coupling; DC optional) before being
digitized. Both ADCs gets their own sampling clock, which can be either on-board
generated or from an external reference or an external clock, common to ADCs and
DAC (MMCX connector). Digital samples travel to the FPGA on the base module via
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the inter-module connector (SLB – Sundance LVDS Bus, used in this case as
: Digital samples are routed from the FPGA to the DAC via the inter-module
connector. Internal interpolation scheme allows reaching 500 Mega Samples per
Second. The DAC shows other modes such as Dual DAC, Single side-band,
Quadrature or up conversion. Both outputs are AC-coupled. By default they are
single-ended but can optionally be differential. The DAC mode is selected via Jumper
J1, that enables or disables the DAC Internal PLL (see DAC5687 datasheet for more
Clock generator and distribution
: All samplings clocks are generated by the same
chip. It allows having them all synchronized to a single reference clock.
Multi-module Synchronization
: There are two types of synchronization available on
the SMT950. The first one is frequency synchronization, by passing the external
reference clock to an other module. It first goes through a 0-delay buffer and is then
output. Note that the synchronization is in frequency and not in phase. The second
type is register synchronization between DACs. It is achieved by the way of an extra
link between several modules to synchronize DAC internal registers (DAC signal
PHSTR passed from one module to the other and driven by the master FPGA – it
resets the internal VCO).
Inter-module Connector
pins). It is called Sundance LVDS Bus. Please refer to the SLB specifications
: it is made of a power (33 pins) and data connectors (120
more details. In the case of the SMT950, the SLB is used as ‘single-ended’.
A global reset signal is mapped to the FPGA from the bottom TIM connector.
External Clock signals
, used to generate Sampling clocks. There is one external
clock, common to ADCs and DAC When used, the CDCM7005 is used as a clock
multiplexer. Also available, an external reference clock that can be passed to an
other SMT950 module with ‘0-delay’.
External Trigger
: passed directly to base module. There are two, one for the ADCs
and one for the DAC.
Temperature Sensor
: available for constant monitoring. Not part of default firmware
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ADC Channels.
ADC Main Characteristics.
The main characteristics of the SMT950 ADCs are gathered into the following table.
Analogue Inputs
AC coupled option. 2.4 Vp-p (11.5 dbm –
50 Ohm) Full scale - AC coupled.
DC coupled option. 1.15 Vp-p (Gain
Input voltage range
Output Data Width
Data Format
amplifier 6dB) centered around 0. DC
coupled via amplifier. Gain can be adjusted
to a required input amplitude centered
around 0. Minimm gain 6dBs, which should
allow input swing +/-0.575V as full scale.
ADC single-ended inputs are to be
connected to a 50Ω source. Source
impedance matching implemented between
RF transformers and ADC.
ADC bandwidth: 750 MHz.
ADCs Output
2’s Compliment or offset binary
(Changeable via control register)
82dBs maximum (manufacturer)
Each ADC Analogue input is AC-coupled via and RF transformer (AC-coupled
version of the SMT950). The 50-Ohm resistor between the connector and the first RF
transformer is not fitted because the source impedance match is implemented
between the second RF transformer and the ADC by the way of two 25-Ohm
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Figure 4 - ADC Input Stage.
The SMT950 can also receive an DC-coupling input stage on request as shown
below :
It is based around a Texas Instrument amplifier (THS4509
dBs and is to match a 50-Ohm signal source.
), which gain is set to 6
Figure 5 - ADC Input Stage (DC Coupling)
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Clock Structure
There is one integrated clock generator on the module (AD9510 – Analog Devices).
The user can either use this clock (on-board) or provide the module with an external
clock (input via MMCX connector).
Figure 6 - Clock Structure.
ADCs can all receive the same clock or the integer multiple of it (x2, x3, …x32), the
maximum being 125MHz for each ADC. This clock can be coming from the on-board
VCXO or from an external source.
An extra connector outputs the reference clock for multiple-module systems.
Below is shown how the external clock is fed to the system. By default it is singleended and AC-coupled before being converted into LVPECL format. The option of
having a differential external clock is still possible on the hardware by the way of
fitting or not some of the components.
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Dual-Channel DAC.
DAC Main characteristics.
The main characteristics of the SMT950 DAC are gathered into the following table.
Analogue Outputs
Input voltage range
Output Data Width per channel
Data Format
1 Vp-p – Full scale - AC coupled
DAC single-ended outputs are to be
connected to a 50Ω load, which impedance
matching implemented between DAC and
RF transformers.
89dBs maximum (manufacturer)
80dBs maximum (manufacturer)
DAC Input
2’s Compliment or offset binary
(Changeable via control register)
85dBs maximum (manufacturer)
73dBs maximum (manufacturer)