SmtFlash V2.0.0
1 August 2003
User Guide
This user guide describes the SmtFlash utility that is used to manage the Flash ROMs
on Sundance TIMs. SmtFlash uses Texas Instruments' Code Composer™ to allow
you to analyse the contents of a ROM and program new data. For added security,
SmtFlash will also allow you to erase the ROM completely.
1. Overview
The flash ROMs in Sundance TIMs are programmed in four independent logical
1. Directory
2. Bootloader
3. FPGA data
4. User data
1.1 Directory
The Directory logical section is used to hold information about the contents of the
ROM. It is managed automatically for you by SmtFlash.
1.2 Bootloader
The Bootloader logical section holds a standard Sundance program that is loaded and
starts to execute when the TIM is taken out of reset. It is responsible for the following
• Initialising the appropriate memory interface settings (EMIF);
• Configuring the TIM's FPGA;
• Initialising any external peripherals or co-processors;
• Loading a user program. This can be:
o from a part of the ROM's User Area; or
o from the first comport that presents data.
• Jumping to the entry point of the loaded program.
1.3 FPGA data
The FPGA data logical section holds information that the bootloader needs to
configure the TIM's FPGA.
1.4 User data
The User data logical section holds zero or more areas of user-specific data. There are
four types of data that can be programmed here:
1. Pure Data
The area contains binary data extracted from a file with no
2. S Record File
The area contains data extracted from a file in Motorola-S format. This
is described in section 9.9.3 if the Texas Instruments' publication
TMS320C6x Assembly Language Tools. User's Guide.
3. Executable Program
The area contains an executable program
4. Diamond Application
The area contains a Diamond application. This application may be for
one or more processors.
The number of areas that may be programmed is only limited by the arailable space in
the ROM.
2. Prerequisites
Before you can use SmtFlash you must configure Code Composer to match your
hardware. If Code Composer will not start successfully, SmtFlash will be unable to
Note: Currently there appears to be a 30 second delay between Code Composer
terminating following an error condition and that fact being notified to SmtFlash. If
you stop SmtFlash during this period, a processor will be left running in the
background and you will need to use the Task Manager to stop it.
3. Using SmtFlash
SmtFlash is started by clicking on SmtFlash.exe in the installation directory, usually
"C:\Program Files\Sundance\6001\SmtFlash". The installation procedure also puts a
shortcut to the utility in the Start menu. Once started, the utility attempts to start Code
Composer in the background. When this has been successfully achieved, the
following window should appear:
The "Environment" section defines the module you wish to access and specifies its
Carrier Board This selects the board containing the TIM to be accessed.
Selected TIM This selects the particular TIM on the selected board. The
names here correspond to the names used for the processors
when setting-up Code Composer.
Tim definition file This defines a standard file that contains detailed information
about the available TIM types. This should normally find the
file SUNDANCE.TIM in the installation directory.
User TIM definitions This is available for users with customised Sundance
hardware to specify additional TIM definitions.
Selected TIM type This is used to specify the type of TIM being accessed.
3.1 Selecting the TIM
Using the "Carrier board" field, select the board carrying the TIM you wish to
access. Often there will only be one such board and it will have been selected for you.
Next, use the "Selected TIM" field to select a particular processor on that board.
Important Note: Some TIMs, such as the SMT374, have multiple processors and
these will appear in the Selected TIM lists. It is important only to select the main
processor for such TIMs (often designated "Processor A"); selecting any of the
secondary processors on a TIM will lead to unpredictable behaviour. SmtFlash will
attempt to detect this situation and prevent access.
3.2 Specifying the type of TIM
There is no practical way that any program can determine the type of the TIM that has
been selected. The ROM usually holds this information, but to access that ROM you
also need to know the TIM's type. Worse, the ROM may not have been programmed
yet or may have been erased for security reasons.
Before you can access the TIM you must use the "Selected TIM type" field to
specify the type of the TIM you have selected. Clicking on the ▼ button to the right
of the Selected TIM type display window will bring up a list of the available TIM
types. Scroll up or down as necessary and click on the correct type.
If the type of the TIM use are using does not appear on the list, please contact
Sundance for assistance.
3.3 Accessing the ROM
You can access the selected ROM once you have analysed its contents. This is done
by pressing the "Analyse Flash" button, and is usually only needed once after
selecting a particular TIM.
The analysis procedure will generate activity from Code Composer and some pop-up
windows may appear and disappear. This is part of the normal operation of SmtFlash.
Following the analysis you will be in one of three states: