Sundance SMT376 User Manual

User Manual
User Manual (QCF42); Version 3.0, 5/2/01; © Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd. 2001
Version 1.7 Page 2 of 24 SMT376 User Manual

Revision History

17/7/02 First rev, based on 361 GP 1.0.0
14/10/02 Remove SDBC, comport 2,5 and update
Y.C 1.0.1
memory mapping
30/01/03 Firmware version 1.8 J.V 1.1
05/03/03 Firmware version 1.9
J.V. 1.4
Update of the pinout for serial port header
Table of content updated no other change
13/08/03 Firmware version display and update via the
J.V. 1.5
SMT6001 utility.
Comport notation updated and reference to support system added.
26/08/03 Version number updated at the top of each
J.V. 1.6
19/08/03 McBSP table corrected J.V. 1.7
Version 1.7 Page 3 of 24 SMT376 User Manual
Table of Contents
Revision History ....................................................................................................... 2
Contacting Sundance............................................................................................... 4
Notational Conventions ........................................................................................... 5
SMT376 .................................................................................................................. 5
C60 ......................................................................................................................... 5
SDB ........................................................................................................................ 5
Register Descriptions.............................................................................................. 5
Outline Description .................................................................................................. 6
Block Diagram .......................................................................................................... 7
Architecture Description.......................................................................................... 7
TMS320C6211/6711 .................................................................................................. 8
Boot Mode............................................................................................................... 8
EMIF Control Registers........................................................................................... 9
SDRAM ................................................................................................................... 9
FLASH .................................................................................................................. 10
Version control ....................................................................................................... 10
Reprogramming the firmware and boot code ...................................................... 10
Interrupts................................................................................................................. 10
Communication ports ............................................................................................ 10
SDB.......................................................................................................................... 11
SDB Clock selection ............................................................................................. 11
Global bus............................................................................................................... 11
LED Setting ............................................................................................................. 12
LED Register......................................................................................................... 12
CONFIG & NMI ........................................................................................................ 12
Timer........................................................................................................................ 12
IIOF interrupt........................................................................................................... 12
Code Composer...................................................................................................... 12
Application Development....................................................................................... 13
Operating Conditions............................................................................................. 14
Safety.................................................................................................................... 14
Version 1.7 Page 4 of 24 SMT376 User Manual
EMC...................................................................................................................... 14
General Requirements.......................................................................................... 14
Power Consumption.............................................................................................. 14
Connector Positions .............................................................................................. 15
Virtex Memory Map................................................................................................. 16
Connector Pin-outs ................................................................................................ 18
SDB0 Pin-Out ....................................................................................................... 18
FPGA JTAG .......................................................................................................... 18
SHB pin-out........................................................................................................... 19
Serial Ports & Other C60 I/O (EXP connector)...................................................... 21
Serial Ports & Other C60 I/O (JP3 connector)....................................................... 22
FPGA PROG Pin Control (JP2 connector)............................................................ 22
DSP JTAG Control (JP1 connector)...................................................................... 22
Data Sheets (Hyperlinks) ....................................................................................... 23
Index ........................................................................................................................ 24

Contacting Sundance

You can contact Sundance for additional information log onto Sundance’s support forum
Version 1.7 Page 5 of 24 SMT376 User Manual

Notational Conventions


Throughout this document the term SMT376 (or simply 376) will usually be used to refer to all processor variants. It should be clear from the context when a distinction is being drawn between the types of module.
The term C60 will be used throughout this document in place of TMS320C6211, 6711 or 6713.
The term SDB will be used throughout this document to refer to a 16 bit data bus carried by either an SDB connector or an SHB connector. The SHB connector can carry two such SDB buses.

Register Descriptions

The format of registers is described using diagrams of the following form:
31–24 23–16 15–8 7–0
R,00000000 RW,10000000 R,00000000 R,10000000
The digits at the top of the diagram indicate bit positions within the register and the central section names bits or bit fields. The bottom row describes what may be done to the field and its value after reset. Shaded fields are reserved and should only ever be written with zeroes.
R Readable by the CPU
W Writeable by the CPU
RW Readable and writeable by the CPU
Binary digits indicate the value of the field after reset.
Version 1.7 Page 6 of 24 SMT376 User Manual

Outline Description

The SMT376 is a C6211/6711/6713-based size 1 TIM offering the following features:
TMS320C6211 integer processor running at 150MHz
TMS320C6711 floating point processor running at 150MHz
TMS320C6713 floating point processor running at 225MHz
Four 20MB/s communication ports (ComPorts)
256MBytes of SDRAM (100MHz)
2MByte Flash ROM for boot code and FPGA programming
Global expansion connector
High bandwidth data I/O via Sundance Digital Buses (SDB) and
Sundance High-speed Buses (SHB)
Version 1.7 Page 7 of 24 SMT376 User Manual

Block Diagram

Linear regulators for CPU & FPGA cores
4 LEDs &
4 I/O pins
JTAG Header
Sundance High-speed Bus
(60-way Samtec)
Sundance Digital Bus
(40-way ODU)
83 I/O
J1 Top Primary TIM
FPGA Controller
Spartan-IIE, FG456
Global Bus
J3 Global Expansion
Comm-Port 0 & 3
24 I/O pins
2x Comm-Ports/SDL
329 I/O Pins
74 I/O pins
J2 Bottom Primary TIM
15 I/O pins
Timer,& Control
24 I/O pins
2x Comm-Port/SDL
Comm-Port 1 & 4
(2 linked with 5)
64 pins
Flash (CE1)
Start-up mode selection.
256M bytes SDRAM (CE2,3)
8 x K4S560832
(32M x 8)

Architecture Description

The SMT376 TIM consists of a Texas Instruments TMS320C6211/6711/6713 running at up to 225MHz. Modules are populated with 256MBytes of synchronous DRAM (SDRAM).
A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is used to manage global bus accesses and implement four communication ports and Sundance Digital/High-speed Buses. This is a Xilinx Spartan –IIE device.
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The processor will run with zero wait states from internal SRAM. The internal memory is 64k bytes in size and can be partitioned between normal SRAM and/or L2 cache.
An on-board crystal oscillator provides the clock used for the C60 which then multiplies this by 4 internally.

Boot Mode

The SMT376 is configured to use the following boot sequence each time it is taken out of reset:
1. The processor copies a bootstrap program from the first part of the flash memory into internal program RAM starting at address 0.
2. Execution starts at address 0.
The standard bootstrap supplied with the SMT376 then performs the following operations:
1. All relevant C60 internal registers are set to default values;
2. The FPGA is configured from data held in flash memory and sets up the communication ports, the global bus and the Sundance Digital/High-speed Buses. This step must have been completed before data can be sent to the ComPorts from external sources such as the host or other TIMs;
3. A C4x-style boot loader is executed. This will continually examine the four communication ports until data appears on one of them. The bootstrap will then load a program in boot format from that port; the loader will not read data arriving on other ports. See “Application Development” for details of the boot loader format;
4. Finally, control is passed to the loaded program.
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