Transaction Processing Retail
Debit Card Cash Out Only
— Press the MENU button from the Home screen.
— Select 1 for Transaction.
— Select Cash out.
— Type in the Cash out amount.
— Press Enter.
— Prompt the customer to Insert or Swipe their card.*
— If the screen displays - Select the account type – request the customer to make this
— The terminal will ask the customer to type in their PIN and press Enter.
— If Approved, the terminal will print the merchant receipt.
— Remove the merchant receipt and press Enter or Yes to print the customer receipt
— Ensure that the transaction receipt says ‘APPROVED’.
— Hand the Customer Copy receipt to the customer (if required).
Cash out cannot be performed on a Credit Card.
Remember to clearly display your Cash out Policy.
* Dependant on the functionality available on the customer’s card.
Credit Card/Charge Card Purchase
— Type in the Sale Amount.
— Press Enter.
— The screen will display PRESENT CARD - Prompt the customer to Tap, Insert or Swipe
their card.*
— If the screen displays -Select the account type - request the customer to make this
— The terminal will ask the customer to type in their PIN number and press Enter or press
Enter for the customer to sign the receipt (if prompted to do so).
— If Approved, the terminal will print the merchant receipt.
— Remove the merchant receipt, hand to the customer to sign the receipt (if prompted to
doso by the terminal).**
— Press Enter or Yes to print the customer receipt (if required).
— Ensure that the transaction receipt says ‘APPROVED’.
— Hand the Customer Copy receipt to the customer (if required).
* Dependant on the functionality available on the customers card.
**Always verif y the customer’s signature if not a PIN transaction.