Sunbeam Health at Home 7689 User Manual

One piece, one step
Important Notes: Only a physician is qualified to interpret changes in your blood pressure. This device is
not intended to replace regular medical exami­nations. It is recommended that your physician review your procedure for using this monitor.
Never make adjustments to your medication
unless it is the advice of a physician.
Please read this manual carefully before using
this device. This Blood Pressure Monitor is
intended for use by adults only. Children should not use this monitor unless it is under the
supervision of an adult.
Please read these instructions carefully before using this Blood Pressure Monitor.
Helpful information
What is Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is the force that blood exerts on
the arteries. This force is constantly changing as the heart beats. When the heart contracts, blood
pressure reaches its highest value. This is called systolic blood pressure. When the heart relaxes
between beats, the value of blood pressure is lower. This is called the diastolic blood pressure. The unit of measure for blood pressure is the mil-
limeter of mercury, abbreviated
For example, an individual’s blood pressure may
be measured as 120 mmHg (systolic) and 80
mmHg (diastolic). This would be spoken as “120
over 80” and written as “120/80”. Remember that blood pressure varies throughout the day.
Food intake, smoking, time of day, stress, level
of exercise and many other factors can affect it.
Typical daily blood pressure fluctuations
(Example: 35year-old male)
What is High Blood Pressure?
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condi-
tion where an individual’s blood pressure
remains high over a long period of time.
Untreated, hypertension can cause many seri­ous medical problems including strokes and
heart attacks. To control hypertension, the
American Heart Association recommends that you not smoke, reduce fat and salt intake, main-
tain proper weight, exercise and get regular
physical check-ups.
Why Is It Important to Measure Your Blood
Pressure at Home? Having your blood pressure taken at the doctor’s
office may cause you to become nervous, thus artificially raising your reading. Having the ability
to take your blood pressure at home makes it easy to record a log of your daily readings. This will
help you gain a greater understanding of your blood pressure reading and the factors that effect
it. Be sure that you share your information with your physician.
Hints for Accurate Measurement
1) Relax and try to remain still for 5 to 10 min­utes before a measurement.
2) Remove shirts or other tight-fitting garments on the wrist (for example wristwatches) and upper arm before applying the wrist cuff.
3) Refrain from eating, smoking, and drinking (especially alcoholic beverages) before a measurement since these activities can
affect your blood pressure.
4) Remember that blood pressure varies contin­uously throughout the day. Try to take your blood pressure at the*same time each day.
5) Do not be concerned with the results of one measurement. Many measurements, record­ed over a long period of time, will provide a
better indication of your blood pressure.
6) Please relax for 5 to 10 minutes before taking another measurement.
7) Many factors can affect your blood pressure
such as exercising, eating, talking, moving,
nervousness, environment and temperature changes. Emotional stress can cause an increase in blood pressure. Daily fluctuations
of 25 to 50
are common.
Using a Wrist Unit
Taking your blood pressure at the wrist may
give different readings than from the upper arm
as is done in most doctor offices. Because of
the location of measurement and differences in
arterial diameters, a healthy person may see a maximum difference oft/- 10
in both
systolic and diastolic measurements, versus
those taken with an arm unit with cuff.
Please note: Some individuals with hypertension,
diabetes, kidney disorders, arteriosclerosis or
poor circulation may see a significant difference
in blood pressure readings taken from the wrist
as compared to readings from the upper arm. It is recommended that you consult with your
physician concerning the use of this monitor.
Correct Method of Measurement
To obtain the most accurate blood pressure
measurement, please follow these important, directions.
l Be seated in a chair with back support. l Rest your arm on a table so the cuff is at the
same level as your heart.
l Use the storage case or similar item to sup-
port the forearm. (see diagram A)
l Place both feet on the ground.
Storage Case Diagram A
IMPORTANT: The wrist cuff must be at the same level as your heart, or accurate measure­ment will not be possible. (Your heart is located slightly below your left armpit).
Getting to Know Your Wrist Unit
Model No. 7689
D Disdav
ON/OFF Button]
Start Button
Storage Case
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