Subdecay Studios – Prometheus
PM2 – Resonant Filter-
Your Prometheus pedal was hand
made in Newberg, Oregon with high
quality components.
Thank you for purchasing The
Subdecay Prometheus.
What is The Prometheus?
The Prometheus is a voltage
controlled 12dB filter which can be
manipulated by playing dynamics or
an internally generated signal.
ControlsIntensity: Controls the resonance of
the filter.
HP/BP/LP: Controls the shape of
the filter. Highpass, Bandpass, and
Freq: Controls the resting cutoff
frequency of the filter. In Envelope
up, and Step mode, lower
frequencies are to the left and
higher frequencies are to the right.
In Envelope down mode this control
works backwards.
: Controls how the cutoff
frequency is modulated. Envelope
up, Step, and Envelope down
Depth: Controls how much the filter
cutoff frequency is modulated.
: Controls the shape of
the control voltage generator. This
control is for step mode only.
Step: Controls the timing of the
sample/hold function. (time
between voltage samples) This
control is for step mode only.
Rate: Controls the speed of the
control voltage generator LFO (Low
Frequency Oscillator)
To change the battery you must first
remove the 4 rear screws and the
rear cover. The battery should be
placed next to the switch in the
battery compartment. The battery
should be able to slide in and out
with out any friction. If the battery
needs to be forced in to place, it
could damage the your pedal.
Battery Life
When using a battery always unplug
the instrument input to conserve
battery life. When a cable is
plugged in the pedal is always on
even when bypassed.
The Prometheus current draw
relatively low considering the size of
the circuit. As the battery drains the
range of the filter will become
smaller, and the higher intensity
settings may become distorted.
About your Prometheus:
The Promehteus is hand made in
Newberg, Oregon with high quality
Die cast aluminum enclosures for
Powered by a 9 volt battery, or a
regulated Class II 9VDC adapter.
Blue LED indicator.
The Prometheus can be powered by
standard 9 volt battery, or by a
dedicated Class II regulated 9 volt
DC power supply with a negative
center 2.1mm barrel type plug.
Current draw under normal
operation is less than 15mA.
Input impedance: 1M
Output Impedance: less than 1K in
HP and LP mode. ~5K in BP mode.
Operation and Care:
Keep away from extreme heat, cold
and moisture.
Use only a dry towel to clean.
No user serviceable parts. Contact
Subdecay Studios, Inc. for repair or
Official Warranty:
Subdecay Studios offers a 3 year
limited warranty from the purchase
date to the original purchaser. This
warranty does not cover misuse, or
neglect by the user. It also does not
cover the finish, paint, or any
exterior, or superficial damage. Any
unauthorized repairs will void
warranty. Subdecay Studios, Inc.
will assume NO LIABILITY for this
If using batteries to power your
Prometheus, we recommend using
alkaline types.
Envelope Filter Tricks- In Envelope Up
mode, the Prometheus operates much
like many other filters you may have
used. In Envelop Down mode, the
filter sweeps in the opposite direction.
You can even set the resting frequency
above or below the audio range to
create a slow attack effect.
Step Filter Fun- The timing of the Step
and Rate controls overlaps. When
running the Rate past the 12:00 mark it
can oscillate much faster than the Step
timer. Some very interesting
sequences are possible. Also, with the
Step control all the way up, and the
Rate below the 12:00 mark a smooth
autofilter effect is possible. It can even
sound a bit like a tremolo or phaser
with the right filter settings.
Fake Synth madness- Try running your
favorite fuzz or overdrive before the
Prometheus. LP and BP modes work
best for this effect.
Subdecay Studios ©2008
503 538 3632 M-F 9AM-6PM PST