A: The Oil used in the operation of this generator is diesel oil.
A: The RGD2510 can run for up to approximately 8.4 hours at 50Hz and 7.1 hours at 60Hz. The RGD3310, on the other hand, runs up to 6.6 hours at 50Hz and 6.0 hours at 60Hz.
A: The generator can be harmful as it operates by releasing carbon monoxide thus the use of the generator inside a room or in an area where the air is not well is not advised.
A: Starting output of RGD2510 is 2.5 kW at 60Hz and 2.3 kW at 50Hz in comparison the RGD3310 has outputs of 3.3kW and 3.0 kW at 60Hz and 50Hz respectively.
A: As an option which is available for the generator it can be equipped with an electric starter.