Studio Technologies 214 User Manual

User Guide
Issue 1, July 2014
This User Guide is applicable for serial numbers:
M214-00151 and later
Copyright © 2014 by Studio Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved
50382-0714, Issue 1
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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................... 5
System Features ........................................................... 5
Installation ..................................................................... 10
Configuration ................................................................ 13
Dante™ Configuration ................................................... 20
Operation ...................................................................... 20
Technical Notes ............................................................. 25
Specifications ................................................................ 30
Appendix A .................................................................... 31
Appendix B .................................................................... 32
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Issue 1, July 2014 Model 214 User Guide Page 4 Studio Technologies, Inc.


What This User Guide Covers
This User Guide is designed to assist you when installing, configuring, and using Model 214 Announcer’s Consoles. Addi­tional background technical information is also provided.
System Overview
The Model 214 Announcer’s Console is designed to serve as the audio control center for announcers, commentators, and production personnel. This tabletop unit supports applications utilizing the Dante™ Audio-over-Ethernet media networking technology. The Model 214 is suitable for numerous applications including on-air television sports broadcasting, stadium an­nounce, and corporate AV. The unit inte­grates all on-air, talkback, and cue audio signal routing in one compact system. Two pushbutton switches allow the user to control the main and talkback audio output channels. Ease of use, configuration flexibility, and sonic excellence are some of the unit’s highlights.
Figure 1. Model 214 front and back views
The Model 214 is compatible with the latest broadcast and audio system environments that use the Dante technology. An Ethernet connection with Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) power is all that’s required to make the unit part of a sophisticated, networked audio system. Connect a microphone and pair of headphones (or a broadcast headset) and the installation is complete. Whether it’s the on-air audio, the talkback audio, or the headphone cue feed, superior audio quality is always maintained. A range of configura­tion choices allow the desired operating parameters to be easily selected. And while flexible, the user is presented with an easy­to-use set of controls and indicators.

System Features

User Controls and Status Indicators
Two pushbutton switches, three LED indi­cators, and three rotary controls provide the user with a clear, easy-to-use interface. One pushbutton switch controls the status of the main output. This is the audio chan­nel intended for on-air, announcement, or other primary uses. Two LEDs display the on/off status of the main output. A second pushbutton switch controls the status of the talkback output channel. This is the audio signal used to communicate with producers, directors, spotters, or other
behind-the-scenes production personnel. A status LED is associated with the talk­back pushbutton. The pushbutton switches use gold-plated contacts for reliable long­term operation and include backlighting using white LEDs. Three rotary controls al­low the user to adjust the content and level of the headphone output.
Microphone Input
The Model 214 provides a high-perfor­mance microphone preamplifier which offers low-noise, low-distortion, and high headroom amplification over a 19 to 64 dB range. The gain is adjustable in 3-dB steps using pushbutton switches accessible on the bottom of the unit. A 2-digit display in­dicates the amplification in dB. The micro­phone input is compatible with balanced dynamic or condenser microphones. Phantom power is provided and meets the worldwide P48 standard. It can be enabled or disabled as required. A dual-color LED indicator serves as an aid for optimizing the setting of the preamplifier’s gain. Micro­phone signals are connected to the Model 214 by way of a standard 3-pin female XLR connector.
Output Channels and their Operation
By way of the Dante interface, the Model 214 provides a main output channel and a talkback output channel. The main output channel is designed to serve as the on-air, stadium announcement, or other primary audio feed. The talkback output channel is intended to provide production trucks, control rooms, or support personnel with talent-originated cue signals. In addition to the main and talkback output channels a hot mic output channel is also available.
This un-switched audio output can be useful when the Model 214 is being used in conjunction with an intercom system or audio console where an “always active” microphone signal is required. For hot mic audio data to be present on the Dante out­put channel a configuration setting must be made. This is provided for situations where privacy is desired.
A large part of the Model 214’s unique power is the ability to configure the opera­tion of the main and talkback functions. To meet the needs of the many specific broadcast and production applications, a variety of pushbutton operating modes are available. The main pushbutton can be se­lected to operate from among four modes. In the “push-to-mute” mode the pushbut­ton performs a momentary mute of the audio signal associated with the main output channel. In this way a “cough” pushbutton function is created, something typically required for television sports broadcasting. In the “push-to-talk” mode the pushbutton provides a momentary active function for the main output. This mode would be appropriate for an appli­cation such as stadium announcement. An alternate action “latching” configuration allows the pushbutton to enable or disable the audio signal associated with the main output channel as desired. This is useful in radio broadcasting, announce-booth, or voice-over applications. The fourth mode provides a hybrid function, supporting both push-to-talk and tap-to-enable/tap-to­disable operation. This operation is similar to that found in many broadcast intercom system user stations.
The pushbutton switch associated with the talkback function can be configured to operate from either of two modes. One of the modes supports a “push-to-talk”
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function. This is typically used for on-air broadcast applications. The other mode provides a hybrid function, the opera­tion of which is discussed in the previous paragraph. The hybrid mode is especially useful when the Model 214 is used in a production-support application.
Overall Model 214 operation can be con­figured from among one on-air and two production modes. The Model 214’s on-air mode is appropriate for on-air television, radio, and streaming broadcast applica­tions. When on-air is selected the audio signal associated with the main output channel will always mute when the talk­back function is active. This prevents audio that’s intended for production or support personnel from being sent out the on-air audio path.
For non-on-air applications, the Model 214 can be configured to operate in either of two “production” modes. These allow the main output to be used as a second talkback output, rather than always mut­ing when the talkback function is active. Using these production modes the unit can be even more powerful when used in a live event application, such as serving as a small “IFB” console for a sports-event spotter, musical director, or production assistant. In addition to changing how the main output functions, one of the production modes also supports using the headphone output for connection with amplified speakers. The headphone output level will automatically be reduced (attenuate or “dim”) whenever the main or talkback output channels are active. This can enhance intelligibility and help prevent acoustical feedback from occur­ring between the speakers and the active microphone.
Headphone Output
The Model 214 provides a number of configuration choices that relate to the headphone output. These choices impact which audio sources are utilized, how the rotary level controls function, and what sidetone action will take place. Four head­phone control configuration modes are of­fered. These modes impact how the three rotary controls adjust the four Dante input channels and the sidetone audio signals. The first two modes support standard on­air applications and use only Dante input channels 1 and 2. In the broadcast world these two signals are often referred to as talent cue or IFB audio. They typically originate in production trailers or control rooms and provide one channel of pro­gram-with-interrupt audio and a second channel with program-only audio. The third and fourth configuration modes allow all four of the Dante-provided audio sourc­es to be utilized. These can be useful for more complex or specialized situations.
The three headphone level controls (“rota ry pots”) are provided for setting the “mix” of the selected sources as well as adjust­ing the overall headphone output level. How these controls function depends on the selected headphone control mode. As previously mentioned, the first mode is intended to support traditional on-air sports applications. In this mode the left and center controls act in a dual-channel (“level/level”) fashion, allowing indepen­dent control of the left- and right volume.
For use with dual-channel or stereo cue signals, the second mode provides a ste­reo (“level/balance”) mode. In this mode the left control adjusts the level of both input channels 1 and 2, while the center
control allows adjustment of the left/right level balance. In both modes the right control is used to adjust the level of the sidetone signal.
In the third headphone control mode the left control adjusts the level of both in­put channels 1 and 2, the center control adjusts the level of both input channels 3 and 4, while the right control adjusts the sidetone level.
The fourth headphone mode uses the left control to adjust the level of input channel 1, the center control to adjust the level of input channel 2, and the right control to adjust the level of both input channels 3 and 4. In this mode the sidetone function is not active.
The sidetone function allows audio from the Model 214’s microphone preamplifier to be routed to the headphone output. This can be useful, providing the user with an aural confirmation of the signal con­nected to the mic input. It is especially important when a “mix-minus” talent cue signal is provided for the user. For appli­cation flexibility the sidetone function can be configured from among four choices, specifying when it will be active in rela­tion to the status of the main and talkback functions.
To help minimize the chance of broadcast cues being missed, the action of the level controls can be configured so that there’s always a minimum headphone output level. Alternately, the controls can be con­figured to fully mute when they are at their minimum (fully-counterclockwise) position. When the level control on the right side is used for sidetone it will always allow the sidetone signal to be fully muted.
The headphone output was designed to meet the needs of contemporary head­phones and headsets. Specifically, the output circuits act as voltage drivers rather than power drivers. In this configuration they can provide high output levels with very low distortion and noise, along with minimal current consumption. The output circuits can safely drive stereo or mono loads. This ensures that all types of head­phones, headsets, and earpieces can be directly connected.
Dante Audio-over-Ethernet
Audio data is sent to and from the Model 214 using the Dante Audio-over-Ethernet media networking technology. For flex­ibility in meeting a variety of sonic require­ments bit depths of up to 24 and sample rates of 44.1 and 48 kHz are supported.
Audio output (transmit) and input (receive) channels on associated Dante-enabled devices can be assigned to the Model 214 using the Dante Controller software ap­plication. This makes selecting the way in which the Model 214 fits into an ap­plication a simple matter. For example, the main audio output channel can be assigned to the input of an audio console. The talkback audio output channel could be assigned to an input of a matrix inter­com system. And the hot mic audio output channel could be routed directly to an amplified speaker for producer or director use. No special routing or “multing” using cables or patch points is required to send the output channels to multiple destina­tions. And a single mouse-click is all that’s required to reroute the audio signals.
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On the input side, the Model 214 allows up to four headphone cue sources to be received from an audio console, matrix intercom system, or a variety of other Dante-enabled devices; the sources don’t need to originate from the same device. “Program” audio could be supplied by an audio console while “IFB” (interrupted foldback or talent cue) audio could be supplied by a matrix intercom system.
Ethernet Data, PoE, and DC Power Source
The Model 214 connects to a data network using a standard 100 Mb/s twisted-pair Ethernet interface. The physical intercon­nection is made by way of a Neutrik® etherCON RJ45 connector. While compat­ible with standard RJ45 plugs, etherCON allows a ruggedized and locking intercon­nection for harsh or high-reliability environ­ments. The Model 214’s operating power can be provided by way of the Ethernet interface using the Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) standard. This allows fast and efficient interconnection with the associ­ated data network. To support PoE power management, the Model 214’s PoE inter­face reports to the power sourcing equip­ment (PSE) that it’s a class 2 (low power) device. The unit can also be powered us­ing an external source of 12 volts DC. For redundancy, both power sources can be connected simultaneously. If both sources are connected PoE will power the unit. Four LEDs display the status of the net­work connection, PoE power source, and Dante interface.
Configuration and Flexibility
Model 214 configurations are made using twelve DIP switches and two pushbutton switches. The 12-position switch array
configures parameters such as the push­button operating modes, sidetone func­tion, headphone control assignment, and the system mode. The pushbuttons are used to set the gain of the microphone preamplifier and control the on/off status of the microphone phantom power func­tion. The switches and pushbuttons are accessible via the bottom of the Model 214’s enclosure; the unit does not have to be disassembled. Changes made to any of the configuration parameters become active immediately. To prevent unwanted access to the configuration switches and pushbuttons a security panel, included with each unit, is attached to the bottom of the enclosure.
In the world of broadcast and production audio it’s fair to say that applications vary widely. To this end, one or two additional XLR connectors can easily be mounted into the Model 214’s back panel. Multiple 3-position “headers” located on the Model 214’s circuit board provide technician access to many of the input and output connections. Using a variety of optional factory-supplied modules and interface cable kits allows a Model 214 to be opti­mized to meet the needs of specific ap­plications. For example, some applications may prefer to use a multi-pin XLR connec­tor to interface with a headset. This can easily be accomplished by installing the appropriate 6- or 7-pin XLR connector kit and making a few simple connections. Other applications may benefit from hav­ing “mult” or “loop-through” connections, something easily incorporated into a Model 214. And access to the relay con­tacts can be made adding a 4-pin XLR connector kit.
Two general-purpose relay contacts are provided on the Model 214’s circuit board. Accessible using 3-pin “header” connec­tors they allow specialized configurations to be created. Under software control, the form-A (normally open) solid-state relay contacts follow the state of the main and talkback pushbuttons. Taking advantage of the two locations provided for additional XLR connectors, a technician may easily implement a variety of functions such as a tally indication or audio muting during talkback.
Future Capabilities & Firmware Updating
The Model 214 was designed so that its capabilities can be enhanced in the future. The primary additions will be in the area of Dante remote control functionality. Once an industry-standard has been established it’s expected that remote con­trol of microphone preamplifier gain and microphone phantom power on/off will be available. Output channel status will also be able to be reported as well as respond­ing to status (tally) indications that are received. These features will allow integra­tion with devices such as audio consoles, signals processor units, and matrix inter­com systems.
Dante-Enabled Announcer Console Products
The Model 214 is just one in a series of Dante-enabled announcer console prod­ucts available from Studio Technologies. For applications that require an alternate set of features the other products in the 200-Series should be reviewed. Complete information is available on the Studio Technologies website.


In this section signal interconnections will be made using the connectors located on the back panel of the Model 214. A microphone signal will be interfaced by way of a 3-pin XLR connector. A ¼-inch 3-conductor phone jack is provided for the headphone output. An Ethernet data con nection will be made using either a stan­dard RJ45 patch cable or an etherCON protected RJ45 plug. A 4-pin XLR connec­tor allows the connection of an external source of 12 volts DC.
System Components
Included in the shipping carton are the fol­lowing: Model 214 Announcer’s Console, user guide, and pushbutton label sheet.
A USB connector, located on the Model 214’s back panel, allows the operating firmware (embedded software) to be up­dated using a standard USB flash drive. The Model 214 uses Audinate’s Ultimo™ integrated circuit for implementing Dante. The integrated circuit’s firmware can be updated via the Ethernet connection, help­ing ensure that its capabilities remain up to date.
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Microphone Input
The Model 214 is compatible with bal­anced dynamic and condenser micro­phones. Depending on the application, the microphone may be part of a headset or be an independent handheld or stand­mounted model. The Model 214’s P48 power source will support essentially all phantom-powered microphones. The quality of the Model 214’s microphone preamplifier and associated circuitry is
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