Studio Technologies 210 User Manual

User Guide
Issue 5, September 2012
This User Guide is applicable for serial numbers:
M210-01151 to M210-01250
Copyright © 2012 by Studio Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved
50311-0912, Issue 5
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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................... 5
System Features ........................................................... 5
Installation and Setup ................................................... 9
Configuration ................................................................ 14
Operation ...................................................................... 22
Technical Notes ............................................................. 25
Specifications ................................................................ 35
Appendix A .................................................................... 36
Block Diagram
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What This User Guide Covers
This User Guide is designed to assist you when installing, configuring, and using Model 210 Announcer’s Consoles with serial numbers 01151 to 01250. Additional background technical information is also provided. A product block diagram is included at the end of this guide.
System Overview
The Model 210 Announcer’s Console is designed to serve as the audio control center for announcers, commentators, and production talent. The tabletop unit is suited for numerous applications including on-air television sports broadcasting. The Model 210 integrates all on-air, talkback, and cue audio signal routing into one com­pact system. Ease of use, configuration flexibility, and sonic excellence are some of the unit’s highlights.
Figure 1. Model 210 front panel
The Model 210 is compatible with most broadcast and audio system environments. Standard connectors are used to interface microphone, headphone, talkback, and IFB signals. Whether it’s microphone switch­ing, talkback output, or headphone cue feed, superior audio quality is maintained. A microprocessor provides the Model 210’s logic power, allowing exacting control of the unit’s operation. A range of configura­tion choices allow the desired operating parameters to be easily selected. While flexible, the user is presented with an easy­to-use set of controls and indicators.
A truly next-generation product, extensive research into the needs and desires of field production personnel was integral to the Model 210’s creation. While primarily tar­geted for on-air television applications, spe­cialized features are included to allow the
Figure 2. Model 210 back panel
Model 210 to be used in a variety of other audio applications. These include on-air radio broadcasting, stadium announce­ment, and voice-over/narration booths.

System Features

Microphone Input
A high-performance microphone pre­amplifier circuit provides low-noise/low­distortion amplification over a 20 to 60 dB gain range. The gain is adjustable in 10 dB steps. The input is compatible with
balanced dynamic or condenser micro­phones. The microphone power source is 48 volts nominal and meets the world­wide P48 phantom power standard. The preamplifier’s gain can also be set for 0 dB, allowing a line-level audio signal to be con­nected. This could prove useful in special applications such as when an external pre­amp or mic processor is being used.
An LED indicator serves as an aid for opti­mizing the setting of the preamplifier’s gain. The output of the microphone preamplifier is used by the main output as well as being routed to the compressor circuit that sup­ports the talkback function.
Main and Talkback Outputs
The Model 210 provides one main and one talkback output. The main output is de­signed to serve as the on-air, stadium announcement, or other primary audio feed. With a nominal level of –2 dBu, it is designed as a fully professional interface with high output capability, low distortion, and low noise. It features a high-quality transformer expressly designed for driving long broad- cast cable runs. The talkback output is intended to provide production trucks, control rooms, or support personnel with a talent-originated cue signal. The talk­back output is transformer-coupled with a +4 dBu nominal signal level. It contains re­sistors in series with its output connections, allowing the talkback output from multiple units to be directly summed (combined).
For non-on-air applications, a special Mod­el 210 feature can be enabled, placing the unit in a “production” mode. This allows the main output to be used as a second talk­back output. In this configuration the unit can be even more powerful when used in a live event application, such as serving as a master console for a production director.
Dynamic Range Control
A studio-quality compressor circuit is provided to control the dynamic range of the signal coming from the microphone preamplifier. Far from a simple “clipper,” the circuit utilizes a sophisticated laser­trimmed voltage-controlled-amplifier (VCA) integrated circuit for quiet, low-distortion level control. The signal from the compres­sor is always used by the talkback output. In addition, the audio source for the main output can be selected to be either the output of the microphone preamplifier or the output of the compressor. While possi­bly not appropriate for major on-air situa­tions, having dynamic range control of the main output can offer increased effective­ness for many applications. These could include stadium announcement positions, sports events using nonprofessional on-air talent, and situations where cable cross­talk is of concern.
User Controls and Status Indicators
Two pushbutton switches, three LED indi­cators, and two rotary controls provide the user with a clear, easy-to-use interface. One pushbutton switch controls the status of the main output. This is the audio out­put intended for on-air, announcement, or other primary uses. Two LEDs display the on/off status of the main output. A second pushbutton switch controls the status of the talkback output. This is the audio output used to communicate with produc­ers, directors, spotters, or other behind­the-scenes production personnel. A status LED is associated with the talkback but­ton. Two rotary controls allow the user to adjust the level of the headphone output.
A large part of the Model 210’s unique power is the ability to configure the operation of the main output and talkback functions. To meet the needs of the many specific broadcast and pro­duction applications, a variety of button operating modes is available. The main output button can be selected to operate from among four modes. In the “push-to­mute” mode the button performs a mo­mentary mute of the main output. In this way a “cough” button function is created, something typically required for television sports broadcasting. In the “push-to-talk” mode the button provides a momentary active function for the main output. This mode would be appropriate for applica­tions such as stadium announcement. An alternate action “latching” configuration allows the button to enable or disable the main output as desired. This is useful in radio broadcasting, announce-booth, or voice-over applications. The fourth mode provides a hybrid function, supporting both push-to-talk and tap-to-enable/ tap-to-disable operation. This operation is similar to that found in many broadcast intercom system user stations.
The button associated with the talkback function can be configured to operate from either of two modes. One of the modes supports a “push-to-talk” function. This is typically used for on-air broadcast applications. The other mode provides a hybrid function, the operation of which is discussed in the previous paragraph. The hybrid mode is especially useful when the Model 210 is used in a production-support application.
IFB Input
A broadcast-standard “wet” (DC with audio) IFB circuit can be directly con­nected to the Model 210’s IFB input. Originated by sources such as the RTS™ 4000-series IFB system or IFB interface devices from Studio Technologies, the connected IFB circuit can provide the DC power to operate the Model 210 as well as two channels of cue audio.
Cue Sources
The Model 210 allows the two audio sources associated with the IFB input to be selected for routing to the headphone output. Originating in production trailers, control rooms, or remote locations, these unbalanced sources normally provide DC power and program-with-interrupt audio on one channel and program-only audio on the other. Each source can be indi­vidually assigned to the left channel, right channel, or both left and right. This allows a wide variety of stereo and mono head­phone mixes to be created.
Some applications may benefit by being able to connect standard line-level audio signals to the Model 210. To meet this need one or two optional line input cards can be installed in the Model 210’s back panel. Each card provides a 3-pin female XLR connector and transformer-isolated +4 dBu nominal input circuit. Each source can be individually assigned to the left channel, right channel, or both left and right.
Headphone Output
Two rotary controls are provided for user adjustment of the headphone output levels. For application flexibility the actual function of the two “pots” is configurable. For traditional on-air sports applications
they can be selected to the dual-channel (“level/level”) mode which provides independent control of the left- and right­channel volume. For use with dual­channel cue signals, or to support user preference, the stereo (“level/balance”) mode can be selected. In this mode one control adjusts the overall level of both the left and right channels, while the other allows adjustment of the left/right level balance. To help minimize the chance of broadcast cues being missed, both level control modes can be configured so that a minimum headphone output level is maintained. Alternately, the headphone output can be set to fully mute when the controls are at their minimum position.
Provision has been made to support ap­plications where a monaural cue feed is desired. A configuration switch allows the summing (combining) of the selected left and right headphone sources. In addition to creating a dual-channel mono output it also allows the level controls to be config­ured as a simple 2-channel mixer.
The headphone output was designed to meet the needs of contemporary head­phones and headsets. Specifically, the output circuits act as voltage, rather than power, drivers. In this configuration they can provide high output levels with very low distortion and noise, along with mini­mal current consumption. The output cir­cuits are configured to safely drive stereo or mono loads. This ensures that all types of headphones, headsets, and earpieces can be directly connected.
Audio Quality and Protection
The Model 210’s circuitry is carefully tailored to provide excellent audio perfor­mance. Professional-quality components are featured throughout. For reliability
all audio routing is performed using solid­state devices. In all critical audio paths, “clickless” electronic switches provide noise-free control. All audio inputs and outputs make extensive use of protection components. This limits the chance of damage from ESD and other undesirable, yet real-world, hazards.
Power Sources
The Model 210 can derive its operating power from either the IFB input or an external nominal 24 volt DC source. For redundancy, both power sources can be connected simultaneously. An internal switch-mode power supply ensures that all Model 210 features are available when the unit is powered by either source.
The Model 210 is compatible with IFB circuits provided by most standard broad­cast systems. However, maximum perfor­mance can often be obtained by using the IFB interface devices available from Studio Technologies. Single-channel and four­channel units are available, each providing high-quality audio along with an excel­lent source of DC power. They’re directly compatible with most matrix intercom sys­tems, as well as standard line-level audio signals. Refer to the Studio Technologies website for details.
Relay Contact
The Model 210’s circuitry includes a general-purpose relay contact allowing specialized configurations to be created. Under software control, the form-A (nor­mally open) solid-state relay contact can be configured to follow the state of either the main or talkback output functions. Taking advantage of the locations pro­vided for additional XLR connectors, a technician may easily implement a variety
of functions such as mic active indication, audio muting during talkback, or audio insertion control.
Model 210 configurations are made using a number of DIP-type switches. One 8-position switch array is used to set the gain of the microphone preamplifier, the on/off status of phantom power, and the headphone stereo/mono mode. Another 8-position switch array configures which of the IFB and auxiliary audio sources are routed to the headphone output. A third 8-position switch array communicates the desired operating modes to the micropro­cessor. All switches are accessible via the bottom of the Model 210’s enclosure; the unit does not have to be disassembled. Changes made to any of the configuration parameters become active immediately. To prevent unwanted access to the config­uration switches a security panel, included with each unit, is attached to the bottom of the enclosure.
The Model 210 uses standard connec­tors throughout. The microphone and IFB inputs use 3-pin female XLR connectors. The main and talkback outputs use 3-pin male XLRs. A ¼-inch 3-conductor jack is used for the headphone output. The external source of 24 volt DC power is connected by way of a 2.1 x 5.5 mm “locking” coaxial power jack.
In the world of broadcast and production audio it’s fair to say that applications vary widely. To this end, one or two additional XLR connectors can easily be mounted into the Model 210’s back panel. Multiple 3-position “headers” located on the Model 210’s circuit board provide technician
access to all input and output connec­tions. Using a factory-available interface cable kit allows a Model 210 to be opti­mized to meet the exact needs of specific applications. For example, some applica­tions may prefer to use a multi-pin XLR connector to interface with a headset. This can easily be accomplished by add­ing the appropriate 5-, 6-, or 7-pin XLR connector and making a few simple con­nections. Other applications may benefit from having “mult” or “loop-through” con­nections, something easily incorporated into a Model 210. One or two optional line input cards, as previously discussed, can also be mounted in the spare XLR connec­tor positions.
200-Series Announcer Console Products
The Model 210 is just one in a series of announcer console products available from Studio Technologies. For applications that require an alternate set of features the other products in the 200-series should be reviewed. Complete information is avail­able on the Studio Technologies website.

Installation and Setup

In this section interconnections will be made using the input and output con­nectors located on the Model 210’s back panel. Microphone input, IFB input, main output, and talkback output signals are interfaced by way of 3-pin XLR connec­tors. A ¼-inch 3-conductor phone jack is provided for the headphone output. A 2.1 x 5.5 mm coaxial jack allows connection of an external 24 volt DC power source.
System Components
Included in the shipping carton are the following: Model 210 Announcer’s Con­sole, user guide, button label sheet, and 24 volt DC power supply.
Microphone Input
The Model 210 is compatible with bal­anced dynamic and condenser micro­phones. Depending on the application, the microphone may be part of a headset, or be an independent handheld or stand­mounted model. The Model 210’s 48 volt nominal power source will support essen­tially all phantom-powered microphones. The quality of the Model 210’s microphone preamplifier and associated circuitry is such that special applications may benefit from using “high-end” microphones. If selected appropriately, models from man­ufacturers such as AKG, Beyer, Neumann, Sennheiser, and Shure will perform very well in Model 210 applications.
The microphone input is also compatible with line-level audio sources. This allows the output of an external microphone pre­amplifier, microphone processor, or audio console to be directly connected. When the configuration DIP switches are set for 0 dB (no gain) the nominal level of the source audio signal should be approxi­mately –2 dBu.
Microphone interconnection is made by way of a 3-pin female XLR connec­tor which is located on the Model 210’s back panel. The mating connector (male) should be wired so that pin 2 is signal high (+ or hot), pin 3 is signal low (– or cold), and pin 1 is shield. It’s possible that an unbalanced microphone will also work correctly. In this case, the mating connec­tor (male) should be wired so that pin 2
is signal high (+ or hot), and signal com­mon/shield is connected to both pins 1 and 3.
The Model 210 is not compatible with unbalanced “electret”-type microphones that require a source of low-voltage DC for operation. These microphones, some­times found in low-cost headsets, are not generally suitable for on-air or other demanding applications.
As of the writing date of this user guide, the Sennheiser HMD 26 headset is very popular for on-air sports broadcasting use. A fine product, it works very well with the Model 210. Note that adding the suf­fix “-XQ” to the headset’s full part number (HMD 26-600-XQ) specifies a 3-pin male XLR connector for the dynamic micro­phone and a ¼-inch 3-conductor plug for the stereo headphones. This configura­tion is very useful, allowing the headset to work directly “out of the box” with the Model 210.
If the writer may digress for a moment to recount a story… an audio dealer once shared a secret with me concerning headsets. He loved selling the “lower-end” (less expensive) models of name-brand headsets, which he did by the veritable “boatload.” Why? Because these usually broke soon after going into service! He knew that on a regular basis he’d receive orders for more of them. Had these users, from the beginning, purchased only premium-quality headsets, their total cost of ownership would have been much less. Enough said…
Headphone Output
The Model 210’s headphone output is compatible with stereo or mono headphones, headsets, or earpieces.
Connecting devices with a nominal imped­ance of 100 ohms or greater is preferred. This shouldn’t prove to be an issue as es­sentially all contemporary devices already meet this condition.
Devices are connected to the headphone output by way of a ¼-inch 3-conductor phone jack located on the Model 210’s back panel. As is standard for stereo headphones, the left channel is connected to the “tip” lead of the ¼-inch headphone jack. The right channel is connected to the “ring” lead of the jack. Common for both channels is connected to the “sleeve” lead.
Devices with ¼-inch 2-conductor “mono” plugs can also be used with the Model 210’s headphone output. In this arrange­ment only the tip lead (left channel) will be active. The 2-conductor plug will physi­cally connect (“short”) the ring lead (right channel) to the sleeve lead (com­mon). Technically this won’t damage the circuitry associated with the right­channel headphone output. (51 ohm protection resistors are electrically in series with the headphone output circuits.) However energy will be wasted if an audio signal coming out of the right chan­nel goes into a “dead short.” There is a simple solution to this issue. No audio source should be assigned to the right­channel headphone output. Refer to the Configuration section of this user guide for details.
Main Output
The main output is intended to be the “on-air” signal that connects to the input of an audio console. The output is trans­former balanced with a nominal signal lev­el of –2 dBu. The actual level will depend on the gain setting of the microphone
preamplifier, sensitivity of the microphone, and how loudly the talent speaks into the microphone. The transformer used in the main output is intended for professional broadcast applications. It has a low source impedance and can drive lengthy cable runs with no difficulty. It is capable of driv­ing 600 ohm loads but performs best with loads of 2 k ohms or greater. (This should not prove to be an issue as virtually all con­temporary audio equipment has a relatively high input impedance.) As the secondary winding of the output transformer con­nects directly to the main output connector, care should be taken so that DC voltage is never present on the interconnecting cable.
The main output is interfaced by means of a 3-pin male XLR connector located on the Model 210’s back panel. The intercon­necting cable’s mating connector (female) should be wired so that signal high (+ or hot) is on pin 2 and signal low (– or cold) is on pin 3. The cable’s shield can be con­nected to pin 1, but it will have no function. To limit the chance of grounding interaction between the Model 210 and connected equipment, pin 1 on the main output’s connector is isolated from any point in the Model 210. The fact that pin 1 “floats” will minimize the chance of hums, noises, or buzzes being present on the equipment connected to the main output.
Talkback Output
The talkback output is intended for connec­tion to control rooms, production trailers, or other locations where talent- originated voice cues are required. The talkback out­put is transformer balanced with a nominal level of +4 dBu. To enhance talkback audio quality, the compressor circuit controls the dynamic range of the signal coming from the microphone preamplifier.
For protection against accidental connec­tion to cables that have DC power present, the talkback output is capacitor coupled. In series with the talkback output leads are 300 ohm resistors, making the effec­tive output impedance approximately 600 ohms. These resistors create a passive summing network, allowing talkback out­puts on multiple Model 210 units to be connected together.
The talkback output is connected by way of a 3-pin male XLR connector which is located on the Model 210’s back panel. A mating connector (female) should be prepared so that signal high (+ or hot) is expected on pin 2. Signal low (– or cold) should be expected on pin 3. The cable’s shield can be connected to pin 1. But, like the main output, in order to minimize the chance that ground-interaction problems will arise, pin 1 of the talkback output connector is isolated from the Model 210’s chassis and circuitry. By making pin 1 “float,” the often-feared “ground loop” problem shouldn’t arise.
The talkback output is intended to drive lengthy cable runs that are frequently part of a remote broadcast application. While the output circuitry is not intended to be “on-air” quality, overall audio performance should be very good. Devices connected to the talkback output can range from amplified loudspeakers to analog inputs on intercom systems, and input channels associated with audio consoles. Connect­ing the talkback output to devices that al­low easy control of the signal level can be helpful. For example, connecting to a spare input channel on an audio console pro­vides the flexibility to add gain or attenuate as required. A talkback-associated output connection on the audio console can then connect to the final destination(s).
As previously mentioned, the talkback outputs on multiple Model 210 units can be directly connected together. Using a simple “Y” or “W” cable, this passive summing (adding together) of talkback signals allows one audio cable to serve as a master talkback path. A side effect from using this passive summing technique is that signal attenuation will occur. The audio quality won’t suffer, but an audio “pad” is created. If two talkback outputs are connected together, a signal attenua­tion of 6 dB can be expected. Connecting three talkback outputs together will result in 9.5 dB of attenuation. And four talkback outputs “multed” together will lead to 12 dB of attenuation. In most cases this attenuation won’t pose a problem. Typi­cally a device that receives the talkback signal, such as an amplified loudspeaker, will have an adjustable input sensitivity.
IFB Input
The Model 210’s IFB input is designed to directly connect with “wet” (DC-biased) IFB circuits. These circuits provide DC power and one or two channels of audio over a standard 3-conductor microphone­style cable. Typically, the IFB circuit’s interface connector is a 3-pin male XLR wired so that common is on pin 1, DC with channel 1 audio is on pin 2, and channel 2 audio is on pin 3. Some IFB circuits may only have one audio channel. In this case, audio will generally be on pin 3 with pin 2 providing only DC power.
The power supplied by an IFB circuit, normally in the range of 28 to 32 volts DC, is usually sufficient to operate the Model 210’s circuitry. The acceptable input range is 24 to 32 volts, with a required current of 105 milliamperes. Note that the speci­fied input voltage is given when measured
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