Studio Technologies 200 User Manual

User Guide
Issue 3, August 2004
This User Guide is applicable for serial numbers:
M200-00161 and later
Copyright © 2004 by Studio Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved
50316-0804, Issue 3
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................... 5
System Features ........................................................... 5
Installation and Setup ................................................... 8
Configuration ................................................................ 13
Operation ...................................................................... 15
Technical Notes ............................................................. 16
Specifications ................................................................ 26
Appendix A .................................................................... 27
Block Diagram
Model 200 User Guide Issue 3, August 2004 Studio Technologies, Inc. Page 3
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Issue 3, August 2004 Model 200 User Guide Page 4 Studio Technologies, Inc.
What This User Guide Covers
This User Guide is designed to assist you when installing, configuring, and using the Model 200 Announcer’s Console. Additional background technical informa­tion is also provided. A product block dia­gram is included at the end of this guide.
System Overview
The Model 200 Announcer’s Console is specifically designed for television sports broadcasting applications, serving as the audio control center for on-air talent. The unit integrates on-air, talkback, and cue audio signal routing and control into one compact package. Highlights of the Model 200 include ease of installation and use, reliability, and sonic excellence. Whether used for professional, amateur, or enter­tainment-only broadcast events, “pro” qual­ity performance is always maintained.
Figure 1. Model 200 front panel
The Model 200 is optimized to directly interface into the broadcast environments typically used for events such as football, baseball, basketball, and motor sports. Standard connectors are used for the mi­crophone, headphone, talkback, and IFB signals. This allows setup to be fast and consistent. A limited number of configura­tion options are provided. Once selected, no event-to-event configuration changes should be required. For ease of use, the on-air talent is presented with a simple set of controls and indicators. Whether it’s mic preamplifier, audio switching, talkback output, or headphone cue feed, excellent audio performance is maintained throughout.
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Figure 2. Model 200 back panel
System Features
Microphone Input and Configuration
A high-performance microphone preampli­fier circuit provides low-noise/low-distortion amplification over a 20 to 60 dB gain range. The gain is adjustable in 10 dB steps. The input is compatible with balanced dynamic or condenser microphones. The microphone power source is 48 volts nominal and meets the worldwide P48 phantom standard.
The output of the microphone preamplifier is used by the main and talkback output circuits.
One 8-position DIP-type switch array is used to set the gain of the microphone preamplifier and the on/off status of the phantom power. These switches are accessible via the bottom of the Model 200’s enclosure; the unit does not have to be disassembled. To prevent access to the configuration switches a security panel, included with each unit, is attached to the bottom of the enclosure.
Main and Talkback Outputs
The Model 200 provides one main and one talkback output. The main output is intended to serve as the on-air audio feed. It is designed as a fully professional inter­face with high output capability, low distor­tion, and low noise. It features an output transformer that is well suited for driving long broadcast cable runs. The talkback output is intended to provide production trucks, control rooms, or support personnel with a talent-originated cue signal. The talk­back output is transformer-coupled with a +4 dBu nominal signal level. It contains resistors in series with its output connec­tions, allowing the talkback output from multiple Model 200 units to be directly “summed.”
User Controls and Status Indicators
Two pushbutton switches, three LED indi­cators, and two rotary controls provide the user with a clear, easy-to-use interface. One of the pushbutton switches controls the status of the main output. This is the audio output intended for on-air use. The main output button performs a
“push-to-mute” function that momentarily mutes the main output. This “cough” func­tion is typically required for on-air applica­tions. Two LEDs display the on/off status of the main output.
A second pushbutton switch controls the talkback output. This is the audio output used to communicate with producers, directors, or other behind-the-scenes pro­duction personnel. The talkback button provides a “push-to-talk” function. When active, the talkback function routes the microphone signal to the talkback output while muting the main output. A status LED is associated with the talkback button. Two rotary controls allow the user to adjust the level of the headphone output.
IFB Input
A broadcast-standard “wet” (DC with audio) IFB circuit can be directly connected to the Model 200’s IFB input. Originated by sources such as the RTS™ 4000-series IFB system or IFB interface devices from Studio Technologies, the connected IFB circuit can provide DC power to operate the Model 200 as well as two channels of cue audio.
Cue Sources and Headphone Output
The two audio sources associated with the IFB input are routed, by way of interface, level controls, and output circuitry, to the headphone output. Originating in produc­tion trailers, control rooms, or remote loca­tions, these cue sources typically provide program-with-interrupt audio on one chan­nel and program-only audio on the other. The Model 200 doesn’t perform any cue source channel rerouting, summing, or muting. Channel 1 (pin 2 of the IFB connec­tor) serves as the headphone output’s left
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channel source. Channel 2 (pin 3 of the IFB connector) serves as the source for the headphone’s right channel output.
Some applications may benefit by being able to connect standard line-level audio signals to the Model 200. To meet this need one or two optional line input cards can be installed in the unit’s back panel. Each card provides a 3-pin female XLR­type connector and transformer-isolated +4 dBu nominal input circuit. One card is assigned to the left headphone output, the other to the right.
Two rotary controls are provided for user adjustment of the headphone output levels. They provide independent volume­control adjustment of the left and right channels. To help minimize the chance of broadcast cues being missed, both level controls are configured so that a minimum headphone output level is maintained.
The headphone output was designed to meet the needs of contemporary headphones and headsets. Specifically, the output circuits act as voltage, rather than power, drivers. This implementation provides high output levels with very low distortion and noise, along with minimal current consumption. The output circuits can safely drive stereo or mono loads, ensuring that all types of headphones, headsets, and earpieces can be directly connected.
Audio Quality and Protection
The Model 200’s circuitry has been carefully designed to provide excellent audio performance. Pro-audio-quality components are featured throughout. For reliability all audio switching is performed using solid-state devices. In the critical main output and talkback output audio
paths, “clickless” electronic switches provide noise-free control. All audio inputs and outputs make extensive use of protec­tion components. This limits the chance of damage from ESD and other undesirable, yet real-world, hazards.
Power Sources
The Model 200 can derive its operating power from either the IFB input or an ex­ternal 24 volt DC source. For redundancy, both power sources can be connected simultaneously. An internal switch-mode power supply ensures that all Model 200 features are available, including phantom power, when powered by either source.
The Model 200 is compatible with IFB circuits provided by most standard broad­cast systems. However, maximum perfor­mance can often be obtained by using the IFB interface devices available from Studio Technologies. Single-channel and four­channel units are available, each providing high-quality audio along with an excel­lent source of DC power. They’re directly compatible with most matrix intercom sys­tems, as well as standard line-level audio signals. Refer to the Studio Technologies website for details.
The Model 200 uses standard connec­tors throughout. The microphone and IFB inputs use 3-pin female XLR-type connec­tors. The main and talkback outputs use 3-pin male XLRs. The headphone output utilizes a ¼-inch 3-conductor jack. The external source of 24 volt DC power is connected by way of a 2.1 x 5.5 mm “locking” coaxial power jack.
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In the world of broadcast audio it’s fair to say that applications vary widely. To this end, one or two additional XLR-type connectors can be easily mounted into the Model 200’s back panel. Seven 3-position “headers” are located on the Model 200’s circuit board and provide technician-access to all input and output connections. Using a factory-available in­terface cable kit, these allow a Model 200 to be optimized to meet the exact needs of specific applications. For example, some applications may prefer to use a multi­pin XLR-type connector to interface with a headset. This could be easily accom­plished by adding the appropriate 5-, 6-, or 7-pin XLR-type connector and making a few simple connections. Other applica­tions may benefit from having “mult” or “loop-through” connections, something easily incorporated into a Model 200. One or two optional line-input cards, as previ­ously discussed, can also be mounted in the spare XLR positions.
200-Series Announcer
Installation and Setup
In this section interconnections will be made using the input and output con­nectors located on the Model 200’s back panel. Microphone input, IFB input, main output, and talkback output signals are in­terfaced by way of 3-pin XLR-type connec­tors. A ¼-inch 3-conductor phone jack is provided for the headphone output. A 2.1 x 5.5 mm coaxial jack allows connection of an external 24 volt DC power source.
System Components
Included in the shipping carton are the fol­lowing: Model 200 Announcer’s Console, user guide, button label sheet, and 24 volt DC power supply. For units shipped to destinations in Japan and North America the power supply will have a nominal AC mains input of 120 volts. For all other des­tinations a power supply compatible with 220/240 volt AC mains will be included.
Console Products
The Model 200 is just one in a series of announcer console products available from Studio Technologies. The Model 200 was designed specifically for on-air tele­vision sports applications where the per­formance requirements were well defined. The unit’s features and operating modes were selected to provide excellent perfor­mance and rapid setup, along with limited configuration flexibility. For applications that require additional performance enhancements the other products in the 200-series should be reviewed. Complete information is available on the Studio Technologies website.
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Microphone Input
The Model 200 is compatible with bal­anced dynamic and condenser micro­phones. Depending on the application, the microphone may be part of a headset, or be an independent handheld or stand­mounted model. The Model 200’s 48 volt nominal power source will support essen­tially all phantom-powered microphones. The quality of the Model 200’s microphone preamplifier and associated circuitry is such that special applications may benefit from using “high-end” microphones. If selected appropriately, models from man­ufacturers such as AKG, Beyer, Neumann, Sennheiser, and Shure will perform very well in Model 200 applications.
Microphone interconnection is made by way of a 3-pin female XLR-type connector which is located on the Model 200’s back panel. The mating connector (male) should be wired so that pin 2 is signal high (+ or hot), pin 3 is signal low (– or cold), and pin 1 is shield. It’s possible that an unbalanced microphone will also work correctly. In this case, the mating connector (male) should be wired so that pin 2 is signal high (+ or hot), and signal common/shield is connect­ed to both pins 1 and 3.
The Model 200 is not compatible with unbalanced “electret”-type microphones that require a source of low-voltage DC for operation. These microphones, sometimes found in low-cost headsets, are not gener­ally suitable for on-air or other demanding applications.
As of the writing date of this user guide, the Sennheiser HMD25 headset is very popu­lar for on-air sports broadcast use. A fine product, it works very well with the Model
200. Note that adding the suffix “-XQ” to the headset’s part number (HMD25-XQ) speci­fies a 3-pin male XLR- type connector for the dynamic microphone and a ¼-inch 3­conductor plug for the stereo headphones. This configuration is very useful, allowing the headset to work directly “out of the box” with the Model 200.
If the writer may digress for a moment to recount a story… an audio dealer once shared a secret with me concerning headsets. He loved selling name-brand but “lower-end” (less expensive) headsets, which he did by the veritable “boatload.” Why? Because they usually broke soon after going into service! He knew that on a regular basis he’d receive orders for more of them. Had these users, from the beginning, purchased only premium-quality headsets,
their total cost of ownership would have been much less. Enough said…
Headphone Output
The Model 200’s headphone output is com­patible with stereo or mono headphones, headsets, or earpieces. Connecting devices with a nominal impedance of 100 ohms or greater is preferred. This shouldn’t prove to be an issue as essentially all contemporary devices will meet this condition.
Devices are connected to the headphone output by way of a ¼-inch 3-conductor phone jack which is located on the Model 200’s back panel. As is standard for stereo headphones, the left output is connected to the “tip” lead of the ¼-inch headphone jack. The right output is connected to the “ring” lead of the jack. Common for both outputs is connected to the “sleeve” lead.
Devices with ¼-inch 2-conductor “mono” plugs can also be used with the Model 200’s headphone output. In this arrange­ment only the tip lead (left channel) will be active. The 2-conductor plug will physi­cally connect (“short”) the ring lead (right channel) to the sleeve lead (common). Technically this won’t damage the circuitry associated with the right-channel head­phone output. (51 ohm protection resistors are electrically in series with the headphone output circuits.) However energy will be wasted if an audio signal coming out of the right channel goes into a “dead short.” There are several ways of limiting the chance that this condition will occur. The first way is to disconnect or “un-route” any audio source going to channel 2 of the connected IFB circuit. Channel 2 audio is found on pin 3 of the IFB input XLR-type connector. The second way is pretty obvi­ous—keep the right channel level control
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in its fully counterclockwise position. A third way is preferred, but unfortunately might prove to be impractical out in the field. It would mandate the use of ¼-inch 3-conductor plugs on all devices, stereo or monaural, that are to be connected. Stereo headphones or headsets would connect in the usual way: left channel on tip, right channel on ring, and common on sleeve. But monaural devices would connect only to the tip and sleeve leads; the ring lead would remain unconnected. This would ensure that the Model 200’s right-channel headphone output would never be shorted.
Main Output
The main output is intended to be the “on-air” signal that connects to the input of an audio console. The output is transformer balanced with a nominal signal level of –2 dBu. The actual level will depend on the gain setting of the microphone preampli­fier, sensitivity of the microphone, and how loudly the talent speaks into the micro­phone. The transformer used in the main output is intended for professional broad­cast applications. It has a low source im­pedance and can drive lengthy cable runs with no difficulty. It is capable of driving 600 ohm loads but performs best with loads of 2 k ohms or greater. (This should not prove to be an issue as virtually all contemporary audio equipment has a relatively high input impedance.) As the secondary winding of the output transformer connects directly to the main output connector, care should be taken so that DC voltage is never present on the interconnecting cable.
The main output is interfaced by means of a 3-pin male XLR-type connector located on the Model 200’s back panel. The interconnecting cable’s mating connector (female) should be wired so that signal high
(+ or hot) is on pin 2 and signal low (– or cold) is on pin 3. The cable’s shield can be connected to pin 1, but it will have no function. To limit the chance of grounding interaction between the Model 200 and connected equipment, pin 1 on the main output’s connector is isolated from any point in the Model 200. The fact that pin 1 “floats” will minimize the chance of hums, noises, or buzzes being present on the equipment connected to the main output.
Talkback Output
The talkback output is intended for connection to control rooms, production trailers, or other locations where talent­originated voice cues are required. The talkback output is transformer-balanced with a nominal level of +4 dBu. The actual level will depend upon the output level of the connected microphone and the amount of gain selected for the micro­phone preamplifier.
For protection against accidental connec­tion to cables that have DC power present, the talkback output is capacitor coupled. In series with the talkback output leads are 300 ohm resistors, making the effec­tive output impedance approximately 600 ohms. These resistors allow talkback outputs on multiple Model 200 units to be connected together, creating a passive summing network.
The talkback output is connected by way of a 3-pin male XLR-type connector which is located on the Model 200’s back panel. A mating connector (female) should be prepared so that signal high (+ or hot) is expected on pin 2. Signal low (– or cold) should be expected on pin 3. The cable’s shield can be connected to pin 1. But, like the main output, to minimize the chance
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