I. Portamento and auto glide.
II. Single and multiple triggering.
III. Inv erting of envelopes 1 and 3.
IV. Note priority: low or last.
V. LFO 2 sync to MIDI clock with seven beat divisions: whole, half, quarter,
quarter note triplet, eighth, eighth note triplet, sixteenth, and sixteenth note
VI. Assignable additional env elope.
VII. Audio frequen cy modulation of Oscillator 1 and filt er by Oscillator 2.
VIII. Individual continuous controller assignments for all key sound paramet ers.
IX. Patch parameter edits from rotary encoder transmitted via MIDI.
X. Velocity sensitive.
XI. Extensive Modwheel and Aftertouch assignments.
XII. Holds 51 2 patches in RAM.
XIII. Exter nal input for audio signal processing.
XIV. Ringmod
A. Two voltage controlled oscillators with triangle, sawtooth, and square
The square waveform has variable pulse width control.
B. User sele ctable voltage controlled f ilters.
Types available:
Reproduction of the classic 24db Min iMoog low pass resonant filt er
Reproduction of the boxy 12db Oberh eim Synthesizer Expander
Module filter.
Reproduction of the uniqu e and rare ARP 26 00 filt er
Reproduction of the Techno classic Roland TB-30 3 f ilter
C. White noise generator.
D. High dynamic gain voltage controlled amplifier.
A. Thr ee four-stage envelopes wit h specially designed exponential curves.
Attack, decay, sustain, and release controls. Time range: 1 m.sec - 15 sec.
B. Two low fr equency oscillators with triangle, square, saw up, saw down, noise
and random waveforms. Frequency range: 0.1 hz - 50 hz