Fig. 1 shows the basic VCA IC configuration. R1 and C1 provide voltage-to-current conversion and AC
coupling of the signal input to the VCA. Additionally, the source impedance is 20kΩ at high frequencies, as
required for stability. The input node, pin 1, is a virtual ground, accepting an input current only.
The maximum input current is determined by the input impedance and the input voltages expected. Since
output clipping may take place for small input currents with large gains, care must be taken when scaling the
input network that total input plus output currents are no greater than
Amps RMS.
The output terminal (pin 8), provides a high impedance current output equal to the desired gain times the
input current. To convert this signal to a voltage, pin 8 is connected to the summing junction of an op-amp, as
shown in Fig. 1. The feedback resistor around this op-amp, R3, determines the constant of current-to-voltage
conversion taking place.
C3 is necessary to prevent oscillations of the output op-amp due to the capacitance between pin 8 of the VCA
IC and ground. C3 is normally 33pF, as shown. A small resistor (e.g. 47Ω) may be added between C3 and R3 as
drawn, and the output taken from the junction of R3 and C4. This connection provides isolation from capacitive
loads at the output of the op-amp.
Pin 7 should be connected directly to the positive supply (nominally +12 V) as shown in Fig. 1. Pin 5, the
negative supply terminal for the IC, must be supplied with a current to program the internal bias network. The
nominal value of this current is 3mA, but if reduced signal handling capacity is acceptable this current may be
reduced proportionate to the allowable reduction in headroom.
Since the maximum voltage which may be applied across the IC is 30V, supply voltages of up to ±24V can be
accommodated by appropriate scaling of R5, R8, and the R6/R7 voltage divider.
The action of the anti-latch circuit is to draw current from pin 5 when the voltage at pin 5 rises high enough to
forward bias the Base-Emitter junction of Q1. Since the normal voltage at pin 5 is ~-2.2V, and the R6, R7 network
establishes a voltage of -2.55V at the base of Q1, normally Q1 and Q2 are turned off. If, however, the VCA begins
to latch, the pin 5 voltage rises as current is internally diverted into the output (pin 8). Q1 senses this voltage rise
and responds by turning on Q2, drawing enough current from pin 5 to prevent the latch from establishing itself.