Strata Proximity Systems, LLC
1769 Jeff Road
Huntsville, AL 35806
Strata Proximity Systems
Underground PAD Users Manual v1.0

Strata Proximity Systems Underground PAD Users Manual v1.0
Confidential and Proprietary
Table of Contents
1 Overview .............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................3
1.2 Frequency of Operation ................................................................................................4
1.3 Approvals ......................................................................................................................4
1.3.1 MSHA Approval ......................................................................................................4
1.3.2 Pennsylvania Approval ...........................................................................................4
1.3.3 West Virginia Approval...........................................................................................4
1.4 Label Information..........................................................................................................4
1.5 FCC Information ............................................................................................................6
2 Operation ............................................................................................................................6
2.1 Installation Information ................................................................................................6
2.1.1 Interoperability Warning ........................................................................................7
2.2 Charging ........................................................................................................................7
2.3 Alerts ............................................................................................................................7
2.4 Buttons .........................................................................................................................8
2.5 Maintenance .................................................................................................................9
3 Warranty .............................................................................................................................9
4 Revision History ...................................................................................................................9
4.1 Version 1.0 – September 1, 2011 ..................................................................................9
Patent #’s 7,420,471
5,939,986 and 6,810,353
Patent Pending
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Strata Proximity Systems Underground PAD Users Manual v1.0
Confidential and Proprietary
1 Overview
The Underground PAD is a component of the HazardAvert™ Proximity Detection System from
Strata Proximity Systems (SPS). HazardAvert™ provides warnings to individuals and machinery
to alert them that an individual wearing the PAD has entered too close to an operating piece of
equipment and is in a dangerous situation. HazardAvert™ also warns when vehicles or other
machinery are getting close enough that the possibility of a collision exists.
1.1 Theory of Operation
The Underground PAD is worn by an individual. The functions of the Underground PAD are:
To detect the presence of a 73 kHz electromagnetic field generated by vehicles or machinery
equipped with the HazardAvert™ system and to determine if the field strength level detected
indicates that the individual is in or is approaching a dangerous situation.
To provide an audible and visual indication to the wearer of the Underground PAD when they
are approaching or are in a dangerous location as a result of the 73 kHz field strength level.
To transmit a 916.48 MHz RF signal to vehicles or machinery equipped with the HazardAvert™
system signaling that the individual is entering or has entered into a dangerous area relative to
the vehicle or machinery.
The Underground PAD has a 73 kHz receiver that is constantly on and monitoring the strength
of fields emitted by vehicles and machinery equipped with the HazardAvert™ proximity and
collision avoidance system. The Underground PAD monitors the strength of the 73 kHz fields in
three axis and determines if the field strength has risen to a level that would indicate that the
individual is approaching a “Warning Zone” or is in a “Danger Zone” due to being too close to
the vehicle or machinery. If the Underground PAD determines that the individual is too close to
the vehicle or machinery, it gives the individual both a visual and audible indication. At the
same time, the PAD transmits a 916.48 MHz RF signal to inform the vehicle or machinery that
the individual is approaching too close. If the Underground PAD determines that the field
strength indicates that the individual is not in a Warning or Danger Zone area, it will transmit a
data packet every ten (10) seconds via the 916.48 MHz with its status condition.
The Underground Pad is comprised of four systems each on a separate printed circuit board.
The PAD System Board contains three magnetic field pick-up coils each in a physically different
axis placed 90 degrees from each other. These pick-up coils along with their fixed value
capacitors and amplifiers form a 73 kHz receiver for reception of fields generated by vehicles or
machinery equipped with the HazardAvert™ system. The System Board also has a PIC
microcontroller which receives the inputs from three detectors which independantly detect the
inputs from the three 73 kHz pick-up coils. The PIC through an internal algorithm, determines if
the 73 kHz field is above a pre-programmed threshold.
Patent #’s 7,420,471
5,939,986 and 6,810,353
Patent Pending
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