Strata Proximity Systems
Underground Proximity Generator
Users Manual v1.0
Strata Proximity Systems, LLC
1769 Jeff Road
Huntsville, AL 35806

Strata Proximity Systems Underground Generator Users Manual v1.0
Confidential and Proprietary
Table of Contents
1 Overview .............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................3
1.2 Frequency of Operation ................................................................................................4
1.3 Approvals ......................................................................................................................4
1.3.1 MSHA Approval ......................................................................................................4
1.3.2 Pennsylvania Approval ...........................................................................................4
1.4 Label Information..........................................................................................................4
1.5 FCC Information ............................................................................................................5
2 Operation ............................................................................................................................6
2.1 Installation Information ................................................................................................6
2.1.1 Interoperability Warning ........................................................................................6
2.2 Charging ........................................................................................................................6
2.3 Alerts ............................................................................................................................6
2.4 Maintenance .................................................................................................................6
3 Warranty .............................................................................................................................6
4 Revision History ...................................................................................................................7
4.1 Version 1.0 – October 5, 2011 .......................................................................................7
Patent #’s 7,420,471
5,939,986 and 6,810,353
Patent Pending
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Strata Proximity Systems Underground Generator Users Manual v1.0
Confidential and Proprietary
1 Overview
The Underground Proximity Generator is a component of the HazardAvert™ Proximity
Detection System from Strata Proximity Systems (SPS). HazardAvert™ provides warnings to
individuals and machinery to alert them that an individual wearing a portable alarm device has
entered too close to an operating piece of equipment and is in a dangerous situation.
HazardAvert™ also warns when vehicles or other machinery are getting close enough that the
possibility of a collision exists.
1.1 Theory of Operation
The Underground Proximity Generator is a component of HazardAvert™ and is mounted on
machinery such as Continuous Miners and Shuttle Cars and is connected to a central control
unit. The functions of the Underground Generator are:
To generate and transmit a 73kHz field around a vehicle or piece of machinery to act as a
protection zone for collision avoidance and for proximity detection for the protection of
To receive a 916.48MHz RF signal from other vehicles or Personal Alarm Devices (PAD).
The Underground Proximity Generator Module generates a 73 kHz signal at the rate of 3mS on
and 3mS off at a repetition rate of approximately 200mS. This 73 kHz signal is fed to a wire /
ferrite radiator element which is integral to the Underground Proximity Generator Module. The
radiator produces a 73 kHz field that is emitted from the Underground Proximity Generator
Module. This field creates a protection zone around the vehicle or machine that can be
detected by other HazardAvert system components equipped with 73 kHz receivers. The
Underground Proximity Generator Module also has an internal 916.48MHz receiver for the
detection and demodulation of RF signals from other HazardAvert System components
equipped with a 916.48MHz transmitter. As the Underground Proximity Generator Module is
transmitting the 73 kHz field, other system devices are receiving the field and making
determinations as to their distance from the Underground Proximity Generator Module. If the
Underground Proximity Generator Module receives a 916.48 MHZ transmission in response to
its 73 kHz transmission, it analyzes the 916.48 MHz signal and determines if the transmitting
device is in what is considered a “Warning Zone” or a “Danger Zone”. If the Underground
Proximity Generator Module determines that the transmitting device is in a Warning or Danger
Zone area, it will turn on the appropriate LED’s to give a visual indication to individuals
operating or near the machine that the Warning or Danger condition exists. Information
regarding the received 916.48 MHz signal is also passed to a central controller on the vehicle or
piece of machinery.
Patent #’s 7,420,471
5,939,986 and 6,810,353
Patent Pending
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