Strata Proximity Systems SPS SDMOD User Manual

Strata Proximity Systems Surface Display with Integral Silent Zone Transmitter Users Manual v1.0
Strata Proximity Systems Surface Display with Silen Zone Users Manual v1.0
Confidential and Proprietary
October 19, 2011
Strata Proximity Systems, LLC 1769 Jeff Road Huntsville, AL 35806
Table of Contents
1 Overview .............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................3
1.2 Frequency of Operation ................................................................................................4
1.3 Label Information..........................................................................................................4
1.4 FCC Information ............................................................................................................5
2 Operation ............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Installation Information ................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Interoperability Warning ........................................................................................6
2.2 Charging ........................................................................................................................6
2.3 Alerts ............................................................................................................................6
2.4 Maintenance .................................................................................................................6
3 Warranty .............................................................................................................................6
4 Revision History ...................................................................................................................7
4.1 Version 1.0 – October 6, 2011 .......................................................................................7
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Strata Proximity Systems Surface Display with Silen Zone Users Manual v1.0
Confidential and Proprietary
October 19, 2011
1 Overview
The Surface Display with Silent Zone Transmitter is part of a complete HazardAvert proximity warning system from Strata Proximity Systems which provides warnings to both individuals and to machinery to alert them that the individual has entered too close to an operating piece of equipment and is in a dangerous situation or that vehicles or machinery are getting close enough that a collision possibility exists. The Surface Display with Silent Zone Transmitter is mounted on a vehicle or piece of machinery and is connected to a central control unit.
1.1 Theory of Operation
The functions of the Surface Display with Silent Zone Transmitter are:
To transmit a 73 kHz “Silent Zone” field around a small portion of the vehicle or piece of
machinery in which the operator is allowed to safely work or enter as part of his normal activities.
To provide a visual and audable indication to the operator as to the status of the HazardAvert
system in relation to this particular vehicle or piece of machinery.
The Surface Display with Silent Zone Transmitter is connected to the HazardAvert Central Controller, which under the control of a microcontroller, generates a 73 kHz signal for creating a Silent Zone around the area of a machine where the Display and Operator are located. This 73 kHz signal is connected to the Surface Display with Silent Zone Transmitter along with other signals via a wire bundle connected to a bulkhead connector on the housing of the Surface Display. Inside the Surface Display with Silent Zone Transmitter housing is a wire / ferrite radiator element to which the 73 kHz signal is connected. The 73 kHz signal passing through this wire / ferrite radiator element generates a 73kHz “Silent
Zone” electromagnetic field which encompasses only the small area of the vehicle or
machine in which the operator can safely be during operation. The operator is required to wear a Personal Alarm Device (PAD) which is another component of the HazardAvert system which detects and responds to the presence of 73 kHz fields. As long as the
operator is within this “Silent Zone” his PAD will know he is within a safe area. If the
operator exits this Silent Zone safe area, his PAD will function to alert him and other machines or vehicles equipped with the HazardAvert system of his proximity to dangerous conditions due to his distance from machine or vehicle hazards. The Surface Display with Silent Zone Transmitter also indicates to the operator the status of the system via a series of LEDs. There is an LED which indicates that the system is powered, an LED that indicates if
there is an individual or other machinery close enough to warrant a “Warning” condition
and another LED that indicates if there is an individual or other machinery close enough to
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