Storix Software SBAdmin User Manual

Commands Reference
Version 8.2
© Copyright Storix, Inc. 1999-2014 USA
Storix is a registered trademark of Storix, Inc. in the USA SBAdmin is a trademark of Storix, Inc in the USA a nd othe r countries Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Intel, Pentium, IA32, IA64, Itani um, Cele ron an d IA64 a re regis tered t rademark s of In tel Corpo ration. AMD, Opteron, and Athlon are registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. HP Integrity servers are regis tered tradema rks of Hewlet t-Packa rd Devel opment Compan y IBM, AIX, Tivoli, iSeries and pSeries are registered tradem arks of Internatio nal Business Machines Co rporation. Xwindows is a trademark of Mas sachuset ts Instit ute of Tec hnolog y. Microsoft and Windows are registere d tradema rks of Mic rosoft Corporati on. Macintosh and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Oracle is a registered trademark of Or acle Co rporation,
All other company/product names and service marks may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
*Encryption Software
System Backup Administrator Backup Data Encryption Feature has a cryptographic component, using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) "Rijndael" encryption algorithm in Cipher Block Feedback (st ream) mo de (CFB -128) , supportin g
128, 192 and 256-bit keys.
It is not for export or redistribution to any of what are called the "T-10 Terrorist States" as determined by the U.S. Department of State. System Backup Administrator Backup Data Encryption Feature has been registered with U.S. Bureau of Information and Security and is distributed under E xport Co ntrol Classi ficati on Numb er (E CCN) 5D 992. T his enc ryption i tem is aut horized for export and re-export under section 742.15 ( B)(2) of the Export A dministratio n Regulations (EAR).
Storix System Backup Administrator - 2 - V ersion 8.2 Co mmands Refere nce
Table of Contents
General Information................................................................................................4
Commands ..............................................................................................................5
sbadmin...................................................................................................................................................... 5
stbackup ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
stcheck ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
stclient (stclient.sba for Solaris) ................................................................................................................ 12
stconfigsbdev............................................................................................................................................ 14
stconfigtsm................................................................................................................................................ 16
stconfigweb ............................................................................................................................................... 19
stcopybackup............................................................................................................................................ 20
stexclude .................................................................................................................................................. 22
stgroup...................................................................................................................................................... 24
stjob .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
stkeys ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
stlicense.................................................................................................................................................... 30
stlibrary..................................................................................................................................................... 31
stmakeboot............................................................................................................................................... 33
stprintlabel................................................................................................................................................ 37
stprofile..................................................................................................................................................... 38
stqueuejob................................................................................................................................................ 41
stqueue ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
stremovelabel ........................................................................................................................................... 44
streport ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
strestore.................................................................................................................................................... 47
struncopy.................................................................................................................................................. 50
strunjob..................................................................................................................................................... 52
strunrest.................................................................................................................................................... 54
stserver..................................................................................................................................................... 57
stuser........................................................................................................................................................ 59
stvdev....................................................................................................................................................... 60
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General Information

Although all operations may be performed from either the SBAdmin Graphical User Interface, or the Web Interface, it is sometimes desirable to run commands at the command-line to perform cert ain tasks. This
section lists the commands th at may be run from t he co mmand lin e. Some c ommands ar e us ed on the Administrator System and others on the Client or Server system, as indicated. All command specified here are found in /usr/bin and should not be run directly fr om the soft ware instal lation di rectory (/o pt/storix/ bin or /usr/lpp/storix/bin.
In this section, the following com mand s yntax conve ntions ar e used:
bold text in bold font is the command name or other argument typed as shown italics replace the italicized word with a val ue ( which ma y be opt io nal) [argument] argument is optional {-n arg} flag -n must be supplied with a valid arg {arg1 | arg2} either arg1 or arg2 must be supplied
-n,--arg value specify either “-n value” or “--arg value
Unless otherwise noted, these commands may only be executed by the root user, or a user defined (by the root user). Refer to Configuring Users section of the SBAdmin User Guide for more information.
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Start the SBAdmin Xwindows gr aphical user int erface. Use on: Administrator
sbadmin [options]


This is the command used to start the SBAdmin Xwindows graphical user interface. The
interface will be shown on the display indicated by the DISPLAY environment variable, if set.
When running as an account with acce ss to mor e than one co nfigur ed SBAdmi n user. The –U
flag may be used to avoid b eing pr ompt ed for t his inf ormat ion. Th e –G flag indicates under
which group sbadmin sh ould ope n. Multip le vers ions of s badmin m ay b e launc hed to
administer different groups, however only one instance per group may be run.
Refer to the SBAdmin User Guide for complete information on all functions of SBAdm in and
using the graphical user interface.
Specifies under which username and password sbadmin should start
Specifies the group sbadmin should use when starting
Specifies the Xserver display to use when starting
Displays version and lic ense us age i nformati on
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Run a backup outside of a job
Use on:
Administrator or Client
stbackup [options] {–t type} {–d device|directory} data {…}
-b --buffer
-C, --compress
-d --device
-D --desc
-e --eject
-h –hostperm
-I --rawpp
-l --level
-N --raw
Buffer size of backup data. Default is 64 Kbytes.
Compression level: (1) low, (2) medium, (3) high
Configured backup device name or physical tape device/directory name if writing locally. For TSM backups use “API” (see “-s server”).
Backup description. Any text up to 60 characters, excluding colons (:), may be used. If the text contains s paces, surro und the entire text str ing by double quotes.
Eject tape at end of backup If writing to a disk file, indicates host read permission (a=any host,
h=original host only). Does not apply to tape backups. Include raw partitions, slices and meta-disks in the backup. Applies to
System and Volume Group/Zpool backups. (Linux and Solaris only) Incremental backup level (0-9). If not specifie d, no increment al level will
apply. Level 0 applies to System, Volume Group/Zpool, Filesystem backups; levels 1-9 apply to Volume Group/Zpool, Filesystem backups.
Include raw logical volumes and ZFS volumes in the backup. Applies to System and Volume Group/Zpool backups. (Linux and Solaris only)
-O --overwrite
-r --rewind
-s --server
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Allow overwriting of another SBAdm in backup. If t his flag is not spec ified and another backup exists on the tape, the command will fail and no data will be written.
Rewind tape before starting backup If backup is performed to a device on a remote server, this option
indicates the backup server name. This option only applies to client systems in a Network Edition environment .
For TSM backups, set device to “API” an d use ser ver in th e format “-s TSM@serverName
-t -type type
Specifies the type of backup to be performed. This o ption is requir ed and must be one of the following: D File/Directory backup F Filesystem backup L Logical Volume backup (Linux/AIX) M Meta-disk (meta-device) backup (Linux/Solaris) P Raw Partition backup (Linux) S System Backup s Ra w Slic e Backu p (Solari s) V Volume Group backup (Linux/AIX) Z ZFS Pool backup (Solari s) z ZFS Raw Volume backup (Solaris)
-T --tapelabel
-x --quiet
Specifies the tape label ID tapelabel should be applied to the first tape. Applies if the backup starts at the beginnin g of the t ape.
Suppress progress indicator output
dataopt Specify one or more elements to backup. The type of element specified
must match the type of backu p as specif ied by the –t type option.
The stbackup command is used to perform backups from the command line. These backups
run independently of the SBAdmin GUI or Web Interface. Therefore, the administrator has no
knowledge of the backup. Although the administrator is not controlling nor recording
information about the backup, the backup may later be imported into the SBAdmin Interface
using the option Rebuild (unexpire) a Backup Label. This will be necessary if you plan to use
the administrator to restore f rom these backu ps in the fut ure.
Note: Running stbackup from the command line does not communicate with the
Administrator. If you are using the admin istrator, you m ay want to create a backup job, use
either the
stqueuejob or strunjob command instead. A job will make a record of this backup,
backup label, history information, etc.
The last argument to the command, “data”, indicates the data to include on the backup. This is
dependent on the type of backup to perform, as specified with the –t option. The following
shows the backup types and the type of data to specify as the dataopt argument:
Type Description Systems Data to Specify
S System Backup any Volume Groups / Zpool name(s)
V Volume Group Linux/AIX Volume Group name(s)
F Filesystem any Filesystem mount point(s) (i.e. “/home /data”)
L Logical volume Linux/AIX Logical volume name(s) (i.e. “lv00 lv01”)
M Meta-disk Linux/Solaris Meta-disk names (i.e. “md0 md1”)
D File/Directory any Directory names (i.e. “/home/sam ..”)
P Partition Linux Raw partition names (i.e. “sda3 sdb5”)
Z ZFS Pool Solaris ZFS Pool name (i.e. “pool1”)
z ZFS Volume Solaris ZFS Volume name (i.e. “pool1/vol1”)
s Slice Solaris Disk slice name (i.e. “c0t0d0s1”)
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Volume Group and Logical Volu me backu ps are only ava ilable o n Linux syste ms if LVM (Logical Volume Mana ger) is installe d. Meta-dis k back ups ar e onl y availabl e on Linux if meta-disk (Software RAID) support is installed.
TSM Edition allows only System (-t S) backups.
System Backups
: When performing a System Backup (S), the data is a list of volume groups (AIX or Linux) or ZFS Pools (Solaris) to include on the backup. For AIX systems, the rootvg volume group is always included, so it need not be specified. In that case, if no volume groups are specified, only the rootvg v olume gr oup is inc luded. On Linux systems, this option only applies if LVM is implem ented on the s yste m and ther e are v olume groups c onfig ured. If no volume groups are specified, then no volume group data (including filesystems and raw logical volumes) will be included on the backup. Whether AIX, Linux or Solaris, you may specify “all” to include all available volume group (or zpo ols in the case of Solaris ) data. Note, howev er, that raw volume data (volumes that do not include filesystems) will also be included unless you specify the –n option.
The –l (incremental le vel) m ay be s pecifi ed to in dicate t hat onl y files which have ch anged since the last prior leve l backup sh ould be inclu ded. Level 0 indi cates that all fil es should be backed up and is used as a base for all subsequent incremental backup levels. Level 0 may be specified with a System Backup t o indicate that this back up shoul d act as a f ull incr emental from which latter incremental levels ma y be applied.
Backups may run faster when using a larg er buffer s ize (-b option) than the default of 64 Kbytes. If the tape device supports a larger than 64 Kbyte buffer, increasing this value will often cause backups to run faster. Try buffer siz es that are a power of 2, such as 1 28K, 256K and 512K. This value will only support up to 1024 Kbytes (1 Megabyte).
If a server is specified with t he –s option, you must have first configured the backup device where the backup will be stored. Refer to
stserver and stvdev to configure servers and
devices. The stbackup command will exit with a completion message and one of the following exit
0 Success 1 Backup failed 2 Pre-backup failure (no data written) 6 Non-bootable System backup created (warning - backup completed) 7 Cannot overwrite tape 9 Internal program error 11 Possible incomplete backup (warning - backup completed - verify required) 99 Killed by user (Ctrl-C)
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Purpose: Rebuild a backup label that is missing or expired
Use on:
stbuildlabel [options] {–d device|directory}
-d device/API,
--device device
-l, --label backupid/all
-s --server server
-O --owner owner If backup is on a TSM server, indicate –O original API client (nodename)
-h --help
This command is used to rebuild a backup label file by reading each backup header on the media. For backups written to t ape, this process will for ward pa st the backu p and ch eck for additional backups and append backup information to the header file.
Backups written to disk, NFS, or TSM can also be used to recreate backup labels. All backup files must be available when rebuilding backup labels.
For backups written to disk, you must specify the Backup ID of the backup you want to reb uild the backup label. If you do not know or have more than one, you can specify “all” and all backups located on the device without a label with be rebuilt.
Tape or directory device on the server (i.e. “rmt0”). If rebuilding a la bel from backups written to a directory, you must also supply the –l backupid option.
The Backup ID of the backup you want to rebuild the label for or “all” backups located in the dir ector y. This option is only available for backups written to disk.
Server on which the backup devi ce is c onfigur ed. If usi ng a T SM or NFS server, use the format “TSM@servername” or “NFS@servername”.
Show help and usage for the command
For tape backups, the stbuildlabel command will forward through the entire tape to locate all backups. Use CTRL-C to stop the stbuildlabel command from reading through the entire tape if you know all labels have been rebuilt.
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Purpose: Configure the SBAdmi n web int erfa ce
Use on:
stconfigweb [options]
-N --noprompt
-R --remove
-f --pemfile file
-P –port port
-h --help
This command is used on th e admini strator t o enabl e or disa ble the SBAdmi n Web I nterfac e. Unless the -N or --noprompt option is used, the command is an interactive shell script that will require user input to configure the SBA dmin-su pplied webs erver.
Configure the web interface in a non-interactive mode Un-configure and remove the web interf ace Specify the location of the s mfile t o be used Specify the port number t o run on ( defau lt is 808 0) Show help and usage for the command
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Check the network communication between any systems running System Backup Administrator
Use on:
Network or TSM Edition Administrator, Client or Ser ver
stcheck [-a {MyIPaddress | MyHostname}] {Hostname | IPAddress}
-a myaddr Specifies the IP address (MyIPAddress) or hostname (MyHostname) of the
local network adapter to use to contact the client or server
Hostname Hostname of the client or server to contact IPAddress IP Address of the client or server to contact
This command may be used to determine communication errors. If a client or server shows as unavailable from the SBAdmin interface, or if an error such as “Cannot contact server” occurs during normal operations, t his comman d can help det ermine th e cause.
The following command was used to check for communications problems with an Administrator (sales1) and a Server host (sales3). Shoul d a communicati on error occ ur, one or more possible reasons will be listed along with the steps to check or repair the problem.
sales1.storix> stcheck sales3
Communications check for sales3 Actual name is sales3.storix Timeout is 10 seconds Contacting remote host... Remote host responded: My IP address: 192.168. 1.203 My (actual) hostname: sales3.s torix My port numbers: 5026 and 5027 Your IP address: 192.168. 1.201 Your (resolved) hostname: sales1.s torix Your port numbers: 58086 an d 58087 Your group name: main Your group ID: 43239337 3a36c4c6 Your host (sales1.storix) is a valid Admin Syste m for sale s3.storix. Host sales3.storix is a valid backup server for your group . Host sales3.storix is a valid backup server for your host.
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stclient (stclient.sba for Solaris)

Configure Linux, Solaris or AIX cl ients. List s configure d clients and ch eck cli ent avai labilit y, turn on and off optional license features, configure backup preferences.
Use on:
Network or TSM Edition Ad minist rator
stclient <operation> [options] client {...}
-a --add
-A --check
-r --remove
-l --list
-Ey, --enable-encryption
-En, --disable-encryption
-Ty, --enable-tsm
-Tn, --disable-tsm
-f, --force
-H, --admin-host host
-sy, --sparse
-sn, --nosparse
-ty, --atime
Add/edit client Show availability of client(s) (defau lt all clients) Remove client(s) List configured clients
Enable encryption support Disable encryption support Enable TSM support (assumes this i s a confi gured T SM node) Disable TSM support for this client Remove client from backup jobs ( used with –r) Append Admin system to system_admin_hosts file Preserve sparse files on restor e (default) Don’t preserve sparse file s on restor e Preserve file access times on the backup
-tn, --noatime
-v, --verbose
The stclient command is u sed to a dd, remove and list c lients co nfigure d on the A dministr ator System.
To list clients, use the –l option. By default, only client names are shown. If the –v option is also provided; the client features and options will also be displayed.
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Don’t preserve file access times on the backu p (default) Show features list (used with –l)
If you want to also show the client availabi lity as well as th e system type, us e –A with -l. This will indicate the client availability as either available or down, and will display the system (AIX, Solaris or Linux) and machine type ( i386, ppc, sparc) or “unknown” if the clie nt cannot be contacted. If no client name is provided, all clients are listed, indicating whether or not the client is currently available. Availability is determined by whether or not the Network Edition Administrator can communicate with the client. If not, you can use the stcheck command to help isolate the problem.
TSM Clients
If this client is configured as a T SM client (i.e. t his is a T SM node t o be back ed up to a T SM server), use the “-Ty” flag t o turn on TSM s upport. Yo u must th en use t he command to configure the TSM clie nt opti ons.
Changing a client
If a client is currently defined, you can change specific options by specifying only that option and its new argument. For example, to disable en crypti on for a client, use t he followin g command:
stclient -aEn mickey
or stserver -a --disable-encryption mickey
Removing a client To remove a currently configured client, specify –r and the client name, such as:
stclient –r mickey
Note that if the client is currently assigned to a backup job, you may use the –f flag to have the client removed from all backup jobs it is currently assigned to. When using the –f flag, if the client you are removin g is the on ly client assign ed to th e job t hen the job will be r emoved. If you do not use the –f flag, then you will need to edit the job settings to remove the client, or remove the backup job, before r emoving th e client.
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Configure a client loca l tape, di sk or NF S devic e
Use on:
Workstation, Network or TSM Edition Adm inistrator
stconfigsbdev <operation> [options] device {...}
-a –add
-i –import
-r –remove
-l --list
-j –eject
-b, --bootdisk
-c, --client client
-d, --disktype type
-e, --efiboot
-f, --force
-L, --label label
-p, --pptype type
-o, --opts options
Add system backup device Import/find system backup disk (disk only) Remove system backup device List system backup devices Eject configured system backup disk (disk only)
Make system backup disk bootable (disk only) Client name Disk storage type (P)artition, (L)VM or ZFS (disk only) Configure disk capable of booting from UEFI (disk only) Force import of SBDIR device (disk only) Label to identify disk(s) within SBAdmin. (disk only) Partition table type (“msdos” or “gpt”) (disk only) NFS mount options (nfs only)
-n, --nfsserver server
-m, --mountpt mountpoint
-t, --type type
-v, --volsize size
-D, --redefine
-M, --remount
-N, --nfs4
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NFS server name (nfs only) System backup device mountpoint (workstation nfs only) System backup device type (“disk”, “tape”, or “nfs”) Maximum Volume size in MB (disk and nfs only) Redefine NFS mount (nfs only) Remount NFS mount (nfs only) NFSv4 share (nfs only)
-U, --undefine
Unmount and undefined (nfs unconfigure only)
-V, --verbose
-x, --colonformat
The stconfigsbdev command is used to c onfigur e a disk , tape, or NFS sh are (l ocal to a client) for system backups. By config uring a local disk, a j ob may be set up to us e SBDIR as a backup device when creating a back up jo b on the Admini strator. By confi guring a local t ape, a j ob may be setup to use SBTAPE as a backup device. By configuring a l ocal NFS share, a jo b may be setup to use SBNFS as a backup device. By configu ring a s ystem backup dev ice, the client does not need to be configured as a server to write backups to itself.
SBDIR applies to Network and Workstation Edition. SBNFS applies to Workstation edition. SBTAPE applies to Network and TSM Edition. When using Net work and TSM Edition, specify “local” as the server to access SBDIR or SBT APE devices.
Verbose listing. (with –l) Colon format output (with –l)
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Configure TSM clients and serv ers
Use on:
Network or TSM Edition Ad minist rator
stconfigtsm <operation> [options] tsmhost {...}
-a --add
-l --list
-r --remove
General Options:
-t --type type Indicate if configurin g a (C)lient or (S)erver.
-v, --verbose
TSM Server Options:
-b,--tcpbuffsize size
-c,--compression state
-i, --tcpserveraddress addr
-n, --tcpnodelay state
-p, --tcpport port
-u, --adminuser userid
-M, --adminpass password
Add or change a TSM client or ser ver List configured TSM clients and servers Remove TSM client(s) or server(s)
Show features list (used with -l)
TCP Buffer size (in Kbytes) COMPRESSIon <yes|no> (default: no) TCPServeraddress (hostname or IP address) TCPNodelay <yes|no> (default: no) (default: 1510) TCPPort (default: 1500) User ID of TSM Administrator Password of TSM Administrator
-w, --tcpwindowsize size
-x, --passwordaccess type
TSM Client Options:
-W, --newpass password
-N, --nodename name
-P, --password password
-s, --server server Server for which to change password (with -W)
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TCPWindowsize (in Kb) PASSWORDAccess: generate or prompt (defau lt: generate)
Reset password (For PASSWORDAccess "generate") NODEname (default: tsmhost) PASSWORD (For PASSWORDAccess "prompt") or if changing
password (with –G)
The stconfigtsm command is used to add, remove and list TSM clients or servers configured on the Network or TSM Administrator system. T his comm and is only valid if a TSM l icense i s installed with the Network Edition or of TSM Edition is installed.
To configure a TSM Client:
Only the NODEname (-N) option is required. However, if this client is to back up to a TSM server which has been configure with PASSWORDaccess “prompt”, the PASSWORD (-P) is also required.
When configuring a TSM client, you must fir st have co nfigur ed a SBAdmin cli ent using the stclient command and enabled TSM support for that client with the –T option.
To change the TSM Node Pa sswo rd:
To change the node’s password on a TSM server, use the command:
stconfigtsm –P cu rrent Pas sword –G newPassword –s Server ClientName
Note that ClientName is the name of the SBAdmin client configured f or TSM sup port.
If the Server is configured for PASSWORDaccess “prompt”, the password will be changed on the server. If configured for PASSWORDaccess “generate”, a new encrypted password will be generated and saved on the client. For the latter, the password will not be required when performing backups and restores of the client.
If you have multiple servers (using PASSWORDaccess “prompt”), you must perform the command for each server.
To configure a TSM Server:
Only the TCPServeraddress (-i) and TSM administrator username and password (-u and
-U) options are required. You must supply the username of a TSM administrator configured
within TSM that has been co nfigur ed for Storage, Policy or System authority.
All other TSM server options are optional and will affect the network communication and performance. These are dependent on the network and server settings, and you should refer to your TSM administration guides for details on these options.
if you wish to add other TSM server options (used in the System User Configuration File “dsm.sys” ) that are not indicated here, you can manually edit the configuration file created on the SBAdmin administrator system created by this command. This file is /storix/main/data/tsm/tsmser ver:serverName. Any options you add other than those explained here will be retained when you change other options and must be manually changed or removed as needed.
To remove a TSM Client (node) or Server:
To remove a currently config ured T SM node or T SM server, s pecif y –r and the client or TSM server name, such as:
stconfigtsm –tC –r mickey or stconfigtsm –tS –r sully
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Note that, when removing a T SM node, you m ust specif y the SBAdmin client name. You will be removing the TSM node information for this client, but will not remove the SBAdmin client (since you may still want to backup this client to other (non-TSM) devices).
Note that you cannot remove a client or server if it is currently assigned to a backup job. You will need to edit the job settings to remove the client from the job, change the job to send the backup to a different server, or remove the backup job.
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Purpose: Configure the SBAdmi n web int erfa ce
Use on:
stconfigweb [options]
-N --noprompt
-R --remove
-f --pemfile file
-P –port port
-h --help
This command is used on th e admini strator t o enabl e or disa ble the SBAdmi n Web I nterfac e. Unless the -N or --noprompt option is used, the command is an interactive shell script that will require user input to configure the SBA dmin-su pplied webs erver.
Configure the web interface in a non-interactive mode Un-configure and remove the web interf ace Specify the location of the s mfile t o be used Specify the port number t o run on ( defau lt is 808 0) Show help and usage for the command
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