Web Interface Installation Guide
Version 8.2
Web Interface Installation Guide
The purpose of this document is to provide the steps necessary to configure and use the SB Admin Web Interface . The
SBAdmin Web Interface is an alternative to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) or command-line (CLI) options for
managing backups and restores. Because of limitations in web technologies, some options will be presented di fferently than
with the GUI. However, if you are already familiar with the SBAdmin GUI, users should easily be able to utilize the web
interface with little confusion. Th is document do es not include all of the feat ures and op tions available i n the web a pplicatio n,
but it is intended to be used as an addendum t o the SBAdmin User Guide to explain how to configure the web server and
the differences you will find between the GUI and the Web Interface.
As of the time of this publication, the SBAdmin Web Interface has the following requirements:
License: The SBAdmin Web Interface is available for Workstation, Network and
TSM Edition licenses.
Operating System (webser ver): The SBAdmin Web server is installed on the Admi nistrator system, so t he
same system requirements ap ply.
Additional Software: The SBAd m in Ad m in i s tr a to r software (Workstation, Network or T SM
Edition) must be installed. Because the Web Interf ace uses a secure web
server (https), a built-in random number generator or device like
/dev/urandom or /dev/random must be available. If using AIX 5.1 you will
need to download the prngd binari es. The SB Admin Web Server requires
these devices to generate seeds for encryption.
install the Pseudo Random Number Generator from the AIX Toolbox for Linux
If you have AIX 5.1 you must
Operating System (browser): The SBAdmin Web Interface is not operating system specific, but ther e is a
minimum version requirement for the following br owsers:
Windows: Internet Explorer 7.0, Firefox 3. 0, Chrome 5.0
Mac OSX: Firefox 3.0, Safari 5.0, Chrome 5.0
Linux/Other: Firefox 3.0, Chrome 5.0
Storix System Backup Administrator 2 Web Interface Installation Guide
Storix is a registered trademark of Storix, Inc in the USA. SBAdmin is a trademark of Storix, Inc in the USA and other countries
Copyright © 2014 Storix, Inc.