StorCase Technology InfoMon User Manual

InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility 1
StorCase® Technology
with Call Home
Monitoring Utility for the
InfoStation Chassis
User's Guide
Part No. D89-0000-0106 F01 December 2005
StorCase Technology, Inc.
17600 Newhope Street
Fountain Valley, CA 92708-9885
Phone (714) 438-1850 Fax (714) 438-1847
D89-0000-0106 Rev. F01 StorCase Technology, Inc.
2 InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility
Table of Contents
GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................... 5
System Requirements ......................................................................................................... 5
INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................ 6
Windows ........................................................................................................................ 6
Linux ........................................................................................................................ 7
Creating a Desktop Launcher ......................................................................................... 7
Starting InfoMon................................................................................................................... 9
INFOMON AND INFOSTATION CONFIGURATION ................................................................. 10
Set Time ...................................................................................................................... 11
Set FTP Info ...................................................................................................................... 12
Get Module Logs................................................................................................................ 13
Set Pager ...................................................................................................................... 14
Set RAID Port ..................................................................................................................... 15
Set Fan/Blower Speed ...................................................................................................... 16
Set Buzzer ...................................................................................................................... 17
Set Shutdown Override .................................................................................................... 18
Set Device ID...................................................................................................................... 19
Set Port Bypass ................................................................................................................. 20
Set Drive Bypass ............................................................................................................... 21
Clear Alarms ...................................................................................................................... 23
Set SAF-TE ID .................................................................................................................... 24
Set Drive Channel .............................................................................................................. 26
Set Default Configuration .................................................................................................. 27
INFOMON STATUS SCREENS................................................................................................ 28
Main Screen ...................................................................................................................... 28
Configuration Screen ........................................................................................................ 30
Power Supply Module Status Screen .............................................................................. 31
Blower Module Status Screen .......................................................................................... 32
Drive Bay Status Screen................................................................................................... 33
I/O Module Status Screen ................................................................................................. 34
Port Bypass Module Status Screen.................................................................................. 35
RAID Module Status Screen.............................................................................................. 36
Usage Statistics Screen .................................................................................................... 37
Power Supply Module Usage Statistics ....................................................................... 38
Blower Module Usage Statistics ................................................................................... 39
I/O Module Usage Statistics .......................................................................................... 40
Drive Bay Usage Statistics ........................................................................................... 41
Module Versions Screen ................................................................................................... 42
Alarm Notification............................................................................................................... 43
Module Alarm Status ..................................................................................................... 44
HELP ...................................................................................................................... 45
Show InfoStation ID ........................................................................................................... 46
About InfoMon.................................................................................................................... 47
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InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility 3
INFOMON ERROR AND TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................... 48
Reader's Comments............................................................................................................... 49
List of Figures
Figure A: Make Launcher Screen....................................................................................... 7
Figure B: Browse Icon Screen ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 1: InfoMon.exe Window .......................................................................................... 9
Figure 2: Tasks Menu ....................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3: Set Time ............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 4: Set FTP Info ....................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5: Get Module Logs ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: Set Pager ........................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7: Set RAID Port ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 8: Set Fan/Blower Speed ...................................................................................... 16
Figure 9: Set Buzzer ......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 10: Set Shutdown Override .................................................................................... 18
Figure 11: Set Device ID ..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 12: Set Port Bypass ................................................................................................ 20
Figure 13A: Set Drive Bypass .............................................................................................. 21
Figure 13B: Set User Drive Bypass ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 14: Clear Alarms ...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 15A: Set SAF-TE ID .................................................................................................... 24
Figure 15B: Selecting SAF-TE ID .......................................................................................... 25
Figure 16: Set Drive Channel.............................................................................................. 26
Figure 17: Set Default Configurations ................................................................................ 27
Figure 18: Main Screen ....................................................................................................... 29
Figure 19: Configuration Screen ........................................................................................ 30
Figure 20: Power Supply Module Status Screen .............................................................. 31
Figure 21: Blower Module Status Screen ......................................................................... 32
Figure 22: Drive Bay Status Screen .................................................................................. 33
Figure 23: I/O Module Status Screen ................................................................................. 34
Figure 24: Port Bypass Module Status Screen ................................................................. 35
Figure 25: RAID Module Status Screen ............................................................................. 36
Figure 26: Usage Statistics Screen ................................................................................... 37
Figure 27: Power Supply Module Usage Statistics ........................................................... 38
Figure 28: Blower Module Usage Statistics ...................................................................... 39
Figure 29: I/O Module Usage Statistics .............................................................................. 40
Figure 30: Drive Bay Usage Statistics ............................................................................... 41
Figure 31: Module Versions Screen .................................................................................. 42
Figure 32: Alarm Notifcation Pop-Up Window ................................................................... 43
Figure 33: Module Alarm Status ......................................................................................... 44
Figure 34: Help Menu .......................................................................................................... 45
Figure 35: InfoStation ID ...................................................................................................... 46
Figure 36: About InfoMon ................................................................................................... 44
Figure 37: InfoMon Error ..................................................................................................... 48
Figure 38: Troubleshooting Screen .................................................................................... 48
D89-0000-0106 Rev. F01 StorCase Technology, Inc.
4 InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility
NOTICE: This User's Guide is subject to periodic updates without notice. While reason-
able efforts have been made to ensure accuracy of this document, StorCase Technology, Inc. assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions in this publication, or from the use of the information contained herein.
Please check the StorCase web site at or contact yourStorCase representative for the latest revision of this document.
StorCase Technology, Inc. D89-0000-0106 Rev. F01
InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility 5
The InfoMon Monitoring Utility is a unique, web-based application which provides the system manager with an easy-to-view, customizable tool for monitoring environmental conditions and device configuration information reported by the StorCase® InfoStation® 9, 10, 12, 14, or 16­bay storage enclosures.
InfoMon will poll the status of the InfoStation power supplies, blowers/fans, I/O modules (and/ or repeaters), drive bay settings, etc., and can provide "real-time" updates via an Internet connection. With the recent addition of the InfoMon Call Home also be sent to a specific site for access by StorCase technical support staff in order to assist with system troubleshooting. The Call Home feature also provides the ability to set-up a paging function for notification of environmental alarm or warning conditions.
InfoMon will also provide the system manager the ability to easily configure both device and chassis settings with a few clicks of the mouse!
feature, this information can
System Requirements
To install and operate the InfoMon software, the computer system must meet the following requirements:
Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® 95/98/NT/2000/XP CPU: IBM-compatible 486 or higher Memory: 32MB RAM Hard Disk Space: 12MB Internet Connection: Required only if monitoring via the web Internet Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or
Operating System: RedHat 9 or 10 CPU: IBM-compatible 486 or higher Memory: 32MB RAM Hard Disk Space: 12MB Internet Browser: Mozilla or Nautilus
D89-0000-0106 Rev. F01 StorCase Technology, Inc.
Netscape Communicator 4.7 (or higher)
6 InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility
NOTES: To install and operate the InfoMon software, the computer system must meet
To install the InfoMon Web Monitoring Utility, visit the StorCase Technology web site at:
For automatic installation:
(For most users)
1. Exit and close ALL programs before installing InfoMon onto the computer system.
2. Click on InfoMon.exe and run the program from its current location. An Installation
If the Installation Wizard experiences problems with installing InfoMon onto your computer system, you will have to manually install InfoMon as directed below.
For manual installation:
certain system requirements (as noted on page 5). An IP address is required for remote monitoring via the internet. Please contact
your system administrator to set up an IP address for the InfoStation and host system.
Wizard should now take you through the InfoMon installation process.
1. Create a directory (e.g. c:\InfoMon).
2. Click on to start download.
3. Once download is complete, unzip the entire archive into the newly created directory.
4. Run InfoMon.exe
Oncecomplete, run InfoMon and proceed to section "Starting InfoMon" on page 9.
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InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility 7
1. Create a directory (e.g. c:\InfoMon Linux).
2. Unzip into the new directory.
3. The StorCase folder contains a pre-built executable (infomonu) that can be used if a complete make is unnecessary.
To start a terminal:
cd storcase ./infomonu
Use any browser to view the file main.htm The default serial port is /dev/ttyS0
4. If a rebuild is necessary:
make cp a.out storcase/infomonu (overwrite is ok)
Go to Step 3.
Creating a Desktop Icon Launcher
1. Right-click on the desktop and select Make Launcher. The following screen (Figure A) should appear.
Figure A: Make Launcher Screen
D89-0000-0106 Rev. F01 StorCase Technology, Inc.
8 InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility
2. Enter name (e.g. infomon/u) in the "Name" field.
3. In the "Command" field, browse to ./storcase and select infomonu.
4. In the "Icon" field, click on No Icon. When prompted, browse to ./storcase and select infomon.jpg (Figure 2).
Figure B: Browse Icon Screen
Once complete, run InfoMon/u and proceed to section "InfoMon and InfoStation Configuration" on page 10.
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InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility 9
Starting InfoMon
Once installation is complete, double-click the InfoMon icon. The InfoMon.exe window (Figure 1) should appear. NOTES: If an error occurs while running InfoMon, check the serial connection between
the host system and the InfoStation. InfoMon will not run if the host system and InfoStation are not properly connected.
The InfoMon.exe window will only appear on the host system. It cannot be viewed by remote monitoring via the internet (only the HTML files within the InfoMon.exe window are viewable via the internet).
234 5
Figure 1: InfoMon.exe Window
1 Allows user to configure the time interval between polls (factory default is 15 sec). 2 Indicates calendar date and time.
NOTE: Timestamp is also located at the bottom of each InfoMon page.
3 Indicates total count of InfoMon polls.
NOTE: Total count of polls will reset back to "0" once InfoMon.exe application
4 Indicates the model of InfoStation being monitored.
D89-0000-0106 Rev. F01 StorCase Technology, Inc.
is closed.
10 InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility
5 Indicates when InfoMon is communicating (polling) with the InfoStation chassis.
NOTE: InfoMon and InfoStation cannot be configured during polling (while
6 Indicates the ON/OFF status of the InfoStation audible alarm. 7 Indicates status of InfoStation chassis. 8 Indicates the available HTML files for viewing. Double-click on any of the file names
listed; the HTML file will then open up in the system default browser.
NOTE: These HTML files are also accessible for remote monitoring via the
Yellow Dot is displayed).
internet (refer to Figures 13-31 for further information).
NOTES: Configuration changes will not show until the next InfoMon poll.
Some Task Menu options are not available for all InfoStation models (unavailable options will be grayed-out).
Once InfoMon.exe is running, click on Tasks. A drop down menu should then appear (Figure 2). This allows the user to configure InfoMon, as well as the InfoStation chassis it­self.
Figure 2: Tasks Menu
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InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility 11
Set Time
NOTE: This option is not available for all InfoStation models.
This allows the user to synchronize the time of the InfoStation chassis with the time of the host system (Figure 3).
The new time will not show until the next InfoMon poll.
Figure 3: Set Time
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12 InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility
Set FTP Info
The InfoMon Call Home feature allows error log files to be sent to a specific FTP site for access by StorCase Technical Support in system troubleshooting. Once the FTP Information has been set (Figure 4), InfoMon can then generate detailed log files for FTP or for user review.
NOTE: Make sure Server Name, User Name, and Password are entered as discussed
Server Name: Enter "" in this field. User Name: Enter "infomon" (case-sensitive - ALL lower-case letters) in this field. Password: Enter "callhome" (case-sensitive - ALL lower-case letters) in this field. Directory: Enter "d:/callhome/support/logs" in this field. Remember Checking this box enables InfoMon to remember the user password
Password: (not secure). Enable: Checking this box enables InfoMon to log and FTP Error Log files to
Alarm: Checking this box enables InfoMon to automatically FTP Error Log files to
Verify: Click to verify FTP connection.
below. Log files will not FTP to StorCase Technical Support if FTP Information is incorrect.
StorCaseTechnical Support. NOTE: Enable must be checked for user to manually retrieve
status log files (refer to section "Get Module Logs" for further information).
StorCase Technical Support.
Figure 4: Set FTP Info
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InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility 13
Get Module Logs
NOTES: This option is not available for all InfoStation models.
FTP Settings must be ENABLED to get module log files (refer to section "Set FTP Info" for further information).
This allows the user to retrieve the log files for the InfoStation modules (Figure 5). Check the boxes for InfoMon to generate the desired module log files. All module information
will be generated into one log file.
FTP Log File: Checking this box enables InfoMon to FTP log files to StorCase Technical
Support. If unchecked, InfoMon will save log files locally to the InfoMon folder only.
Figure 5: Get Module Logs
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14 InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility
Set Pager
NOTE: A modem is required to use this feature.
The InfoMon Call Home feature allows the user to configure pager info for InfoMon (Figure 6). Once the pager info has been set, the user may then receive alerts through a designated pager.
Figure 6: Set Pager
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InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility 15
Set RAID Port
NOTE: This option is not available for all InfoStation models.
This allows the user to configure the RAID Port (if applicable) for the SCSI InfoStation chassis (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Set RAID Port
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