Stone Deaf Fig Fumb Instruction Manual

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Dual OD / Fuzz
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Stone Deaf Effects and Amplication LTD
35 Pennine Vale
Shaw, Oldham
United Kingdom
With unrivalled tone-shaping capabilities, the Fig Fumb
is capable of being an utterly lthy animal, which can be
tamed by the additional noise gate.
Inspired by the classic muff circuits, the Fig Fumb is an anagram of “Big Muff” in its core tone but has enough
features to take that tone to the next level and keep even the purest fuzz ofcianado happy.
You can achieve extreme high gain fuzz without the
horrible feedback when playing chords that is known from the classic circuit design. This was the most requested
design feature from our customers.
With a footswtichable noise gate, poineering paracentric EQ section and expression pedal input the unit can be turned into a fuzz wah, fuzz phaser (univibe style) or tone shaper.
The noise gate was specically designed to be musical and to not choke your tone, enabling you to even play lead as well as chord work. Its the most musical noisegate going.
Cut / Boost Knob:
controls how much
cut or boost by + / -
20dB. At 12 o’clock
its at unity gain.
5 Position Band-
width: sets the Q
of the boost or cut.
From thin (needle
point) to fat (stand-
ard pedal response).
Noise Gate:
footswitch allows
you to turn the noise
gate on or off. (Will
not work in bypass
mode.) Gate knob
allows for gate
threshold, (amount
its open or closed).
Balance Knob:
controls the overall
volume of the pedal and
has a volume compen-
sator circuit within it.
Unity gain is at
12 o’clock.
Freq Knob:
allows you to set
the frequency that you want
to cut or boost.
Ranges from
35Hz to 6Khz.
Fuzz: allows you
to dial in the
amount of fuzz that
you want and by
increasing this you
induce more sustain
as well.
On / Off: turns the
pedal on and off for
true bypass.
Paracentric EQ with adjustable fuzz and overdrive
Frequency response from 35Hz-6kHz (For Bass & Guitar)
Noise gate to stop unwanted feedback and noise
Frequency sweep control via expression pedal
Wah Wah function via expression using boost in thin setting, Phaser function via expression using cut in thin
setting, Tone control function via expression using medium
to fat bandwidth setting.
9v Power supply centre negative 2.1mm Boss Style (use iso­lated power supply to reduce noise) Current Draw is 55mA
Foot-switchable channel selection of overdrive and fuzz.
Expression input (Please note that the Fig Fumb will only
work with the Stone Deaf EP-1 expression pedal because it uses the same custom components.
Hand Built in Manchester, United Kingdom
Please note if you are trying to match volume to other pedals you need to experiment with the bandwidth Q, boost / cut,
frequency and the balance knobs as this all works in conjuncti­on with the pedals overall volume. There is an overall volume compensation circuit built into the balance knob of the pedal so
when boosting reduce the balance output by turning counter
clockwise to suit. When cutting do the opposite increasing the balance output turning clockwise to suit.