STM Products DOMIX 55 User Manual

water doser-mixers
DOMIX 55 - 65
These are electronic fully automatic Doser-
Mixers, governed by microprocessor
Automatic mixing warm and refrigerated water or refrigerated and pipe water, to obtain the desired water quantity at the desired temperature
Digital membrane-type keyboard
Memory for 50 different single recipes and 50 different double recipes
External temperature probe
Automatic By-pass outlet for the water not within the selected temperature range
Chiller’s pump remote command
High precision in quantity and temperature
55 with ½” pipes and 65 with ¾” pipes
of warm and pipe water or
Microdosing function
DOMIX 55A – 65A
These are electronic fully automatic Doser-
Mixers, governed by microprocessor
Automatic mixing refrigerated water to obtain the desired water quantity at the desired temperature
Digital membrane-type keyboard
Memory for 50 different single recipes and 50 different double recipes
External temperature probe
Automatic by-pass outlet for the water not within the selected temperature range
Chiller’s pump remote command
High precision in quantity and temperature
55A with ½” pipes and 65A with ¾” pipes
Microdosing function
of warm, pipe and
This is an electronic Doser-Mixer, governed by
Thermostatic mixing or warm and refrigerated water or refrigerated and pipe water or warm, pipe and refrigerated water, to obtain the desired water quantity at the desired temperature
3 displays for the water quantity, the water temperature and the external probe
Digital membrane-type keyboard
•Memory for 80 different recipes
External temperature probe
Automatic by-pass outlet within the selected temperature range
Chiller’s pump remote command
High precision in quantity and temperature
½” pipes
of warm and pipe water
for the water not
Microdosing function
+ 8 hidden pages