STMicroelectronics X-CUBE-SUBG2 User Manual

User manual
Getting started with X-CUBE-SUBG2, Sub-1 GHz RF software expansion for
X-CUBE-SUBG2 is an expansion software package for STM32Cube. The software runs on the STM32 and includes drivers that
recognize the Sub-1 GHz RF communication for S2-LP.
The expansion is built on STM32Cube software technology to ease portability across dif
The software comes with sample applications of P2P and 6LoWPAN communication protocols, running on an X-NUCLEO-
S2868A2 or X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 expansion board when connected to a compatible STM32 Nucleo development board.
ferent STM32 microcontrollers.
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1 Acronyms and abbreviations

Table 1. List of acronyms
Acronym Description
GHz Giga Hertz
AMR Automatic Meter Reading
EEPROM Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
GUI Graphical User Interface
P2P Point-to-Point communication
RF Radio frequency
MCU Microcontroller unit
P2P Point-to-Point communication
HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
SPI Serial peripheral interface
USB Universal Serial Bus
NVIC Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
WSN Wireless sensors network
BSP Board support package
LED Light emitting diode
IPv6 Internet Protocol vers. 6
UDP User Datagram Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
6LoWPAN IPv6 over Low -Power Wireless Personal Area Networks
RPL Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks
MAC Medium Access Control
CSMA Carrier-sense multiple access
DMA Direct Memory Access
USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
wM-Bus Wireless metering bus
Acronyms and abbreviations
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X-CUBE-SUBG2 software expansion for STM32Cube

2 X-CUBE-SUBG2 software expansion for STM32Cube

2.1 Overview

X-CUBE-SUBG2 software package expands STM32Cube
The key features of the package are:
Firmware package to start developing using S2-LP expansion boards
Point-to-point communication sample application for simple buffer transmission and acknowledgement implementation
Contiki-NG based applications for 6LoWPAN connectivity
Low-power optimizations for the STM32 MCU family
Easy portability across different MCU families thanks to STM32Cube
Package compatible with STM32CubeMX, can be downloaded from and installed directly into
Free user-friendly license terms
Sample implementation available on X-NUCLEO-S2868A1, X-NUCLEO-S2868A2 or X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 expansion boards when connected to NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-L053R8 or NUCLEO-L152RE development boards
Starting from this software, it is possible to develop other applications, such as:
automatic meter reading
home and building automation
industrial monitoring and control
wireless fire and security alarm systems
The firmware partitioning among the STM32 microcontroller on the STM32 Nucleo development boards and the
S2-LP is:
P2P and 6LowPAN applications implementation
low power mode handling
interrupt services
S2-LP role
basic/stack modes
header, sync and trailer fields
sync detection
RX and TX 128 bytes FIFO buffers
IEEE 802.15.4g hardware packet support with whitening, FEC, CRC and dual sync word detection.
functionality .

2.2 Architecture

This software is fully compliant with and expands STM32Cube
NUCLEO-S2868A1, X-NUCLEO-S2868A2 or X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 expansion board hosting the S2-LP devices.
The software is based on the STM32CubeHAL hardware abstraction layer for the STM32 microcontroller. The package extends STM32Cube by providing a board support package (BSP) for the S2-LP expansion board and firmware examples for P2P communication.
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to enable development of applications using X-
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STM32Cube Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
STM32 Nucleo development board
Hardware Abstraction
STM32 Nucleo expansion boards
X-NUCLEO-S2868A2/X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 (Connect)
The software layers used by the application software to access and use the S2-LP expansion board are:
STM32Cube HAL layer: provides a generic, multi-instance set of APIs to interact with the upper layers
• (the application, libraries and stacks). It consists of generic and extension APIs based on a common architecture which allows other layers like the middleware layer to function without specific Microcontroller Unit (MCU) hardware configurations. This structure improves library code reusability and guarantees easy device portability.
Board support package (BSP) Layer: includes the software to support the peripherals on the STM32
Nucleo board (apart from the MCU). It is a set of APIs which provides a programming interface for certain
board-specific peripherals (LED, user button etc.). The X-NUCLEO-S2868A1, X-NUCLEO-S2868A2 or X-
NUCLEO-S2915A1 expansion board BSP firmware layer contains APIs for the hardware components and
consists of:
Component driver: related to the on-board device (not related to the STM32). The S2-LP BSP driver
is known as the firmware component. The S2-LP component driver provides specific APIs and can be ported to and used on any board.
BSP driver: enables the component driver to be linked to a specific board and provides a set of
user-friendly APIs.
Application layer: provides a Point-to-Point communication example for sending a buffer from one node to another and acknowledgments using the S2-LP link layer features.
Application layer for Contiki-NG based applications: provides 6LoWPAN communication for mesh-network as well as featured examples for UDP Client/Server, Serial Sniffer and Border Router.
Figure 1. X-CUBE-SUBG2 software architecture
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2.3 Folder structure

The software package includes the following folders:
‘CubeMX’: contains the meta data files for the package support in the STM32CubeMX tool.
‘Documentation’: contains a compiled HTML file generated from the source code and detailed documentation of the software components and APIs
‘Drivers’: contains the HAL drivers and the board-specific drivers for supported board and hardware platforms, including those for the on-board components and the CMSIS vendor-independent hardware abstraction layer for the Cortex-M processor series
‘Middlewares’: contains Contiki-NG source code for 6LoWPAN communication over S2-LP radio
‘Projects’: contains a sample application used for P2P firmware examples and 6LoWPAN communication for the NUCLEO-L053R8 (P2P only), NUCLEO-F401RE or NUCLEO-L152RE platforms with three development environments (IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (IAR-EWARM), RealView Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM-STR) and STM32CubeIDE)
‘Utilities’: contains tools to be used on a host PC to interact with Serial Sniffer and Border Router firmware applications (6LoWPAN)
Folder structure
Figure 2. X-CUBE-SUBG2 package folder structure

2.4 APIs

Detailed descriptions of all the functions and parameters of the user APIs user can be found in a compiled HTML file located inside the ‘Documentation’ folder
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Point-to-Point (P2P) demo firmware description

3 Point-to-Point (P2P) demo firmware description

3.1 P2P application details

The P2P application operates using two nodes (STM32 Nucleo development board plus S2-LP expansion board) as follows:
by pressing the STM32 Nucleo board user button (shown in the picture below), each node can transmit a buffer to the other node
2. on receiving the signal, the receiver node LED lights up and an acknowledgment (ACK) signal is returned to the transmitter node
3. on reception of the ACK signal, the transmitter node LED flashes four times and switches off after a delay period
Figure 3. X-NUCLEO-S2868A1 plus STM32 Nucleo used as a node (transmitter/receiver) in P2P
1. STM32 Nucleo user button
2. X-NUCLEO-S2868A1 expansion board LED
Note: The LED on the expansion board is mounted but not connected: only the STM32 Nucleo LED blinks during P2P

3.2 Application state diagram

When running the demo sample with the STM32 Nucleo boards, S2-LP remains by default in receive mode but changes to transmit mode when the user button is pressed.
Once transmission stops, the transceiver returns to its default receive mode. On successful completion of the two-way communication (Command/ Ack), the MCU enters low-power mode.
o limit low-power mode current consumption, the LED is switched off by default.
P2P nodes have the same functionality; the address of each node is set in the firmware by the user.
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Node 1
Press SW on Nucleo
Prepared the Command
Change S2-LP mode to
Transmit and transmit the
Command Packet
Switch the S2-LP back to
Receiver mode
ACK Received
Toggle LED and Switch OFF
Node 2
Command Received
Switch ON the LED
Prepared the ACK for
Change S2-LP mode to
Transmit and send ACK Packet
Switch the S2-LP back to
Receiver mode
Node 1
Press SW on Nucleo
Prepared the Command
Change S2-LP mode to
Transmit and transmit the
Command Packet
Switch the S2-LP back to
Receiver mode
ACK Received
Toggle LED and Switch OFF
Node 2
Command Received
Switch ON the LED
Prepared the ACK for
Change S2-LP mode to
Transmit and send ACK Packet
Switch the S2-LP back to
Receiver mode
Application state diagram
Figure 4. Application state diagram when Node 1 user button is pressed
If the user presses the other node user button, the functionality is the same: Node 2 wakes up from low-power mode, prepares the command for transmission, sends the data packet and waits for acknowledgment.
The following diagram shows data communication in low-power mode.
Figure 5. Application state diagram when Node 2 user button is pressed
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Idle mode
(if enabled)
(Prepare to
Wait for
Prepare to
send ACK
Button Press Event
Data received
If Command,
send ACK
SPIRIT1 packet handler overview
Figure 6. Application state diagram (low-power mode): data communication transmit and receive states

3.3 S2-LP packet handler overview

Before on-air transmission, raw data is arranged in a packet structure. S2-LP offers a highly flexible and fully programmable packet which lets you configure the structure of the packet, the number, the type, and the dimension of the fields inside the packet.
Through a register, the user can choose from one of the formats shown in the tables below.
Preamble Sync Length Destination address Source address Control Seq. no. No ACK Payload CRC
Table 2. Stack
Table 3. wM-Bus
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Preamble Sync Payload Postamble
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Transmit and receive (command and response) packet structure
Table 4. Basic
Preamble Sync Length Destination address Control Payload CRC
See S2-LP
datasheet for further details on the embedded packet handler.
Since P2P communication requires the receiving node destination address, the P2P demo is based on stack and basic packet handlers.
Note: The wM-Bus packet format is not used in this sample demonstration.
Table 5. Packet handler feature comparison
Features Stack wM-Bus Basic
Destination address filtering Yes No Yes
Broadcast and multicast addressing Yes No Yes
Source address filtering Yes No No
Custom filtering Yes No Yes
CRC filtering Yes No Yes
LLP: automatic acknowledgment
LLP: automatic acknowledgment with piggybacking
LLP: automatic retransmission
1. Link layer protocol
Yes No No
Yes No No
Yes No No

3.4 Transmit and receive (command and response) packet structure

Command packet features:
command with data sent at the same time
S2-LP can handle 65535 bytes of data
customizable command structure
customizable data packet maximum size
Figure 7. Command data packet structure
Response packet features:
data buffer is replied from the node
tag contains the number associated with the command so the receiver can associate the response with the specific command
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3.4.1 Packet field description

Cmd Length: the basic command is 1 byte long, but you can set multiple command bytes
Cmd T
Cmd Type: flag to identify application level or network command
Commands: the actual command set sent from the source to destination (it may include parameters)
Data Length: the data packet length
Data buffer: the actual data associated with the command
ag: a unique tag number is linked to each command issued from the node and the response must
replicate the same number
User configuration
Figure 8. Response packet structure

3.5 User configuration

You can modify the configuration file s2868A1_conf.h (or s2868a2_conf.h, s2915a1_conf.h depending on the expansion board) according to the application used.

3.5.1 Selecting packet handler

The user can select the desired features by setting the relevant macros:
#define USE_BASIC_PROTOCOL_ADDRESS /* to activate Basic protocol with Address field, to be activated with USE_BASIC_PROTOCOL */ #define USE_RADIO_868MHz
#if defined(USE_STack_PROTOCOL) //#define USE_STack_LLP /*Uncomment if LLP featured need to be used*/ #endif
#ifdef USE_BASIC_PROTOCOL #define CSMA_ENABLE /* Comment this line to disable the CSMA */ #endif
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By default, S2-LP
works with the basic packet handler.
S2-LP uses the STack packet handler only if the link layer features (such as auto-ack, piggybacking and auto-
retransmission) are defined.
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3.5.2 Setting low-power mode

The P2P application supports low-power mode (disabled by default). It allows the MCU to either enter stop or sleep mode (check app_x-cube-subg2.c file for these settings).
Optional Low Power modes for the S2-LP
#if defined (USE_LOW_POWER_MODE) //#define MCU_SLEEP_MODE #define MCU_STOP_MODE #endif /*Possible Low Power modes for the S2-LP: */ //#define RF_STANDBY //#define RF_SHUTDOWN //#define RF_SLEEP
can also be activated (RF_* macros).

3.5.3 Setting radio configuration parameters

You can set the radio parameters in the configuration file, even though it is not recommended to change them.
/* Radio configuration parameters */ #define XTAL_OFFSET_PPM 0 #define INFINITE_TIMEOUT 0.0
User configuration
#ifdef USE_RADIO_868MHz #define BASE_FREQUENCY 868.0e6 #endif
#define CHANNEL_SPACE 100e3 #define CHANNEL_NUMBER 0 #define DATARATE 38400 #define FREQ_DEVIATION 20e3 #define BANDWIDTH 100E3 #define POWER_INDEX 7 #define RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 2000.0 /*change the value for required timeout period*/
#define RSSI_THRESHOLD -120 /* Default RSSI at reception, more than noise floor */ #define CSMA_RSSI_THRESHOLD -90 /* Higher RSSI to Transmit. If it's lower, the Channel will be seen as busy */
/* Packet configuration parameters */

3.5.4 Setting packet configuration parameters

You can set the packet configuration, even though it is not recommended to change default settings.
*/ Packet configuration parameters */ #define SYNC_WORD 0x88888888 #define LENGTH_WIDTH 7 #define CRC_MODE PKT_CRC_MODE_8BITS #define EN_FEC S_DISABLE #define EN_WHITENING S_ENABLE
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#define PREAMBLE_BYTE(v) (4*v) #define SYNC_BYTE(v) (8*v)
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3.5.5 Setting node address

Node adresses parameters can be set in following section of the system setup guide.

3.5.6 User defined commands and macros

/* User Command */ #define APPLI_CMD 0x11 #define NWK_CMD 0x22 #define LED_TOGGLE 0xff #define ACK_OK 0x01 #define MAX_BUFFER_LEN 96 #define TIME_TO_EXIT_RX 3000 #define DELAY_RX_LED_TOGGLE 100 #define DELAY_TX_LED_GLOW 100 #define LPM_WAKEUP_TIME 100
User configuration
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