STMicroelectronics X-CUBE-MEMS1 User Manual

User manual
Getting started with MotionTL tilt measurement library in X-CUBE-MEMS1
expansion for STM32Cube
The MotionTL middleware library is part of the X-CUBE-MEMS1 software and runs on STM32. It provides real-time information about the tilt angles of the user device, i.e. cell phone. The library is also able to perform accelerometer 6-position calibration.
This library is intended to work with ST MEMS only.
The algorithm is provided in static library format and is designed to be used on STM32 microcontrollers based on the ARM Cortex®-M0+, ARM® Cortex®-M3, ARM® Cortex®-M4 or ARM® Cortex®-M7 architecture.
It is built on top of STM32Cube software technology to ease portability across different STM32 microcontrollers.
The software comes with a sample implementation running on an X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 or X-NUCLEO-
IKS02A1 expansion board on a NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-L476RG, NUCLEO-L152RE or NUCLEO-L073RZ development
UM2277 - Rev 8 - April 2021 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.

1 Acronyms and abbreviations

Table 1. List of acronyms
Acronym Description
API Application programming interface
BSP Board support package
GUI Graphical user interface
HAL Hardware abstraction layer
IDE Integrated development environment
Acronyms and abbreviations
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MotionTL middleware library in X-CUBE-MEMS1 software expansion for STM32Cube

2 MotionTL middleware library in X-CUBE-MEMS1 software expansion
for STM32Cube

2.1 MotionTL overview

The MotionTL library expands the functionality of the X-CUBE-MEMS1 software.
The library acquires data from the accelerometer and provides real-time tilt information with multi-mode support for 3-axis accelerometer. This library is suitable for static inclinometer where system acceleration is negligible, such as in industrial applications, leveling, satellite antennas, solar panels, and automotive.
The library is also able to perform accelerometer 6-position calibration.
The library is designed for ST MEMS only. Functionality and performance when using other MEMS sensors are not analyzed and can be significantly different from what described in the document.
A sample implementation is available for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 and X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 expansion boards, mounted on a NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-L476RG, NUCLEO-L152RE or NUCLEO-L073RZ development board.

2.2 MotionTL library

Technical information fully describing the functions and parameters of the MotionTL APIs can be found in the MotionTL_Package.chm compiled HTML file located in the Documentation folder.

2.2.1 MotionTL library description

The MotionTL pedometer library manages the data acquired from the accelerometer; it features:
calculation of pitch, roll and gravity inclination angles (Pitch-Roll-Gravity-Inclination mode)
calculation of theta, psi and phi tilt angles (Theta-Psi-Phi mode)
accelerometer 6-position calibration
measurement based on the accelerometer data only
configure knobs to mitigate vibration noise
output: tilt angles, validity flag, expected error
recommended sensor data sampling frequency of 100 Hz and support for all Full Scale ranges
resources requirements:
Cortex-M0+: 4.1 kB of code and 0.2 kB of data memory
Cortex-M3: 3.6 kB of code and 0.2 kB of data memory
Cortex-M4: 3.3 kB of code and 0.2 kB of data memory
Cortex-M7: 3.3 kB of code and 0.2 kB of data memory
available for ARM® Cortex®-M0+, ARM® Cortex®-M3 and ARM® Cortex®-M4 and ARM® Cortex®-M7 architectures

2.2.2 MotionTL APIs

The MotionTL library APIs are:
void MotionTL_Initialize(MTL_mcu_type_t mcu_type, const char *acc_orientation)
performs MotionTL library initialization and setup of the internal mechanism
the CRC module in STM32 microcontroller (in RCC peripheral clock enable register) has to be enabled
before using the library
mcu_type is the type of MCU:
MFX_CM0P_MCU_STM32 is a standard STM32 MCU
*acc_orientation is the reference system of the accelerometer raw data
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Note: This function must be called before using the tilt library.
void MotionTL_SetKnobs(MTL_knobs_t *knobs)
sets the knobs
the parameters for the structure type MTL_knobs_t are:
fullscale is the full scale of accelerometer (in g). It is recommended to set full scale >1g for
the sensor. A lower full scale can be selected if the tilt variation is limited and higher resolution is required for the application.
k is the filtering coefficient. The range of k is [0.1 to ODR]. The lower value of k increases the
filtering and removes the noise. For systems with high vibration, it is recommended to reduce the value of k.
orn[3] is the accelerometer data orientation string of three characters indicating the direction
of each positive orientation of the reference frame used for the accelerometer data output, in the sequence x, y, z. Valid values are: n (north) or s (south), w (west) or e (east), u (up) or d (down) (see Figure 1). The orn is defined to bring the sensor into the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 frame.
mode is the operational mode where:
MODE_PITCH_ROLL_GRAVITY_INCLINATION enables angle representation in Euler angles (Roll, Pitch and Phi) form
MODE_THETA_PSI_PHI enables angle computation of theta, psi and phi angle which measure the angle individually on each axis
Note: The API can be called after MotionTL_Initialize() but before MotionTL_Update()
MotionTL library
void MotionTL_GetKnobs(MTL_knobs_t *knobs)
gets the knobs setting
for the parameters for the structure type MTL_knobs_t refer to the MotionTL_SetKnobs() function
void MotionTL_Update(MTL_input_t *data_in, uint64_t timestamp_ms, MTL_output_t
executes the tilt algorithm
*data_in parameter is a pointer to a structure with input data
timestamp_ms is the time stamp in milliseconds
*data_out parameter is a pointer to a structure with output data
the parameters for the structure type MTL_input_t are:
acc_x is the accelerometer sensor value in X axis in g
acc_y is the accelerometer sensor value in Y axis in g
acc_z is the accelerometer sensor value in Z axis in g
the parameters for the structure type MTL_output_t are:
theta_3x in Theta-Psi-Phi mode – the angle between X axis and the horizontal plane. The
range of angle is [-90, 90] degrees.
psi_3x in Theta-Psi-Phi mode – the angle between Y axis and the horizontal plane. The range of
angle is [-90, 90] degrees.
phi_3xin both modes – the angle between X-Y planes and the horizontal plane. The range of
angle is [0, 90] degrees.
roll_3x in Pitch-Roll-Gravity-Inclination – the roll angle. The range of angle is [-180, 180]
pitch_3x in Pitch-Roll mode – the pitch angle. The range of angle is [-90, 90] degrees.
err_deg in both modes – the predicted angle error. The range of error in angle is [0, 90]
degrees. The output can be used to accept/reject the tilt angle.
valid in both modes, this flag is used to show if output is valid or not. If accelerometer reading is
showing high vibration or saturation at full scale, library will output ‘0’ in the valid field.
Note: In Pitch-Roll-Gravity-Inclination mode, the psi_3x value represents gravity_inclination_3x value.
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MotionTL library
uint8_t MotionTL_GetLibVersion(char *version)
retrieves the library version
*version is a pointer to an array of 35 characters
returns the number of characters in the version string
void MotionTL_CalibratePosition(float cal_data[][3], uint32_t num_records,
MTL_cal_position_t cal_position)
calibrates accelerometer in a specific position
calData parameter is a 2D array with accelerometer data for calibration (3 axes per record)
nRecords parameter is the number of records
calPosition parameter is an enumeration of the desired position
the values for the enumeration type MTL_CalPosition_t are:
MTL_CalResult_tMotionTL_GetCalValues(MTL_AccCal_t *accCal)
gets the calculated calibration values from the library to be used in the application
the return value is an enumeration of the calibration result
the values for the enumeration type MTL_CalResult_t are:
CAL_PASS: Calibration passed
CAL_NONE: Calibration not finished or not performed at all
CAL_FAIL: Calibration failed
accCal parameter is a pointer to a structure with calibration parameters
the parameters for the structure type MTL_AccCal_t are:
offset parameter is an array with calculated offset for all 3 axes
gain parameter is an array with calculated gain for all 3 axes
MTL_CalResult_t MotionTL_SetCalValues(MTL_AccCal_t *accCal)
validates and sets the calibration values passed in the parameter
the return value is an enumeration of the calibration result
for the values for the enumeration type MTL_CalResult_t, see MotionTL_GetCalValues()
void MotionTL_SetOrientation_Acc(const char *acc_orientation)
this function is used to set the accelerometer data orientation
configuration is usually performed immediately after the MotionTL_Initialize () function call
*acc_orientation parameter is a pointer to a string of three characters indicating the direction of
each of the positive orientations of the reference frame used for accelerometer data output, in the sequence x, y, z. Valid values are: n (north) or s (south), w (west) or e (east), u (up) or d (down).
As shown in the figure below, the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 accelerometer sensor has an NWU (x-North, y-West, z-Up), so the string is: “nwu”.
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Figure 1. Example of sensor orientations
MotionTL library

2.2.3 Orientation

The MotionTL library works with ENU orientation system, which means device X axis going to East, Y axis going to North, Z axis going Up.
Any sensor orientation is internally transformed into device ENU orientation system. For this reason the sensor orientation must be defined using MotionTL_SetOrientation_Acc() function. All the outputs (angels) are then calculated relative to the ENU orientation system.
Figure 2. Device ENU orientation system
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The MotionTL library has different types of outputs angles as detailed in the following tables.
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