Device limitations for STM8AF6366 automotive MCUs featuring up
to 32 Kbytes of Flash program memory
This document applies to the STM8AF6366 devices.
It gives a summary and a description of the device errata, with respect to the device
datasheet and reference manual RM0016.
Deviation of the real device behavior from the intended device behavior is considered to be
a device limitation. Deviation of the description in the reference manual or the datasheet
from the intended device behavior is considered to be a documentation erratum. The term
“errata” applies both to limitations and documentation errata.
The following table gives a quick reference to the STM8AF6366 device limitations and their
A = limitation present, workaround available
N = limitation present, no workaround available
P = limitation present, partial workaround available
“-” = limitation absent
Applicability of a workaround may depend on specific conditions of target application.
Adoption of a workaround may cause restrictions to target application. Workaround for a
limitation is deemed partial if it only reduces the rate of occurrence and/or consequences of
the limitation, or if it is fully effective for only a subset of instances on the device or in only a
subset of operating modes, of the function concerned.
FunctionSectionLimitationRev V
2.1.1Activation level (AL) bit not functional in Halt modeN
Table 2. Summary of device limitations
STM8A core
2.1.2JRIL and JRIH instructions not availableN
2.1.3Main CPU execution is not resumed after an ISR resets the AL bitA
2.1.4Unexpected DIV/DIVW instruction result in ISRA
2.1.5Wait for event instruction (WFE) not availableN
2.1.6Interrupt service routine (ISR) executed with priority of main processA
2.2.1HSI RC oscillator cannot be switched off in run modeN
2.2.3RAM content at address 0x000 not preserved after RESETA
2.2.4RAM modified after reset by embedded bootloader-
2.3.1Corruption of read sequence for the 16-bit counter registersA
2.4.1PE flag cannot be cleared during the reception of the first half of Stop bitA
2.4.2PE testing issue in UART modeN
2.4.3LIN mode: LIN header error when automatic resynchronization is enabled-
2.4.4LIN mode: framing error with data byte 0x00N
2.4.5LIN mode: framing error when receiving an identifier (ID)N
LSI oscillator remains on in Active-halt mode when the AWU unit uses the
HSE as input clock
Flash/EEPROM memory is read incorrectly after wakeup from power down
rise-time rate for 100mV < VDD < 1V-
2.4.6LIN mode: parity error when receiving an identifier (ID)N
2.4.7LIN mode: OR flag not correctly set in LIN Master modeN
6/21ES0536 Rev 1
STM8AF6366Summary of device errata
Table 2. Summary of device limitations (continued)
FunctionSectionLimitationRev V
2.5.1I2C event managementA
2.5.2Corrupted last received data in I2C Master Receiver mode A
I2C peripheral
2.5.3Wrong behavior of I2C peripheral in Master mode after misplaced STOPA
2.5.4Violation of I2C “setup time for repeated START condition” parameterA
In I2C slave “NOSTRETCH” mode, underrun errors may not be detected
and may generate bus errors
2.5.6I2C pulse missed-
SPI peripheral
ADC peripheral
2.6.1Last bit too short if SPI is disabled during communicationA
2.6.2Busy flag is not reliable when the SPI is a master simplex receiverN
2.7.1EOC interrupt triggered when AWDIE and EOCIE set to 1N
ES0536 Rev 17/21
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