STMicroelectronics STM32WL User Manual

Application note
How to build a LoRa
application with STM32CubeWL


This application note guides the user through all the steps required to build specific LoRa® applications based on STM32WL Series microcontrollers.
LoRa® is a type of wireless telecommunication network designed to allow long-range communications at a verylow bitrate and to enable long-life battery-operated sensors. LoRaWAN® defines the communication and security protocol that ensures the interoperability with the LoRa® network.
The firmware in the STM32CubeWL MCU Package is compliant with the LoRa Alliance® specification protocol named LoRaWAN® and has the following main features:
Application integration ready
Easy add-on of the low-power LoRa® solution
Extremely low CPU load
No latency requirements
Small STM32 memory footprint
Low-power timing services
The firmware of the STM32CubeWL MCU Package is based on the STM32Cube HAL drivers.
This document provides customer application examples on the STM32WL Nucleo-64 boards NUCLEO_WL55JC (order codes NUCLEOWL55JC1 for highfrequency band and NUCLEO-WL55JC2 for low-frequency band).
To fully benefit from the information in this application note and to create an application, the user must be familiar with the STM32 microcontrollers, the LoRa® technology, and understand system services such as low-power management and task
AN5406 - Rev 4 - February 2021 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.

1 Overview

The STM32CubeWL runs on STM32WL Series microcontrollers based on the Arm® Cortex®-M processor.
Note: Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.

1.1 Acronyms

Table 1. Acronyms
Acronym Definition
ABP Activation by personalization
ADR Adaptive data rate
BSP Board support package
HAL Hardware abstraction layer
LoRa Long range radio technology
LoRaWAN LoRa wide-area network
LPWAN Low-power wide-area network
MAC Media access control
MCPS MAC common part sublayer
MIB MAC information base
MLME MAC sublayer management entity
MSC Message sequence chart
<target> STM32WL Nucleo-64 boards (NUCLEO-WL55JC)

1.2 Reference documents

[1] User manual STM32 LoRa Expansion Package for STM32Cube (UM2073)
[2] STM32WLEx reference manual (RM0461)
[3] Application note LoRaWAN AT commands for STM32CubeWL (AN5481)
[4] Application note Building wireless applications with STM32WB Series microcontrollers (AN5289)
[5] IEEE Std 802.15.4TM - 2011. Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)

1.3 LoRa standard

Refer to document [1] for more details on LoRa and LoRaWAN recommendations.
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2 STM32CubeWL architecture

2.1 STM32CubeWL overview

The firmware of the STM32CubeWL MCU Package includes the following resources (see Figure 1):
Board support package: STM32WLxx_Nucleo drivers
LoRaWAN containing:
LoRaWAN layer
LoRa utilities
LoRa software crypto engine
LoRa state machine
SubGHz_Phy layer middleware containing the radio and radio_driver interfaces
LoRaWAN applications:
SubGHz_Phy application:
In addition, this application provides efficient system integration with the following:
a sequencer to execute the tasks in background and enter low-power mode when there is no activity
a timer server to provide virtual timers running on RTC (in Stop and Standby modes) to the application
For more details refer to Section 7 Utilities description.
STM32CubeWL architecture
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Figure 1. Project file structure
BSP drivers for STM32WL Nucleo-64 board
STM32WL HAL drivers
Middleware LoRa crypto engine
Middleware LoRa state machine
Middleware LoRa MAC layer
Middleware LoRa utilities
Middleware SubGHz_Phy
STM32CubeWL overview
LoRaWAN AT_Slave application
LoRaWAN End_Node application
SubGhz_Phy PingPong application
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2.2 Static LoRa architecture

The figure below describes the main design of the firmware for the LoRa application.
Static LoRa architecture
Figure 2. Static LoRa architecture
LoRa application
(AT_Slave, End_Node or PingPong)
LoRaWAN middleware
LmHandler LoRaMAC LoRaMAC crypto
SubGHz_Phy middleware
Timer server
Debug trace
Board support package (BSP)
Hardware abstraction layer APIs (HAL)
Sub-GHz radio system peripheral
The HAL uses STM32Cube APIs to drive the MCU hardware required by the application. Only specific hardware is included in the LoRa middleware as it is mandatory to run a LoRa application.
The RTC provides a centralized time unit that continues to run even in low-power mode (Stop 2 mode). The RTC alarm is used to wake up the system at specific timings managed by the timer server.
The radio driver uses the SubGHz HAL to control the radio (see the above figure). The radio driver also provides a set of APIs to be used by higher-level software.
The radio driver is split in the following parts:
radio.c: contains all functions that are radio dependent only.
radio_driver.c: contains low-level radio drivers.
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The MAC controls the SubGHz_Phy using the 802.15.4 model. The MAC interfaces with the SubGHz_Phy driver and uses the timer server to add or remove timed tasks.
Since the state machine that controls the LoRa Class A, is sensitive, an intermediate level of software is inserted (lora.c) between the MAC and the application (refer to LoRaMAC driver in the above figure). With a limited set of APIs, the user is free to implement the Class A state machine at application level. For more details, refer to
Section 6 .
The application, built around an infinite loop, manages the low-power, runs the interrupt handlers (alarm or GPIO) and calls the LoRa Class A if any task must be done.
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2.3 Dynamic view

The MSC (message sequence chart) shown in the figure below depicts a Class A device transmitting an application data and receiving application data from the server.
Figure 3. Class A Tx and Rx processing MSC
status status status
OnTxdata McpsConfirm
Radio Timer
Dynamic view
Once the radio has completed the application data transmission, an asynchronous RadioIRQ wakes up the system. The RadioIsr here calls txDone in the handler mode.
All RadioIsr and MAC timer call a LoRaMacProcessNotify callback to request the application layer to update the LoRaMAC state and to do further processing when needed.
For instance, at the end of the reception, rxDone is called in the ISR (handler), but all the Rx packet processing including decryption must not be processed in the ISR. This case is an example of call sequence. If no data is received into the Rx1 window, then another Rx2 window is launched..
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3 SubGHz HAL driver

This section focuses on the SubGHz HAL (other HAL functions such as timers or GPIO are not detailed).
The SubGHz HAL is directly on top of the sub-GHz radio peripheral (see Figure 2. Static LoRa architecture).
The SubGHz HAL driver is based on a simple one-shot command-oriented architecture (no complete processes). Therefore, no LL driver is defined.
This SubGHz HAL driver is composed the following main parts:
Handle, initialization and configuration data structures
Initialization APIs
Configuration and control APIs
MSP and events callbacks
Bus I/O operation based on the SUBGHZ_SPI (Intrinsic services)
As the HAL APIs are mainly based on the bus services to send commands in one-shot operations, no functional state machine is used except the RESET/READY HAL states.

3.1 SubGHz resources

The following HAL SubGHz APIs are called at the initialization of the radio:
Declare a SUBGHZ_HandleTypeDef handle structure.
Initialize the sub-GHz radio peripheral by calling the HAL_SUBGHZ_Init(&hUserSubghz) API.
Initialize the SubGHz low-level resources by implementing the HAL_SUBGHZ_MspInit() API:
PWR configuration: Enable wakeup signal of the sub-GHz radio peripheral.
NVIC configuration:
Enable the NVIC radio IRQ interrupts.
Configure the sub-GHz radio interrupt priority.
The following HAL radio interrupt is called in the stm32wlxx_it.c file:
HAL_SUBGHZ_IRQHandler in the SUBGHZ_Radio_IRQHandler.
SubGHz HAL driver

3.2 SubGHz data transfers

The Set command operation is performed in polling mode with the HAL_SUBGHZ_ExecSetCmd(); API.
The Get Status operation is performed using polling mode with the HAL_SUBGHZ_ExecGetCmd(); API.
The read/write register accesses are performed in polling mode with following APIs:
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BSP STM32WL Nucleo-64 boards

4 BSP STM32WL Nucleo-64 boards

This BSP driver provides a set of functions to manage:
an application dependent part, implementing external control of on-board components: RF switches, TCXO, RF losses and LEDs/sensors available on the STM32WL Nucleo-64 board (NUCLEO-WL55JC)
a fixed part implementing the internal radio accesses (reset, busy and the NVIC radio IRQs)
Note: In the current implementation, due to STM32CubeMX limitation, the firmware does not use BSP files but
radio_board_if.c/.h for radio related items, and board_resources.c/.h for LED and push buttons. The choice between the two implementations is done into Core/Inc/platform.h by selecting USE_BSP_DRIVER or MX_BOARD_PSEUDODRIVER.

4.1 Frequency band

Two types of Nucleo board are available on the STM32WL Series:
NUCLEO-WL55JC1: high-frequency band, tuned for frequency between 865 MHz and 930 MHz
NUCLEO-WL55JC2: low-frequency band, tuned for frequency between 470 MHz and 520 MHz
Obviously, If the user tries to run a firmware compiled at 868 MHz on a low-frequency band board, very poor RF performances are expected.
The firmware does not check the band of the board on which it runs.

4.2 RF switch

The STM32WL Nucleo-64 board embeds an RF 3-port switch (SP3T) to address, with the same board, the following modes:
high-power transmission
low-power transmission
int32_t BSP_RADIO_Init(void)
BSP_RADIO_ConfigRFSwitch(BSP_RADIO_Switch_TypeDef Config)
int32_t BSP_RADIO_DeInit (void)
int32_t BSP_RADIO_GetTxConfig(void)
The RF states versus the switch configuration are given in the table below.
RF state
High-power transmission Low High High
Low-power transmission High High High
Reception High Low High
Table 2. BSP radio switch
Function Description
Initializes the RF switch.
Configures the radio switch.
De-initializes the RF switch.
Returns the board configuration:
high power, low power or both.
Table 3. RF states versus switch configuration
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4.3 RF wakeup time

The sub-GHz radio wakeup time is recovered with the following API.
uint32_t BSP_RADIO_GetWakeUpTime(void)
The user must start the TCXO by setting the command RADIO_SET_TCXOMODE with a timeout depending of the application.
The timeout value can be updated in stm32wlxx_nucleo_conf.h. Default template value is defined below.
#define RF_WAKEUP_TIME 10U

4.4 TCXO

Various oscillator types can be mounted on the user application. On the STM32WL Nucleo-64 boards, a TCXO (temperature compensated crystal oscillator) is used to achieve a better frequency accuracy.
RF wakeup time
Table 4. BSP radio wakeup time
Function Description
Returns RF_WAKEUP_TIME value.
uint32_t BSP_RADIO_IsTCXO (void)
The user can change this value in stm32wlxx_nucleo_conf.h:

4.5 Power regulation

Depending on the user application, a LDO or an SMPS (also named DCDC) is used for power regulation.
An SMPS is used on the STM32WL Nucleo-64 boards.
uint32_t BSP_RADIO_IsDCDC (void)
The user can change this value in stm32wlxx_nucleo_conf.h:
The SMPS on the board can be disabled by setting IS_DCDC_SUPPORTED to 0.
Table 5. BSP radio TCXO
Function Description
Returns IS_TCXO_SUPPORTED value.
Table 6. BSP radio SMPS
Function Description
Returns IS_DCDC_SUPPORTED value.
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4.6 STM32WL Nucleo-64 board schematic

The figure below details the STM32WL Nucleo-64 board, MB1389 reference board schematic, highlighting some useful signals:
control switches on PC4, PC5 and PC3
TCXO control voltage PIN on PB0
debug lines on PB12, PB13 and PB14
system clock on PA8
SCK on PA5
Figure 4. NUCLEO-WL55JC schematic
Data transaction:
STM32WL Nucleo-64 board schematic
Control switchs 1 and 2
Debug line 2 and 3
Debug line 1
System clock
TCXO control voltage
Control switch 3
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5 SubGHz_Phy layer middleware description

The radio abstraction layer is composed of two layers:
high-level layer (radio.c)
It provides a high-level radio interface to the stack middleware. It also maintains radio states, processes interrupts and manages timeouts. It records callbacks and calls them when radio events occur.
low-level radio drivers
It is an abstraction layer to the RF interface. This layer knows about the register name and structure, as well as detailed sequence. It is not aware about hardware interface.
The SubGHz_Phy layer middleware contains the radio abstraction layer that interfaces directly on top of the hardware interface provided by BSP (refer Section 4 BSP STM32WL Nucleo-64 boards).
The SubGHz_Phy middleware directory is divided in two parts
radio.c: contains a set of all radio generic callbacks, calling radio_driver functions. This set of APIs is meant to be generic and identical for all radios.
radio_driver.c: low-level radio drivers
SubGHz_Phy layer middleware description
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5.1 Middleware radio driver structure

A radio generic structure, struct Radio_s Radio {};, is defined to register all the callbacks, with the fields detailed in the table below.
Table 7. Radio_s structure callbacks
Callback Description
Initializes the radio.
Returns the current radio status.
Configures the radio with the given modem.
Sets the channel frequency.
Checks if the channel is free for the given time.
Generates a 32-bit random value based on the RSSI readings.
Sets the reception parameters.
Sets the transmission parameters.
Checks if the given RF frequency is supported by the hardware.
Computes the packet time on air in ms, for the given payload.
Sends the buffer of size. Prepares the packet to be sent and sets the radio in transmission.
Sets the radio in Sleep mode.
Sets the radio in Standby mode.
Sets the radio in reception mode for the given time.
Starts a CAD (channel activity detection).
Sets the radio in continuous wave transmission mode.
Reads the current RSSI value.
Writes the radio register at the specified address.
Reads the radio register at the specified address.
Sets the maximum payload length.
Sets the network to public or private. Updates the sync byte.
Gets the time required for the board plus radio to exit Sleep mode.
Processes radio IRQ.
Sets the radio in reception mode with max LNA gain for the given time.
Sets the Rx duty-cycle management parameters.
Sets the transmitter in continuous PRBS mode.
Sets the transmitter in continuous unmodulated carrier mode.
Middleware radio driver structure
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5.2 Radio IRQ interrupts

The possible sub-GHz radio interrupt sources are detailed in the table below.
Bit Source Description Packet type Operation
Radio IRQ interrupts
Table 8. Radio IRQ bit mapping and definition
Packet transmission finished
Packet reception finished
Preamble detected
Synchronization word valid GFSK
Header valid
Header error
Preamble, sync word, address, CRC or length error
CRC error
Channel activity detection finished
Channel activity detected
Rx or TX timeout LoRa and GFSK Rx and Tx
LoRa and GFSK
For more details, refer to the product reference manual.
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6 LoRaWAN middleware description

The LoRa stack middleware is split into the following modules:
LoRaMAC layer module (in Middlewares\Third_Party\LoRaWAN\Mac)
LoRa utilities module (in Middlewares\Third_Party\LoRaWAN\Utilities)
LoRa crypto module (in Middlewares\Third_Party\LoRaWAN\Crypto)
LoRa LmHandler module (in Middlewares\Third_Party\LoRaWAN\LmHandler)

6.1 LoRaWAN middleware features

Compliant with the specification for the LoRa Alliance protocol, named LoRaWAN
On-board LoRaWAN Class A, Class B and Class C protocol stack
EU 868MHz ISM band ETSI compliant
EU 433MHz ISM band ETSI compliant
US 915MHz ISM band FCC compliant
KR 920Mhz ISM band defined by Korean government
RU 864Mhz ISM band defined by Russian regulation
CN 779Mhz and CN470Mhz ISM bands defined by Chinese government
AS 923Mhz ISM band defined by Asian governments
AU 915Mhz ISM bands defined by Australian government
IN 865Mhz ISM bands defined by Indian government
End-device activation either through OTAA or through activation-by-personalization (ABP)
Adaptive data rate support
LoRaWAN test application for certification tests included
Low-power optimized
LoRaWAN middleware description

6.2 LoRaWAN middleware initialization

The initialization of the LoRaMAC layer is done through the LoRaMacInitialization API, that initializes both the preamble run time of the LoRaMAC layer and the callback primitives of the MCPS and MLME services (see the table below).
Table 9. LoRaWAN middleware initialization
Function Description
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacInitialization
(LoRAMacPrimitives_t *primitives,
LoRaMacCallback_t *callback,
LoRaMacRegion_t region)

6.3 Middleware MAC layer APIs

The provided APIs follow the definition of “primitive” defined in IEEE802.15.4-2011 (see document [5]).
The interfacing with the LoRaMAC is made through the request-confirm and the indication-response architecture. The application layer can perform a request that the LoRaMAC layer confirms with a confirm primitive. Conversely, the LoRaMAC layer notifies an application layer with the indication primitive in case of any event.
The application layer may respond to an indication with the response primitive. Therefore, all the confirm or indication are implemented using callbacks.
Initializes the LoRaMAc layer module
(see Section 6.4 Middleware MAC layer callbacks)
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Middleware MAC layer APIs
The LoRaMAC layer provides the following services:
MCPS services
In general, the LoRaMAC layer uses the MCPS services for data transmissions and data receptions.
Table 10. MCPS services
Function Description
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMcpsRequest (McpsReq_t *mcpsRequest)
Requests to send Tx data.
MLME services
The LoRaMAC layer uses the MLME services to manage the LoRaWAN network.
Table 11. MMLE services
Function Description
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMlmeRequest (MlmeReq_t *mlmeRequest )
Generates a join request or requests for a link check.
MIB services
The MIB stores important runtime information (such as MIB_NETWORK_ACTIVATION or MIB_NET_ID) and holds the configuration of the LoRaMAC layer (for example the MIB_ADR, MIB_APP_KEY).
Table 12. MIB services
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm (MibRequestConfirm_t *mibSet)
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm (MibRequestConfirm_t *mibGet )
Sets attributes of the LoRaMAC layer.
Gets attributes of the LoRaMAC layer.
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6.4 Middleware MAC layer callbacks

The LoRaMAC user event functions primitives (also named callbacks) to be implemented by the application are the following:
Function Description
void (*MacMcpsConfirm ) (McpsConfirm_t *McpsConfirm)
Void (*MacMcpsIndication) (McpsIndication_t *McpsIndication)
Function Description
void ( *MacMlmeConfirm ) ( MlmeConfirm_t *MlmeConfirm )
Middleware MAC layer callbacks
Table 13. MCPS primitives
Response to a McpsRequest
Notifies the application that a received packet is available.
Table 14. MLME primitive
Manages the LoRaWAN network.
No available functions.

Middleware MAC layer timers

Delay Rx window
Refer to document [1], section 'End-device classes' for more details.
Table 15. Delay Rx window
Function Description
void OnRxWindow1TimerEvent (void)
void OnRxWindow2TimerEvent (void)
Delay for Tx frame transmission
Table 16. Delay for Tx frame transmission
Function Description
void OnTxDelayedTimerEvent (void)
Sets the RxDelay1 (ReceiveDelayX - RADIO_WAKEUP_TIME).
Sets the RxDelay2.
Sets the timer for Tx frame transmission.
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Delay for Rx frame
Table 17. Delay for Rx frame
Function Description
void OnAckTimeoutTimerEvent (void)
Sets timeout for received frame acknowledgment.

6.6 Middleware LmHandler application function

The interface to the MAC is done through the MAC interface LoRaMac.h file, in one of the following modes:
Standard mode
An interface file (LoRaMAC driver, see Figure 2 ) is provided to let the user start without worrying about the LoRa state machine. This file is located in
Middlewares\Third_Party\LoRaWAN\LmHandler\LmHandler.c and implements:
a set of APIs to access to the LoRaMAC services
the LoRa certification test cases that are not visible to the application layer
Advanced mode
The user accesses directly the MAC layer by including the MAC in the user file.
Middleware LmHandler application function
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6.6.1 Operation model

The operation model proposed for the LoRa End_Node is based on ‘event-driven’ paradigms including ‘time­driven’ (see the figure below). The behavior of the LoRa system is triggered either by a timer event or by a radio event plus a guard transition.
Middleware LmHandler application function
Figure 5. Operation model
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The next sections detail the End_Node and AT_Slave APIs used to access the LoRaMAC services. The corresponding interface files are located in:
The user must implement the application with these APIs.
An example of End_Node application is provided in
An example of AT_Slave application is provided in
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6.6.2 Main application functions definition

Function Description
LmHandlerErrorStatus_t LmHandlerInit
(LmHandlerCallbacks_t *handlerCallbacks)
Table 19. LoRa configuration
Function Description
LmHandlerErrorStatus_t LmHandlerConfigure
(LmHandlerParams_t *handlerParams)
Table 20. LoRa End_Node join request entry point
Function Description
void LmHandlerJoin (ActivationType_t mode)
Middleware LmHandler application function
Table 18. LoRa initialization
Initialization of the LoRa finite state machine
Configuration of all applicative parameters
Join request to a network either in OTAA mode or ABP mode.
Table 21. LoRa stop
void LmHandlerStop (void)
Table 22. LoRa request class
LmHandlerErrorStatus LmHandlerRequestClass (DeviceClass_t newClass)
Table 23. Send an uplink frame
LmHandlerErrorStatus_t LmHandlerSend
(LmHandlerAppData_t *appData,
LmHandlerMsgTypes_t isTxConfirmed)
TimerTime_t *nextTxIn, bool allowDelayedTx)
Stops the LoRa process and waits a new configuration before a rejoin action.
Requests the MAC layer to change LoRaWAN class.
Sends an uplink frame. This frame can be either an unconfirmed empty frame or an unconfirmed/ confirmed payload frame.
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