Using the Chrom-ART Accelerator™ to refresh an LCD-TFT
display on STM32L496xx/L4A6xx/L4Rxxx/L4Sxxx microcontrollers
The purpose of this application note is to highlight how to refresh an LCD-TFT display via
the FSMC interface using the Chrom-ART Accelerator™ on
STM32L496xx/L4A6xx/L4Rxxx/L4Sxxx microcontrollers.
The STM32L496xx/L4A6xx/L4Rxxx/L4Sxxx microcontrollers implement a Chrom-Art
Accelerator™ (DMA2D) that is a specialized DMA dedicated to image manipulation.
It can perform the following operations:
• Filling a part or the whole of a destination image with a specific color
• Copying a part or the whole of a source image into a part or the whole of a destination
image with a pixel format conversion
• Blending a part and/or two complete source images with a different pixel format and
copying the result into a part or the whole of a destination image with a different color
On the STM32L496xx/L4A6xx/L4Rxxx/L4Sxxx microcontrollers, the flexible static memory
controller (FSMC) is used to access the LCD-TFT display through a parallel interface.
This application note explains on:
• How to connect the LCD-TFT display to the FSMC interface
• How to configure the DMA2D for the LCD-TFT display refresh
• How to use the DMA2D byte reordering features to directly drive Intel 8080 displays.
To fully benefit from this application note, the user should be familiar with the STM32
Chrom-ART Accelerator™ (DMA2D) as described in the STM32L4x6 advanced Arm
based 32-bit MCUs reference manual (RM0351) and the STM32L4Rxxx/L4Sxxx advanced
-based 32-bit MCUs reference manual (RM0432) available from the
–The more often the frame buffer is updated, the more fluid are the animations
•Step2: display of the frame buffer onto the LCD-TFT display
–The frame buffer is transferred to the display through a dedicated hardware
–The transfer can be done using the CPU, the system DMA or using the Chrom-
ART Accelerator™ (DMA2D)
In a typical display application example using the STM32L496xx/L4A6xx/L4Rxxx/L4Sxxx
microcontrollers, the Flexible Static Memory Controller (FSMC) is used as the hardware
interface to the LCD-TFT display, the graphical primitives like pictures, icons or fonts are
stored in the external Quad-SPI Flash memory and the frame buffer is stored in the internal
SRAM. The transfer of the frame buffer to the LCD-TFT display can also be managed by the
Chrom-ART Accelerator™ (DMA2D), hence not using the CPU or the DMA resources.
This is showed in Figure 1: Display application typical use case.
Figure 1. Display application typical use case
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AN4943LCD-TFT display on FSMC
The Chrom-ART Accelerator™ (DMA2D) can update the whole image on the display (full
refresh) or only a part of it (partial refresh).
The configuration of the Chrom-ART Accelerator™ (DMA2D) (full or partial refresh) is done
by programming specific registers through the high level HAL library function as shown in
Section 4: Chrom-ART Accelerator™ (DMA2D) configuration in STM32CubeL4.
3 LCD-TFT display on FSMC
3.1 Hardware interface description
The below signals are used to connect the Flexible Static Memory interface (FSMC) to the
LCD-TFT display:
Signal nameFSMC I/OFunction
A[25:0]OAddress bus
D[15:0]I/OBidirectional data bus
NE[x]OChip select, x=1..4
Table 2. FSMC signals
NOEOOutput enable
NWEOWrite enable
Signal name
D/CXIData/command control signal
D[15:0]I/OBidirectional information signals bus
CSXIChip select control signal
RDXIRead control signal
WRXIWrite control signal
1. The signal names are provided according the Type B Display Bus Interface (DBI) as described in the MIPI
Alliance standard for display bus interface.
TEOTearing effect
Table 3. LCD-TFT signals
LCD-TFT I/OFunction
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