This document applies to the part numbers of STM32G431xx/441xx devices and the device variants as stated in this page.
It gives a summary and a description of the device errata, with respect to the device datasheet and reference manual RM0440.
Deviation of the real device behavior from the intended device behavior is considered to be a device limitation. Deviation of the
description in the reference manual or the datasheet from the intended device behavior is considered to be a documentation
erratum. The term “errata” applies both to limitations and documentation errata.
1. Refer to the device datasheet for how to identify this code on different types of package.
2. REV_ID[15:0] bitfield of DBGMCU_IDCODE register.
Device marking
Silicon revision codes
ES0431 - Rev 7 - April 2021
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1Summary of device errata
The following table gives a quick reference to the STM32G431xx/441xx device limitations and their status:
A = workaround available
N = no workaround available
P = partial workaround available
Applicability of a workaround may depend on specific conditions of target application. Adoption of a workaround
may cause restrictions to target application. Workaround for a limitation is deemed partial if it only reduces the
rate of occurrence and/or consequences of the limitation, or if it is fully effective for only a subset of instances on
the device or in only a subset of operating modes, of the function concerned.
Table 3. Summary of device limitations
2.1.1Interrupted loads to SP can cause erroneous behavior
COMP2.6.1Comparator previously not fully tested in productionNN-
2.2.1Full JTAG configuration without NJTRST pin cannot be usedAAA
2.2.3Unstable LSI when it clocks RTC or CSS on LSEPPP
2.4.1SOFx not asserted when writing into DMAMUX_CFR registerNNN
2.4.3OFx not asserted when writing into DMAMUX_RGCFR registerNNN
2.5.4ADC_AWDy_OUT reset by non-guarded channelsAAA
2.5.5End of 10/8/6-bit ADC conversion disturbing other ADCsA--
2.5.8ADC channel 0 converted instead of the required ADC channel-A-
VDIV or VSQRT instructions might not complete correctly when very
short ISRs are used
Store immediate overlapping exception return operation might vector
to incorrect interrupt
FLASH_ECCR corrupted upon reset or power-down occurring during
Flash memory program or erase operation
PCROP_RDP option bit production value not inline with the
DMA disable failure and error flag omission upon simultaneous
transfer error and global flag clear
OFx not asserted for trigger event coinciding with last DMAMUX
Wrong input DMA request routed upon specific DMAMUX_CxCR
register write coinciding with synchronization event
New context conversion initiated without waiting for trigger when
writing new context in ADC_JSQR with JQDIS = 0 and JQM = 0
Two consecutive context conversions fail when writing new context
in ADC_JSQR just after previous context completion with JQDIS = 0
and JQM = 0
Unexpected regular conversion when two consecutive injected
conversions are performed in Dual interleaved mode
Wrong ADC result if conversion done late after calibration or previous
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Summary of device errata
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2.8.2Consecutive compare event missed in specific conditionsNNN
2.8.4Output compare clear not working with external counter resetPPP
2.9.2Device may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when clearing event flagPPP
2.9.3LPTIM events and PWM output are delayed by 1 kernel clock cyclePPP
2.10.1Calendar initialization may fail in case of consecutive INIT mode entryAAA
2.10.2Alarm flag may be repeatedly set when the core is stopped in debugNNN
2.10.5Tamper flag not set on LSE failure detectionNNN
2.11.2Spurious bus error detection in master modeAAA
2.11.3Spurious master transfer upon own slave address matchPPP
2.11.4OVR flag not set in underrun conditionNNN
2.11.5Transmission stalled after first byte transferAAA
2.12.1Anticipated end-of-transmission signaling in SPI slave modeAAA
2.12.2Data corruption due to noisy receive lineNNN
2.13.1BSY bit may stay high when SPI is disabledAAA
2.13.2BSY bit may stay high at the end of data transfer in slave modeAAA
2.14.1Desynchronization under specific condition with edge filtering enabledAAA
2.15.1ESOF interrupt timing desynchronized after resume signalingAAA
2.15.2Incorrect CRC16 in the memory bufferNNN
OPAMP disturbed by fast-edge toggle on GPIO pin corresponding to
One-pulse mode trigger not detected in master-slave reset + trigger
Compare event missed in center-aligned mode 1 and 2 with dithering
Device may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when entering Stop
A tamper event fails to trigger timestamp or timestamp overflow
events during a few cycles after clearing TSF
REFCKON write protection associated to INIT KEY instead of CAL
Wrong data sampling when data setup time (tSU;DAT) is shorter than
one I2C kernel clock period
Tx FIFO messages inverted under specific buffer usage and priority
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Description of device errata
2Description of device errata
The following sections describe limitations of the applicable devices with Arm® core and provide workarounds if
available. They are grouped by device functions.
Note:Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.
Reference manual and errata notice for the Arm® Cortex®-M4 core revision r0p1 is available from http://
2.1.1Interrupted loads to SP can cause erroneous behavior
This limitation is registered under Arm ID number 752770 and classified into “Category B”. Its impact to the device
is minor.
If an interrupt occurs during the data-phase of a single word load to the stack-pointer (SP/R13), erroneous
behavior can occur. In all cases, returning from the interrupt will result in the load instruction being executed an
additional time. For all instructions performing an update to the base register, the base register will be erroneously
updated on each execution, resulting in the stack-pointer being loaded from an incorrect memory location.
The affected instructions that can result in the load transaction being repeated are:
•LDR SP, [Rn],#imm
•LDR SP, [Rn,#imm]!
•LDR SP, [Rn,#imm]
•LDR SP, [Rn]
•LDR SP, [Rn,Rm]
The affected instructions that can result in the stack-pointer being loaded from an incorrect memory address are:
•LDR SP,[Rn],#imm
•LDR SP,[Rn,#imm]!
As compilers do not generate these particular instructions, the limitation is only likely to occur with hand-written
assembly code.
Both issues may be worked around by replacing the direct load to the stack-pointer, with an intermediate load to a
general-purpose register followed by a move to the stack-pointer.
2.1.2VDIV or VSQRT instructions might not complete correctly when very short ISRs are used
This limitation is registered under Arm ID number 776924 and classified into “Category B”. Its impact to the device
is limited.
ES0431 - Rev 7
The VDIV and VSQRT instructions take 14 cycles to execute. When an interrupt is taken a VDIV or VSQRT
instruction is not terminated, and completes its execution while the interrupt stacking occurs. If lazy context save
of floating point state is enabled then the automatic stacking of the floating point context does not occur until a
floating point instruction is executed inside the interrupt service routine.
Lazy context save is enabled by default. When it is enabled, the minimum time for the first instruction in the
interrupt service routine to start executing is 12 cycles. In certain timing conditions, and if there is only one or two
instructions inside the interrupt service routine, then the VDIV or VSQRT instruction might not write its result to the
register bank or to the FPSCR.
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The failure occurs when the following condition is met:
1.The floating point unit is enabled
2.Lazy context saving is not disabled
3.A VDIV or VSQRT is executed
4.The destination register for the VDIV or VSQRT is one of s0 - s15
5.An interrupt occurs and is taken
6.The interrupt service routine being executed does not contain a floating point instruction
7.Within 14 cycles after the VDIV or VSQRT is executed, an interrupt return is executed
A minimum of 12 of these 14 cycles are utilized for the context state stacking, which leaves 2 cycles for
instructions inside the interrupt service routine, or 2 wait states applied to the entire stacking sequence (which
means that it is not a constant wait state for every access).
In general, this means that if the memory system inserts wait states for stack transactions (that is, external
memory is used for stack data), then this erratum cannot be observed.
The effect of this erratum is that the VDIV or VQSRT instruction does not complete correctly and the register bank
and FPSCR are not updated, which means that these registers hold incorrect, out of date, data.
A workaround is only required if the floating point unit is enabled. A workaround is not required if the stack is in
external memory.
There are two possible workarounds:
•Disable lazy context save of floating point state by clearing LSPEN to 0 (bit 30 of the FPCCR at address
•Ensure that every interrupt service routine contains more than 2 instructions in addition to the exception
return instruction.
This limitation is registered under Arm ID number 838869 and classified into “Category B (rare)”. Its impact to the
device is minor.
The core includes a write buffer that permits execution to continue while a store is waiting on the bus. Under
specific timing conditions, during an exception return while this buffer is still in use by a store instruction, a late
change in selection of the next interrupt to be taken might result in there being a mismatch between the interrupt
acknowledged by the interrupt controller and the vector fetched by the processor.
The failure occurs when the following condition is met:
1.The handler for interrupt A is being executed.
2.Interrupt B, of the same or lower priority than interrupt A, is pending.
3.A store with immediate offset instruction is executed to a bufferable location.
–STR/STRH/STRB <Rt>, [<Rn>,#imm]
–STR/STRH/STRB <Rt>, [<Rn>,#imm]!
–STR/STRH/STRB <Rt>, [<Rn>],#imm
4.Any number of additional data-processing instructions can be executed.
5.A BX instruction is executed that causes an exception return.
6.The store data has wait states applied to it such that the data is accepted at least two cycles after the BX is
–Minimally, this is two cycles if the store and the BX instruction have no additional instructions between
–The number of wait states required to observe this erratum needs to be increased by the number of
cycles between the store and the interrupt service routine exit instruction.
7.Before the bus accepts the buffered store data, another interrupt C is asserted which has the same or lower
priority as A, but a greater priority than B.
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The processor should execute interrupt handler C, and on completion of handler C should execute the handler
for B. If the conditions above are met, then this erratum results in the processor erroneously clearing the pending
state of interrupt C, and then executing the handler for B twice. The first time the handler for B is executed it
will be at interrupt C's priority level. If interrupt C is pended by a level-based interrupt which is cleared by C's
handler then interrupt C will be pended again once the handler for B has completed and the handler for C will be
As the STM32 interrupt C is level based, it eventually becomes pending again and is subsequently handled.
For software not using the memory protection unit, this erratum can be worked around by setting DISDEFWBUF
in the Auxiliary Control Register.
In all other cases, the erratum can be avoided by ensuring a DSB occurs between the store and the BX
instruction. For exception handlers written in C, this can be achieved by inserting the appropriate set of intrinsics
or inline assembly just before the end of the interrupt function, for example:
2.2.1Full JTAG configuration without NJTRST pin cannot be used
When using the JTAG debug port in Debug mode, the connection with the debugger is lost if the NJTRST pin
(PB4) is used as a GPIO. Only the 4-wire JTAG port configuration is impacted.
Use the SWD debug port instead of the full 4-wire JTAG port.
2.2.2FLASH_ECCR corrupted upon reset or power-down occurring during Flash memory program
or erase operation
Reset or power-down occurring during a Flash memory location program or erase operation, followed by a read of
the same memory location, may lead to a corruption of the FLASH_ECCR register content.
Under such condition, erase the page(s) corresponding to the Flash memory location.
2.2.3Unstable LSI when it clocks RTC or CSS on LSE
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The LSI clock can become unstable (duty cycle different from 50 %) and its maximum frequency can become
significantly higher than 32 kHz, when:
•LSI clocks the RTC, or it clocks the clock security system (CSS) on LSE (which holds when the LSECSSON
bit set), and
•the VDD power domain is reset while the backup domain is not reset, which happens:
–upon exiting Shutdown mode
–if V
–if V
Apply one of the following measures:
•Clock the RTC with LSE or HSE/32, without using the CSS on LSE
•If LSI clocks the RTC or when the LSECSSON bit is set, reset the backup domain upon each VDD power up
(when the BORRSTF flag is set). If V
registers and anti-tampering configuration.
2.2.4PCROP_RDP option bit production value not inline with the specification
is separate from VDD and VDD goes off then on
is tied to VDD (internally in the package for products not featuring the VBAT pin, or externally)
and a short (< 1 ms) VDD drop under VDD(min) occurs
is separate from VDD, also restore the RTC configuration, backup
According to the specification, the PCROP_RDP option bit production value is “0”. In STM32G431 Rev Z devices,
with date code 947 and date codes less than 944, the PCROP_RDP option bit production value is “1”
2.3.1DMA disable failure and error flag omission upon simultaneous transfer error and global flag
Upon a data transfer error in a DMA channel x, both the specific TEIFx and the global GIFx flags are raised and
the channel x is normally automatically disabled. However, if in the same clock cycle the software clears the GIFx
flag (by setting the CGIFx bit of the DMA_IFCR register), the automatic channel disable fails and the TEIFx flag is
not raised.
This issue does not occur with ST's HAL software that does not use and clear the GIFx flag when the channel is
Do not clear GIFx flags when the channel is active. Instead, use HTIFx, TCIFx, and TEIFx specific event flags and
their corresponding clear bits.
2.4.1SOFx not asserted when writing into DMAMUX_CFR register
The SOFx flag of the DMAMUX_CSR status register is not asserted if overrun from another DMAMUX channel
occurs when the software writes into the DMAMUX_CFR register.
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This can happen when multiple DMA channels operate in synchronization mode, and when overrun can occur
from more than one channel. As the SOFx flag clear requires a write into the DMAMUX_CFR register (to set
the corresponding CSOFx bit), overrun occurring from another DMAMUX channel operating during that write
operation fails to raise its corresponding SOFx flag.
None. Avoid the use of synchronization mode for concurrent DMAMUX channels, if at least two of them potentially
generate synchronization overrun.
2.4.2OFx not asserted for trigger event coinciding with last DMAMUX request
In the DMAMUX request generator, a trigger event detected in a critical instant of the last-generated DMAMUX
request being served by the DMA controller does not assert the corresponding trigger overrun flag OFx. The
critical instant is the clock cycle at the very end of the trigger overrun condition.
Additionally, upon the following trigger event, one single DMA request is issued by the DMAMUX request
generator, regardless of the programmed number of DMA requests to generate.
The failure only occurs if the number of requests to generate is set to more than two (GNBREQ[4:0] > 00001).
Make the trigger period longer than the duration required for serving the programmed number of DMA requests,
so as to avoid the trigger overrun condition from occurring on the very last DMA data transfer.
2.4.3OFx not asserted when writing into DMAMUX_RGCFR register
The OFx flag of the DMAMUX_RGSR status register is not asserted if an overrun from another DMAMUX request
generator channel occurs when the software writes into the DMAMUX_RGCFR register. This can happen when
multiple DMA channels operate with the DMAMUX request generator, and when an overrun can occur from more
than one request generator channel. As the OFx flag clear requires a write into the DMAMUX_RGCFR register
(to set the corresponding COFx bit), an overrun occurring in another DMAMUX channel operating with another
request generator channel during that write operation fails to raise the corresponding OFx flag.
None. Avoid the use of request generator mode for concurrent DMAMUX channels, if at least two channels are
potentially generating a request generator overrun.
2.4.4Wrong input DMA request routed upon specific DMAMUX_CxCR register write coinciding with
synchronization event
If a write access into the DMAMUX_CxCR register having the SE bit at zero and SPOL[1:0] bitfield at a value
other than 00:
•sets the SE bit (enables synchronization),
•modifies the values of the DMAREQ_ID[5:0] and SYNC_ID[4:0] bitfields, and
•does not modify the SPOL[1:0] bitfield,
and if a synchronization event occurs on the previously selected synchronization input exactly two AHB clock
cycles before this DMAMUX_CxCR write, then the input DMA request selected by the DMAREQ_ID[5:0] value
before that write is routed.
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Ensure that the SPOL[1:0] bitfield is at 00 whenever the SE bit is 0. When enabling synchronization by setting
the SE bit, always set the SPOL[1:0] bitfield to a value other than 00 with the same write operation into the
DMAMUX_CxCR register.
2.5.1New context conversion initiated without waiting for trigger when writing new context in
ADC_JSQR with JQDIS = 0 and JQM = 0
Once an injected conversion sequence is complete, the queue is consumed and the context changes according to
the new ADC_JSQR parameters stored in the queue. This new context is applied for the next injected sequence
of conversions.
However, the programming of the new context in ADC_JSQR (change of injected trigger selection and/or trigger
polarity) may launch the execution of this context without waiting for the trigger if:
•the queue of context is enabled (JQDIS cleared to 0 in ADC_CFGR), and
•the queue is never empty (JQM cleared to 0 in ADC_CFGR), and
•the injected conversion sequence is complete and no conversion from previous context is ongoing
Apply one of the following measures:
•Ignore the first conversion.
•Use a queue of context with JQM = 1.
•Use a queue of context with JQM = 0, only change the conversion sequence but never the trigger selection
and the polarity.
2.5.2Two consecutive context conversions fail when writing new context in ADC_JSQR just after
previous context completion with JQDIS = 0 and JQM = 0
When an injected conversion sequence is complete and the queue is consumed, writing a new context in
ADC_JSQR just after the completion of the previous context and with a length longer that the previous context,
may cause both contexts to fail. The two contexts are considered as one single context. As an example, if the first
context contains element 1 and the second context elements 2 and 3, the first context is consumed followed by
elements 2 and 3 and element 1 is not executed.
This issue may happen if:
•the queue of context is enabled (JQDIS cleared to 0 in ADC_CFGR), and
•the queue is never empty (JQM cleared to 0 in ADC_CFGR), and
•the length of the new context is longer than the previous one
If possible, synchronize the writing of the new context with the reception of the new trigger.
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