This document applies to STM32F078CB/RB/VB devices and the device variants as stated in this page.
It gives a summary and a description of the device errata, with respect to the device datasheet and reference manual RM0091.
Deviation of the real device behavior from the intended device behavior is considered to be a device limitation. Deviation of the
description in the reference manual or the datasheet from the intended device behavior is considered to be a documentation
erratum. The term “errata” applies both to limitations and documentation errata.
Table 1. Device variants
1. Refer to the device datasheet for how to identify this code on different types of package.
2. REV_ID[15:0] bitfield of DBGMCU_IDCODE register.
Device marking
Y or 10x2001
Silicon revision codes
ES0262 - Rev 4 - October 2020
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1Summary of device errata
The following table gives a quick reference to the STM32F078CB/RB/VB device limitations and their status:
A = workaround available
N = no workaround available
P = partial workaround available
Applicability of a workaround may depend on specific conditions of target application. Adoption of a workaround
may cause restrictions to target application. Workaround for a limitation is deemed partial if it only reduces the
rate of occurrence and/or consequences of the limitation, or if it is fully effective for only a subset of instances on
the device or in only a subset of operating modes, of the function concerned.
Table 2. Summary of device limitations
System2.2.1RDP Level 1 issue
GPIO2.3.1GPIOx locking mechanism not working properly for GPIOx_OTYPER registerP
COMP2.7.1Long VREFINT scaler startup time after power onN
2.5.2Overrun flag is not set if EOC reset coincides with new conversion endP
2.5.3ADEN bit cannot be set immediately after the ADC calibrationA
2.6.1DMA request not automatically cleared by clearing DMAENA
2.9.1PWM re-enabled in automatic output enable mode despite of system breakP
2.9.3Consecutive compare event missed in specific conditionsN
2.9.4Output compare clear not working with external counter resetP
2.10.1RVU flag not reset in StopA
2.10.2PVU flag not reset in StopA
2.10.3WVU flag not reset in StopA
2.10.4RVU flag not cleared at low APB clock frequencyA
2.10.5PVU flag not cleared at low APB clock frequencyA
2.10.6WVU flag not cleared at low APB clock frequencyA
2.11.1Spurious tamper detection when disabling the tamper channelP
2.11.2RTC calendar registers are not locked properlyA
2.11.3RTC interrupt can be masked by another RTC interruptA
2.11.4Calendar initialization may fail in case of consecutive INIT mode entryA
2.11.5Alarm flag may be repeatedly set when the core is stopped in debugN
2.11.6A tamper event preceding the tamper detect enable not detectedA
2.12.110-bit slave mode: wrong direction bit value upon Read header receiptA
DMA disable failure and error flag omission upon simultaneous transfer error
and global flag clear
ADCAL bit is not cleared when successive calibrations are performed and
system clock frequency is considerably higher than the ADC clock frequency
DMA underrun flag not set when an internal trigger is detected on the clock
cycle of the DMA request acknowledge
Summary of device errata
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10-bit combined with 7-bit slave mode: ADDCODE may indicate wrong slave
address detection
Wakeup frames may not wake up the MCU when Stop mode entry follows I2C
Wakeup frame may not wake up the MCU from Stop mode if tHD;STA is close
to I2C kernel clock startup time
10-bit master mode: new transfer cannot be launched if first part of the address
is not acknowledged by the slave
Wrong data sampling when data setup time (tSU;DAT) is shorter than one I2C
kernel clock period
Last byte written in TDR might not be transmitted if TE is cleared just after
writing in TDR
2.12.8Spurious bus error detection in master modeA
2.12.9Last-received byte loss in reload modeP
2.12.10Spurious master transfer upon own slave address matchP
2.12.11OVR flag not set in underrun conditionN
2.12.12Transmission stalled after first byte transferA
2.13.1USART4 transmission does not work on PC11N
2.13.3Non-compliant sampling for NACK signal from smartcardN
2.13.4Break request preventing TC flag from being setA
2.13.5RTS is active while RE = 0 or UE = 0A
2.13.6Receiver timeout counter wrong start in two-stop-bit configurationA
2.13.7Anticipated end-of-transmission signaling in SPI slave modeA
2.13.8Data corruption due to noisy receive lineN
2.14.1BSY bit may stay high when SPI is disabledA
2.14.2BSY bit may stay high at the end of data transfer in slave modeA
2.14.3SPI CRC corruption upon DMA transaction completion by another peripheralP
2.14.4In I2S slave mode, enabling I2S while WS is active causes desynchronizationA
2.15.2ESOF interrupt timing desynchronized after resume signalingA
2.15.3Incorrect CRC16 in the memory bufferN
2.15.4The USB BCD functionality limited below -20°CN
2.15.5DCD function not compliantP
2.16.1Transmission blocked when transmitted start bit is corruptedP
2.16.2Missed CEC messages in normal receiving modeA
Summary of device errata
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The following table gives a quick reference to the documentation errata.
Table 3. Summary of device documentation errata
DMA2.4.2Byte and half-word accesses not supported
SectionDocumentation erratum
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Summary of device errata
FunctionSectionDocumentation erratum
TSC2.8.1Inhibited acquisition in short transfer phase configuration
TIM2.9.2TRGO and TRGO2 trigger output failure
I2C2.12.6Wrong behavior in Stop mode when wakeup from Stop mode is disabled in I2C
SPI2.14.5CRC error in SPI slave mode if internal NSS changes before CRC transfer
USB2.15.1Possible packet memory overrun/underrun at low APB frequency
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Description of device errata
2Description of device errata
The following sections describe limitations of the applicable devices with Arm® core and provide workarounds if
available. They are grouped by device functions.
Note:Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.
Reference manual and errata notice for the Arm® Cortex®-M4F core revision r0p0 is available from http://
2.2.1RDP Level 1 issue
When the RDP Level 1 protection is set, there exists a logic issue that compromises protection of the Flash
memory against debugger access. When the debugger is connected to the device, the first transaction with the
Flash memory after a power on reset/power up is granted because of a race condition existing between this
debugger access and the protection mechanism of the Flash memory. As a result, the debugger may access one
data in the Flash memory after power up.
For customers concerned by the confidentiality of their firmware, it is recommended to use the RDP Level 2
2.3.1GPIOx locking mechanism not working properly for GPIOx_OTYPER register
Locking GPIOx_OTYPER[i] with i = 15 to 8 unduly depends on GPIOx_LCKR[i-8] instead on GPIOx_LCKR[i].
GPIOx_LCKR[i-8] locks both GPIOx_OTYPER[i] and GPIOx_OTYPER[i-8]. It is not possible to lock
GPIOx_OTYPER[i] with i = 15...8 without also locking GPIOx_OTYPER[i-8].
The only way to lock GPIOx_OTYPER[i] with i=15 to 8 is to also lock GPIOx_OTYPER[i-8].
2.4.1DMA disable failure and error flag omission upon simultaneous transfer error and global flag
Upon a data transfer error in a DMA channel x, both the specific TEIFx and the global GIFx flags are raised and
the channel x is normally automatically disabled. However, if in the same clock cycle the software clears the GIFx
flag (by setting the CGIFx bit of the DMA_IFCR register), the automatic channel disable fails and the TEIFx flag is
not raised.
This issue does not occur with ST's HAL software that does not use and clear the GIFx flag when the channel is
active, but uses and clears the HTIFx, TCIFx, and TEIFx specific event flags instead.
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Do not clear GIFx flags when the channel is active. Instead, use HTIFx, TCIFx, and TEIFx specific event flags and
their corresponding clear bits.
2.4.2Byte and half-word accesses not supported
Some reference manual revisions may wrongly state that the DMA registers are byte- and half-word-accessible.
Instead, the DMA registers must always be accessed through aligned 32-bit words. Byte or half-word write
accesses cause an erroneous behavior.
ST's low-level driver and HAL software only use aligned 32-bit accesses to the DMA registers.
This is a description inaccuracy issue rather than a product limitation.
No application workaround is required.
2.5.1ADCAL bit is not cleared when successive calibrations are performed and system clock
frequency is considerably higher than the ADC clock frequency
The ADC calibration is launched by setting ADCAL bit of ADC_CR register. It can only be initiated when the ADC
is disabled (ADEN cleared in ADC_CR register). ADCAL bit stays at 1 during the whole calibration sequence and
is cleared by hardware as soon the calibration completes.
However, when at least two calibrations are performed in a row and the system clock frequency is considerably
higher than the ADC clock, the ADCAL bit is set again after being cleared by hardware when the first calibration
phase ends. The ADCAL bit remains set, waiting for the calibration to complete and hence for a hardware clear
that never occurs since the ADC clock is stopped.
Avoid performing successive calibrations.
2.5.2Overrun flag is not set if EOC reset coincides with new conversion end
If the EOC flag is cleared by an ADC_DR register read operation or by software during the same APB cycle in
which the data from a new conversion are written in the ADC_DR register, the overrun event duly occurs (which
results in the loss of either current or new data) but the overrun flag (OVR) may stay low.
Clear the EOC flag, by performing an ADC_DR read operation or by software within less than one ADC
conversion cycle period from the last conversion cycle end, in order to avoid the coincidence with the end of the
new conversion cycle.
2.5.3ADEN bit cannot be set immediately after the ADC calibration
At the end of the ADC calibration, an internal reset of ADEN bit occurs four ADC clock cycles after the ADCAL bit
is cleared by hardware. As a consequence, if the ADEN bit is set within those four ADC clock cycles, it is reset
shortly after by the calibration logic and the ADC remains disabled.
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Apply one of the following measures:
•When the ADC calibration is complete (ADCAL = 0), keep setting the ADEN bit until the ADRDY flag goes
•After the ADCAL is cleared, wait for a minimum of four ADC clock cycles before enabling the ADC
(ADEN = 1).
•Always perform the ADC calibration with ADC clock frequency = APB frequency / 2.
2.6.1DMA request not automatically cleared by clearing DMAEN
Upon an attempt to stop a DMA-to-DAC transfer, the DMA request is not automatically cleared by clearing the
DAC channel bit of the DAC_CR register (DMAEN) or by disabling the DAC clock.
If the application stops the DAC operation while the DMA request is pending, the request remains pending while
the DAC is reinitialized and restarted, with the risk that a spurious DMA request is serviced as soon as the DAC is
enabled again.
Apply the following sequence to stop the current DMA-to-DAC transfer and restart the DAC:
1.Check if DMAUDR bit is set in DAC_CR.
2.Clear the DAC channel DMAEN bit.
3.Disable the DAC clock.
4.Reconfigure the DAC, DMA and the triggers.
5.Restart the application.
2.6.2DMA underrun flag not set when an internal trigger is detected on the clock cycle of the DMA
request acknowledge
When the DAC channel operates in DMA mode (DMAEN of DAC_CR register set), the DMA channel underrun
flag (DMAUDR of DAC_SR register) fails to rise upon an internal trigger detection if that detection occurs during
the same clock cycle as a DMA request acknowledge. As a result, the user application is not informed that an
underrun error occurred.
This issue occurs when software and hardware triggers are used concurrently to trigger DMA transfers.
2.7.1Long V
The V
comparator input.
The maximum V
of the V
time depends mainly on the voltage and temperature. See the device datasheet for more details.
ES0262 - Rev 4
scaler startup time after power on
scaler is an embedded voltage follower providing the V
scaler startup time t
scaler after powering on the device. In worst-case conditions, it can be as much as 1 s. The startup
(max), specified to 0.2 ms, is not respected for the first activation
or its fractions (½, ¼ or ¾) to the
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For correct operation of the V
scaler, the comparator analog supply voltage, V
2.8.1Inhibited acquisition in short transfer phase configuration
Some revisions of the reference manual may omit the information that the following configurations of the TSC_CR
register are forbidden:
•The PGPSC[2:0] bitfield set to 000 and the CTPL[3:0] bitfield to 0000 or 0001
•The PGPSC[2:0] bitfield set to 001 and the CTPL[3:0] bitfield to 0000
Failure to respect this restriction leads to an inhibition of the acquisition.
This is a documentation inaccuracy issue rather than a product limitation.
No application workaround is required.
, must not be below 2 V.
2.9.1PWM re-enabled in automatic output enable mode despite of system break
In automatic output enable mode (AOE bit set in TIMx_BDTR register), the break input can be used to do a cycleby-cycle PWM control for a current mode regulation. A break signal (typically a comparator with a current
threshold ) disables the PWM output(s) and the PWM is re-armed on the next counter period.
However, a system break (typically coming from the CSS Clock security System) is supposed to stop definitively
the PWM to avoid abnormal operation (for example with PWM frequency deviation).
In the current implementation, the timer system break input is not latched. As a consequence, a system break
indeed disables the PWM output(s) when it occurs, but PWM output(s) is (are) re-armed on the following counter
Preferably, implement control loops with the output clear enable function (OCxCE bit in the TIMx_CCMR1/CCMR2
register), leaving the use of break circuitry solely for internal and/or external fault protection (AOE bit reset).
2.9.2TRGO and TRGO2 trigger output failure
Some reference manual revisions may omit the following information.
The timers can be linked using ITRx inputs and TRGOx outputs. Additionally, the TRGOx outputs can be used as
triggers for other peripherals (for example ADC). Since this circuitry is based on pulse generation, care must be
taken when initializing master and slave peripherals or when using different master/slave clock frequencies:
•If the master timer generates a trigger output pulse on TRGOx prior to have the destination peripheral clock
enabled, the triggering system may fail.
•If the frequency of the destination peripheral is modified on-the-fly (clock prescaler modification), the
triggering system may fail.
As a conclusion, the clock of the slave timer or slave peripheral must be enabled prior to receiving events from
the master timer, and must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are being received from the master timer.
This is a documentation issue rather than a product limitation.
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No application workaround is required or applicable as long as the application handles the clock as indicated.
2.9.3Consecutive compare event missed in specific conditions
Every match of the counter (CNT) value with the compare register (CCR) value is expected to trigger a compare
event. However, if such matches occur in two consecutive counter clock cycles (as consequence of the CCR
value change between the two cycles), the second compare event is missed for the following CCR value
in edge-aligned mode, from ARR to 0:
–first compare event: CNT = CCR = ARR
–second (missed) compare event: CNT = CCR = 0
in center-aligned mode while up-counting, from ARR-1 to ARR (possibly a new ARR value if the period is
also changed) at the crest (that is, when TIMx_RCR = 0):
–first compare event: CNT = CCR = (ARR-1)
–second (missed) compare event: CNT = CCR = ARR
in center-aligned mode while down-counting, from 1 to 0 at the valley (that is, when TIMx_RCR = 0):
–first compare event: CNT = CCR = 1
–second (missed) compare event: CNT = CCR = 0
This typically corresponds to an abrupt change of compare value aiming at creating a timer clock single-cyclewide pulse in toggle mode.
As a consequence:
•In toggle mode, the output only toggles once per counter period (squared waveform), whereas it is expected
to toggle twice within two consecutive counter cycles (and so exhibit a short pulse per counter period).
•In center mode, the compare interrupt flag does note rise and the interrupt is not generated.
Note:The timer output operates as expected in modes other than the toggle mode.
2.9.4Output compare clear not working with external counter reset
The output compare clear event (ocref_clr) is not correctly generated when the timer is configured in the following
slave modes: Reset mode, Combined reset + trigger mode, and Combined gated + reset mode.
The PWM output remains inactive during one extra PWM cycle if the following sequence occurs:
1.The output is cleared by the ocref_clr event.
2.The timer reset occurs before the programmed compare event.
Apply one of the following measures:
•Use BKIN (or BKIN2 if available) input for clearing the output, selecting the Automatic output enable mode
(AOE = 1).
•Mask the timer reset during the PWM ON time to prevent it from occurring before the compare event (for
example with a spare timer compare channel open-drain output connected with the reset signal, pulling the
timer reset line down).
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2.10.1RVU flag not reset in Stop
Successful write to the IWDG_RLR register raises the RVU flag and prevents further write accesses to the
register until the RVU flag is automatically cleared by hardware. However, if the device enters Stop mode while
the RVU flag is set, the hardware never clears that flag, and writing to the IWDG_RLR register is no longer
Ensure that the RVU flag is cleared before entering Stop mode.
2.10.2PVU flag not reset in Stop
Successful write to the IWDG_PR register raises the PVU flag and prevents further write accesses to the register
until the PVU flag is automatically cleared by hardware. However, if the device enters Stop mode while the PVU
flag is set, the hardware never clears that flag, and writing to the IWDG_PR register is no longer possible.
Ensure that the PVU flag is cleared before entering Stop mode.
2.10.3WVU flag not reset in Stop
Successful write to the IWDG_WINR register raises the WVU flag and prevents further write accesses to the
register until the WVU flag is automatically cleared by hardware. However, if the device enters Stop mode while
the WVU flag is set, the hardware never clears that flag, and writing to the IWDG_WINR register is no longer
Ensure that the WVU flag is cleared before entering Stop mode.
2.10.4RVU flag not cleared at low APB clock frequency
Successful write to the IWDG_RLR register raises the RVU flag and prevents further write accesses to the
register until the RVU flag is automatically cleared by hardware. However, at APB clock frequency lower than
twice the IWDG clock frequency, the hardware never clears that flag, and writing to the IWDG_RLR register is no
longer possible.
Set the APB clock frequency higher than twice the IWDG clock frequency.
2.10.5PVU flag not cleared at low APB clock frequency
Successful write to the IWDG_PR register raises the PVU flag and prevents further write accesses to the register
until the PVU flag is automatically cleared by hardware. However, at APB clock frequency lower than twice the
IWDG clock frequency, the hardware never clears that flag, and writing to the IWDG_PR register is no longer
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